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Module 1-5
Rhodel Cabal Grade 12 -Descartes
Module 1

Pre- assessment:

1. B. Mathematics 6. A. Edward B. Tylor

2. D. Values 7. C. Ethnocentrism

3 D. Participant Observation 8. B. culture is learned

4. A. It emphasizes the cognitive thinking of our mind. 9. C. shared

5. A. cultural being 10. A. culture is abstract

What’s New

Read and reflect on the quotation inside the box. You may answer in a separate sheet of

Guide Questions:

1. What can you say about the quotation?

 Indeed, a person may escape society for a while, but he can never escape his culture.
A person may separate from being around people like from his/her family, friends,
classmates and so on but they cannot run away from their tradition, their lifestyle,
their beliefs, and their value. Technically our roots. A person's culture is innate and
lasting in nature; it shapes who they are.

2. Do you agree with the author’s statement? Why or why not?

 Yes, I agree. Because the culture that has influenced us shapes the way we think,
behave, and communicate. Our minds are influenced by culture in terms of how we
perceive the world. Culture has also influenced how we behave and interact. Once a
person is born the culture of where we came from had begun to risen inside us and
there's no way we can escape it..
What’s More

Triple Venn Diagram

 Internalize the concept of individual
differences and diversity
 Discover universality among humans
 See cultural patterns objectively
 Produce new knowledge and new theories
about human kind and human behavior.

There can be, at

Sociology and times, that political
Anthropology both science shows
study human society, anthropological facts
how societies are and uses
organized and how
These 3 are
humans interact and interdisciplinar figures for the state  Understand
behave within them. y courses since and government. civic skills and
one element of humane ideals
 See the one type can for public
interdependency of all be found in the participation
beings other.
 Broaden familiarity  Examine the
on sociological facts operations of
 Obtain theories and the
principles about society  Equip each of government
Both sociology and
 Examine social roles
political science shows us intellectual
within the society
how power is distributed resources that
in society. will harness you
to greater
Political Science
Think About This!

1. What are the key concepts and theories in culture, society, and politics you find very useful in
analyzing societal problems?

- Produce new knowledge and theories about humanity and human behavior—this new knowledge
is then utilized in an attempt to alleviate human challenges This is concerned with the specific goal of
producing practical applications for human behavior and organization.

2. How does studying culture, society and politics affect our daily lives?


1. Culture determines, how we see things.

2. Culture decides, how we react to people actions.
3. Culture we grow up teaches how we respect others.

1. Politics decides what we consume on daily life indirectly.

2. Politics decides what kind of safe environment we have to live.
3. Politics decides how much we are supposed to earn, save or spend to an
large extend.

1. Society plays a large role, what kind of person we are going to be.
2. Society helps us to know new things which we are not aware of.

3. How can you use your knowledge and understanding in culture, society, and politics in
responding to different social issues?

- In reacting to such social concerns, I may apply what I've learned about culture, society, and politics
by assessing the problem while remaining mindful of the social issues, as well as evaluating the
origins while remaining careful of the social issues. Furthermore, using my knowledge, I will evaluate
any alternatives that could aggravate the situation (so that I can prevent it), and then try to come up
with a solution to the problem. I will never be reckless or irresponsible once I am involved in such
matters because I already have background information.

Call to Mind

1. Values 6. Language
2. Norms 7. Norms
3. Symbol 8. Beliefs
4. Beliefs 9. Values
5. Laws 10. Laws
News Analysis

Think About This!

1. What is the news all about?

-The news is all about the acceleration of mass testing procedures in the midst of
extended lockdowns.

2. How do you think your knowledge and understanding in culture, society, and politics helps you
think critically with our current situation?

- My knowledge and understanding of the following stated concepts help me a way

that it serves as my guide to thoroughly scrutinize and analyze the predicament that we are
currently confronting. To discern carefully the situations as to why we are encountering them in the
first place, and then come up with adequate decisions and situations that might improve the
chances of conquering the problem. Our response to society is defined by our understanding, thus
we must apply our knowledge and perception.

3. How do you think the concepts of culture, society, and politics operate in the Philippine society?

- Each of its concepts raises awareness and understanding among Filipinos, which may
then be used to address a specific issue or alleviate societal problems. When it comes to societal
concerns that occur within the country, they provide a larger perspective. They contribute to our
identity as Filipinos in times and places where morality and ethics dictated our actions. Finally, their
ideas demonstrate how complex we are, how we all think differently, and how we approach
problems from various perspectives.

4. As a member of society, how do you cope with the pandemic?

- As a member of society, I cope with pandemics through self-discipline. Having a

structure and practicing self-discipline, can help us set boundaries and begin to maintain a new
routine. It enables us to stay in control of ourselves and of our reaction to any situation. One of the
highest forms of discipline is learning to be gentle and how to take care of ourselves especially amid
pandemics. I take care of myself by eating healthy foods regularly, doing physical exercise, getting
enough sleep, and reduce all other sources of stress. Self-discipline is also about making wise choices
and being responsible. Following health protocols given by the authorities for our community to be
healthy and be a safe place for everyone is an example of being wise and responsible.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Read and analyze each question. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. Social Science is a discipline that attempts to explain human behavior and society. How
can you see this discipline to address present-day problems in your own community? State
your answer.
- Social Science is essential in assisting us in identifying the main causes of societal
problems and develop solutions. All aspects – from politics, economics, etc. – are
manifestations of people’s social connection. Our world changes constantly. One
way social science can help is by evaluating how our world is changed by events. For
example, now that we are in a global pandemic, almost all of our ways have
changed. Before, students go to school and employees go to their respective works.
But people are forced to stay at home – including students and workers – because of
the pandemic. Through social science, we can better comprehend and understand
how these societal changes will affect a person and society.
2. E.B. Tylor described culture as “complex whole” and this definition became the foundation
of understanding society. How can you apply his definition in understanding the Philippine

- According to E.B. Tylor, “culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge,

belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by
man as a member of society”. Here in our country, there are a lot of aspects and
fields of life that can be studied. The Philippines itself is diverse (from its people,
geography, culture, and animals). In this way, I can apply Tylor’s definition of culture
through conducting research, observations, and critical analysis on Philippine
society, particularly those that make our country unique and diverse. In that
manner, we can better grasp the complexity of the Philippine Society as a whole.

3. One of the goals of Political Science is for you to understand civic skills and humane ideals.
In your own way, how will you use your knowledge in politics to achieve this goal?

- Politics is not just about the state, nor governing. It is also about being aware and
having the competency to speak. By becoming a member of society, one must be
highly intelligible. Through participating, appreciating, and understanding political
science, one may elucidate the fundamental principles of state policies and laws. In
this way, having enough knowledge in politics will enable one person to take part in
decision making, planning, presenting a speech, and other civic skills, as well as to be
equipped with kindness, mercy, and sympathy. Understanding civic skills and
humane ideals will aid in public participation.

4. With the current trends and popular culture today, how do you see a Filipino? Cite specific

- Now that we are highly influenced by social media. With this, I see a Filipino as
someone who adopted to change in clothing, in music, and another aspect of life.
Other countries, such as Korea and the United States may, at some point, influenced
Filipino culture. But with all these changes, the original culture the Filipinos have is
still there. Cultures such as being resilient, religious, passion for art and architecture,
as well as foods, makes the Filipinos a different race in the world.

5. Why do you think it was said that politics is about power sharing and power struggle?
What are the manifestations of this statement in our society?

- The distribution of authority among the government's organs, such as the legislative,
executive, and judiciary, is referred to as power sharing. With this, unity can prosper
in the society which will impact success. On the other hand, we have power struggle
as a situation in which two or more people or groups vie for dominance in a specific
area. The importance of this power struggle in politics is that there can be someone
who can contradict one another. Power struggle and power sharing are two things
that must go hand in hand so that there is balance in the society. For example, here
in the Philippines, power sharing occurs by putting politicians in different political
positions. There are those who seat in the legislative office, executive, and judiciary.
But there are also political party here in our country who compete for control, like
the Liberal Party, PDP Laban, etc. Such is a manifestation of power struggle.

What I Can Do

Cultural Festival!

Think About This!

You may answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What did you discover as you do your task?

- I discovered that the municipality of Tagum City, as well as the province of Davao del
Norte, truly value and appreciate their unique traditions and cultures. It respects people's
beliefs and heritage while also preserving the culture that generations have treasured. I've
also discovered that, in order to preserve the city's great cultural diversity, it hosts a variety
of events and festivities throughout the year.

2. Aside from brochure, what way can you promote your cultural heritage?

- I can promote my cultural heritage using social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more.

3. What cultural values and traditions you emphasized in your output? Why?

- Beliefs, morality, and arts of Tagumenos and the province of Davao del Norte are among
the cultural values and traditions I highlight. Our society believes that our agricultural hero's
contributions to the people need to be recognized and honored, as well as a celebration of
their labor. Furthermore, people in our culture develop the feeling of being grateful to the
backbone of our society. Finally, the Tagumenos' creativity and profound connection to art
demonstrates how lovely the festival was decorated and put up, as well as how talented
they are, just by glancing at the designs at UGMAD.

1. C. He theorized dramaturgical approach in analyzing social interactions and relationships.

2. D. Social Institutions and Structures

3. C. It is the shared beliefs and values of residents in a certain territory.

4. D. Culture is comprised of all the facets and work of humankind.

5. D. To prepare people for active and responsible civic engagement.

6. C. Rody should talk to Ahmed to explain their religious differences

7. C. Devi should explain to her parents that religion should not be a barrier for friendship

8. A. It deals with power sharing and power struggle.

9. B. These are the standard an expected behavior within a society.

10. D. I will continue to learn more about our culture, practice it, and influence others to do the

What I Know

1. B

2 C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. B

What’s In



1. The 10 words listed below are hidden inside the grid. These words can run on all possible
directions – horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

2. Locate the words and circle them as you find them.

What’s More

Article Analysis

Think About This!

1. What is the article about?

- The article was all about CA affirms disciplinary proceedings vs students linked to UP hazing case

2. Can one justify that the “culture” of fraternities deserves respect? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of this claim?

There is usually a certain “culture” that is unique to fraternities, but not all cultures deserves
respect. Anyone can claim that their fraternity deserves respect but respect has to be earned. To get
respected, they should show their values and contributions, how they are valuable and respectful to
one another and what their fraternity stand for. The amount of respect that any culture deserves is
proportional to how much cultural respect life is.


: It may help the members to find friends and acquaintances.

: Academic support.

: Members on the fraternity can be considered as family.


: It may cause and push a member to unnecessary doings.

: Can cause academic distractions.

: It can lead to illegal actions.

3. What are the ill effects of hazing?

 Physical, emotional, and/or mental instability.

 Sleep deprivation.
 Loss of sense of control and empowerment.
 Decline in grades and coursework.
 Relationships with friends, significant others, and family suffer.
 Post-traumatic stress syndrome.
 Loss of respect for and interest in being part of the organization.
4. ABC Fraternity is the most prestigious fraternity in your school. Its members are high ranking
government officials and rich business owners. Your teacher recruits you on the promise that you
will be spared from hazing. Would you join the fraternity? Why or why not?

As promising as it may sound, I would have to decline the offer because of my principles. I am a
person who can be loyal to people without expecting something in return. Joining a fraternity has
risks of its own, even if you were promised positive things. You must always weigh the benefits and
at the same time, the consequences of joining these type of groups. In addition, we must also
remember that even our parents break their promises. How much more these people who aren't
related to you by blood?

What I Have Learned

Directions: Read and analyze each question. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

1. Cultural relativism tends to promote one’s own culture. Which of your ancestral culture and
traditions are you most proud of?

- We Filipinos have a lot of cultures and traditions but the Bayanihan Filipino culture and the
traditional form of courtship in the Philippines wherein men introduced themselves and/or wooed
women by singing underneath her window at night or called (Harana) are the traditions that I most
proud of.

2. In our divided world of perspectives and points of view, how can we maintain respect despite
cultural differences?

- We can exhibit respect for others in the same way that we show respect for our friends and family.
We treat them as friends and accept their decisions, ideas, and viewpoints. We treat them with
kindness, just as we do our younger relatives and brothers, and we do not treat them with
disrespect, as we do our elders. There are plenty other options. We can pay attention to their
responses to questions and their tales rather than dismissing them. We can also try to learn about
their culture and beliefs so that we know what is appropriate to do in their company and what we
should avoid doing in order to avoid offending them.

3. James Rachel made some critical observations regarding cultural relativism. In the Philippines
where we highly respect cultural differences, suggest some good points that contradict Rachel’s

- Cultural relativism taught us to accept one's different beliefs from us. That embracing the
uniqueness will give us experiences and knowledge of their social norms that creates mutual
understanding between two different groups and also promotes equality to each social groups'
4. In our present society where some leaders use their ethnocentric ego to establish rules and
authority, as a youth, how can you uplift laws and democratic principles which should be applied
equally to all, regardless of one’s religion, political beliefs, gender, economic, and social status?

- I will serve as a voice of the people who will fight against inequality. Remind them that, despite
their differences, human dignity must be respected. Accepting differences will help to strengthen
paws and democratic ideals, which will help to stabilize society.

5. What do you think are the root causes of ethnocentric view? What can you suggest to prevent
people from having this characteristic?

- The root is the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. And to
prevent this kind of characteristic is to avoid Assumptions. Remember that people from various
cultures may have distinct practices, beliefs, values, or traditions that we must ‘RESPECT’.


1. D. Culture Relativism
2. B. Sentence A is incorrect while sentence B is correct
3. D. Ethnic minority inequality, because their civil, political, economic, social, and cultural
rights are violated due to discrimination based on their ethnicity.
4. C. Dancing to K-POP songs
5. C. Ethnocentrism
6. C. it is the basic tool of communication and transmission of culture and is known as the
storehouse of culture.
7. B. Cultural relativism
8. D. all of the above.
9. B. Culture Shock
10. D. William Sumner
Additional Activities

My mom’s cuisine is
better than those
served in restaurants.

When someone Filipino I have observed that

feels that he/she is those most rich
superior than me people are entitled.
because he/she is
more fashionable.

In social media, there is always a feud In school, there are times that I think my
between those residing in Luzon and in work (project/performance task) is better
Mindanao. Some in Luzon thinks that they than the works of my classmates
are better than those in Mindanao.

Think About This!

1. What did you discover when you did your task?

What I have discovered upon making this task is that ethnocentrism has always been
in each and every society in the world. Just like here in my community, people may
see his/her culture or belief as better and correct than the other. Because of this,
wrong assumptions and judgements may arise and affect people’s interaction.

2. Did you share what you personally encountered in your community?

Yes, I did share what I personally encountered in my community, including those I

have observed in social media, and situations I experienced in my own life.

3. What did you feel when you encountered these situations? How do you think
these ethnocentric practices can be eliminated from our Filipino values system?
Upon encountering these situations, I felt despondent. Ethnocentrism may cause
disorientation and frustration in many people. Thus, there should be a need to
overcome and eliminate ethnocentrism from our Filipino values system. What we
can do to eliminate this belief are:
- understand other people’s differences
- respect the opinion and beliefs of other people
- learn about other culture
- avoid judgement.

4. As a student, what plan can you suggest to prevent the spread of these observable
practices in your community?

As a student, I think that by properly educating our neighbors is one way to prevent the
spread of these practices in the community. By teaching the people about respect, the
importance of other’s culture, etc. people can be well-aware, thus we can prevent the
spread of these observable practices.

Module 3:


Situations T F

1. “No man is an Island”. 

2. Through the process of socialization we learn from other skills, knowledge, 

norms, and values of society

3. School are agents of socialization 

4. Socialization is a form of social control 

5. Socialization established our identity. 


Instructions: Briefly explain the concept of socialization based on the Sociological theories cited
above. Relate it to your personal life’s experiences. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Family has a greatest influence on how we think and behave.

Sigmund Freud Explanation:

For Sigmund Freud, the influence of the society happens
Psychoanalytic when we reflect social standards learned from our parents
Theory and teachers. These learned standards influence how we
think and behave. For example, by observing how my mother
acts, I’ve learned from her a lot of things, such as knowing
how to be kind to others.
Peer influence and social media greatly affects our mental
Jean Piaget
Cognitive Explanation:
In this concept, socialization happen in a person’s life
Development through different stages of our mind’s development. For
Theory example, in a time where social media is relevant, it can
definitely affect a person. Seeing a lot of people used social
makes me used it as well.
As we grow older and mature we tend to understand what is
morally good and immoral.
Kohlberg Explanation:
For Lawrence Kohlberg, the moral development of a person
Moral is a lifelong process that occurs throughout our lives. It can
Development be that as we grow old, we can distinguish right from wrong,
Theory good and immoral. For example, in my life right now, learning
from other people and from my own self, I try to keep out on
doing those things that will put me at risk.
One way to develop social –self is to interact with other
George Herbert people.
Theory of the One of the driving forces of socialization is to interact with
Social Self other people. Making friends with your classmates,
schoolmates, and others. For example, making friends with
different people coming from different places will enable me
to learn their culture and understand their ways.
Our life’s expectations may appear in our adult life as we
Charles Cooley acquire new roles in society.

Theory of Explanation:
Looking- Glass By acquiring new roles in our life, we may experience new
Self things. Our life aspirations may manifest in adulthood when
we take on new responsibilities in society. One example of
this is transitioning from High School to College. In that
phase, we may experience new things and our view on life
may start to change.


Suppose you are youth advocate of today’s generation; what certain specific Human Rights would
you like to promote in the society? How will you execute the advocacy in your community?

- If I am a youth advocate of today’s generation, the certain specific human

right I would like to promote in the society is the right to live your life free of
discrimination. Everyone of us deserves to live a happy and jovial life. But
right now, a lot of people experiences discrimination and prejudice. Most
common victim of these injustices are those members of the LGBTQ
community, people of different color, and different race. People’s social
status, as well as their personal choices has also been a target of
discrimination. For us to ensure that everyone is given the right to live a life
free of discrimination, we must first teach and educate the people. Everyone
can be a victim and suspect of discrimination. Thus, by gathering the people,
teaching them the importance of respect and acceptance, we can have a free
community and a free world. If everyone learns to tolerate each other, then
no more victims of this injustice will rise. That is how I am going to execute
this advocacy.

1. What is Human Rights?

- Human rights are fundamental rights that every person in the world has from
birth to death. These fundamental rights are founded on common ideals such
as dignity, fairness, equality, respect, and autonomy. These rights protect a
human being.

2. Give an example of Deviancy in the community.

- Some example of deviancy in the community are the use of illegal drugs, excessive
drinking of alcohol, sexual and physical assault, bullying, theft, and corruption.

3. How does Social Control institute in your community?

- Social Control is important in the community because this is responsible for the
regulation of the rules that is socially enforced. If social control is maintained in the
community, then we can also regulate the laws being enforced, which will then lead
to the maintenance of peace. Social control can be inhibited by the military.


Social – The picture depicts illicit substances

and the usage of illegal drugs. If I were a
government leader, I would recommend that
people get adequate education to tackle this
problem. We can assist to reduce the use of
illicit substances by educating people. Schools
should incorporate lessons in their curricula
that will expose students to this kind of issues.
Finally, individuals who took narcotics should
be imprisoned. The usage of illicit substances
has a number of negative consequences for a student. A user may suffer from
sadness, loneliness, and illness, seem confused, sweat excessively, have red eyes,
and disregard his or her physical attractiveness.
Social – The photo depicts a youngster who has
been subjected to physical abuse. If I were a
government official, I would urge individuals –
including parents and guardians – to discipline their
children wisely. Prevention initiatives, in my opinion,
should also be undertaken. Greater investment is
required in programs that have been shown to
prevent abuse from occurring, including as family
counseling and home visits by nurses who offer
support to infants and their parents. This societal
issue impacts not just a child's physical health, but
also their emotional health. They may suffer anxiety and fear, and they may avoid
interaction with others.

Social -- The photograph depicts bullying. What

should be done to halt and prevent such social
concerns from occurring is intervention,
particularly in schools. Continuous training and
education are required to put an end to bullying
in the community. This allows teachers to
communicate openly with children about
bullying and gain a sense of the bullying
atmosphere at school. It will also assist
youngsters in understanding what behaviors constitute bullying. Also, a community
of support should also be there. Teachers, parents, students, and all other people
should help each in giving a stop in this issue. Some of the effects of bullying are
depression and anxiety, changes in sleep and eating, loss of interest in activities once
enjoyed, health issues, decrease in academic achievement and school participation.

Political – The image show about corruption.

Corruption mostly happen in the government,
where politicians conducts dishonesty and
fraudulent. If I am a government leader, what
should be done is that corrupt officials should
be put in to jail. We should ensure that a clean
government will prosper. We should also
promote transparency and access to
information. Lastly, during elections, we should
encourage the people not to vote those who
are corrupt/ who has record of corruption.
Corruption will have a very big impact on the
poor. They and the entire country are the ones who will be put into risk if corruption.
Thus, there should be an end to it.

Social – The picture depicts a young child who is

poor. Poverty is a very big societal issue that the
world faces. Now, for us to reduce poverty, we
need to ensure that there are enough jobs to
support family members. We should also
increase the accessibility to quality education,
health care, and child care. Poverty can affect a
child in many ways, and it can follow up until
adulthood. Poverty can cause malnutrition,
hunger, and other illnesses. Children may eventually lack education.


1. a. peers
2. b. Moral Development Theory
3. d. RA 91
4. a. Human rights
5. a. agents of socialization
6. d. drug addict
7. c. In socialization processes, it’s very difficult to established our own
8. a. deviancy
9. a. military
10. b. rule
11. a. religion and state
12. a. mass media
13. c. human dignity
14. d. enculturation
15. b. family
Module 4.

Let us Try!

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. A

Let Us Study

1. B
2. E
3. C
4. D
5. A

Let Us Practice

1. Economic
2. Economic
3. Political
4. Political
5. Social
6. Social
7. Cultural
8. Cultural
9. Cultural
10. Social
Let Us Practice More

1. T
2. T
3. T
4. Religious
5. Islam
6. T
7. T
8. Dove
9. T
10. T

Let Us Remember

1. Symbol 6. abstract

2. a sign 7. faiths

3. represent 8. moods

4. analogous 9. imagination

5. innate 10. Poems

Let Us Assess

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. A
6. D

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. D

11. C

12. C

13. D

14. B

15. A

Let Us Reflect

Lion known as the "king of jungle", the lion is a symbol of strength, royalty, and authority.
In religion, it is used to represent Christ as our King.


1. A

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. A


1. Consanguineous kinship

2. Matrilineal

3. Patrilineal

4. Bilineal

B. Kinds of family (SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS)

1. nuclear consist of parents and children .

2. extended composed of nuclear family and relatives .

3. reconstituted composed of spouses and their children from a previous marriage.

C. Political Organizations (POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS)

1. bands a small group connected by family ties and is politically independent.

2. tribes a tribal organization which are united by a common culture

3. chiefdoms governed by a governing body, aptly called a chief. It is a political organization

that involves a more formal and permanent political structure compared to tribal and band

4. state organized political community that is living under a single system of government
which governs a large population, with a hierarchy of differing political positions and the
power to enforce decisions

My unique Kinds of social Effects in the community ( state

attributes/characteristics as a forces/social institutions an example of your
social person influences such characteristics involvement in cultural, social
(social, cultural, political) and political institutions)

Ex. Religious Social and cultural Member in Christian

institutions Student Fellowship

1. Supportive Social, Political, Cultural Following other cultural


2. Responsible Social and Political Following the rules and laws

in community or as a whole

3. Respectful to all kinds Social and cultural -Giving respect to the rights
and matter. of other people
- Giving respect to the
culture, beliefs, traditions of
other groups.

4. Community Member Social and cultural -Participating in contests in

the community.
- Participating in ‘Bayanihan’
and other things regarding
5. Friendly Social and cultural - Having friendship and
bonding with other people.

1. What is your stand on legalization of divorce in the Philippines?

I recently learned that there has been a motion to legalize divorce in the Philippines. Divorce
is already legalized in every single country around the world, except in the Vatican City and
our country Philippines. For this reason, it seems to many that it is only right that we follow

At the moment, the only legal process similar to divorce in the Philippines is the declaration
of nullity, which establishes a marriage as invalid from the beginning. In order to be
considered void from the beginning, a marriage must fall under one of the following criteria:
“absence of the essential requisites of marriage - consent and legal capacity of the parties,
bigamous marriages, incestuous marriages, or psychological incapacity,”.

As it is often considered unfair or overcomplicated due to its numerous specific conditions,

many Filipinos have been clamoring for the legalization of divorce in order to have a simpler,
more straightforward manner of retracting an unsuccessful marriage. Divorce has been seen
to have a negative effect on the children involved, especially during the transition period as
they deal with the separation of their parents. This may manifest in various ways such as
diminished social skills, proneness to anger and increased irritability. Divorce also does not
safeguard or promote the mental and physical health of children as it is difficult to cope with
one’s problems when one’s family, their main support system, is broken apart.

In addition, the divorce may influence the child into losing faith in the concept of a family
entirely, which leads to another negative effect of this process. If divorce were to be
legalized, it would amplify the mentality that marriage can be easily broken, which may
result in people putting less effort into making it last and ensuring that they will pick the
right partner. The family is thus put into danger and further exposed to the risk of breaking

Overall, I believe that divorce should not be legalized in our country for the benefit of the
children’s physical, psychological and emotional state, as well as the protection of the
family. It is not yet too late to take a stand to protect the sacredness of marriages and of
Filipino families.

2. What is your personal assessment on the leadership enactment of President Rodrigo?

He is a capable leader. President Duterte acts more like a father than a mere electee, and he
does the job accordingly. Being the father figure, he is hated by prodigal sons and angsty
teens who want nothing but rebel for the sake of the few instead of looking in the long term
as the president does. If you compare him to the last 5 presidents from President Corazon
Aquino to Benigno Aquino III before 30 years, I consider him a good leader for his 6 years
terms, he is not perfect but he changes the Philippines in a short term period just to imagine
he build more projects than the past 30 years terms of the past presidents that will be useful
until the next generation to come. Less corruption and has Political will to fight the oligarchy
and communist in this country. One more leadership with this kind of man in power the
Philippines will continue to rise and be the next country to be inspired and equally leveled to
the developed countries.


1. What is a social institution?

- Social Institutions are the establishment in a society that makes the society function. They
work as the backbone of a society.

2. In your own opinion how social and cultural institutions like family affect you in terms
of personality formation?

- Their influence has had a huge impact on shaping my characteristics and attributes in every
social and cultural situation that I have been involved in, in such a way that their ways of
life, beliefs, views, perceptions, and knowledge were being adapted by myself, which
somehow made me view, approach, and respond to such a situation like they would.

3. What types of authority do you observed prevalent in your locality? What roles and
responsibilities do student leaders perform in your barangay?

- They observed authorities I acquired are the government administrators of the municipality of
Tagum, from the main officials, down to barangay then purok officers. Student leaders often offer
support and participation in certain activities to help contribute to the development and growth of
society and the community itself. They are also given the chance to exhibit their leadership, as well
as showcase their talents and skills in certain events and festivities held in particular areas.

4. What is the implication of polygamy structure of marriage in Philippine society?

- I can say that the role of kinship can either be considered as proper or deemed as
unethical. However, it still played a huge role in our lives in which we had somehow learn
and share different perceptions and views about it that we can share and reflect again in the
5. What can you say about the role of kinship in influencing other organizations, affecting
even our politics and economy?

- A person's kinship status determines their relationship to others and to the universe, as
well as their responsibility to others, the land, and natural resources. In many Indigenous
groups today, traditional kinship structures are still vital.


What is your family structure? Mention family members? Among family members/
siblings who is most influential to you and why?

- Our family structure is Nuclear family. My mother, father and me. The most
influential family member at home are my mother and father. Both of them
had just graduated from high school and could not go to college due to
financial difficulties and being the oldest sibling of the family who had to
work early to give support for the family and provide education for their
younger siblings. But even though they didn't finish school and they didn't get
the job they wanted, I am still very proud of them because by their sacrifice
and working early they lifted their family out of poverty and gave me a good
life. Because of them, I improve my education to find stable job so that I can
help them better in life.

Describe your family relationship? How does this kind of relationship made you grow as a
better person and a good example in the community?
- My relationship with my family is that much stronger than I even can't
express it in words, it’s something that can't be expressed. It’s not that as if I
am showering words just to write this answer. It’s the reality of my life which
I want to share. We can just say that it’s speechless. I truly think that the
bond which each one of us should have with our family should be
unbreakable. It should be like hydrogen and oxygen bond which is when
together can serve the world by providing water, the most essential part of
our human life. You all know what, it’s a small plant that needs nourishment
by us in form of love, care, emotions, feelings, etc. If all things are given
regularly at a proper time interval then no one can break that plant which
you and your family have grown. By their guidance, excellent influence, and
good manners, my family relationship helped me grow as a better person and
as a good example in the community. Also, they thought me not to be selfish,
share whatever I had, cooperate and help whatever my community need, so
it would be a great place for all.

What is your important role and functions in the family? How does this function brought
considerable contributes in the community?

- As a child, the most important function in the family is to listen to and

obey my parents. My duty in the community is to build life skills that will
enable me to be an useful citizen in the future.


1. D


3. D
4. A

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. A

10. C

11. C

12. B

13. D

14. B

15. D

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