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ROLL #19145
COURSE TITLE: HCI (Human Computer

Topic: Top 100 Inventions of past 10
years that belongs to HCI

1: Video Doorbell: 
In 2013, Jamie Siminoff went on the TV show  Shark Tank with his video
doorbell, the DoorBot, which records activity outside the front door. Though
the panel of judges—excuse us, sharks—didn’t make him an offer that worked
for him, he launched it on his own. He changed the name to Ring, sold it to
Amazon in 2018 for more than $1 billion, and the rest is innovation history. 
Sure, we had doorbells and security cameras before this, but this
invention combined the two in a way that was affordable to average
homeowners. “With just about everyone receiving packages, doorstep thieves
have become a major problem,” Mike Falahee, owner and CEO Marygrove
Awning Co. tells Reader’s Digest. “The video doorbell is a widely-used security
measure to deter and capture thieves.” The Ring is only one of the safest smart
doorbells for your home. 
1. Know who is at the door 
2. Speak to visitors without opening door 
3. See who came by when you were gone 
4. High-quality video surveillance 
5. Powerful component to overall home security 
1. Not great battery life 
2. Strong WiFi network required 
3. Can't schedule motion sensor 
4. Two-way video would be nice 

2: Calculator
The first mechanical calculator was patented in Japan in 1903. With its single
cylinder and 22 gears, it was quite different from the electronic calculators
that today’s students are familiar with. In 1948 a miniature hand-cranked
calculator named the ‘Curta’ was introduced. Although it was pricey, it went
on to become the most popular portable calculator until it was eventually
replaced in the 1970s, when electronic calculators were introduced.
3. This technology allows students solve complicated problems quickly
and in an efficient manner.
4. Additionally, it can reduce the problem to simpler tasks and allows the
student to devote more time in understanding the problem.
1. Dependency. Even though calculators can do the basic operations
instantly, students should not use it all the time.
2. Cheating. The availability of graphic calculators has made it easier for
students to cheat during their tests.
3. High cost.

3: Android
In September 2008 Google released Android, a free mobile operating system
for companies to install onto their new devices. Although that was the
previous decade, it only really started to evolve and improve in the last
decade. It is now on the 10th version and is estimated to be used on over 2.5
billion active devices around the world. Since 2011 Android devices have year
on year outsold iPhone’s and the technology used in the devices keeps on
improving to make thinner, faster and better performing smartphones.
 Android Is More Customizable Can change almost anything.
 In Android, any new publication can be done easily and without any
review process
 Use a Different Messaging App for SMS
 Android Offers an Open Platform
 Easy access to the Android App Market
 Cost Effective
 Upcoming versions have a support to save RAW images
 Usually you need more code on Java than Objective-C.
 Complex layouts and animations are harder to code in Android.
 Applications contains virus also present in Android Market
 A lot of “process” in the background that lead to the battery quickly
4: Facial Recognition Technology: 
Conceived by Woody Bledsoe, Helen Chan Wolf, and Charles Bisson in the
early 1960s, facial recognition technology has exploded over the last decade,
Technical Writer at ProPrivacy Damien Mason tells Reader’s Digest. One of the
most notable examples of facial recognition software is
Amazon’s Rekognition software, which was introduced in 2016. 
“On [the] one hand, facial recognition adds another layer of biometric security,
popularized by Apple’s iPhone X as a method of user verification. On the other,
however, it creates a state of mass surveillance that is ripe with exploits and
abuse,” Mason explains. “Sure, it can help to identify and catch wanted
criminals, but it remains a flawed technology with far too many false positives
to be a viable method of policing.” 
1. Improved Public Security
2. Fast and Non-Invasive Identity Verification
3.  Face recognition helps in online banking
4. Preventing from crimes
5. Increasing safety and security to reducing unnecessary human
interaction labor
6. In some instances, it can even help support medical efforts. 
1. Threats to privacy
2. Violations of rights and personal freedoms
3. Potential data theft and other crimes
4. There’s also the risk of errors due to flaws in the technology.

5: First analog computer

Believe it or not, the first analog computer appeared before pens and pencils
were invented. The Antikythera mechanism is the oldest analog computer and
was designed by the Greeks around 150 BC to predict astronomical positions
and eclipses. Although knowledge of this technology was lost some time in
Antiquity, the device played an important role in he

The advantages of analog devices are that they show the results in a simple or
graphical way within a short time. Real-time transformations in a Digital
Computer require complex programming and graphical programs, but in
analog computers is quite opposite.
An analog system can be calibrated to produce zero at some point. Any
digital system even when calibrated has a built in uncertainty of half the
value represented by its least significant bit. Either system must be
considered to have additional errors due to the effects of nature on the

6: Bioprinting:
The technology of 3D printing—which physical chemist and writer David E. H.
Jones imagined back in 1974—has become one of the most visible innovations
of the past decade. As exciting as many of the possibilities of 3D printing can
be, perhaps the most significant developments have been in the area of
This first happened in 2012, when otolaryngologist Glenn Green led a team
that bioengineered one of the first synthetic tracheas to stabilize the breathing
of a struggling baby. Another major step forward occurred in 2017, when
Russian company 3D Bioprinting Solutions successfully built and transplanted
a thyroid into a rat.
“While transplants from one person into another can result in complications,
such as the body rejecting the foreign organ, chances of this are drastically
reduced using this method as bioprinting uses the stem cells of the host to
create the organ,” Mason explains. “Whether this eventually extends to entire
limbs or not, it’s clear that this is revolutionary for the medical world.” These
are more of the coolest things ever created with a 3D printer.
1. Faster and more precise than traditional methods of building organs by
2. Less prone to human error.
3. Less laborious for scientists.
4. Organs unlikely to be rejected after transplantation.
5. Reduced organ trafficking.
6. Decreased waiting times for organ donors
1. Questions of liability if a printed object fails.
2. Disputed ownership of the codes and implants produced.15
3. Various ethical concerns.
4. Pricing; availability to only the wealthy.
5. Consumption of large amounts of energy.
6. Emission of unhealthy particles into air.

7: Instagram
Instagram launched at the beginning of the decade in October 2010 and could
never have been predicted how successful it would be. It currently has 1
billion active monthly users and over 100 million photos are uploaded to the
social media platform every single day. It’s only going to get bigger as it
expands its reach and user count. It hasn’t necessarily improved the way we
live apart from our social lives, but it has helped businesses expand and reach
their services and products out to a much wider audience by using the
platform to advertise on. It is estimated that over 2 million businesses
advertise on Instagram.
 Enhances Language Skills.
 Nurtures Photography Skills.
 Develops Emotional Intelligence.
 Knowledge Sharing.
 Improves Interpersonal Skills.
 Fun Learning.
 Improves Project-Based Education.
 Increases Learning Productivity.
 Engagement is high but conversion is low. A major issue with Instagram
is that it makes it so easy for users to share, like and comment.
 Strict brand enforcement is necessary. ...
 Difficult to break through the clutter

8: Semi-Autonomous Car:
The idea of having a car that can drive itself isn’t new. In fact, German
engineer Ernst Dickmanns first created an autonomous van in 1986. But prior
to the last few years, these vehicles were more dream than reality. By 2013,
several major automobile manufacturers—including General Motors, Ford,
Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, and BMW—started developing their own versions of
the self-driving car.
“Sadly, autonomous vehicles aren’t quite on our doorstep, with many kinks to
iron out such as collision avoidance,” Mason explains. The emerging
technology also raises all sorts of ethical concerns, like how a car would
decide how to react under a variety of situations with multiple parties—for
example, whether to protect the passengers in the car, or other drivers or
pedestrians in an accident.
Though we’re not to the point of having a fully autonomous car, major strides
have been made in the development of specific amenities designed to assist
the driver. One example is the 2014 Mercedes S-Class, which has semi-
autonomous features like self-steering, the ability to stay within lanes and
accident avoidance.
1. Decreased the number of accidents
2. Lessens traffic jams
3. Stress-free parking
4. Time-saving vehicle
5. Accessibility to transportation
1. Expensive
2. Safety and security concerns
3. Prone to Hacking
4. Fewer job opportunities for others
5. Non-functional sensors

9: The abacus
Counting and calculating may seem like an impossible task without numbers,
but before they existed, counting was done with the help of things like pebbles
and twigs. The invention of the abacus made more complicated calculations
like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division possible. It was first
used by the Greeks around 300 BC, although the abacus we know today comes
from China.
 It Improves Concentration.
 Improves Observation and Listening Skills.
 Enhances Visualization and Imagination.
 Memory Strengthening as one of the Benefits of Abacus.
 Amplify Speed and Accuracy.
 Boosts Creativity.
 Increases Self-Confidence.
 Strong Academic Foundation
 Abacus won't keep consist results sometimes for large calculations of
 It is heavy so it is difficult to carry.
 It takes so much time to learn the things in Abacus.

10: Tablet:
First tablet ever released was the iPad in April 2010 and it was a
revolutionary bit of tech. They worked similar to iPhone’s, but had a massive
9.7″ touchscreen display making it easier to interact with things like games,
watching movies and also working on if you wanted something a bit smaller
than a laptop. If you look at the design of the very first iPad compared to the
current model the design brief hasn’t really changed, they have just improved
things like screen resolution and device thinness but the actual tablet design
language has been unchanged since 2010. Other companies started getting in
on the act with Android tablets, like Samsung and Lenovo. It’s one of those
devices (like smartphones) that just feels natural to use. We don’t expect them
to be going away anytime soon in the future. That’s quite a lot of impressive
tech, and we are excited to see what the next decade has to offer. This is now
our last blog post of the year so we would like to thank everyone for reading
this blog, and keep a look out for more reviews and articles coming in 2020.
1. They're so light and portable.
2. You can get connectivity anywhere.
3. A tablet is more affordable than a laptop.
4. Tablets 'wake up' instantly.
5. They make excellent portable entertainment systems.
6. They're great for web browsing.
7. They're handy for giving presentations.
8. You can give one to your
1. hardware is prone to damage
2. weaker capabilities
3. traditional keyboards are much more comfortable
4. the screen size is too small in comparison with a laptop
5. higher cost
6. do not come with optical drives for use with CDs or DVDs
7. ineffective for the cognition of complex engineering concepts

11: Uber:
Technically, Uber was founded in 2009 as UberCab by Garrett Camp and
Travis Kalanick, but the service really took off over the past decade. What
started off as an app for people in San Francisco who wanted to order a car
ride via their smartphone has turned into a several-billion-dollar worldwide
company and inspired competitors like Lyft and Juno.
Though the concept is similar to taxis—which have been around longer than
cars themselves—there are a few distinct differences. First, no more trying to
verbally tell the driver where you’re doing: with the app, you simply plug in
where you’re going, and GPS will do the rest. Also, Ubers have sprung up in
many suburban and rural areas where taxis traditionally weren’t available,
giving people more transportation options in areas lacking public transit. And
if you regularly use ride-sharing apps, here are 6 money-saving Uber tricks
that you should know.
1. Ratings help to form the basis of relationships.
2. Different service tiers are available.
3. Model year minimums apply to Uber services.
4. It is very easy to contract a vehicle to use through Uber.
5. You can split the fare with Uber.
1. There is a dispute on how to classify drivers for Uber.
2. It takes time to become an Uber driver.
3. Uber charges surge pricing and primetime pricing.
4. Drivers sometimes try to game the system for bigger profits.
5. It functions off of an automated system.

12: Printing press

The printing press, invented in China in 1041 and eventually fine-tuned by a
German named Johannes Gutenberg in 1450, made copying documents easier
than ever before and enabled the mass production of books. This led to the
rapid dissemination of knowledge throughout Europe and resulted in a more
literate population and a stronger economy
1. Printing reduced the cost of books.
2. The time and labour required to produce each book came down.
3. Multiple copies could be produced with great ease.
1. The primary disadvantage press printing is its cost. Maintaining a large
press machine can be expensive, with the constant need to replace film
and plates.
2. In addition, traditional printing is time consuming.

13: Facebook
American company offering online social networking services. Facebook was
founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and
Chris Hughes, all of whom were students at Harvard University. Facebook
became the largest social network in the world, with more than one billion
users as of 2012, and about half that number were using Facebook every day.
The company’s headquarters are in Menlo Park, California.
1. Inviting atmosphere.
2. Students are comfortable with Facebook.
3. Informal.
4. Promotes collaboration.
5. Facebook’s design promotes social interchange between participants,
thereby increasing collaboration between students working on
6. Keeps schools current.
7. Students engaged outside of class.
1. Addiction.
2. According to a study conducted by Leif Denti at the University of
Gothenburg, spending time on Facebook can become addictive.
3. Loss of Productivity.
4. Facebook can be a serious threat to the productiveness of both students
and employees.
5. Malware & Viruses.
6. Identity Theft.
7. Antisocial Behavior.
8. Relationship Problems.
14: Air Frayers:
Fried food is delicious, but unfortunately, it’s not very healthy. That’s what
makes the invention of the air fryer such a food game-changer. The first air
fryer as we know it hit the market in 2010 when Philips introduced what it
coined “Rapid Air Technology.” The idea behind the device is to achieve the
same crispiness as frying food in oil, but using extremely fast-moving air
instead. The air fryer really started appearing on kitchen counters across the
country when Oprah named it one of her “Favorite Things” in 2016. Though
the food cooked in an air fryer doesn’t taste exactly like it would from a county
fair, it is a decent option for those looking to eat healthier. Still not sure how it
works? Here’s exactly what an air fryer does to your food.
1. Easy to clean
2. Easy to use
3. Safe to use
4. Healthier meals 
5. Doesn’t take up much space
1. It’s quite expensive 
2. Too small for large families 
3. Burn and dry food
4. Short power cable
5. Can’t find the right air fryer

15: Public telephone booths

The iconic phone booth; essentially a monument to telephone's history and
now just a tourist attraction or somewhere to shelter from the cold. The public
phone booth has now been rendered obsolete by the rise of the mobile phone.
There's rarely going to be any need for a coin-operated telephone when you
have one in your pocket.
1. Finally, public telephones are convenient. People who rely only on
public telephones for communication do not have to worry about
maintaining, and bringing along a mobile phone everywhere they go. It
is one less bill to pay and one less thing to worry about.
1. One may have to wait in long ques if the locality has fewer number of
public telephone booths.
2. In case of emergency, one may need to travel to access telephone
service, that sometimes cause inconvenience for user.
3. There might be noise or interference so the quality of the call could be

16: Google+
Remember the clamor for a Google+ invite? A buzzy new social network
unveiled by Google in June 2011 that promised to redefine social networking,
Google+ ended with a whimper earlier this year. Despite failing to become the
next big social network, Google+ served as an incubator for some very
successful products. I think there are many lessons aspiring entrepreneurs
can learn from the rise and fall of Google+ as a product.
Hangouts started as video chat for Google+ users before becoming a
standalone messenger. The idea was so successful, Facebook launched
Messenger soon after—starting the messaging wars.
1. Google plus provides you to follow and comment without any
moderation and make your personality viral in between big profile
2. Google plus provides you to follow stream as you defined in your
circles and it is easy to follow the people at the right time.
3. Google plus provides you latest Google news in the mean of Google
sparks, now you are just add your personal spark to your profile and
make yourself up to date.
4. Google plus provides you to make business deals easily with face to
face and gaining more trust with your clients rather than Skype
calling. Because Google plus now gives you opportunity to get
maximum trust from your clients with video conferencing calling, it
is now easy with Google hangouts.
5. Google plus provides you connect with your same niche professional
peoples and make you more viral between those people and get
more work as well.
1. Google plus not helping in Organic results as peoples were think
2. Google plus right now is only seems like for professional work rather
than entertainment social network site as Facebook.
3. Google plus make you visible to everyone, lack of privacy right know
4. Google plus is still not available for everyone. (But already hit 10
million users, Amazing)
5. Google plus not provide you to synchronize different services like
twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as well.

17: Smart Speakers:

Though different forms of voice recognition software and devices have been
around since the 1970s, it wasn’t until the 2010s that the technology truly
entered our homes. Well, first it came to our phones, when Apple introduced
Siri, an electronic assistant, as a regular feature on iPhones in 2010. At that
point, people got used to pressing a button on their phone and asking a
faceless woman all sorts of questions. Though Siri felt (and was) futuristic, the
trend really took off with the invention of smart speakers, which had the
ability to answer the same kinds of questions as Siri but also control certain
elements of your home, like lighting and heating. The most common smart
speaker—Amazon’s Alexa—launched in 2014, and was soon followed by
Google Assistant. Today, 66.4 million people — or 26.2 percent of the U.S.
adult population—have a smart speaker in their home. Of course, with this
technology came a new set of ethical issues regarding companies being able to
listen in to your home and what happens to all the data this device collects.
Find out more items that could be spying on you in your home.
1. The primary advantage of smart speakers is that they make mundane
tasks more convenient. 
2. Smart speakers can also lead to considerable savings in both time and
3. Smart speakers are also helpful physical security tools
4. You can experience a far broader range of benefits from these devices
now, but that doesn’t mean they’re perfect
5. The fact that Amazon and Google own the two leading smart speaker
brands is enough to make some users cautious.
1. Smart speakers is that most of them are not portable.
2. Smart speakers usually don’t come with batteries, which means they
need an active electricity supply all the time.
3. So if you have a power outage, you can’t even use it as a Bluetooth
speaker because it needs electricity to run.

18: Pagers and beepers

Pagers were originally designed and built in the 1950's but they didn't really
take hold in terms of popularity until the 1980's. These one-way
communication devices were often used by emergency services, doctors and
safety personnel who needed to be reachable at all times, even when away
from a landline telephone. The rise of smartphones in the early 2000s saw the
decline in the use of pagers and beepers but due to the durability, resilience
and better coverage they continued to see use for several more years and, as
an example, Canada was still paying as much as $18.5 million for its pager
service in 2013.
1. Reliability
2. Secure messages
3. Long lasting battery power
4. Cheap to run
5. Robust
6. Ease of use
7. Discreet
8. Integration
1. A disadvantage of pagers is their lack of versatility and ability to connect
to more than one network; whereas mobile devices have the capability
to connect to multiple networks.

The technology is still in its early days, but there's no denying the
world-changing potential of the gene-editing system known as Crispr.
Essentially a process for slicing out undesired strands of DNA--i.e., disease--
and replacing them with new ones, the tech is being used by scientists and
startups to try to cure diseases from sickle cell anemia to cancer. An ongoing
patent battle between Berkeley and MIT over who owns the right to license
the technology hasn't slowed down its use.
A Chinese scientist revealed in late 2018 that he'd created genetically
modified human embryos, so it's entirely possible we'll look back in a few
decades and say this is where humanity went wrong. But here's to being
1. The CRISPR-Cas9 system can modify DNA with greater precision than
existing technologies.
2. The CRISPR-Cas9 system offers over other mutagenic techniques, like
ZFN and TALEN, is its relative simplicity and versatility.

1. Not efficient
2. Change to the germ line
3. Time consuming
4. Off target effect
5. Research and Responsibilitity

20: Ride-Sharing Apps:

Though Uber was already in the works by 2009, the app didn’t actually launch
in San Francisco until 2010. The ride-hailing service allows people to call a
private or shared car using an app, and has set the stage for a number of
subsequent car-share apps (e.g. Lyft and Via) since its launch. Though Uber
has run into a number of reputation-tainting scandals in more recent years,
there’s still no denying that the app played a major role in transforming the
public transportation industry as we know it today.
1. Ridesharing helps those with limited mobility
2. Ridesharing offers less discriminatory practices
3. Ridesharing is quick, affordable, and safe
4. Ridesharing has created millions of jobs
1. Increased emissions, traffic congestion, and decreased use of public
2. Drivers often make less than minimum wage, which can lead to
difficulties paying for gas and vehicle repairs
3. Rideshare apps have a history of limited background checks for drivers,
while taxi drivers are subject to more intense security screenings that
involve fingerprinting checks for the FBI database
Amazon introduced the world to Alexa in 2014, bringing the Internet of
Things (IoT) into our homes. A voice-activated virtual assistant that can
perform pre-set functions out-of-the-box such as set timers, share the current
weather, create lists, access Wikipedia articles, Alexa has since grown both in
popularity and functionality. With thousands of Alexa Skills extending its
capabilities, one can now ask Alexa to order pizza, dim the room’s lighting, jot
down a shopping list and automatically place an order, and more.
Today, voice-enabled virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri, Google
Assistant, and Cortana are in millions of households around the world. There
are now more than one billion voice searches every month, and experts
predict that 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020
1. Easy to Operate
2. Online Shopping is Among the major advantages of Amazon Alexa
3. Non-Stop Music
4. Timers and Alarms
5. Reminder
1. Mishearing
2. Slow Response and Bloatware
3. Connection Drops are the Most Reported Disadvantages of Amazon
4. Alexa has a Problem with Music
5. Amazon Alexa Sometimes Stops Responding to Your Voice
22: Laser Disc
LaserDisc was one of those niche formats of technology that was mainly
popular among videophiles and film enthusiasts. Although it was the first
format of optical video storage, available from 1978, LaserDisc failed to gain
mainstream popularity due to the expense of the players. LaserDisc offered
higher-quality video than VHS and Betamax and the technology behind it was
the foundation for compact disc, DVD and Blu-ray in later years. Despite never
going mainstream, it wasn't until 2001 that the last video titles were released
in this format and a total of 16.8 million LaserDisc players were sold
1. LaserDisc players can provide a great degree of control over the
playback process. Unlike many DVD players, the transport mechanism
always obeys commands from the user: pause, fast-forward, and fast-
reverse commands are always accepted.
1. LD disadvantages were obvious. The physical Laserdisc was huge in
size, fragile, and heavy compared to VHS and DVD. LDs could only hold
30 to 60 minutes of content. Storage capacity was inferior to the
competition; VHS could hold up to 3.5 hours of video and today DVDs
can store anywhere from 4.7 to 9.4GB of data.

23: Space X,s falcon 9 lands back on earth

Serial entrepreneur Elon Musk’s SpaceX made history when the first stage of
the Falcon 9 rocket successfully landed back on solid ground at Cape
Canaveral in December 2015. The implication was huge: rockets which were
historically one-time use engines were now reusable, potentially saving the
space exploration industry billions of dollars.Over the years, SpaceX has
worked on making the Falcon 9 rockets more reliable and efficient, leading to
a NASA Category 3 certification allowing its use in more expensive and more
complex missions. More recently, the Falcon 9’s bigger and meaner brother,
the Falcon Heavy rocket launched Starman and a Tesla Roadster up into space
for a very long drive around the sun.
1. Some of the reusable rockets use kerosene (of rocket grade type) as fuel
which do not generate harmful chlorine as exhaust. This helps to protect
the environment.
2. We can effectively reuse rockets similar to airplanes, hence space travel
will become cheaper to a greater extent.
1. Following are the disadvantages of Reusable Rocket:
2. Fuel can not be reused in the rocket as it is released in the atmosphere
as exhaust rate of 300 pounds/second.
3. They produce carbon dioxide which pollutes the atmosphere due to
emission at stratosphere layer and mesosphere layer.
4. Due to cheaper flight cost, more flights are launched at frequent
intervals. This leads to more exhaust and more harm to the atmosphere
24: Direct-pay apps:
If you’ve ever dealt with the headache of trying to split a bill after a group
dinner, you have likely found relief in the invention of Venmo. Owned by
PayPal, Venmo is a mobile payment service that allows people to easily send
and request money from each other using an app. While Venmo has
functioned to make exchanging money easier—the app is now used for
everything from splitting those dinner bills to paying rent—it has also created
an interesting social culture around payments thanks to an activity feed that
displays payment activity (but not payment amount) between people you
1. Increased Sales
2. Reduced Transaction Costs
1. Security Concerns
2. Disputed Transactions
3. Increased Business Costs

25: Digital Versatile Disc

DVD was the evolution of the digital video format developed by tech giants
Panasonic, Philips, Sony and Toshiba. With a high storage capacity, it became a
medium for computer files, software and high-quality video. DVD had many
benefits over that of previous magnetic storage formats, including larger
storage space, but also durability that meant that in theory, the discs could
have a lifespan of up to 100 years. With faster internet speeds, video
streaming technology and other superior formats such as Blu-ray - even 4K
Ultra HD Blu-ray - on the market, DVD is likely nearing the end of its lifespan.
Meanwhile, other formats of DVD such as the 1080p-capable, Blu-ray rival HD-
DVD never really even took off in the first place, much like the fabled
 Sound and picture quality is excellent, making them ideal for storing
films with video and sound.
 DVDs are now mass produced so they are relatively cheap.
 There is no single standard of DVD.
 They can be easily damaged by breaking or scratching.
26: Oculus Rift
Four years after its first crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, the first
commercial version of Oculus Rift launched in 2016, rekindling interest in
virtual reality (VR) all over the world. Oculus overshot its funding goal many
times over before its acquisition by Facebook. Oculus Rift focused on gaming
at launch, but its success led to more competition and innovation in the fields
of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Put simply, the Oculus Rift
made virtual reality more affordable (though not too much!) for the masses.
While technologies like AR and VR haven’t become commonplace yet, newer
products like Oculus Go—a more portable VR headset—and Microsoft’s
Hololens, an AR headset, continue to show many potential applications and
benefits. Hololens, in particular, has helped surgeons to understand a patient’s
unique anatomy quickly and accurately, while the police have used it ‘record’
and revisit crime scenes!
1. Field of Vision and Latency. ...
2. The Oculus provides top-of-the-line graphics for a unique and beautiful
playing experience. ...
3. The Oculus Rift features a comfortable head strap for support, allowing
the user to play in comfort and have a stable field of view. ...
4. Reduced motion blur. ...
5. USB powered.

27: Hoverboards:
You may not necessarily see everyone riding around on hoverboards just yet,
but 2015 saw us enter into a tech phase that is at least one step closer to “Back
to the Future.” The first ever hoverboard, The Hendo hoverboard, made its
debut in a video on Kickstarter in 2015 after husband-and-wife team Greg and
Jill Henderson created a functioning prototype.
1. Easy to learn
2. Reasonable cost
3. Portability
4. Convenience
5. Environmental friendly
1. You might fall
2. Bad hoverboard catching on fire
3. You can not ride your hoverboard everywhere

28: Floppy disks

Floppy disks were a type of data storage medium that originally appeared in
the 1970s. The first was the 8-inch floppy disc, capable of storing just 80
kilobytes of data. As the floppy disks got smaller, their storage capacity grew
and by the mid-1980s the 3.5-inch floppy disk was able to store a respectable
1.44 MB. Floppy disks were unfortunately vulnerable to magnets and heat,
and easily corrupted. By the 1990s software size meant many disks were
required for most applications so CD-ROMs began to take over. The floppy
disk now only lives on as a save icon in most software applications.
1. Small.
2. Easy to carry.
3. Cheap.
4. Easy to transport and handle.
5. Data on a floppy disk device can be write-protected from being changed
6. Floppy disk can be used to transfer data from one computer to another
7. Portable and inexpensive.
1. Easy to be damaged.
2. The access time of floppy disk low.
3. They have to handle more carefully.
4. Floppies can get affected by heat.
5. Small storage capacity.
6. Also limited capacity.
7. Many new computers don't have any floppy disk drive.

29: Venmo
The concept is extraordinarily simple: Send money to people instantly by
tapping a few buttons on your smartphone. Launched by college roommates
Andrew Kortina and Iqram Magdon-Ismail in 2010, Venmo created a new way
for people to split their dining bills or pay their rent and left a generation
wondering how their predecessors ever settled IOUs. The company, which
was purchased by PayPal in 2015, boasts 40 million annual users--a digital
customer base larger than that of most major banks--and expects its 2019
payment volume to exceed $100 billion.
1. Quick, convenient payments.
2. Free to send money from a bank account or debit card.
3. Low fee for credit card payments.
4. Can pay for purchases at select businesses.
5. Offers a debit card and a credit card.
6. Adds a social element to sending and receiving money
1. There's a fee to send money via credit card. Venmo charges 3% of the
transfer total to send money via credit card. Venmo charges a fee for
instant cash-out transfers to your bank account.

30: First Ancient Human Genome

In 2010, scientists gained a new tool to study the ancient past and the people
who inhabited it. Researchers used a hair preserved in permafrost to
sequence the genome of a man who lived some 4,000 years ago in what is now
Greenland, revealing the physical traits and even the blood type of a member
of one of the first cultures to settle in that part of the world. The first nearly
complete reconstruction of a genome from ancient DNA opened the door for
anthropologists and geneticists to learn more about the cultures of the distant
past than ever before.
Extracting ancient DNA is a major challenge. Even if genetic material such as
hair or skin is preserved, it is often contaminated with the DNA of microbes
from the environment, so sophisticated sequencing techniques must be used
to isolate the ancient human’s DNA. More recently, scientists have used
the petrous bone of the skull, a highly dense bone near the ear, to extract
ancient DNA.
1. Creating personalized plans to treat disease may be possible based not
only on the mutant genes causing a disease, but also other genes in the
patient’s genome.
2. Genotyping cancer cells and understanding what genes are
misregulated allows physicians to select the best chemotherapy and
potentially expose the patient to less toxic treatment since the therapy
is tailored.
3. Previously unknown genes may be identified as contributing to a
disease state. Traditional genetic testing looks only at the common
“troublemaker” genes.
4. Lifestyle or environmental changes that can mediate the effects of
genetic predisposition may be identified and then moderated.
1. The role of most of the genes in the human genome is still unknown or
incompletely understood. Therefore, a lot of the “information” found in
a human genome sequence is unusable at present.
2. Most physicians are not trained in how to interpret genomic data.
3. An individual’s genome may contain information that they DON’T want
to know. For example, a patient has genome sequencing performed to
determine the most effective treatment plan for high cholesterol. In the
process, researchers discover an unrelated allele that assures a terminal
disease with no effective treatment.
4. The volume of information contained in a genome sequence is vast.
Policies and security measures to maintain the privacy and safety of this
information are still new.

31: Fax machines

The humble fax machine was essentially a modern version of the telegram.
For many years, it allowed people and businesses to transmit scanned
documents from one phone number to another. The recipient would have the
joy of a printed copy of the document bursting forth from their machine. This
was all done by a transmission of audio frequency tones that were deciphered
at the other end. Like many of the technologies on our list, fax machines have
largely been rendered obsolete by the invention of email, the internet and
advancements in computing technologies.
1. Faxes are inexpensive method of communication
2. Reliability
3. Installation
4. Security
5. User Friendliness
6. Malfunctions
7. Maintenance

1. Owning your own fax machine can be costly.
2. There is no guarantee that the resolution of the faxed hard copy will be
produced clearly.
3. Speed. Each individual page must be scanned and faxed.
4. Needing Paper
5. Technical Issues
6. Telephone Charges

32: IPad
Mocked by many at the time of its 2010 launch for its name--and for its
awkward size somewhere between a big phone and a small computer--
the iPad has sold 400 million units to date and spawned competitors
from the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, and Google. Today,
tablets have become essential devices for business. Just look at how
they've made the food service industry more efficient by replacing cash
registers and helping track inventory. More than one million iPad-native
apps now live in the App Store, touching every industry from real estate
and medicine to education.
1. Stable
2. Battery
3. Portable
4. Convenient
5. Efficient
1. Expensive
2. Storage
3. Restricated customization
4. Compatibility

33: The Best TV Antenna Amplifiers for a

Better Signal:
You don’t have to settle for a less-than-stellar cable connection or be limited
by what your basic cable offers. These TV antenna amplifiers can get you crisp
and clear HD channels. Depending on where you live, getting a clear and
consistent TV signal isn’t always the easiest task. However, as with many
things, modern technology has stepped in with solutions. With a good TV
antenna amplifier, you can boost the signal of your current TV without having
to spend a ton of money. You get a clearer picture, better sound, and
sometimes even more channels.
1. Multiple output port options
2. Low noise level
1. A little expensive
2. Doesn’t support satellite TV

34: Compact cassette tape

Audio brother to VHS and Betamax cassette tapes was the compact cassette
tape. Originally introduced in 1968, compact cassettes used the same
magnetic tape technology to deliver affordable audio to the masses. They were
used as either blank tapes that could be recorded onto (via dictaphone or
boombox for example) or as pre-recorded cassettes of music albums.
Cassettes could also be used to store other data and were therefore used as a
storage medium for early home computers. Cassette tapes gained popularity
in the 80s but by the 90s were outsold by compact discs which soon became
the standard format. Nonetheless, cassette tapes continued to sell and it
wasn't until 2001 that they truly began to die, at least in pre-recorded
formats. Blank tapes were still being sold right up until 2012. In their heydey,
cassette tapes sold as many as 442 million in the US alone. We have hazy
memories of fighting cassette players to rescue chewed up tapes and spending
hours twizzling them back together with a pencil.
1. Cassette tapes are still in production despite the development of digital
audio technology.
2. They are used for audio books for the blind and have several advantages
over other audio media.
3. Cassette tapes come equipped with a label in Braille so that a blind
person may read what the tape contains.
1. Cassette players are more difficult to find than CD or MP3 players in
most retail stores.
2. Finding cassettes is also not as easy as buying CDs or downloading MP3
audio files because many stores no longer carry them or carry a limited
35: Consumer LED Light Bulb
LED bulbs are much more energy-efficient than the incandescent ones
that have been used for decades, which waste 90 percent of their energy
consumption on generating heat. But until 2010, LED bulbs were bulky,
costly, and unfeasible for anything besides large industrial spaces. Then,
in the face of federal legislation mandating better efficiency,
manufacturers like GE and Philips developed bulbs meant for the
everyday consumer. The bulbs use 20 percent of the energy of their
incandescent predecessors and can last 25,000 hours--with average use,
that's more than a decade
1. High up-front costs.
2. Transformer compatibility.
3. Potential color shift over lamp life.
4. Performance standardization has not yet been streamlined.
5. Overheating can cause reduced lamp life.
1. There are many benefits including increased energy efficiency,
lower electric bills, a longer bulb life, and a better and safer light
source overall.
2. LED bulbs are designed to be a more energy-efficient light source,
by using a semiconductor to convert electricity into light

36: Alarm Clocks to Start Your Day:

Waking up early and on time can be hard enough. Make it a little bit easier
with these top alarm clock picks. Though smartphones are great for a wide
variety of tasks, including setting an alarm to wake you up, you should
consider getting a dedicated alarm clock instead. They may seem old-
fashioned, but between smart alarm clocks and sunrise alarm clocks, they
have come a long way. We’ve rounded up a list of great alarm clocks that you
can use to help your morning routine.
1. Affordable
2. Multiple wood finish colors
3. Three-alarm functionality
1. Not battery-powered, if that matters to you
2. Limited amount of features

37: Overhead projectors

A classroom classic, the overhead projector was a simple yet wonderful
system for projecting images, text and drawings onto an appropriate screen.
Transparent sheets of acetate were used in place of paper to enable
presenters to transpose their presentation onto the screen in front of the
class. Although likely still in use in some classrooms, these projectors have
likely been rendered obsolete by modern projection technology and
The beauty of an overhead projector is its simplicity. There are no software
issues to worry about during a presentation, and the projector contains no
moving parts other than a cooling fan, so any breakdowns are likely to be rare
and easy to diagnose.
 Resolution Problems. In order for a large classroom to see items clearly,
the overhead projector needs to be at the perfect distance and angle.
 Cost to Replace Bulbs
 Transportation
 Displaying Material
 Outdated Technology.

38: Ring Doorbell

Ring founder Jamie Siminoff was unanimously rejected when he pitched his
smart doorbell on Shark Tank in 2013. Five years later, Amazon bought his
company for a cool $1 billion. The Wi-Fi enabled doorbell starts recording
video automatically when its built-in motion sensors are activated, and a two-
way intercom lets homeowners speak with the person at their door via an
app. The LAPD has said it sees 50 percent fewer break-ins when Ring is
installed. YouTube is filled with videos of burglars fleeing when porch
floodlights flip on or the homeowner asks, "Who's there?" Meanwhile, activists
and lawmakers have called on Amazon to reveal more about just what kinds
of information police departments can access via their surveillance
partnerships with the company.
1. Discrete home security
2. Features two-way talk
3. Connects to your smartphone
4. Suits all budgets
5. Need a Ring doorbell in Derby
1. What's the battery powered smart doorbell? ...
2. It can't operate as a security camera. ...
3. Wake-up mode isn't reliable. ...
4. Battery can't last much time. ...
5. Unreliable network connection. ...
6. Summary. ...
7. Recommend best smart doorbell.

39: Smart Home Tech You Need for a More

Productive Morning:
Smart home technology generally refers to any suite of devices, appliances, or
systems that connect into a common network that can be independently and
remotely controlled. When your home technology works together in one
system, it can also be referred more loosely as a “connected home”. For
example, your home's thermostat, lights, audio speakers, TVs, security
cameras, locks, appliances, and more are all connected into a common system,
which can be controlled from your smart phone or through a mobile touch
screen device.
Smart home automation allows you to tap into high-tech functionality and
luxury that wasn’t possible in the past. As technology development continues
to expand, so will the possibilities for consumer home automation to make life
easier and more enjoyable.
1. Long range
2. Attaches and slides onto all of your items
3. Enhanced Security
1. Bulky
2. Internet Reliance
3. Cost
4. Setup and Configuration
5. More Technical Security Threats

40: Portable DVD players

With the rise of DVD and the ever falling cost of the technology behind it, as
the well as the shrinking sizes of processors and advancements in screen
technology, it was no surprise that portable DVD players made their way to
market. However, the size of the discs and the quality of battery life meant
that DVD players failed to gain widespread popularity and initially their cost
was prohibitive. Now, with easy access to streaming video via mobile phones
and tablets, the need for portable DVD players is almost entirely negated.
1. Very large storage capacity.
2. Increasing availability.
3. It is easily available in every store.
4. It is portable.
5. High data stability.
6. The DVD drive can read CDs.
7. DVDs are now mass-produced in order that they are relatively cheap
1. It will take years for movies and software to become widely available.
2. It can't record (yet).
3. It has built-in copy protection and regional lockout.
4. It uses digital compression. ...
5. or vague.
6. The audio down mix process for stereo/Dolby Surround can reduce
dynamic range.

41: Tesla Powerwall

As solar power becomes more and more affordable--it's cheaper than gas and
coal in many parts of the country--the new challenge becomes finding a way
for your home to store excess energy and use it when needed. Tesla's
Powerwall, launched in 2015, offers that ability with a high level of
sophistication, letting you program your usage to collect energy during off-
peak hours, then consume it at peak times. As states begin to implement
energy pricing that varies based on time of use--California, Arizona, and
Massachusetts already have--that means it will save you even more money
while also putting less stress on local power plants.
1. With Powerwall, you are assured of energy security and a clean energy
2. Powerwall allows you to store 14 kWh of energy and use that energy to
run your home with solar during the night and back up your home in
the event of a power outage.
1. Not Very Eco-Friendly.
2. If you are storing all of your power, none will get sent to the grid.
3. Expensive.
4. The cost of solar batteries is still high, not all homeowners can afford
5. May Not Pay Itself Off (Limited ROI)

42: Vacuum Cleaners For All Types of

Floors and Homes: 
Vacuums are perfect for getting those painfully hard-to-reach areas that
desperately need a cleaning. The most common example for use is in
vacuuming cars, since, as the name suggests, this model can be held in only
one hand. Its versatility makes it a dream for suctioning up dirt and debris in a
variety of tight places, but it would not serve well for general flooring
cleaning, which would take a long time to clean with a handheld. This type of
vacuum cleaner comes in all sorts of different forms with equally different
price tags.
The vacuum cleaner is nothing but an electric device that makes use of an air
pump to suck up dirt and dust from the floor and other surfaces. The type of
cleaning you do will determine the suitable vacuum cleaner you will need, as
there are many options available to choose from. You will have the best
cleaning experience with vacuum cleaners, whether you use them at home or
commercial place.
As mentioned earlier, there are advantages and disadvantages of vacuum
1. Vacuum Cleaner Saves Time and Energy
2. Easy to use
3. Removes allergen from breathing air
4. Removes pet hair
5. Vacuum cleaner is a low cost tool
1. Heavy to lift
2. Running electricity bill
3. No Reusable dustbin bags

43: Slide projectors

A form of projector appeared in the 1950s and became a popular form of
home entertainment. These projectors were used to put on slide shows of
individual frames of images, one frame at a time. Generally, they were used to
show snaps of family holidays or special occasions. Slide projectors were
rendered irrelevant when video projectors became more affordable and
1. Easier Note Taking. Projectors enable teachers to create bulleted
PowerPoint presentations or other highly organized notes for the class.
2. Greater Teaching Versatility
3. Better Use of Class Time
4. Better Student Presentations
1. Transparencies
2. Heat and Noise
3. Bulky, Heavy Equipment
4. Projection Surface
5. Subject-Matter Limitations

44: Nest Thermostat

Who would have guessed there would be a market for an attractively
designed thermostat? Tony Fadell, the inventor of the iPod, and former
Apple engineer Matt Rogers. The pair founded smart thermostat
company Nest in 2010, a surprising pivot after designing one of the
most popular gadgets in history. Nest's thermostat lets you preprogram
a temperature schedule. It learns your habits over time and, based on
motion sensing and devices that are connected to your Wi-Fi, can tell
whether someone is home and adjust accordingly. This all lowers the
amount of energy your home uses when you're not home, saving
customers money and the planet from unnecessary carbon emissions.
It's perhaps no surprise then that Google paid $3.2 billion for Nest in
 It is a mechanical device and can break or go off calibration.
 It is subject to human interface and people setting too low or high
depending on their preference.
 It does not take humidity and air velocity in consderation
 It is a mechanical device and can break or go off calibration.
 It is subject to human interface and people setting too low or high
depending on their preference.
 It does not take humidity and air velocity in consderation.

45: Technology changed the ways of

Today we have mobile, internet, computer and social media, video
conferencing tools, and mobile apps to communicate with anyone around the
world. It was not possible in the past. The benefit of communication change is
that it’s the fast, easy, and quickest method to communicate.
In the past, a letter takes 10 days to reach the destination such as money
orders, greeting cards, personal letters and thousands of other
communication sources are not fast enough.
But technologies changed that now you can send an email. You can transfer
the money from your mobile phone. This is a technology and it’s non-stop.
1. Through internet communication, time and money are saved.
2. One major advantage of internet communication is the creation of new
and exciting jobs.
3. The internet has indeed brought people closer, and also helped in
economic growth
4. It is so cheap to send an email to another country than making a phone
5. The internet has made it possible for numerous computer programs to
be shared with different generations in different parts of the world
1. Even though the internet has improved many sectors, it has resulted in
job unemployment through outsourcing, downsizing, and redundancies
2. the internet has made communication easier, quicker and convenient,
privacy problems have emerged.
3. Since technology keeps on changing, job security has become a
4. internet has made the universe a global village, some cultures have
consumed others.

46: Betamax
Betamax was the earliest version of consumer-level video cassette tape
format, originally released in 1975. Developed by Sony, Betamax was the
standard for magnetic videotape until it became obsolete as the VHS format
appeared and dominated in the 1980s. Surprisingly, Betamax recorders
continued production until 2002 and the cassettes themselves were still
available right up until 2016.
1. Betamax, in many ways, was the superior format. 
2. Beta had better resolution, less video noise, better sound quality, and
used a better machine to play its cassettes.
3. This was a major drawback with Betamax tapes. Since they could only
record one hour of TV, consumers were unable to record long length
movies or programs.
4. Sony's engineers wanted to keep the size of the tape down and continue
with the superior picture quality, assuming consumers would prefer
theses aspects.

47: The Self-Driving Car

Google and Apple secretly started testing fully autonomous cars in the first
half of this decade. Most of the major car manufacturers, plus ride-hailing
companies like Uber and Lyft, have since followed suit, and today, passengers
can hail driverless cabs being beta tested in cities like Phoenix and Pittsburgh.
Thanks to machine vision and some super-sophisticated artificial intelligence,
the technology promises to make the roads a whole lot safer, resulting in 90
percent fewer deaths, according to the most optimistic estimates. At least one
industry is not looking favorably on this innovation hitting roads more
broadly: the nation's nearly four million truck and taxi drivers.
1. 90% reduction in traffic deaths. Yes, you read that right. ...
2. 60% drop in harmful emissions. ...
3. Eliminate stop-and-go waves by 100% ...
4. 10% improvement in fuel economy. ...
5. 500% increase in lane capacity. ...
6. 40% reduction in travel time. ...
7. Consumer savings of £5bn
1. Expensive.
2. High-technology vehicles and equipment are expensive. ...
3. Safety and security concerns.
4. Prone to Hacking. ...
5. Fewer job opportunities for others. ...
6. Non-functional sensors.

48: New kind of habits and digital

With technology changes, we got new kinds of habits and it’s tough for
parents to solve such kinds of problems. It’s because they don’t know the
solutions. Most kids, teens are addicted to the internet. For them, technology
is a toy. This can be a good change, but what about creativity and brain
Is artificial intelligence is the new tool of creativity? I don’t think so. And after
20 years, the Internet will be boring for them. Then they will use robots for
their works as today we’re using the internet or Google.
1. Ample Information and Resources
2. Effortless Sharing
3. Entertainment
4. Unlimited Communication
1. Life interference
2. Health risks
3. Safety concerns
4. Social isolation

49: Daisy wheel printer

A daisy wheel printer is an early type of impact printer invented in 1969 by
David S. Lee at Diablo Data Systems. The printer uses a metal or plastic disk
containing each of the letters, numbers, and other characters it supports.
When printing, the printer rotates the disk to each character and, using a
hammer, strikes each character into an ink ribbon to create characters on
paper. Daisy wheel printers were popular in the 1970s and 1980s, but are no
longer used today. They have a low quality of print, are very slow and loud,
and were replaced by laser printers as they came down in cost.
1. It is cheap to buy and maintain
2. Can create carbon copies
3. Low maintenance
4. Low cost
5. It is better quality
6. Can use fanfold paper and heavy paper grades
7. Better print quality than dot matrix printer
8. More reliable than DMP
1. The printing speed is very slow
2. Cannot print graphics
3. Produce distortion of paper printing
4. A limited number of characters
5. Slower than DMP
6. It is noisy
7. More expensive than DMP

50: Online Streaming Services

In 2009, did you ever imagine watching a video online via an application
without downloading it? Even the thought of it seemed light years away from
reality, isn’t it? But it has become commonplace these days to the point that it
doesn’t surprise people anymore.
The technological evolution in 2019 has enabled people to break through the
technical barriers to not only watch movies but also enjoy their favorite
shows. One can do it effortlessly by using applications such as Netflix and
In addition, there are also apps that stream shows across several
channels. Missed an episode of your preferred show? No worries! You
can view them whenever you want through the video streaming service.
With technological advancement gathering momentum, you can expect
a lot more to come
1. Streaming services give you access to additional media channels.
2. You don't have to watch commercials.
3. You can enjoy the most important sports events.
4. You can save money on tickets.
5. Watching sport or movies at home is more convenient.
6. Subscription television can entertain your kids.
1. Streaming services will cost you some money.
2. You may watch TV too often.
3. Obesity may become an issue.
4. You may lose contact to the real world.
5. Grades of your children may get worse.
6. Your kids may no longer play outside.
7. You may get the wrong feeling that you can get everything

51: Lifestyle changes that happened after

the use of technology:
Technology has a positive and negative impact on our daily life. Today we live
more appearance-filled the life. The craze and disadvantages of taking selfies
in risky areas are well known. We do online shopping and there are varieties
and price comparison tools.
Technologies have an internet of things that anyone can use in their daily life.
We are busier than productive. 30 years ago people have time for friends and
families. They live and enjoy their life in real-time. At the same time, they are
emotional, care for nature and humanity.
Today, we do the same things on social media but without emotions. This is a
technological effect. And we’re responsible for this change. It’s is good or bad,
depends on the users, how they’re using it.
1. Increased Production
2. Easily Accessible
3. Increased Job Opportunities
4. Better Communication
5. Different Learning Methods
1. A Social Divide
2. Make People Lazy
3. Can be a Distraction
4. Privacy is a big issue

52: Dot-matrix printer

A dot matrix printer (DMP) is a type of printer which uses pins impacting an
ink ribbon to print. These printers are generally considered outdated, as they
cannot create high-quality prints and are costly as well. However, they have a
certain specialty that other printers like inkjet and laser printers do not have:
as they use impact for printing, they can be used to print multiple copies of
text at the same time with the help of carbon copying. Therefore, they are
mostly used in places where multipart forms are required.
1. The Dot matrix printers are cheap and easily available in the market.
2. They can make carbon copies of the print out unlike non-impact
3. The printing costs are the lowest as compared to other printers.
4. The printout fades gradually rather than coming to a halt suddenly.
1. Noisy.
2. Limited print quality.
3. Low printing speed.
4. Limited color printing.

53: Analogue and dial-up modems:

In the days before modern broadband and 4G networks, at the initial birth of
the internet, we connected to the World Wide Web via analogue and dial-up
These marvels of technology required an open phone line and a lot of patience
to get working. If anyone called while you were connected to the 'net then
you'd immediately lose connection.  Browsing the web was slow and painful,
but it was a thing of beauty and showed promise for the future that we now
live in. 
If you're after a bit of nostalgia, then just listen to this recorded clip of what
it used to sound like. 
1. When a computer sends digital signals, it is converted into analog
signals by a modem
2. Modems posses high transmission rates since telephone lines are used
3. Modems are considerably expensive
4. Modem modems out there perform a function known as Automatic
5. Some of the modems are completely compatible with the fax technology.
1. One major drawback of connecting a modem is that it can make your
computer vulnerable to hackers and malwares.
While external modems lacks mobility, all the internal modems does
support them
2. Modems especially of DSL type has a problem in availability. 
3. The traffic in between LAN and the internet are interfered by a modem.
Hence, it fails to maintain traffic.
4. Modems those are of Dial-up types requires telephone lines to access
the internet.

54: Film cameras

The traditional film camera has basically long since been pushed from the
mass market by the modern age of the digital camera. No longer do we need to
rely on reels of film or trips to the local shop to get them processed. Digital
cameras, SD cards and modern computing systems mean we can snap away
happily and see the results of our photos instantly with far less hassle and
expense. Pro photographers and retro snappers still use film cameras for
certain artistic purposes. but few others.
1. Film delivers a higher dynamic range, which makes it better at
capturing detail in whites and blacks.
2. Film photography is more forgiving of minor focusing issues and
exposure problems.
3. A film camera often has a higher resolution than what is found in most
digital cameras.
1. Film cameras are usually heavier than similar-sized digital cameras.
Film storage takes up a lot of physical space. 
2. Purchasing and developing film is a continuing cost.
3. The film must be developed before viewing, so you can end up
developing poor photo captures or images taken unintentionally.

55: Polaroid instant cameras

Polaroid cameras originally came to market in the mid-1960s and at the time
presented a marvel of technology that allowed people to see the photos they
were taking seconds after they were snapped without having to wait for
someone else to develop them. For years, Polaroid instant cameras were a
wonderfully expensive marvel of photographic convenience. In recent years,
the rise of the digital camera and smartphone photography has meant that
Polaroid's technology essentially became an unnecessary nicety and declining
sales forced the company to file for bankruptcy twice. You can still find
Polaroid cameras and films on sale, but it's niche at best.
1. One of the main advantages of polaroid cameras is that they provide you
with basically instant access to the physical photo just after it has been
2. This form of photo is special as you it makes the photo more tangible
and tactile.
1. You need to buy photographic paper from time to time that can be
2. Analog models do not allow the possibility to edit the photo prior to
3. Most polaroid cameras do not have rechargeable batteries.

Gmail — the signature email service of Google — has undergone a wide
range of variation, albeit with a face-lif t since its inception.
If you compare the current version of the people’s go-to-email with what it
was ten years ago, you will find not just one but several changes.
Speaking of the features, its integration with Google Drive and Google Docs
has become a lot better. Plus, it has additional features for enterprises and
normal users. It has empowered its users by adding the option to choose their
preferred email addresses. It is a paid service, though.
Today, Gmail has become an essential component of G Suite. From students to
enterprises, it serves all its users alike.
1. Huge storage space. ...
2. Online anywhere access. ...
3. Cheaper and less manpower (only you!) to maintain. ...
4. Synchronisation with Outlook. ...
5. Store Instant Messages (IM) and video conferencing. ...
6. Easy search and organisation. ...
7. Security of data.
1. Storage. Keeping all your emails stored on the Web offers you easy
access from multiple devices -- but if you lose your Internet connection
or Gmail suffers downtime, you can be left without access to your
messages. ...
2. Targeted Advertising. ...
3. Google Integration. ...
4. Labels, not Folders. ...
5. Search Limitations.

57: GPS navigation systems

Many car manufacturers still choose to install them in new vehicles, but as a
standalone unit, GPS navigation technology is nearing the end of its lifespan.
Current smartphones are more than capable of getting the modern human
from point A to point B with the use of navigation apps like Google, Bing and
Apple Maps. Once again, advancements in mobile technology have forced
other older technology into obsolescence.
1. Smarter route planning
2. Safety against cargo theft
3. Prevent unauthorized vehicle use
4. Reduced administrative burden
5. Automated real-time alerts
6. Usage-based invoicing
7. Better customer service
8. Increased productivity
1. Inaccuracy.
2. Lack of Local Knowledge.
3. Driving Distraction.
4. Signal or Battery Failure.
5. Reliance on US Department of Defense.
6. Privacy Issues and Crime.
7. Commercial Exploitation.

58: Vinyl records

Vinyl records are probably one of the oldest and most long-lasting formats for
storing audio recordings. Available in varying formats since the late 1800s,
the vinyl record is still in production today and is another format that's sworn
to be the best by audiophiles and sound enthusiasts alike. The format has even
had a sales resurgence of late. Vinyl reaches our list, not because it's obsolete,
but because it refuses to die.
1. Lossless format. Vinyl is the only playback format that's fully analog and
2. The warmth of the sound
3. Loudness limits
4. Surface noise
5. Focus on music
6. Availability
7. Cover art
8. Records culture
1. Vinyl is harder to maintain than CDs, and should ideally be stored in
temperature- and humidity-controlled environments
2. Vinyl is very easy to damage during playback
3. Surface noise, while often inaudible, will always be present and
measurable, even on a brand new LP.

59: Windows 7 vs. Windows 10

If Windows 7 won critical reviews for its stability in 2009, Windows 10 in
2019 has grabbed the attention of the users of Windows OS with its features.
When you come to think of it, it seems hard to believe that Windows 7 is a
decade old and that Microsoft is done with it.
That said, you have no choice but to live with it if you believe in hard facts.
The transition of the Windows operating system version to a new one is one of
the best illustrations of how technology changed the world between 2009 and
1. Depending on your hardware, a straight upgrade from Windows 7 to 10
may offer some benefits.
2. These start with smoother and sometimes faster operations, more
economical use of memory and disk space, increased security
(SmartScreen, Windows Defender, encryption), and the integration of
OneDrive cloud storage
1. Why it might be wise to stick with Win7 or Win8.1.
2. Many new features won't work on your machine.
3. Cortana's losing the race with Google Now, Siri, and...
4. Privacy concerns are getting worse, not better.
5. OneDrive still doesn't work right.

60: The Wi-Fi

Amid changes in applications and modern gadgets over the decade, the
method of accessing the internet has also come off age. Mobile internet and
broadband were available in 2009 but the thought of Wi-Fi hotspots was non-
existent. Now it is not just a possibility but a reality.
Whether it is about browsing the internet or using the internet for
multimedia, possibilities are endless with Wi-Fi hotspots. What’s more, one
can access them at almost all major places. Thus, users have transcended the
boundary of limitations of the cost and speed of data.
From browsing the internet to running an application or streaming a video,
there is almost nothing that you cannot do online by using the data of Wi-Fi
hotspots. Now access to Wi-Fi hotspot translates into total access to the
1. WiFi network enables connection between two or more devices
wirelessly for data sharing purposes.
2. It is simple and cost effective way to connect with wifi router or with
other wifi devices wirelessly without the need of wires.
1. Security. Even though many encryption techniques are taken by the
wireless networks, still the Wifi is vulnerable to hacking. ...
2. Range. Range offered by a Wifi network is limited, typically around 100-
150 feet. ...
3. Speed. ...
4. Reliability. ...

5. Bandwidth. ...
6. Health issues.

61: Walkman, Discman and MP3 players:

Several formats of portable music player spawned over time to accommodate
the preferred musical medium, these included portable cassette players (most
notably Sony's "Walkman"), portable CD players (the also popular Sony's
"Discman"), Minidisc players and MP3 players.
Each of these formats of portable music player eventually fell into
obsolescence as other more technologically advanced players appeared. They
all had their benefits though. We have both fond and frustrating memories of
each of these players, whether it was fighting Walkmans to save a chewed up
tape or desperately trying to fit a portable CD player into a coat pocket.
1. MP3 technology offers low data size (the file size)
2. The files can be easily shared via the online medium ( Internet ) or the
physical medium ( USB , CDs )
3. The compression ratio is not fixed
4. The individual artists , new entrants & music companies can promote
their music online , MP3 technology has eliminated the need of a
recording studio
1. The sound quality of the MP3 format is not as good as that of the CD 
2. The biggest drawback is the low audio quality
3. The data is susceptible to losses due to the malware or virus attacks
4. MP3 compression may discard as much as 90 percent of the data from
the original recording without a significant drop in sound quality
5. Unlike CDs , The albums on MP3s cannot be resold 
62: Cathode ray tube televisions
The scientific technology behind cathode ray tube televisions dates back to
1869, but it wasn't until the mid-1920s that the technology was first put into
an actual television set. These chunky televisions became the mainstay of TVs
for decades until technology advances and the release of LCD and plasma flat
screen televisions pushed CRT sets into obsolescence in around 2007. Gone
are the days of degaussing, bashing the side of a set to get it to work properly
or having to get up to change the channel.
1. Less expensive than other display technology.
2. Fast response time.
3. It can operate at any resolution, geometry and also for aspect ratio
without the need for rescaling the image.
4. Highest pixel resolutions generally available.
5. They produce more colors.
6. CRT also suitable for use even in dim or dark light.
1. Big back and take up space on a desk.
2. Not suitable for very brightly environment because less bright than LCD.
3. They are large, heavy and bulky.
4. Consume a lot of electricity and also produce a lot of heat.
5. Geometrical error at edges.
6. Flickering at 50-80 Hz.
7. Harmful DC and AC electric and magnetic fields.

63: Messaging revolution (WhatsApp)

WhatsApp isn’t a social network, but it has fundamentally changed the way we
interact. It was co-founded by Jan Koum and Brian Acton, and when it was
launched the duo charged a $1 annual fee, which was later waived.
WhatsApp ran on all mobile devices and provided a SMS-like experience
without the fees that mobile operators charged. It also provided end-to-end
encryption to its users by rolling out privacy features.
By 2014, when WhatsApp had reached over 1.6 billion users, Facebook bought
the company for $19 billion. In recent times, the company has come under
scrutiny as the platform enabled fast dissemination
1. Following are the benefits or advantages of Whatsapp:
2. Messages are sent without any charges to any part of the world
provided internet is available on mobile devices.
3. No advertisements on the screen to annoy the user.
4. All the tools are very easy to use.
1. There is no option to hide from particular users.
2. It is not possible to send messages into normal inbox of the mobile
phone. There is a risk of anyone reading the message meant for you
only. This often creates problem in the happy home.

64: Gameboy and Gamegear:

In 1989, Nintendo released another gaming console that would help it
dominate the gaming market. The Game Boy was a classic handheld gaming
system, with a monochrome green and black screen and a simple design. Big
gaming titles like Tetris helped the Game Boy to sell over a million units in the
first year alone.
A short while later, Sega released the Game Gear, its colour competitor to the
Game Boy. Backed by a strong catalogue of games from the Sega Master
System, the Game Gear should, in theory, have dominated the market, but
struggled to compete with the Game Boy, mainly thanks to poor battery life.
Both have long since become obsolete with the invention of newer devices,
but Nintendo still leads the market with its various DS systems
1. Compact
2. Gyro games or gyro setting
3. Easy games and time passing games
4. Small size of games
5. You can play online-offline anywhere with your phone's internet
1. Not variety of games are good
2. Play duration depends upon your battery charger
3. Installation of mod is difficult
4. Files are not easily accessible
5. Same type of mechanism of games

65: Foldable displays

Nokia first conceptualized the application of flexible OLED displays in mobile
phone with the Nokia Morph concept mobile phone. Released to the press in
February 2008, the Morph concept was project Nokia had co-developed with
the University of Cambridge. Foldable smartphone screens are a new and
innovative technology that allows for an extended screen size without
sacrificing the portability of a smaller phone. They allow for a larger screen
than any traditional.
1. Foldable phones have a large display, which is great if you want to enjoy
an immersive experience. The enhanced visual experience can be
enjoyed comfortably for long periods of time. The sizeable screen makes
everything different.
2. Another application of flexible OLED is the development of new classes
of mobile devices. As a specific example, Samsung and Huawei have
already introduced their respective foldable smartphones in 2019 that
can be turned into tablet devices when unfolded. These devices are now
available for mass production and mass consumption.
1. Manufacturing FOLEDs, particularly the production of the flexible
plastic substrate and the process of bending, requires introducing stress
through heat.
2. This may lead to residual stress, thermal stresses, and external stresses
that can affect durability and quality. These are the key disadvantages of
flexible OLED.
3. phone while folding up into a more compact form.

66: The Ocean Cleanup Project

Founded 2013. Dutch inventor Boyan Slat founded The Ocean Cleanup at
the age of 18 in his hometown of Delft, the Netherlands.
1. The Ocean Cleanup can significantly reduce the concentration of plastic
in the ocean garbage patches and work with stakeholders all over the
world to intercept plastic in the world's most polluted rivers.
2. With the application of these solutions, our aim is to reduce 90% of the
floating plastic pollution by 2040.
1. Ocean plastic doesn't behave the way the project's backers say it does.
2. The collectors will break really, really quickly.
3. The project will harm wildlife.
4. Recyclers don't want the plastic
5. There's a far more effective way to clean large plastic pieces from the
ocean's gyres.
67.Michelin Airless “vision” Tire
For over a century, Michelin has been committed to offering our customers
the best tire at the best price in each segment of the market and setting the
standard in quality of service. To help us progress together, our principles
must also be yours.
1. A technology that eliminates the risk of flats and rapid pressure loss and
reduces environmental impact. 
2. VISION eliminates the need for air with a revolutionary structure
capable of supporting the vehicle, while also delivering a safe,
comfortable ride. Without air, flat tires and pressure loss are no longer
an issue.
1. The air in the tires can often absorb impact of a hole or bump because of
its high suspension capabilities.
2. On airless tires, the suspension would be lower, resulting in a rougher
ride. Sure, your tires won't need to be checked, but your car certainly
will. This could cause more harm to your vehicle than good!

68: Oculus rift

In July 2012, Palmer Luckey, Brendan Iribe, Michael Antonov and Nate
Mitchell founded Oculus VR in Irvine, California. In April 2012, Luckey
announced the rift; a virtual reality headset designed for video gaming, and
launched a Kickstarter campaign in August to make virtual reality headsets
available to developers.

1. No cables required Sharp Display Powerful processor accurate motion
tracking Optional PC tethering with accessory cable.
2. Accurate motion tracking for both headset and controller’s Full software
library Easy to set up.
1. Addiction –If someone spends an extended period of time in a virtual
environment, they may become addicted to it.
2. Health effects – Extended use of virtual reality can lead to loss of spatial
awareness, dizziness, disorientation, and nausea.
3. Nausea, dizziness, disorientation and a number of other motion-
sickness related symptoms are common with many VR users and this is
exacerbated by the nature of virtual reality:
4. The player's eyes tell their brain they are walking, while their body tells
them that they are still.

69: Consumer led light bulb

In 1962, Nick Holonyak, Jr. invented the first LED that could produce visible
red light. He invented these red diodes while he was employed with General
Electric. For his achievement, Holonyak has earned the title of “Father of the
Light-Emitting Diode.” LED bulbs are much more energy-efficient than the
incandescent ones that have been used for decades, which waste 90 percent of
their energy consumption on generating heat. 
But until 2010, LED bulbs were bulky, costly, and unfeasible for anything
besides large industrial spaces. The bulbs use 20 percent of the energy of their
incandescent predecessors and can last 25,000 hours--with average use, that's
more than a decade. 
1. Long Lifespan.
2. Energy Efficiency.
3. Improved Environmental Performance.
4. The Ability to Operate in Cold Conditions.
5. No Heat or UV Emissions.
6. Design Flexibility.
7. Instant Lighting and the Ability to Withstand Frequent Switching.
8. Low Voltage Operation.
1. High up-front costs.
2. Transformer compatibility.
3. Potential color shifts over lamp life.
4. Performance standardization has not yet been streamlined.
5. Overheating can cause reduced lamp life.
70: Tesla powerwall 
The Powerwall stores electricity for solar self-consumption, time of use load
shifting, and backup power. The Powerwall was introduced with limited
production. Mass production started in early 2017 at Tesla's Giga Nevada
factory. As of May 2021, Tesla has installed 200,000 Powerwalls. Tesla's
Powerwall, launched in 2015, offers that ability with a high level of
sophistication, letting you program your usage to collect energy during off-
peak hours, then consume it at peak times. As states begin to implement
energy pricing that varies based on time of use--California, Arizona, and
Massachusetts already have--that means it will save you even more money
while also putting less stress on local power plants.
1. Power through the night, the most widely known benefit of the
Tesla Powerwall is to produce all of your electricity without using
energy from your local energy company
2. Avoid surging electric prices
3. Monitor your energy usage
4. Protect your home
1. Not Very Eco-Friendly. If you are storing all of your power, none will
get sent to the grid.
2. Expensive. The cost of solar batteries is still high, not all homeowners
can afford them
3. May Not Pay Itself off (Limited ROI)

71.Cut the rope

Cut the Rope is a Russian series of physics-based puzzle video games
developed by the Russian entertainment company ZeptoLab for several
platforms and devices.

1. Well-designed, creative, and challenging levels are fun and endlessly

1. Ads and in-app purchases abound, and learning potential is limited.
72. Remote
The first remote intended to control a television was developed by Zenith
Radio Corporation in 1950. The remote, called "Lazy Bones," was connected to
the television by a wire. A wireless remote control, the "Flashmatic," was
developed in 1955 by Eugene Polley.
1. The ability to collect information over large spatial areas; to
characterize natural features or physical objects on the ground; to
observe surface areas and objects on a systematic basis and monitor
their changes over time; and the ability to integrate this data with
1. Isolation. It's easy for employees to feel like they're part of a company's
bigger picture when they're in the office and brainstorming with
coworkers every day
2. Decreased Employee Visibility
3. Decreased Work/Life Balance
4. Lack of Relationships Among Coworkers
5. Increased Distractions.

73: Dropbox
Dropbox was founded in 2007 by MIT students Drew Houston and Arash
Ferdowsi as a startup company, with initial funding from seed accelerator
Y Combinator.
1. The main advantage of Dropbox is that it is completely free. There
are no upfront charges or any additional charges once you start using
the service.
2. When you register for a Dropbox account, you automatically get 2
gigabytes (GB) of storage space. This is a good amount of storage

1. Dropbox unfortunately fails to provide users with the latest
technology for searches. The biggest letdown is the lack of metadata
search functionality.
2. Metadata is information about a file, such as the date it was created.
A cloud storage system depends being able to store large amounts of
data and files.
3. Really is the perfect cloud storage solution.

74: The snoo

But they underscore the stakes in producing connected devices and the
importance of getting security right. The Snoo is designed specifically to
combat sudden infant death syndrome, according to its maker, the Happiest
Baby Company, which launched Snoo in 2016.
1. SNOO boosts sleep for everyone
2. SNOO gives parents the peace of mind that their babies are safely
secured all night long and for all naps
3. SNOO lets parents work uninterrupted while it automatically calms
their baby's fussing (often in under a minute)

1. The price. This is by far the biggest con, it's $1400 for a bassinet and I
know that is a really high price tag
2. It's pretty heavy. I will say, I have traveled with the SNOO – I love it
that much
3. There's no storage
4. It doesn't work for all babies

75: Personal digital assistant

The forefather of the modern mobile phone, the personal digital assistant
offered limited access to a lot of modern capabilities we've come to expect,
including internet access, word processing, touchscreen functionality and
more. They quickly became obsolete when smartphones started to gain favor,
but before that time they were a firm favorite with businessmen across the

Advantages of PDA
1. Availability – One of the primary preferences of possessing a PDA is the
capacity to stay in contact with individuals through email, text
informing and telephone
2. Association – Another advantage of possessing a PDA is expanded
3. Status
4. Broad Internet Connectivity 
Disadvantages of PDA
1. Cost – One of the greatest hindrances of a PDA is the expense.
2. Interruption – PDAs may likewise turn into an interruption when
they're not satisfying an authentic need.
3. Restricted in Scope – PDAs are restricted in degree.
4. Time constraint

76: Huge advances of VR in Classrooms:

This decade brought us a new wave of virtual reality gadgets that have totally
changed how we interact with tech and the world around us. One of the
biggest players in the VR space, Oculus (a division of Facebook), came to the
stage in 2012, introducing its first product—a VR headset called the Oculus
Rift—a year later in 2013. The company has since launched a number of
additional headsets that have been used in many applications.
1. Provides Outstanding Visualizations That Aren’t Possible In The
Traditional Classroom.
2. Creates Interest.
3. Increases Students' Engagement.
4. Doesn’t Feel Like Work.
5. Improves The Quality Of Education In Different Fields.
1. Deteriorates Human Connections.
2. Lack Of Flexibility. 
3. Functionality Issues.
4. Addiction To The Virtual World.
5. Quite Expensive.

77: Electric cars (Tesla)

Electric vehicles have been around for many years. But what makes
Tesla unique is the way it caught the attention of the car lovers around
the world. The Model S helped shift focus from a compact hatch-back to
a luxurious five-door vehicle. Elon Musk’s star status only added to the
allure of electric cars.

Recently, Tesla’s autopilot feature has come under much scrutiny

following several fatal accidents, in which the driver increasingly relied
on the technology and did less of actual driving. That hasn’t deterred the
company from spurring innovation in the electric vehicle market. The
EVs are still a small slice in the large
 No Gas Required. Electric cars are entirely charged by the
electricity you provide, meaning you don't need to buy any gas
ever again. ...
 More Convenient. ...
 Savings. ...
 No Emissions. ...
 Popularity. ...
 Safe to Drive. ...
 Cost-Effective. ...
 Low Maintenance.
 More costly to buy.
 Lose value more quickly.
 Patchy public charging network (BEVs and PHEVs)
 Often cost more to insure.
 The range is often limited (BEVs)
 Sometimes no more frugal than a normal car (HEVs and PHEVs)
 Can take a long time to charge (BEVs)

78: Food discovery and delivery (Zomato,

Swiggy, Uber Eats)
Zomato, Swiggy and Uber Eats have changed the way we look for
restaurant recommendations, find menus and order food. Through its
app, Zomato suggests restaurants based on user rating. The food
aggregator also showcases pictures of the restaurant and the food menu
for the potential customer to make a decision to dine-in or not.
Swiggy and UberEats have consolidated the food-delivery market by
bringing newly-launched and existing restaurants onto their platforms.
According some news reports, Uber is in talks to sells its delivery
business in India. The talks were earlier reported by TechCrunch, which
said a deal would value the India business of Uber Eats at $400 million.
In India, Uber Eats has been struggling in a fiercely competitive market
where Swiggy and Zomato are well established.
1. Expand your customer base.
2. Convenient.
3. Variety of options.
4. Multiple payment methods.
5. Cost-effective promotions.
1. Quality of food may suffer.
2. Food delivery services are often late.
3. Food may get cold.
4. Not the same personal touch as in a restaurant.
5. Person who delivers food may not be trustworthy.
6. Food delivery may cost some money.
7. You may get lazy.
8. Food delivery may contribute to social isolation

79: Netflix
Netflix, in full Netflix, Inc., media-streaming and video-rental company
founded in 1997 by American entrepreneurs Reed Hastings and Marc
Randolph. It is also involved in the creation of original programming.
Advantages of Netflix

 With Netflix, you can watch any content at any place and at any
time. The quality of content on Netflix is really amazing. One can
take his pick from various genres like action, drama, comedy or
TV shows and documentaries and enjoy watching it on HD.08-Jan-
Disadvantages of Netflix.
1. Limited Regional Selections.
2. An Outdated Library. ...
3. Internet Requirements. ...
4. Data Cap Consumption. ...
5. No Ownership of Media. ...
6. Subscription Value. ...
7. Loss of Channel Surfing.

Founded by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon, Spotify actually started as a
small start-up in Stockholm, Sweden. They developed the platform in 2006 as
a response to the growing piracy problem the music industry was facing
1. Create a Spotify Playlist. ...
2. Assisted Playlisting. ...
3. Organize Playlists in Folders. ...
4. Discover and Save. ...
5. Daily Mixes. ...
6. Download Music and Podcasts to Listen Offline. ...
7. Data Saver Mode. ...
8. Create Collaborative Playlists.
 Shuffle. One of the major drawbacks of the free version of Spotify
is that you are stuck with the shuffle-only mode, meaning you
cannot select and play a particular song in the playlist. ...
 Skip tracks. ...
 Listen offline. ...
 Music bitrate. ...
 Unwanted Ads.


Originally launched as Android Pay, the service was released at Google
I/O 2015. Android Pay was a successor to and built on the base
established by Google Wallet which was released in 2011. It also used
technology from the carrier-backed Softcard—Google had acquired its
intellectual property in February 2015.
 Increased sales: Faster, easier checkouts in stores can lead to
more store visits, more time spent shopping, and more money
spent by customers. When customers use Google Pay to make
purchases online, they aren't redirected to a third-party site and
stay within your checkout flow for the entire transaction.
 It's not always accepted. Let's face it. ...
 It's not invincible. Despite the multilayers of security features that
Google Pay has, it's still not invincible. ...
 Limited only to NFC technology. ...
 All transactions are tied to your device.
The service was announced at Apple's iPhone 6 event on September 9,
2014. At its announcement, Apple CEO Tim Cook described the magnetic
stripe card payment process as broken for its reliance on plastic cards'
"outdated and vulnerable magnetic interface", "exposed numbers", and
insecure "security
 Apple Pay is safer than using a physical credit, debit, or prepaid
card. Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode are required for
purchases on your iPhone, Apple Watch, Mac, or iPad. Your card
number and identity aren't shared with merchants, and your
actual card numbers aren't stored on your device or on Apple
 Limited use: Apple pay is available in iPhone 6 and above and iPad
2 or higher versions.

83: Twitter
Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan
Williams in March 2006 and launched in July of that year.
 Twitter is one the largest social networks on the internet, It is a
free Social Network & very easy to join, you can start tweeting to
promote your work or share your ideas & thoughts, You can
expand your business or website's audience, It is easy to make the
new contacts on Twitter, even outside the circle of friends, ...
 However, limitations, spamming and the social networking site's
addictive power are common disadvantages many subscribers
encounter on a daily basis.
 Posting Limits. Twitter limits each tweet to 140 characters. ...
 Follower Limitations. ...
 Spamming. ...
 Addictive.
 Acceptance: Not all retailers use mobile payment terminal thus,
you have to carry your wallet to do shopping.
84: Google Drive
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by
Google. Launched on April 24, 2012, Google Drive allows users to store
files in the cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files.
 Google Drive gives you the power to upload and save a range of
file types — documents, photos, audio, and videos — to Google
servers, or the "cloud." Drive can serve as a backup solution, or as
a way to free up space on your device.
 One of the major cons of Google Drive is the potential security
risks. There is no password protection feature in Google Drive to
give an extra layer of security to files. ... Once the Google Drive
link is given out, anyone with access to it can use it. That's a
major Google Drive drawback.
 History. Perhaps the first front-facing camera on a hand-held
device was the Game Boy Camera, released in Japan in February
1998. The Game Boy Camera was an attachment for Game Boy.
The first front-facing camera phone was the Kyocera Visual
Phone VP-210, released in Japan in May 1999.
 It boosts self-confidence: Those who suffer from low self-esteem
and confidence level take the help of selfies and social m
 ‘edia to boost their confidence.
1. The biggest disadvantage of the selfie is that it is very risky
because people, especially youngsters, try to take selfies in
dangerous locations and there have been many cases all over the
world where many people have died due to trying to take the
perfect selfie
Zhang Yiming is a 36-year-old Chinese internet entrepreneur who is
behind successful internet based programmes - though most notably
2. Endless Entertainment
3. Tik Tok can make you Famous
4. Everyone and Anyone Can Edit Tik Tok Videos
5. The Mega Fan Base and Following
6. A suitable Option for Business Promotion
Hangout with your Groupies
You Need Not have specific skills
1. Fake Accounts and Scams
2. Clickbait Methods
3. Email Scams
4. Overuse and Addiction
5. Offensive Content and Hate Speeches
6. Time Wastage
7. Harassment Tool


Brown and Spiegel then pulled in Bobby Murphy, who had experience
coding. The three worked closely together for several months and
launched Snapchat as "Picaboo" on the iOS operating system on July 8,
7. Another of the advantages of Snapchat is that it’s great for visually
promoting your brand or products. With the use of geofilters and
text, your posts can be powerful in creating your brand and take
the attention across social media
8. Snapchat is at a great disadvantage by not having a re-sharing
feature. Dissimilar to various other social platforms, it doesn’t
allow content sharing with others.
China's quantum supremacy reigns supreme. A team of Chinese scientists has
developed the most powerful quantum computer in the world, capable of
performing at least one task 100 trillion times faster than the world's fastest
9. The advantage of quantum computers lies in their ability to tackle
incredibly complex tasks that would take a normal computer
millions of years. One such task is simulating molecules'
behaviour to improve predictions about the properties of
prospective new drugs and accelerate their development
10. Quantum computers are exceedingly difficult to engineer,
build and program. As a result, they are crippled by errors in the
form of noise, faults and loss of quantum coherence, which is
crucial to their operation and yet falls apart before any nontrivial
program has a chance to run to completion
89: OraQuick
OraQuick is an at-home HIV test manufactured by Orasure Technologies and
approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 2012. It is
one of the two at-home HIV tests available with the other one named Home
Access HIV-1 Test System.
1. As when used on blood, the OraQuick test device can quickly and
reliably detect antibodies to HIV in oral fluid.
2. It can be stored at room temperature, requires no specialized
equipment, and takes the same amount of time to process (20 to
40 minutes).
3. It has slightly lower sensitivity and specificity rates than when
used with blood.
90: Google Play store:
Google Play store (previously Android Market) is a digital distribution service
operated and developed by Google. It serves as the official app store for the
Android operating system, allowing users to browse and download
applications developed with the Android software development kit (SDK) and
published through Google.
1. With the Google play instant, they deliver a streamline
application method so users can enjoy better efficiency from their
2. Google Play Instant allows android apps and games to launch on
users devices running Android 5.0 without being installed.
1. No regular prices.
2. Battery Consumption.
3. In some cases you need to install external apps to solve many
4. They have apps that disappear.
Also, they have apps that one day has a price and the next day they are free.

91: Wireless earbuds:

It was not too long ago that most people were still bound to their phones by
headphone wires, but Apple shook that up in 2016 with the introduction of
the Air Pods. Though wireless Bluetooth-enabled headphones were hardly a
novel concept at the time, they quickly rose to insane popularity and became
the mainstream wireless headphones by far. Thanks largely to their crystal
clear sound, their (mostly) problem-free connecting, and their quick charge
time, the Air Pods have basically taken over— even if they’ve also gotten their
fair share of mockery and meme action in the process.
1. Fewer Distractions. For starters, having two earbuds without an
interconnecting cable is a lot simpler of an equation than what we've
seen in the past.
2. Convenience
3. Extended Battery Life
4. Power Bank
5. Use Before Sleep
1. One of the major drawbacks of wireless headphones is the fact
that large obstructions between the transmitter and the headset might
cause the sound quality to drop, even if you are in the range. Such
obstructions may be either walls or other electronics that use the same
technology or the same frequency.
92: Freemium Digital Offerings:
Sure, Candy Crush might not be your idea of the most revolutionary piece of
tech to come out of the last 10 years, but you might want to take another look.
The three-match puzzle game has been hugely popular since its launch in
2012. The game’s popularity serves as an interesting case study in freemium
models turned major moneymakers. Five years after its launch, Candy Crush
downloads topped 2.73 billion, and the game had generated a whopping $250
million in revenue. Just one year after that, in 2018, Candy Crush alone made
$945 million, while the entire Candy Crush Saga which includes additional
games like Candy Crush Soda Saga and Candy Crush Friends Saga topped $1.5
1. No Usage Barrier. Today's consumers are bombarded with hundreds of
products to try
2. User Base. It is easy to get a large user base when you offer your product
for free.
3. Differential Pricing. The Freemium model can be profitable for some
4. Cost savings
1. Low free user to paid customer conversions rates meaning a high
percentage of free users never convert.
2. Incremental overhead & performance problems support for freemium
users can potentially be a large expense.

93: Centralize Work Communication:

In July 1876, Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated this experimental
telephone at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia to introduce his new
invention to the world. A centralized office, or headquarters, is a place where
company leaders work and make key strategic decisions in operating the
company. It means most critical decisions are made at the top level, as
opposed to in front line business units.
1. Information communication technology (ICT) has made it easier for
businesses to be automated allowing customers to contact them 24/7.
2. This means that a company can be opened anywhere, anytime, allowing
clients to make purchases from different countries. This makes business
easier and more convenient.
1. Lack of Privacy. You might think that a quick text or IM offers more
privacy than a telephone call in a crowded room.
2. Distraction from Real Life
3. Potential for Misunderstanding
4. Decline of Grammar and Spelling

94: Food discovery and delivery (Zomato,

Swiggy, Uber Eats):
Zomato, Swiggy and Uber Eats have changed the way we look for restaurant
recommendations, find menus and order food. Through its app, Zomato
suggests restaurants based on user rating. The food aggregator also
showcases pictures of the restaurant and the food menu for the potential
customer to make a decision to dine-in or not.
Swiggy and UberEats have consolidated the food-delivery market by bringing
newly-launched and existing restaurants onto their platforms. According
some news reports, Uber is in talks to sells its delivery business in India. The
talks were earlier reported by TechCrunch, which said a deal would value the
India business of Uber Eats at $400 million.
In India, Uber Eats has been struggling in a fiercely competitive market where
Swiggy and Zomato are well established.
1. Expand your customer base.
2. Convenient.
3. Variety of options.
4. Multiple payment methods.
5. Cost-effective promotions.
1. Quality of food may suffer.
2. Food delivery services are often late.
3. Food may get cold.
4. Not the same personal touch as in a restaurant.
5. Person who delivers food may not be trustworthy.
6. Food delivery may cost some money.
7. You may get lazy.
8. Food delivery may contribute to social isolation


The service was announced at Apple's iPhone 6 event on September 9, 2014.
At its announcement, Apple CEO Tim Cook described the magnetic stripe card
payment process as broken for its reliance on plastic cards' "outdated and
vulnerable magnetic interface", "exposed numbers", and insecure "security
1. Apple Pay is safer than using a physical credit, debit, or prepaid card.
Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode are required for purchases on your
iPhone, Apple Watch, Mac, or iPad.
2. Your card number and identity aren't shared with merchants, and your
actual card numbers aren't stored on your device or on Apple servers.
1. Limited use:
2. Apple pay is available in iPhone 6 and above and iPad 2 or higher


Originally launched as Android Pay, the service was released at Google I/O
2015. Android Pay was a successor to and built on the base established by
Google Wallet which was released in 2011. It also used technology from the
carrier-backed Softcard—Google had acquired its intellectual property in
February 2015.
1. Increased sales: Faster, easier checkouts in stores can lead to more store
visits, more time spent shopping, and more money spent by customers.
2. When customers use Google Pay to make purchases online, they aren't
redirected to a third-party site and stay within your checkout flow for
the entire transaction.
1. It's not always accepted. Let's face it. ...
2. It's not invincible. Despite the multilayers of security features that
Google Pay has, it's still not invincible. ...
3. Limited only to NFC technology. ...
4. All transactions are tied to your device.

97: Google Drive:

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by
Google. Launched on April 24, 2012, Google Drive allows users to store files in
the cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files.
1. Google Drive gives you the power to upload and save a range of
file types — documents, photos, audio, and videos — to Google
servers, or the "cloud."
2. Drive can serve as a backup solution, or as a way to free up space
on your device.
1. One of the major cons of Google Drive is the potential security risks.
There is no password protection feature in Google Drive to give an extra
layer of security to files. ...
2. Once the Google Drive link is given out, anyone with access to it can use
it. That's a major Google Drive drawback.

98: Laser Disc:

LaserDisc was one of those niche formats of technology that was mainly
popular among videophiles and film enthusiasts. Although it was the
first format of optical video storage, available from 1978, LaserDisc
failed to gain mainstream popularity due to the expense of the players.
LaserDisc offered higher-quality video than VHS and Betamax and the
technology behind it was the foundation for compact disc, DVD and Blu-
ray in later years. Despite never going mainstream, it wasn't until 2001
that the last video titles were released in this format and a total of 16.8
million LaserDisc players were sold worldwide.
LaserDisc players can provide a great degree of control over the
playback process. Unlike many DVD players, the transport mechanism
always obeys commands from the user: pause, fast-forward, and fast-
reverse commands are always accepted.

LD disadvantages were obvious. The physical Laserdisc was huge in
size, fragile, and heavy compared to VHS and DVD. LDs could only hold
30 to 60 minutes of content. Storage capacity was inferior to the
competition; VHS could hold up to 3.5 hours of video and today DVDs
can store anywhere from 4.7 to 9.4GB of data.

99: Encyclopedias:
Again this one isn't really a technology, but encyclopedias have been rendered
obsolete by technology, so that counts in our book. These fancy books were
essentially a fountain of all knowledge and facts that you could pick up and
soak up. That is until Google and Wikipedia came along of course. Now access
to information is a lot easier and it's much easier to look up exactly what
you're interested in as well, rather than having to thumb through an index. 

1. Depth. Encyclopedia entries are longer and more detailed than those in
most dictionaries.
2. Accuracy. Knowledgeable and experienced scholars work together in
order to research and organize error-free encyclopedias.
3. Clarity.
4. Readability and Format.
100: Michelin Airless “vision” Tire:
For over a century, Michelin has been committed to offering our customers
the best tire at the best price in each segment of the market and setting the
standard in quality of service. To help us progress together, our principles
must also be yours.
1. A technology that eliminates the risk of flats and rapid pressure loss and
reduces environmental impact. VISION eliminates the need for air with
a revolutionary structure capable of supporting the vehicle, while also
delivering a safe, comfortable ride.
2. Without air, flat tires and pressure loss are no longer an issue.

1. The air in the tires can often absorb impact of a hole or bump because of
its high suspension capabilities. On airless tires, the suspension would
be lower, resulting in a rougher ride.
2. Sure, your tires won't need to be checked, but your car certainly will.
This could cause more harm to your vehicle than good!

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