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Feature Report

Improving Control
Valve Performance
The control valve FIGURE 1.
Dead band and
resolution, il-
is a focal point for lustrated here,
are key static-
improvements to both Output response param-
eters for control

process performance b
a c

and economics a < resolution ≤ b

Input c ≤ dead band < d


James Beall Time

Emerson Process Management Dynamics are not shown

mprovements to the performance (such as plug, ball or disc) and other actual change in the valve flow coef-
of basic, regulatory control sys- valve accessories. Examples of valve ficient for all changes of the input sig-
tems have a great return on in- accessories include current to pres- nal to the valve. For example, the in-
vestment and are some of the least sure transducer (I/P), positioner, air board end of the shaft of a rotary valve
expensive control improvements to booster relay, dampener and air set. might move in response to a change
make [1]. Control valves have a major So, when a change of the input signal in the input to the control valve but
impact on control loop performance to the control valve occurs, the I/P and the actual flow coefficient might not
and, therefore, improvements in valve positioner must respond to move the change because shaft windup occurs
performance can have significant eco- actuator, which must move the motion and the valve closure member does
nomic benefits. This article shows how conversion mechanism, which must not move. In some cases the actuator
poor control-valve performance can move the stem or shaft, which must position may be used to measure the
be identified and corrected to achieve move the closure member, which must control valve response and this adds
these benefits. A plant example is change the flow coefficient. As you yet another potential discrepancy be-
used to demonstrate these methods. can see, there is a lot of opportunity tween the input to the control valve
In addition to corrective actions, for problems. and the actual change in the valve
comprehensive control-valve speci- The key to control valve performance flow coefficient. However, it is impor-
fications, based on process require- is creating a measurable change in tant to note that the response of the
ments for new applications, can flow through the valve in response valve flow coefficient can be no better
provide quicker plant startups and to small, input step changes (1% and than that of the stem, shaft or actua-
immediate economic savings. less). A change in flow indicates that tor position.
the valve’s flow coefficient has actu-
The control valve system ally changed in response to a change Control valve performance
In this article, the control valve is con- in the input signal. If the actual flow The performance of a control loop will
sidered to be a dynamic system, from through the control valve is not avail- be limited by the poorest performing
the input signal through to the flow able or is not measured, then the valve component in the loop, such as the
coefficient that determines the fluid stem, shaft or actuator movement may transmitter, the controller tuning or
flowrate through the pipe. The con- be used to estimate the response of the the final control element. Note that
trol valve system includes the valve, valve. However, the movement of the for most control loops, the final control
actuator, motion conversion mecha- valve stem, shaft or actuator may not element is a control valve. One study
nism, stem or shaft, closure member be an accurate representation of the of over 5,000 control loops revealed
Chemical Engineering October 2010 41
Feature Report

39 variation
Initial overshoot to 38.11 = 23% Final steady state ~ 20%
average values
input = 37.84, stem = 37.65
38 Stem
Input, stem %

Input Variation of
valve position
37 Travel gain = 0.91 represents
Time to steady state, Tss = 18.3 s variation
in flow to
86.5% of response, T86 = 2.06 s downstream
Dead time Td =1.6 s
Initial steady state average values, input and stem = 35.67
0 10 20 30 ~ 120 days
Time, s

FIGURE 2. This graphs shows the re- FIGURE 4. In the plant example, the re-
sponse of a control valve to a step input actor level was not well-controlled
(reprinted with permission from EnTech
Control Valve Dynamic Specification V3.0) R-1 LC-1
movement of the output is observed”
[3]. Resolution will cause the control
that poor control-valve performance valve to move in discrete steps in re-
negatively impacted control loop per- sponse to small, step input changes in
formance on 30% of these loops [2]. the same direction. This occurs as the
Important aspects of control valve valve travel sticks for the amount of
performance include the static re- resolution after completing the previ-
sponse, the dynamic response and the ous step in the same direction. Simi-
valve trim size and flow characteris- R-2 lar to dead band, a larger resolution
tics. The International Society of Au- will negatively impact control perfor-
tomation’s (ISA) technical reference, mance. Figure 1 illustrates dead band
ANSI-ISA-TR75-25-02, explains the and resolution.
concepts of control-valve static- and Dynamic response. The second as-
dynamic-response metrics [3]. ISA LV-2 pect of control valve performance
standard ANSI-ISA-75-25-01 is a test is the dynamic response. Dynamic
FIGURE 3. In this plant example, the
procedure to measure the static and level controller output went directly to response is the time-dependant re-
dynamic response of a control valve the control valve positioner sponse resulting from a time-varying
system [4]. However, this standard input signal [4], and includes dead
does not prescribe what response re- tion of the valve trim that moves to time, step response time and over-
quirements should be specified in change the flow through the valve. shoot. The ISA technical reference
order to achieve the desired control- If there is no signal characterization ANSI-ISA-TR75-25-02 [3] provides
valve performance for a particular ap- inside the valve system, the travel the following definitions for these dy-
plication. The EnTech Control Valve gain should be 1.0. In other words, namic response parameters:
Dynamic Specification V3.0 provides travel gain is a measure of how well • Dead time — The time after the ini-
guidance on specifying the static- and the valve system positions its closure tiation of an input change and before
dynamic-response parameters and the member compared to the input signal. the start of the resulting observable
valve trim size and flow characteris- Dead band is defined as “the range response
tics to achieve the desired process con- through which an input signal may be • Step response time — The interval of
trol performance [5]. varied, with reversal of direction, with- time between initiation of an input-
Static response. So, what are these out initiating an observable change signal step change and the moment
control-valve response parameters in output signal” [6]. With respect to that the dynamic response reaches
and what do they mean to process control valve performance, if the pro- 86.5% of its full, steady state value.
control performance? Static response cess controller attempts to reverse the The step response time includes
refers to measurements that are made position of the control valve, the valve the dead time before the dynamic
with data points that are recorded will not begin to move until after the response
after the device has come to a rest. Key controller output has reversed an • Overshoot — The amount by which
static-response parameters for control amount greater than the dead band. a step response exceeds its final,
valves include travel gain, dead band A large dead band will negatively im- steady state value (refer to Figure
and resolution [3]. Travel gain, Gx, is pact control performance. 24 of ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)).
the change in closure member position Another key static-response param- Usually expressed as a percentage of
divided by the change in input signal, eter is resolution. Resolution is defined the full change in steady state value
both expressed in percentage of full as “the smallest step increment of Figure 2 shows the dead time, step
span. The closure member is the por- input signal in one direction for which response time and overshoot for a
42 Chemical Engineering October 2010
R-1 Level
8% variation of level Change in slope
70 10 60
of level confirms LC-1
9.5 valve shaft rotation Level PV
50 9 50 LC-1
6 hours Output
~1% Offset
8.5 45
R-1 Level controller set point ~1% Dead band

Level, %

8 40 Actuator
60.01 ~0.4% Shaft rotation position
7.5 changes level slope
7 ~0.3% Shaft rotation Valve shaft
59.99 30
changes level slope position
6 hours
6.5 25
R-1 Level controller output
1% change in controller output 6 20
before level responds 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
11 Time, s

FIGURE 6. Tests of the control valve, LV-1, revealed a problem with positioner per-
9 formance, and excessive dead band and resolution
6 hours

LCV-1 Valve (actuator) position

and resolution. Region 2 is a highly non- Plant example
Note “spikes” in actuator position linear region that causes performance An actual plant example will be used
11 problems and should be minimized. Re- to illustrate some key aspects of con-
gion 3 is the range of input movements trol valve performance. In this ex-
that are important to control perfor- ample, a valve that is typically used
mance. The dynamic response param- for on-off applications was modified
6 hours
eters, dead time and response time, are to also perform as a throttling control
FIGURE 5. Trend plots suggest that the applicable in this region. Regions 1, 2, 3 valve. There are good on-off valves
control-valve closure member may not and 4 correspond to regions A, B, C and and there are good throttling valves,
be moving until the controller output has
moved more than 1% after a direction
D as defined in Ref. 5. but it is very difficult to have a valve
reversal that is good at both functions. Some
Process control issues of the characteristics of a good on-off
control valve response to a step input A very important aspect of process valve are as follows:
change. In this case, stem position in control is the process gain, which is • Low leakage shutoff
percent of travel is used as the control defined as the ratio of the change in • Line size (usually)
valve “output”. process variable to the change in con- • Compact and light weight
It is important to note that the dy- troller output that caused the change. • No positioner required
namic response of a control valve var- For good process control, it is desir- • Trim options not required (nor
ies depending upon the size of the input able for the process gain to be within available)
step change. Four “ranges” of step sizes a certain range and to be consistent • Actuation is usually open or closed
to help understand the static- and dy- throughout the operating range of the with little “positioning” capability
namic-response metrics are defined in valve. If the process gain is too high, • Less-expensive purchase price
the technical reference [3]: valve non-linearities are amplified by Some of the characteristics of a good
• Region 1 is defined as small input the process gain and process control throttling control valve are as follows:
steps that result in no measurable performance deteriorates. If the pro- • May have significant leakage when
movement of the closure member cess gain is too low, the range of con- closed
within the specified wait time trol is reduced. Changes in the pro- • The body is smaller than line size
• Region 2 is defined as the input step cess gain over the range of operation (usually)
changes that are large enough to re- result in poorly performing regions in • Valve and accessories require more
sult in some control-valve response the closed-loop controller response. space
with each input signal change, but Two characteristics of a control valve • Valve positioner is usually included
the response does not satisfy the impact the process gain: the size of • Various trim size and characteris-
requirements of the specified time the valve trim and the inherent flow tics available
and linearity characteristic of the valve. If the valve • Actuation has “positioning” capability
• Region 3 is defined as step changes trim is oversized, the process gain will • More expensive purchase price
that are large enough to result in be higher than it would be for an ap- In this plant example, the on-off valve
flow coefficient changes, which sat- propriately sized valve. The inherent was outfitted with a high-performance,
isfy both the specified maximum re- flow characteristic of the valve — typ- digital valve positioner and “tight fit-
sponse time and the specified maxi- ically linear, quick opening or equal ting” shaft-to-actuator keyways and
mum linearity percentage — will impact both the keys in an effort to provide good throt-
• Region 4 is defined as input steps magnitude and the consistency of the tling performance. The valve was used
larger than in Region 3 where the process gain over the operating range. for level control of a reactor where the
specified magnitude-response lin- Therefore, proper valve sizing and level controller output went directly to
earity is satisfied but the specified trim characteristics are important in the control valve positioner as shown
response time is exceeded achieving good control-valve and pro- in Figure 3. In this process, it is im-
Region 1 is directly related to dead band cess-control performance. portant to control the level in reactor
Chemical Engineering October 2010 43
Before After
Digital valve
positioner measures Keyway Keyway
“actuator shaft”
position for feedback
Actuator shaft Actuator shaft
Key Custom key
actuator Scotch-yoke assembly Coupling Coupling
converts linear motion
to rotary motion Keyway Keyway
Actuator shaft Keys
“Keyed” coupling Position transmitter (ZT) 5/8 in.
3/8 in. setscrew
attached to valve shaft setscrew
to detect actual valve Keyway Keyway
Valve shaft shaft rotation


Valve body Keyway 1/2 in. Keyway 1/2 in.

setscrew setscrew
Valve Valve
Key shaft Key Key shaft Key

Note – Drilled access holes to all 3 setscrews so

that they could be tightened from 0 to 20% position.

FIGURE 7. Many of the features of this control valve FIGURE 8. Improvements were made to the actuator coupling sys-
construction were appropriate for on-off valve perfor- tem on the control valve, LV-1
mance, but were inherently problematic for throttling
R-1 to maintain a consistent residence tect a change in the actual flow coef- cause dead band. When the valve was
time. It is also important to avoid ficient of the valve. The response of initially built, set screws had been used
large changes in the flow from R-1 to the actuator position, the valve shaft to press into the keys in an attempt to
R-2 that will upset the R-2 level. The and the change in flow coefficient can reduce slippage between the coupling
control valve, LV-1, provided tight be compared to the input signal. The and the shafts. Another source of dead
shutoff as desired, but the control per- input signal to the control valve (the band in this design is the scotch-yoke
formance of the level loop was poor output of the controller) was stepped assembly that converts the linear mo-
and caused level disturbances and in increments of 0.1% and 0.2% with tion of the actuator to the rotary mo-
unplanned reactor shutdowns. Figure a reversal in direction. Figure 6 shows tion of the actuator shaft. By design,
4 shows the poor performance of the a plot of key variables during the test. the scotch-yoke assembly must have
reactor level control. The test revealed that the actuator clearance between the moving parts,
One of the first questions that arose position was “hunting” with about a but clearance creates dead band [7].
in this plant example was whether or 0.3% peak-to-peak magnitude. Fur- Note that the position of the actua-
not the level controller, LC-1, was prop- thermore, the valve shaft response tor shaft, not that of the valve shaft,
erly tuned. The tuning was checked exhibited a dead band of about 0.8% is used for position feedback to the
and, although it was not optimum, it and a resolution of about 0.2%. Since digital valve positioner. Thus, the po-
was not the source of the level varia- the control valve was only operating sitioner will measure the position of
tions. A closer look at the trends of the at 8–10% of its capacity, 1% of com- the actuator shaft and is unaware of
LC-1 process variable and output as bined dead band and resolution is a the fact that the valve shaft position
well as the actuator position in Figure very large non-linearity. And, for a may differ from the actuator shaft by
5 suggests that the control-valve clo- process with an integrating response, as much as 1%.
sure member may not be moving until the presence of a dead band will cause Many of the features of this control-
the controller output has moved more a continuous limit cycle in the level valve construction were appropriate
than 1% after a direction reversal. In and the flow through the valve. In for on-off valve performance, but were
other words, the control valve had a summary, this test revealed a problem inherently problematic for throttling
combined dead band and resolution of with positioner performance and ex- performance. In summary, the inves-
approximately 1%, which represents cessive dead band and resolution. The tigation revealed the following prob-
10% of rate since the valve is operat- tuning test performed earlier showed lems with the valve:
ing at about 10% of full travel. that the process gain was excessively • Oversized valve creates high pro-
Testing the control valve. A special high, which amplified the control valve cess gain, which amplifies valve
test apparatus was installed on the problems. The fact that the valve only non-linearities
control valve to measure the rotation operated at 8–10% of its capacity in- • Slack in actuator-to-valve shaft cou-
of the valve shaft. The valve design dicates that it is oversized, which con- pling, which creates dead band
was such that the valve closure mem- tributed to the high process gain. • Slack in the scotch yoke assembly,
ber, a disc, was solidly attached to the The role of control-valve construc- which results in dead band
valve shaft and the shaft was large in tion. Figure 7 shows details of the • Poor tuning in digital valve posi-
diameter so that shaft windup should construction of the control valve and tioner, which results in excessive
not be significant. Assuming there its actuator. The construction has dead band, resolution and a varia-
were no other process disturbances several characteristics that can cause tion in travel gain
during the test, the slope of the level dead band. First, any clearance in the The solution. The recommended so-
process variable can be used to de- key ways and keys in the coupling will lution for this plant example was to
44 Chemical Engineering October 2010
After improvements Fisher Controls International
Before improvements


Reactor The reactor A high-performance,
level level control segmented-ball control-
improved valve system, similar to
with interim the one pictured here,
control-valve provided better level
improve- performance
~ 50% less ments
variation in
valve position
and flow to

~ 120 days

replace the control valve with one that The complete recommended solu- a 10% production-rate increase and a
is properly sized and has better throt- tion was to replace the original 18-in. significant economic benefit.  ■
tling control performance and suf- valve with a 12-in. high-performance, Edited by Dorothy Lozowski
ficient on-off characteristics (in this segmented-ball, throttling control
case a tight shut-off). And, the valve valve with a spring and diaphragm Author
James Beall is a principal
positioner should be tuned properly actuator. This control valve system, process control consultant at
for the optimum response. similar to the one shown in Figure 10, Emerson Process Manage-
ment (12301 Research Blvd.,
In an effort to provide more immedi- is specifically designed for throttling Research Park Plaza, Bldg.
ate improvement in the reactor level applications. A high-performance, III, Austin, TX, 78759; Phone:
903–235–7935; Email: James.
control, the following interim improve- digital valve positioner was included with 29
ments were made to the control valve: and was properly tuned to achieve years of experience in process
control. His areas of expertise
reduce the slack in the actuator cou- the optimum performance. The new include process instrumenta-
pling system; and improve the tuning control valve provided even better re- and design, controltion, control strategy analysis
optimization, control valve
of the digital valve positioner. To re- actor level performance1 and
VirtoElcan_2:Layout allowed 2:15
11/10/09 performance
PM Pageand advanced
1 process control.
duce the slack in the actuator coupling
system, new keys were machined with
a tighter fit in the keyways. Then, ad-
ditional and larger set screws were
installed in the coupling to press on
the keys. Figure 8 shows the changes
is now
made to the actuator coupling system.
The valve positioner was tuned to pro-
vide a faster response time, improve The BEST screening machines
its travel-gain performance and to re-
duce the tendency to hunt or oscillate. just got BETTER!
The interim efforts to improve the
control valve performance were benefi- • Eliminates Blinding
cial and helped to improve the reactor-
• Superior throughputs
level-control performance and reduce
the frequency of unplanned reactor • Increased efficiencies
trips due to level control disturbances. • Exceptional Performance on
Figure 9 shows the reactor’s level con- Dense Powders Damp feeds
trol performance before and after the Liquids/Slurries Sticky materials
interim improvements were made.
• Screening down to 10 microns

1. Tolliver, Terry, Process Analysis for Improved
Operation and Control, Fisher-Rosemount
Systems Advanced Control Seminar, 1996.
2. Bialkowski, W. L., Dreams Versus Reality, A View
From Both Sides of the Gap, Keynote Address,
Control Systems ’92, Whistler, British Columbia,
1992, published Pulp Pap. Can. 94(11), 1993.
3. ANSI-ISA-TR75-25-02-2000 Control Valve
Response Measurement from Step Inputs
4. ANSI-ISA-75-25-01-2000 Test Procedure for 325 Waverly Avenue • Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Control Valve Response Measurement from
Step Inputs.
5. EnTech Control Valve Dynamic Specification V3.0.
6. ANSI/ISA 51.1-1979 (R1993) Process Instru-
1 800 AT ELCAN • 914-381-7500
mentation Terminology.
7. Fitzgerald, Bill, “Control Valves for the Chemical •
Process Industries”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.
Circle 48 on p. 66 or go to
Chemical Engineering October 2010 45

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