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Activity Design

I. Identifying Information

Title of the Activity : Devolution Transition Plan (DTP) Formulation


Date & Duration of the :


Venue of Activity :

Target Participants : 7 (Barangay officials, resource persons and


Total Budget :

Source of Funds : Barangay Budget for Training and Seminars

Brief Description of Activity : This is a one-day formulation workshop of the

Devolution Transition Plan and its components as
mandated under EO 138

II. Rationale

Executive Order (EO) No. 138 issued by President Duterte paved the way for the
implementation of the Full Devolution of certain functions from the National
Government Agencies to the Local Government Units as prompted by the Supreme
Court ruling in Mandanas et al. v. Executive Secretary et al. which increased the
share of LGUs in the National Tax Allotment starting the year 2022.

The Local Government Code of 1991 mandates the devolution of basic services and
facilities to LGUs particularly in Section 16 ad 17 thereof. E.O. 138 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) mandate LGUs to prepare their
respective Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs), Capacity Development Agenda and
Communication Plans in preparation for the functions that will be fully assumed by
them come 2022. As such, they are given 120 days to formulate and submit the DTP
and its components.

To meet these requirements, there is a need to capacitate the concerned officials of

the barangay on the formulation of the DTP and integrate the same to the BDP, AIP
and Annual Budget hence, this proposal. Along this end, the LGU shall tap the DILG
as partner in the conduct of this activity particularly in the technical support needed
by the LGU.

III. Objectives

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Terminal Learning Objective:

At the end of the training, participants will be able to formulate the Devolution
Transition Plan of the LGU and its components.

Specific Learning Objective:

Specifically, at the end of the activity, the participants would be able to:

a.) Identify devolved functions that should be prioritized and included in the LGUs
DTP for the succeeding three (3) years of transition;
b.) Harmonize the DTP with existing priority thrusts of the PB and with existing
plans of the barangay and that of higher LGUs and the DTPs of concerned
NGAs for vertical alignment;
c.) Determine the resource requirements of the interventions integrated in the
DTP to ensure viability of implementation;
d.) Formulate the communication plan; and
e.) Adopt and approve the DTP and indorse it to the Sangguniang Barangay for
review and adoption.

IV. Target Participants

The primary target participants shall be composed of the following;

Pax Number Total

 Secretariat 2
 MPDC 1
DTC members
 PB, Barangay Secretary and Treasurer 3

V. Course Module/Contents

Time Topics/ Activities

08:30 AM – 09:00 AM Registration Secretariat

09:00 AM – 09:30 AM Opening Preliminaries

● Prayer
● Opening Message

09:30 AM – 10:00 AM Session 1: Overview on DILG

the DTP, its content and
legal bases and content

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Time Topics/ Activities
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Workshop 1. Inventory of DILG/MPDC
LGU Functions, Services
and Facilities (Annex E-2)
10:30 AM – 12:00 AM Workshop 2. Phasing of DILG/MPDC
Full Assumption of
Devolved Functions for
PCMs (Annex F-2)
Lunch Break
01:00 PM – 2:30:00 PM Workshop 3: CapDev DILG/MPDC
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM Ways forward DILG
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Wrap Up

VI. Methodology

The success of the activity shall depend on the employment and administration of
the following methodologies:

 Lecture discussion will be employed to equip the participants with the

necessary information on the training topics using audio-visual presentation,
and provision of reference materials; and
 Open Forum will be utilized to address the queries, issues, and concerns of
the participants on the topics discussed

VII. Venue and Date of Implementation

The activity will be conducted on ______________ at the _______________.

VIII. Strategy of Implementation

The Department of Interior and Local Government will manage and lead the
implementation of the activity. To properly and safely conduct of the orientation,
minimum health standard protocols shall be strictly observed/ensured.

The MLGOO shall be tapped as resource speaker.

IX. Expected Outputs

A terminal report on the activity shall be crafted and submitted as attachment for
liquidation of funds. All outputs shall also be collected and consolidated for
finalization and approval

X. Budgetary Requirements. The expenses for the activity shall be charged to the
LGU funds subject to its availability and to the accounting rules and regulations.

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Particulars Total Cost
Snacks and Meals: 7 pax X Php 350 Php 2,450.00
TOTAL Php 2,450.00

Prepared by:

Barangay Secretary

Certified as to the Availability of Funds

Barangay Treasurer


Punong Barangay

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