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Painting of protection and sealing


The MEDIMPER is a painting with high Coating of swimming pools

performances containing chlorinated polymers. Coating of frontage
It is presented in the form of viscous liquid Protection of works out of concrete or metal
solution. (Steel, TN40, coated sheet…)
It is waterproof and can be applied to all
supports: concrete, products ceramic, natural INSTRUCTIONS
stones, metal surfaces, etc
Preparation of the support:
The support must dry and be removed from any
PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS trace of grease, oils, efflorescence, milt, dust
The MEDIMPER acts by pores filling and the A flatness of the support is advised.
capillary channels by forming a thin flexible and Consult us in order to avoid any incompatibility
tight film. of the MEDIMPER with existing coatings.
The MEDIMPER also makes possible to avoid Mix vigorously the MEDIMPER in its can before
the corrosion of the metal works. applying it to the roller or the brush.
Excellent impermeability
Anti-corrosive Consumption:
Dust-protecting Consumption is 300 to 400 g/m2, according to
Resisting the variations in temperature the porosity of the support.
Resisting sulphates Close again the can well after use.
Resisting sea water
Cans of 20 kg.
Color……………………………….. White or blue The product preserves 01 year safe from heat
Density ………………………………………..1,22 and humidity in its packing of origin closed
Viscosity ……………………...110 CF4 (at 20°C) hermetically.
Thinness …………………………………………8
Dry extracts………………………………….. 66% PRECAUTIONS FOR USE
Time of drying: Wash the hands well after use.
Dryness: 24h Clean the tools using a thinner epoxy
Hard: 48h MEDILUPOX.

Les renseignements donnés dans cette notice sont basés sur notre connaissance et notre expérience à ce jour.
Il est recommandé de procéder à des essais de convenance pour déterminer la fourchette d’utilisation tenant
compte des conditions réelles de chantier.

Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23 - E-mail:

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