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Gharuan, Mohali
Institute/Department: UIC
Division: BCA
Subject Name: Computer Graphics
Subject Code: CAT-302
Assignment No.: 2
Max. Marks: 20

Date of Allotment: 22-09-2019

Last date of Submission: 26-09-2019

Course Outcomes:
CO Title Level
CO1 Two Dimensional Viewing Understand
CO2 Basic 2D Transformation: Translation, Scaling and Rotation. Understand
CO3 2D Transformation: Reflection and Shearing Understand
CO4 Homogeneous Coordinates Understand

Questions: Group 1
UID (17BCA1342, 17BCA1345, 17BCA1346, 17BCA1350, 17BCA1351, 17BCA1354,
17BCA1355, 17BCA1356, 17BCA1362, 17BCA1363, 17BCA1364, 17BCA1368)
Sr. Question CO Number
1. a) Prove that two scaling transformation are commutative i.e. CO2
S1.S2 = S2.S1
b) Describe the transformation ML which reflects an object about a
line L
2. Rotate a triangle with coordinates (250,150), (200,200) and CO2
(350,200) to 90 degrees in anticlockwise about (a) Origin (b)
fixed point (350,200).
3. Reflect the rectangle with coordinates A(100,100), B(400,100), CO3
C(100,150) and D(400,150) with respect to y-axis.
4. Reflect a polygon whose vertices are A(2,0), B(3,3), C(2,-2) D(0,0) CO4
and E(0,1) about a line y=x+5 using homogeneous coordinates.
5. What do you mean by window to viewport mapping? Explain in CO1
Questions: Group 2
UID (17BCA1371, 17BCA1381, 17BCA1384, 17BCA1389, 17BCA1390, 17BCA1391,
17BCA1401, 17BCA1404, 17BCA1409, 17BCA1412, 17BCA1414, 17BCA1415,
Sr. Question CO Number
1. Prove that simultaneous shearing in both directions (X & Y CO3
direction) is not equal to the composition of pure shear along x-
axis followed by pure shear along y-axis.
2. Translate the square with points A(0,0), B(4,0),C(0,4) and D(4,4) , CO2
twice in x-direction and thrice in y-direction.
3. Write steps involved in general fixed point scaling? Hence scale a CO2
triangle A(0,0),B(5,0) & C95,5) to half its size .
4. What is the need of homogeneous coordinates? Derive the CO1
expression for viewport coordinate and from window
5. Perform a 450 rotation of the triangle A(0, 0), B(1, 1) and C(5, 2) CO2
(a) about the origin (b) about point (-1, -1). CO4

Questions: Group 3
UID (17BCA1427, 17BCA1438, 17BCA1443, 17BCA1446, 17BCA1453, 17BCA1454,
17BCA1456, 17BCA1458, 17BCA1459, 17BCA1460, 17BCA1467, 17BCA1468,
Sr. Question CO Number
1. Scale a triangle with vertices at original coordinates (100,100), CO2
(150,100), (120,130) by sx=2, sy=2, with respect to the origin.
Roughly plot the original and resultant triangles
2. Reflect a diamond shaped polygon whose vertices are A(-1,0), CO3
B(0,-2), C(1,0) and D(0,2) about horizontal line y=3.
3. Magnify the triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2) to CO2
twice its size while keeping C(5,2) fixed. CO4
4. Derive the transformation that rotates an object point about the CO2
origin and about a fixed point. Write the matrix representation for CO4
this rotation in homogeneous coordinates.
5. What do you mean by Transformation? Explain its types. CO2
Questions: Group 4
UID (17BCA1546, 17BCA1558, 17BCA159, 17BCA1319, 17BCA1419, 17BCA1470,
17BCA1471, 17BCA1480, 17BCA1491, 17BCA1494, 17BCA1496, 17BCA1504,
17BCA1523, 17BCA1528)
Sr. Question CO Number
1. Translate a circle with centre at original coordinates (100,100) and CO2
radius=50 by sx=2, sy=2, with respect to the origin. Roughly plot CO4
the original and resultant triangles
2. Perform a 45 degree rotation of triangle A(0,0),B(1,1),C(5,2) CO2
a) about the origin CO4
b) about a point (-1,-1)
3. Magnify the triangle with vertices A(1,1), B(2,2) and C(4,5) to CO2
twice its size while keeping C(4,5) fixed. CO4
4. Derive an expression for a given world coordinates( , ) of an CO1
arbitrary point to its corresponding normalized device
coordinates ( , ). Also express this window to viewport
mapping in the form of composite transformation matrix.
Let’s represent 2D translation as TR(x,y), rotation as R(θ), scale as CO2
5. S(sx, sy). Please write down the series of transformations produces CO4
the reflection of a two dimensional point about an arbitrary line y =
3x+5? Show the 2D transformation matrix (using homogeneous
coordinate system) of this transformation.

Questions: Group 5
UID(17BCA1532, 17BCA1544, 17BCA1545, 17BCA1552, 17BCA1555, 17BCA1557,
17BCA1565, 17BCA1566, 17BCA1569, 17BCA1570, 17BCA1572, 17BCA1575,
17BCA1579, 17BCA1580, 17BCA1581)
Sr. Question CO Number
1. Translate the square ABCD whose co-ordinate are A(0,0), b(3,0), CO2
C(3,3), D(0,3) by 2 units in both direction and then scale it by 1.5 CO4
units in x direction and 0.5 units in y direction.
2. Reduce the size of triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(5,5) and CO2
C(10,5) while keeping C(10,5) fixed with Sx=1 and Sy=0.5. CO4
3. Define the following: CO1
a) World Coordinate System
b) Normalized Device Coordinate System
c) Clipping Window
d) Viewport
e) Window to viewport mapping
4. Translate the square ABCD whose co-ordinate are A(0,0), b(3,0), CO2
C(3,3), D(0,3) by 2 units in both direction and then scale it by 1.5 CO4
units in x direction and 0.5 units in y direction.
Perform a 90 degree rotation of triangle A(0,0), B(2,2), C(6,3) CO2
5. a) about the origin CO4
b) about a point (1,1)
Questions: Group 6
UIC (17BCA1584, 17BCA1585, 17BCA1589, 17BCA1590, 17BCA1591, 17BCA1593,
17BCA1595, 17BCA1600, 17BCA1601, 17BCA1602, 17BCA1603, 17BCA1607,
17BCA1608, 17BCA1611, 17BCA1612)
Sr. Question CO Number
1. Define window and viewport. Educate the transformation of a CO2
point (3,7 )on window of size (200,200) to viewport of size CO4
2. Give the series of basic transformation matrices that transform the CO2
triangle with vertices CO4
A = (3,-3), B = (7,-3) and C = (5, 3) into the triangle A' =
(1,-2), B' = (1,-4) and C' = (-5,-3).
Ensure that A maps to A', B maps to B' and C maps to C'.
3. Magnify the triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(7,4) to CO2
twice its size while keeping C(7,4) fixed. CO4
4. Find the normalization transformation that maps a window whose CO1
lower left corner is at (1, 1) and upper right corner is at (3, 5) onto
(a) a viewport that is the entire normalized device screen.
(b) a viewport that has lower left corner is at (0, 0) and upper right
corner is at (1/2, 1/2)
Reduce the size of triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2) CO2
5. to half of its size while keeping C(5,2) fixed. CO4

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