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Geo Kozmos

Nijinsky in Casablanca (1998) /the original version’s experts from 91-94/

Béla Balázs, 1915. 22.12: "Men's jury" on Saturdays .... The first one was
so successful .... Gyuri Lukács, Hauser, Mannheim, Emma Ritoók ... It
should be noted, but I had no energy ... so that their saliva drips after
100 years. ”
Aunt Emma's diary p. 53. March 3, 1919 / Széchenyi Library, Manuscript /:
“Last spring, 1914, I was abroad in Barcelona - heading south! - and these
foreign journeys, as a rule, re-aroused my philosophical interest, there
were not many at home with whom I could constantly discuss such
matters. ... However, these Jewish boys, when they were at home, did not
lose sight of us, we argued a lot ... and they never felt disdain for men
like most Christian men, and I had almost a decisive say on social and
ethical issues. ... Every Sunday night we met at Bela Balázs ... our
spiritual leader ... György Lukács, a blond-red, degenerate-looking, fine
but well-mannered, well-educated and intelligent Jew whose whole family was
Christian. "
Great-great-nephew of Emma R., Emma R.:
Aunt Emma, my father's aunt's aunt, was famous for many things in our
family. On the one hand, he wrote popular novels, of course. On the other
hand, he belonged to a group of famous people: Ady, Béla Balázs, and Ernst
Bloch, his companion for many years. But more often I have heard praise for
the introduction of the decimal book system used in England in Hungarian
libraries. She is a corporate queen, a member of charities, a member of a
European family of officials, a friend of liberal and Jewish poets, and
And then the word was diverted, and I didn't understand why, until it came
to light: at the end of his life he became a persuasive anti-Semitic, and
he began to write poems on the subject, and now this sickness almost
obscures his other merits.

My father, Géza, once told me that Aunt Emma had not kept a diary for
years, that she was forced to hide the diary, because after 45 / Miss Emma
died on April 3, the day before the Russian victory, at the age of 77 / a
man may have had a problem with a well-known anti-Semitic aunt, he found it
better to bury her in the Buda garden of the writer.
But my grandmother had been to Siberia with her second husband, Uncle
Sanyi, more foresighted, though she had told Emma she had asked for it -
she had given a typed copy to her friend, the villainous gypsy, Uncle Ford
Gordovany. comes when you need to never. But Sa, as we called it, also
speculated that sooner or later, the grandchildren would be curious.
Aunt Emma didn't like the Jews? But what was wrong with them? What did he
know about them at all? I was particularly interested in this issue because
I was raised to be careful not to mention Jews - generally, religion.
I was forty when I started to calm down after a long, chaotic youth, and I
met Péter Gordovány, the godfather of the Gordovány co-president, who had a
big secret that his father / I think / half Gypsy, might have been
imprisoned, before the construction of their house, parents and
grandparents lived in a crate, with a manuscript in it, a long, spotty,
lilac-ink female handwriting educated in the last century. It just said

We sometimes jokingly say with my wife, the mother of my first child, that
Mrs Emma might have deliberately sent her Diary to the Gordoványian Empire,
telling her of her decision to become a "racist" ... And how did he become
convinced to encourage "married" Jewish relatives of the R. family to
Perhaps he was expecting a late grandson (for example, I) to come down to
the Gordovian Gypsy estate because of his Diary and to take a girl from
there - instead of marrying a member of his ancient tribe, hastening the
coming of the Messiah.

June 1, 1925 Berlin. R. Emma's Diary:

Bus station. Yellow lights. Yellow. Flags. Concrete. Iron railings. It's
dark. Oh, if I went to Palestine! I see Bloch's mustache. Liquid existence.
Her mom smiles. Sultry glasses, nice anyway. Sigh. At home the sparherdt's
hob was broken. And the sink drain. There is no ceiling in the kitchen.
Could these be signs that I'm not going to Bloch to Berlin? Throat. Sigh.
Israel? Straight up? Palestine ... Bloch's homeland, anyway. Would I go
with him? Mesu, my sister asks me not to leave. She's half alone in the
apartment behind the Prom - close to Wolf's, afraid of ghosts. There are no
ghosts in Feri Oscar Street, my dear sister, Mesuka. You do the brewing, I
don't stumble in the kitchen until I'm home.
"Where's the sight? What do you want to see?" (Hamlet)
Béla Balázs cheated on Eszter Löw. Me! Emma! Who are these Löws? The Löw
family was famous for its messianic legend. In the XX. The dancer-star
Nijinsky lived in their neighborhood in the 20th century / / Born in
1889. /

(Eszter Löw's nephew, Keller Goti was next door to Nijinsky Buda, I could
observe these Jews from them. Ask about Dr. S.'s perversions!)
The powerful intendant, Diaghilev, listens to them and they fall in love.
That is, he allegedly raped her. In l914, on a cruise on a foreign tour, a
young dancer called "God's dancer" is noticed by Romola, the Hungarian
Countess, who otherwise wears a solitaire card all the way. Romola had
heard from a Ruthenian girlfriend - myself, Emma - about the Prague legend
that fulfilled her wishes. There is only one stone to be laid on the tomb
of the famous miracle rabbi, Yehuda Löw, the "Lion of Judah".
Out of guilt for his heathen life (or childhood violence), Nijinsky
converts to God and asks my friend Romola's hand. They will be married on
the tour and will travel to Budapest in August l914. The dancer has since
been a prisoner of war - and for decades has been silent, motionless.
Romola is in despair. The still schizophrenic leans against the closet next
door. The wardrobe door breaks and a lot of old paper falls on the carpet.
Romola's girlfriend Emma picks one up and is shocked to see Rabbi Löw's
family tree dating back to 1440. What's lost will be there. Just to the
Rabbi Löw in Prague. Romola did not know that her neighbor, Keller Gota,
was Jewish, and now realizes that the blood of God's men, "wizards", is in
her blood, and may help her husband be freed from immobility. She and Emma
R., her friend, start studying tradition and find out that every card,
every number in the mascot means something.

That's when I started playing solitaire. I noticed that spades come out
very often. I looked it up: this card is the end of farsightedness, the
card of the series, and also the end of stillness. Clairvoyance? We're in
1925. I recommend Romola to Professor Jung, who draws his attention to a
new invention, television. They get such a machine - Nijinsky sees King
David dance, and after so many years starts dancing again. E major
polonaise, from Chopin. From Nijinsky's window, I see Eszter Löw's family
in a neighboring Serbian villa. Your sister. The forehead. Can a repentant
sinner be guilty? Only Jews know the answer.
     The cards start with the Fool. Sigh. Alef. What made Nijinsky think he
was "innocent"? Sigh. Alef. Thousand. We see a lot of people in the cinema
at once. And that they try not to make a mistake! Everyone hopes for
"survival" and "rescue." But this was only promised to the Eternal by whom
he "loves." This is what the name "David" originally meant. And "ben" / son
/ means "set-belonging". "Beloved." Friends. But who is this king of David?
Then watch. After all, his "son" is raised from "sin." What could this be?
"Then David gathered all the youth of Israel, thirty thousand men. David
departed and went with all the people of war to Baal Jehudah to bring from
there the ark of God, which was named after the name of the LORD of hosts
that were upon the cherubim. and they took him out of the house of
Abinadab, which was on the hill. And when they came to the threshing floor
of Nacon, Uzza came to the ark of God, and took the oxen, and stumbled.
/ Samuel II. 6: 1-1O /
And David was astonished.


György Lukács from the Free School of Spiritual Science / in Novák Z: The
Sunday Society Kossuth, 75 /: "It is not true what Emma Ritook says the
Sunday Circle was a Bolshevik congregation."
Aunt Emma, diary 1919: "According to Béla Fogarasi, Luke, under the
influence of Bloch, puts a damper on the philosophy of science and
grotesquely complicated and original schemes (Satanism, Escathology,
Messianism / builds his system ...) altruism, self-sacrifice, and silent
deepening — the ethics of knowledge — to rank them among those whom they
have likened to, the greatest. Their ideas are higher than the average
private tutor's, but loose, just witty, as humans are vain until the mania
of grandeur, dancing grotesque on the brink of journalism, mysticism, and
other powerful muscle. "

Great-great-nephew of Emma R., Emma R.:

Not much was left of R. Emma's diary. His niece Ella Ritoók gave it after
the war to her partner, later husband Sándor Gyurka. He gave it to a half
Gypsy friend, Feri Gordovány, who hid it in his cave. However, some records
remain - we know he went to the Pulszky's / s and met his famous dancer,
Nijinsky, and his mother-in-law, Emilia Márkus, / we know he once went to
"South" / maybe Cairo, maybe Palestine, Casablanca to other family members.
and there were logs of smaller events, bets, book fairs.

Aunt R. Emma, l925. Diary:

The train is scrambling. The guide is coming. We have already left the
Tatras behind us. Scent of pine. Bells. Chapel on the hillside. Blonde
peasant women in rocking skirts. Tunnel. In the coupe, the pipe of that
lake's brother smokes. A nunessess sits here with us. And a bearded
galician with a beard. Gee. He must have his opinion on me, my leash, my
lace cuff, my stocking hosiery. Because he wears stockings because his
ancestors, too .... Me? Selfishly, I thought of the long footpaths, with
travel bags, though most of them were brought by the Post Office and the
Erzsébet. Why do I have to comment on everything? It's something modern
that everybody judges everything. The Enlightened Woman Criticizes ... The
wise would call this "bad language."

It is not good for your mental health, it is tipping - you feel almost all-
powerful. I'll tell you, Emma R., what the Jews should do! Just because my
friend once looked at a lacy gown of a Jewish girl! After all, Esther might
not have returned her eyes! I lost my head completely. We should try to
forgive. Now I'm running away. In fact, if all goes well, I get my class
from the Wissenschaftsverein in Berlin, so I imagine I will sail down to
the Middle East. Just because they should be reconciled with the Esters,
they are sure to have a relative there. I know that Uncle Mano - the chief
rabbi of Löw Immánuel, the father of Estti - was recently proposed to the
University of Jerusalem by the young Berlin professor Martin Buber. Hasid
collects legends and was once introduced to Charles by Mannheim in
Heidelberg. Keller Goti was there too. The Goth brother-in-law / Pali
Kecskemét wanted to marry Professor Mannheim's wife, Erzsébet Láng .... I
recently read an article in Freud's magazine. I think Lloyd's a
correspondent in Paris. They don't give me such a good job. Because I'm a
goo. Because I'm a woman. And of course, it's not worth learning German so
well. We came out of the tunnel. The Jewish eyes reflected the coals of the
lake. Brrr. What if I was reconciled and really went to the Holy Land? My
cousin Ella could help reconcile with Esther, she knows her cousin Goth.
Their kids are friends. Only the Davidians should mingle! Today's
assimilators do not even know that Jews ...

That is, "echoer" - because that is what the word "Jewish" means. According
to rabbis, today's kibbutzim in Palestine is not "Jewish" - not echoing -
because they do not "echo" the "reminder signs" of the Bible, wear beards,
caps, eat everything ...
Central Hungarian in the cosmos plasticine. "Kabbalah" means "receiving,
accepting". In Hebrew today: account, sum result. Today, by chance, the
Force is the Hermit and the Hope and the Ruler came out. Dalet, Tet, Kaf
and Pé. Each one has a Lion. In German Löw. I looked up the dictionary and,
after reading a few words, it came out: "Broken palm - spring comes out".
I'm stopping now. Settling the chaos. It's good that I introduced the
decimal system in the Library!
Herbert / Béla Balázs / left Eszter Löw. That's when I started wondering
about the Löw family ... And besides, my girlfriend, Romola Pulszky, was
almost there ... I look up some basic words in Hebrew.

Does the Eternal / ye-ho-veh / wanderer / Hebrew, translate 'Avar'

translate as 'passing' / singing about Saving? / 'Jesus' / Yeshuah /. 'Ben
David' means a relative, neighbor, friend - whom God loves. According to
these, a simple commoner like me and I has a way through chance to the
great greats of the age, they have a way to the stars of the Bible. Can
Nade write something like that? They stumble upon my new conclusions: the
box, the TV, the cinema, today binds people to a new spiritual alliance,
leaning over us, we are all - 'hot wire for Uristen.' Theoretical Mind.
House Tank. Wheel. Purity, Sea, The Bible says that touch is not sin.
You have to call Carl-Gustav (Jung) today to go to which hotel ... Gray
shoes. Jung is always gray. "Not with a man like a woman" .... "not so"?
Why not? So, for "reproduction purposes," you can't ... I'm going to the
cinema. A film about some Polish dancer. I knew one in Pest, too. The young
Vaslav Nijinsky. Hey, this is him! And just today, his girlfriend, Romola
Pulszky, asked me to get Freud's or Jung's phone number from Mannheim. And
today is the audition for the Pliny piece, and even knowing the
choreographer from Marsaille will not be easy. I'm not telling Eszter Löw
who his ancestors are. David himself .... Then ... I hear Keller Gota's
daughter, Martha, met my cousin, Géza, with a milky mouth because I sent
her to where Martha is dancing. "If you were to ask for a hand ... a non-
Jew to the David Rabbi's successor! Their son cannot be the Messiah!

Béla Balázs l916. February 16: "R. Emma's novel, The Adventures of the
Spirit ... Bad novel. He has no level. Deaf, transparent, non-atmospheric.
Not an artist's experience. But it's a great human experience. Still very
caught me. Spinster tragedy. "
Endre Ady / Collected Works VIII. k. R. About E /: "Feminine novel - her
most noble heroine is an artistic soul. Caring for fashion, free, elegantly
rebellious, beautiful Hungarian woman ... R. Emma becomes even more human,
pulls herself from the Hungarian gentleman's ideology."
Aunt Emma, diary. l919: "We did get together on Sunday evenings, often late
into the night ... The most pleasant and talented of the newly arrived
young people was Charles Mannheim. /. Béla Balázs wrote about Fogarasi:
"The only one not taken in my stomach is precisely because of the rational
malaria, the invertebrate, weightless Jew."

About the nephew of Emma, Géza, by his son Gyűrő,:

Géza creased his hat in embarrassment. Her mother, Ella, told her not to
buy a hat, the Communists would take her under a bad name. Five years
before the end of the war, he had not seen Martha Kecskemét for years,
allegedly they were in Paris with a charity organization, and her mother,
Aunt Agota, came home in 48 to see her comforter, Gyuri B., again after
losing her husband. They would have gone back, but stuck, and their
passports had expired. Once again, Géza met Martha among the folk dancers,
that is, not with him, but with his brother, Karci, and so he could find
Zsuzsa, his sister, and himself. Till 47 they lived in Szeged for a while
at the Eszti Löw Aunt, Ágota baked a cake for Uncle Stürmer, which was
taken by little Ádám Horváth to the confectionery, while Márta played a
solitaire at her mother, Martha Sárközi, listening to the writers, Illyés.
They noticed that he talked a lot and quickly, did not eat, did not sleep,
that his mother was sharper than usual - it was not easy with Ágota - and
they soon realized that this was indeed a manic depression, and he was
admitted to hospital. Martha speaks sickly, they say, even though she had a
system. She seemed to be very important to her, the friend of Martha
Sárközi. And now that he had been healed, a year or two passed quietly, he
met Géza Kozma again at the university (at the Lenin Institute), thinking
that he would show them that she could be normal.

She has no illusions. I'm marrying you for “Dafke”, you know? But Géza
would have liked to move away from his mother and his mother, Aunt Emma's
wretched, wicked sister. Do you know that thanks to Aunt Emma for knowing
each other? He sent us both to dance in 44 ... So we're getting married?
Martha says she's not interested in the Jews, and then I'm not interested.
Although .... Aunt Emma may be spinning in her grave to marry a Jewish
woman. However, it is thanks to him that I went out to the Kispest Fire
Brigade Ball during the war or ten years ago to meet with Aunt Agota and
his daughters there - disguised as Transylvanian refugees ... Well, I get
in front of the horse carriage. Géza made a bold move toward the MTI
Sunshine Building in Green “Loden” Coat. On the weekend we go rowing with
Fodor Bandi, Juhászék, Ottó Orbán. Martha is already pregnant and cannot
enter the water. We have not been arguing since she was pregnant. He even
rubbed it under my nose before I owed him my job. Because his father,
György Kecskeméti, who was killed in Auschwitz, still knew Ivan Boldizsár,
the editor-in-chief of PTI, as the editor-in-chief of Pester Lloyd, who got
me a Russian translation job here. There's a red bus coming. I wonder if I
will have a son or a daughter. I'm going to follow a simple principle. We
don't talk about religion at home and it's done. One can be without a
proper religion. And I'm incapable of believing in any "god" .... How to
allow war ... I know the answer to this is that people are free from evil,
not god. And "how come I am" to judge the Inexplicable Paths? The problem
is, I don't believe in the soul. Where is the soul? Maybe under my skin?
Although true, the dream is nowhere. My respect, my kiss, or "Freedom",
I've always missed it, it was Mrs Kádár, the chief of the Personel staff,
the wife of the Soviet Quisling Ruler it would be good to be sensible
already this morning.
All that is missing is to look bourgeois in desperation ... It's good that
the apartment is close. Martha says that she will forever be grateful to
Aunt Emma for sending her to Kispest so we found each other. He says I am
so innocent that he trusts me for that, even though no man can trust him.
That's what Aunt Emma once said. What disappointment did they have? And why
do you have to over-generalize all the time?

R. Emma's Diary, 1925:

I watch the neighboring garden cinema in Berlin. I'm here for now. In the
morning I "teach" at a Turkish school. Norwegian. Christina has lunch here.
Passuth's daughter. The Priestess. Secret knowledge. Ripe fruit. Gift. The
mature intellect. I imagine if I manage to bring Martha Kecskemét to the
little Géza Kozma, and since the Russians have won by then, she will know
nothing about her Jewry .... This is my revenge on Eszter Löw and Herbert
Bauer-Balázs! I'm ending the Messiah family in David ... And I'm not even
telling anyone about it! Of course, the son of Géza may still find out that
he is Jewish, or even takes the ancient Middle Ages name. You can prevent
your son from becoming a messiah by marrying a non-Jewish girl ... How do I
get this?


Lajos Fülep: Hungarian Book on Christianity / Twentieth Century / l919, no.

"What once happened in Jesus must happen forever."
Aunt Emma, diary, l9l9: “Once upon a time there was an event of war, and
this lazy Jew, this lunatic nerve bundle, this cultivated hysteria /
Frigyes Antal, whispers in front of me: Where is the famous Hungarian
heroism? - I thought I was going to explode, hit my desk with my fist and
yell that those at home have no right to criticize. Meanwhile, I was
constantly beating the table with my fist, which I only noticed when I saw
everyone look at me in horror - but everyone was holding my party and this
man ... apologized to me for misunderstanding. I didn't talk to him
anymore, he was involved in communism. I wrote to Balázs that as a
nationalist Hungarian I cannot participate in the company. ”
Aunt Emma, l935, Budapest, diary:

My carriage cut through the Place Oktogon. A baker is baking croissants,

chestnuts are sold by an old Bosnian woman, wheel tracks in the slush. I
tightened my mink coat cold. Herbert / Balázs / showed me his new book
yesterday. Dreamy youth. I barely appear in it as a bored gentleman, it is
all sharpened to the estranged daughter of Löw Immanuel. She calls her only
Agra. It reminds me of how many Jews there were at a reception yesterday -
they were introduced to Pester Lloyd's editor-in-chief, Gyuri Kecskemét. He
is said to be the son of a rabbi. And he told someone his wife's name was
Agra and that something he was meeting with Attila Joseph didn't come. This
Attila also talks enthusiastically to my teenage nephew Géza Lőrinc Szabó
when he and Babits are with us.

I let the tailor pull his hand across my waist with needles in his mouth
and shiver. Why can't anyone love me? Maybe I never liked anyone? That in
Adin and abroad in Rodin and Dali, I was looking for just the genius who
would raise me too? And in Balázs, Bloch, Fülep, and Mannheim, were you
attracted by the imagined sin of the Jews? But didn't they kill Jesus?
Well, who? Maybe the Romans? Even though this Jesus did not exist, it was
only after a couple of hundred years that his figure was shaped by knitting
together the story of many other "messiahs" or "anointed" in David's house?
Outrageous slander! For Deuteronomy 18:18 clearly states that in the future
prophets like Moses will appear. And to know if it is true what they say in
the following verses is that "everyone sees" their predictions with their
own eyes. That church fathers would be wrong? Or did they only see visions
with their eyes, for there was no way to support them and live eternally
because science didn't know it? Yeah, that's tight! At my shoulder, please
confirm! The maid brought the soup. I kindly offered my cousin's son Géza a
polite thank you.
"So did you hear that Ágota Keller, the niece of Löw's chief rabbi, was
married to the family of the rabbi of Kecskemét, married to her son?" It
turns out that the gentlemen are only marrying the gentlemen there ...
Gezes, eat some more soup ... That Pester Lloyd is hosting a Christmas
party for the teacher widows and you left? And the teenage daughter of the
editor-in-chief of Kecskemét, Martika, distributed the gifts? What a shit!
Show me Gézi what you got? Well, a little lamb! .... Really charming ...

Words. The meeting of words and things. What does the word cover? And where
does the meaning of dreams live? And how do we know anything? Why do they
say "no soul"? The heart beats. You have a stoop on your back. Scrape the
throat. The foot prick. Curved hand. The skin is loose. The brain won't.
Head down. Eyelid heavy. Recover. I read the Bible. "Jews" / Hebrew in
Hebrew / in Hungarian: "advertisers", echoes. What do today's advertisers
advertise? What echoes? I'm watching a movie. Dear Onlookers, the book of
Samuel states that "in Israel, the prophet was once called" a spectator.
" /Sám.I. 8: 9 / Cinema has fundamentally changed people's attitudes to a
number of things. Of course, there may be a world order in the Bible that
cannot change. But why there? Why do we accept it? Because stars? Because
ancestors? But not my ancestors! Except for the fact that the ancestors of
Zapoly and their ancestors of Piast are relatives of the Árpádians, whose
ancestors of Paleiologos were married to the family of the descendants of
David in Babylon. Like Mohammed. So we are all relatives of Jesus.

Ortega y Gasset / Company of Our Time, ABC Publishing Company,

Budapest l934.l./, who writes: "It is a new path of culture. The
sanctification of life, because life has so far been a mere fact, the world
was something of a coincidence, from which we must now form a new
principle, a new right. it seems surprising, but the situation is that life
has so far elevated the most diverse entities to the rank of principal, but
has never tried to make itself the principal. "

The Russian-Polish savior. Long triple: power. He came to Buda. Circle

Three: Abundance.
He was motionless. Dumb. Repented. Diamond three: Mourning.
What if it was true - Jesus / = savior / soul came into it? It turned out
that the Pulszky's neighbor's house was the house of David. Whose ancestor,
Rabbi Löw, predicted that "the neighbor" (Edom) would come to the savior,
as Scripture says. Or is David's Löw legend just a fairy tale like a golem
legend? But is coincidence, repetition the multiple overlap between the Löw
messiah and the Nijinsky messiah legend? What direction did the idea take?
How could you unscrew it? Treff Triple 3: Physical Work.
If I went to Palestine, I would spend the third day in the mosque. If I
were to reconcile with Esther Löw. Triple card, letter "gimmel", "ripe
fruit", camel, gift. Esther's nephew, Löw Gabi, a gray-haired, elegant
gentleman who would go down with his tractor on a sweater to see if the
irrigation pipes, the thin black earthworms on the earth's "Fijian"
orchard, were stuck all over the earth, would show Askelon what so many
siege in the eleventh century. That's exactly what I would read in a book
about a certain Andronikos who ruled in Halics, Ruthenia, Ukraine for
years, and from there led a robbery campaign with Hungarian help against
Byzantine territories, "he did not confess to conspiring with the
Hungarians to sit on the Byzantine throne." / Rudolf Pörther: Operation The
Holy Sepulcher Europe 1935 p. 498./
And the Paleiologos, th Byzantine Emperors, married to the Arpad Kings of
Hungary, and they were ancestors of the Zapolyas who married the Drughetes,
the Palatins of the Anjous kings who originally came from Naples, when he
was separated to Aragon.

Could he be my ancestor on Spanish soil? He fought against the Jews. And I

could see the sea. It would be blue and endless. And a girlfriend would
call, so she could only come for me on the third day. Triple, gimmel. So
the next day. If I went to Barcelona the "gift" / gimmel would be for
myself, for myself. I'd buy a string of pearls. And Esther's nephew's wife,
laughing, would tell her husband's high-grandfather and handcuffed hand to
a stray Hungarian guest there. "High priestess" is a picture of a gimmel
card, a symbol of "secret knowledge". And a "good player". Well I'm not
going to be a good player! And a movie announcer in Arabic news (with
Hebrew subtitles), obviously, something bloody and a knot in a blurry car,
some famous theatrical man who, unlike rumors, was not attacked by a
terrorist. Not sure if he survives.
Here is a plan for my revenge: an easy-to-handle, capable daughter, the
subject of my anger, Eszter Löw's cousin, Gota Keller's daughter, Márta
Kecskeméti in a last link and in a Davidic family.Marta’s grandmother,
Luisa Gombo did arrive from Aragonia also.

I just need to pair it with my cousin Ella's son, the handsome Géza
Kozma ... As I see it, the Jews will be so frightened / if the Germans and
the Russians continue, that their child will never hear of "Jews"
Nothing .... And if there is, there is only one way to discourage you from
going on and marry a non-Jewish girl: you have to be embarrassed about
Judaism. For that, you need to be a member of a notorious anti-Semitic
family .... I need to start writing anti-Semitic poems, Trianon is a good
topic for this.


R. Emma 1917. III. / MTA Fil Int. Luke Archive / "I especially want you to
speak before us ... you will have to take a stand against your views and I
will not be able to do it in principle until I hear it."
Aunt Emma, remembrance, l921: "Because some form of socialism was
unavoidable, its realization was, as I have never been afraid of it today,
not struck by Balázs's letter as defending internationalism as a form
superior to my nationalism," our great mission and mission, a country of
new European spiritualism. " There was something in it. What would I have
done without them? Maybe I should go to old ladies or worn out teachers? If
I leave this company, I have no one else ... I was really one of them in
thought, not in spirit. A couple of years ago Balázs took a bad name that I
baptized my novel heroine Gertrude because it's not a Hungarian name ... ”

I gave a lecture on a Pseudo-Messiah yesterday in the Sunday Circle. The

next day, at Herbert, I find a bag of old writings: "Immánuel Löw's
Sermons" - In one of them, the "Löw" Rabbi of Prague, who made the Golem,
calls me "my ancestor." At the end of the nineteenth century and early
twenties, people saw the process: one family could not acquire the memory
of another. In particular, an enlightened pro-rabbi does not emphasize that
a Kabbalistic caddis is his ancestor - if not really. In addition, she was
good with an empress from Habsburg. I have a librarian's instinct in the
Book of the Jews of Szeged from 1885, in which in the footnote of Löw
Immánuel's father's life, in his footnote, he quotes his father's note of
his ancestors. I'm trying to read .... David .... Man .... these are
definitely names ... I don't understand a lot of words ... Yehuda Levva in
Becalel! Here! Mose Löw, Wolf, Leibus, Mose, Leb, Mendel, - David - nine
generations listed until 1610. James I the son of Mary Stuart is the King
of England. Elisabeth Bathory my great-great-great-grandmother dies. King
Louis XIII already born and is crowned as his father, Henry the IVth was
murdered. All have an ancestor among the Zapolya sisters. hence among the
David-sons too. Now my profession comes in handy: I'm a librarian!

I have Estti's family tree for centuries ... I go home and quickly read the
Bible, the first book of Moses, with a Hebrew dictionary - well, I bought
one last year. I have a terrible feeling of remorse - if everything really
is, as the Bible says, it is not literally spoken, but in the absolute,
that is, metaphorical, word spoken ... That God is in the words .... bless
the Name .. .that refers to the Creation ... and if we deviate from it in
our minds, we are building a godless (dead, corporal, sinful) world to
punish .... Uristen! I'm scared to go out to the bathroom at night.

The steam is moving. No one will understand what made me anti-Semitic. This
diary should also be written with hate speech. These are parasites! These
lice! Suck the blood of civilized Europe! These erotic, money-hungry
monsters of the human race! Collect better! They ruined! Seduced my only
love! If I can use a rather unqualified voice, then my brother Géza will
rest so much - I was once a liberal "Twentieth Century" grandmother from
Ady's circle - and I'm afraid that the Russians will come in, so I will
bury this Diary in the garden ...

And from this Géza's child can only infer that there might be something
wrong with the Jews if it is forbidden to say anything so bad about them to
bury the great-grandmother's anti-Semitic writings ...
And in his sorrow he shrugs himself and marries the first lake, or even a
half-Roma girl, if he turns Jewish. No matter what you learn, you David
Rabbi scholars - your grandchildren don't even hear that they have famous
Jewish ancestors ... Or if they do, they won't believe it. We all come from
a monkey ... And we have been our ancestors for 500 years. Not only the
Rabbi Löw, but also, say, the nephew of King Matthias, Zápolya or Marie de
Medici of the same century.
Or is it that I'm doing good with it? On Saturday, Bloch warns me that it
is not right that I always end up in communities that are, uh ... like Jews
.... and young artists .... Ady .... Béla Balázs ... Not to mention the
ones I know through Mannheim - Dalí and through Anatole France: Rodin and
Chaplin and Proust.

Nijinsky's statement about himself as the Messiah, (not to mention similar

fantasies of Rodin and Dalí, and Bloch and the messianism of Lukács and
Balázs) and a neighboring Hebrew family tree with another Messianic legend:
a true spiritual constellation, a new historical picture. After all,
Nijinsky is addicted to "guilty" deviations ... with interpretive factors
along the intersection of legends. About "stars" in "ads". Television plays
a major role in Nijinsky's life, sees himself in it and, after a decade of
stillness, jumps up, as they say, almost "seemed to stand in the air." It
stayed there. Like Jesus, who also rose, as they say, and "remained there."
"Nizhny means" bottom "," below ".
The telescope and the "Laterna Magica" were invented in the time of the
Rabbi Löw, the golfer. Does the repetition of the all-seeing symbol mean
something? The Golem in Psalm 139 is the source of Adam's body, the ancient
legend that the Eternal, all at Madach, presented him with the whole
history of Man, which is, of course, the story of Salvation. / It is only a
matter of "saving" the "soul" from the inanimate, from the flesh, from
death, that they may belong to the Eternal, not to "perish." And they do
not know all that. I know no, I talked to Agra. I'd feel like they were
secret. But they don't know me. They only tell me about how harmful the
Jews are. Evil, deceitful, envious. Only they. People easily take over
anti-Jewish arguments and, strangely enough, the rationalist "information
appreciation" that, in conjunction with anti-myth humanism, was trying to
"protect" the mass, the "simple Man" - ultimately trying to eliminate the
most concise information symbol, money from life. And the other news
symbol: 'Jew', 'announcer', 'echoing'.


Mannheim Károly: Soul and Culture. / lecture / l918: "The crisis of culture
is like a golem - forgive me for being a little trivial - gets life, wakes
up to its own reality and starts to live its own way."

Grandson of Emma R., niece of R. Emma - great-nephew:

R. Emma's sister's daughter, Gabriella, was a teacher, but from her
deceased Hussar captain's widow's pension, she was able to send her little
son Géza - my father - to a nursery school in Saint-Gothard. Géza gets up
early, folds the blanket, prays handsome with complex hands, white shirt,
ironed, hair separated, blond. He does not yet know that, at his mother's
instinct, he enrolled at the University of Technology, putting aside poetry
and folk dancing, and then graduated from the Humanities Faculty to
eventually fall out of the human intellectuals and become an accepted
economist, journalist, and consultant to a representative.
Mum Ella wakes up early, today she's quince, she has to go down to the
market, up the Joseph Boulevard, her mother is grumbling all the time, she
doesn't leave Gézuska alone, who would have thought there would be another
war to survive, just watering was dangerous, as in 56, but apparently God
wanted it. Ella's mom disagrees with her son's marriage, Martha is messy,
the kitchen is stuck, but little Pistike is sure to be an angel ... Ms.
Emma (Ella's aunt) sticks her hair in the morning, drapes her pale pink
robe and tells her to bring soft eggs. Today we need to review the excerpt
of his last article. However, I would be anti-Semitic because Béla Balázs

But no - it is not jealousy, because Ady and Balázs both went to Kassa
that summer with Adel, that Jewish whore, not with me! Far from it. I rely
on science, degenerate and ready. Yesterday my cousin Ellus was here, what
a beautiful beauty! I have always told you not to marry that mill tenant,
If He has been baptized and Hungarianized to Cosma! This is dangerous. My
little Géza brother will then take a Jewish girl under some mysterious
affection, and Ella's grandson, my great-great-nephew, will be Jewish again
- if they can't be defeated in this war! How naughty! Yesterday, after the
Jewish law was voted on, Immanuel Löw had the courage to tell the prince
Serédi to "be ashamed, my dear sir!" ... A rabbi in chief teaches a bishop!
Géza was chewing on the apple he had hidden in his coat pocket at the
breakfast table. I'm scared of climbing. I'm afraid of the Reverend. I'm
afraid Mom will scold me if I don't go climbing. I'm afraid of the Olahs
too, because they beat Little Laci just last time, just because she was
blonde. At least that's what they were yelling at as they attacked. Saint
Mary of Jesus, Elemer Oláh comes there ... I turn to the lobby. She has
arrived, Mom, oh, Grandma and Aunt Emma are with her .... I dare not toss
the apple cucumber, because then they'll call. I don't like Grandma because
she always speaks to me, but that must be a really bad thing, a good little
boy doesn't do that, he respects his parents and grandparents.

I love the chain of mountains as I look out the window. I love the mountain
cougar that grows everywhere. I like fried meat and mushroom soup. I love
Mom and Uncle Sanyi. I love Little Laci because he gave me his lead
soldier, the Red Cross. Grandma is already embracing what an unpleasant
moth killer smell. On Aunt Emma's umbrella lace over the pine forest.
Take them to their hotel, drive to the village! How good they were to
invent the car! My hair fluttering in the wind. How good Mommy's got you,
she sure thinks I could get out of the car. Aunt Emma will ask me again
what if I get big. Easy for her, she's a famous writer, everyone loves it,
you don't have to worry about anything. He said he did not like Daddy very
much because he was Jewish. Uncle Sanyi once asked me what a Jew was, but
he said they were being persecuted, I don't care. We have learned from the
Dehisen Catechism that a good Christian helps the persecuted! And it would
be logical to see why they are being persecuted, can a people have a common
sin? Why do they say they killed Jesus? Well, they couldn't all be
there .... My Dad wasn't sure. In his final years, he couldn't even leave
his room because he was ill. How would he kill anyone? He was baptized
anyway. What is it? Doesn't it really matter what we think?

Bertrand Russell / An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, London, 193O, 7O.
p. / has a division conceptual in which the subject-word and the logic
language are separated. "Suppose a man who had every opportunity to master
the subject words: he saw Mount Everest and Popocatepetl, anaconda and
axolatl, knows Chang-kaj-shes and Stalin, the swallow's nest and the shark
fin and generally have a wealth of experience in the perceptible world. "
The subject: the eternal - the "design" principle: trust, faith.

The world is not only what we see, but also what we think. The Eternal Adam
showed all the pictures of his raw / golem / body. All of this can only
come from the Eternal, ie - "part of it". It's the voices themselves,
right. And pictures. We can look at them side by side. If the
aforementioned person was too busy with the process, they might not know
words like "no", "or", "some", "like", etc. If we ask him, "Is there a
country you haven't visited yet - you just won't understand." / Nijinsky
otherwise struggled with aphasia / speech disorder / And where do these
"abstract" words come from? / "Abstract" is a term used by Rabbi Löw,
"nivdal." / What gives "meaning"? The "connection".

Non-conceptual thinking can also be "logical", "meaningful". But it is

enough to take as an example the "gnostic" spheres of the Tarot card. Beth-
two-letters. It represents a home. The mouth refers to its shape. The hips
belong here, walking. The Yellow. The "e" is a musical sound. Words and
pictures. Or the "song". Doorknob. Or "hey." Red. Rule. Or, let's think
about the strange visuals of our dreams. What makes a "communication", what
makes it meaningful, "meaningful"?
From referring to ourselves with a formator structure: the dream or the
card hero, or the biblical hero, or the star - is "like" ourselves. / In my
case, the "family document" is a relevant, similar, proximate element./
Whoever is educated at the "designator" level, knows the Bible, knows all
the elements from the outside, yet will not know the answer to what he
himself has done to "save his soul"?

Béla Balázs, Dec. 1919 4: "R. Emma, who has a wit and literacy on the level
of internationalism, who is spiritually among us and is orphaned among her
Hungarian brothers, dragged away by the tragic defiance of pain, the power
of the dark national instinct that is rising from the ground."
Aunt Emma, remembrance, l921 / 1918 /:
"I had not been to Béla Balázs a long time ago, when I arrived, his wife
attacked me almost gratefully:" What do the great nationalists say now? The
Jews made the revolution for them, the Hungarian independence, not the
Ritons. " I was so stunned for a while, I couldn't answer. Balázs calms it
down. Hungary's independence was already created by the war, not by the
Revolution the day before yesterday. I don't know what the Jews did and
what the Hungarians did, but let's wait for it before you scold my family!
I don't think Charles can lead the reconstruction of the country at the
forefront. Not a week passed, I saw, we didn't do this revolution. For the
first time, I was openly confronted with the Jewish-Hungarian conflict. ”

Great-nephew R. Emma and Immáuel Löw and Karl Mannheim, Geo Cosimo:
I met her little steps from afar. The little old woman jumped up to my
mother every week, looked at her, not worried, but she obviously knew that
my mother had been sick a lot since she was a child - they say they are
manic. Aunt Elisa Kerényi was a Latin teacher - and didn't you live far
away, wouldn't you have jumped in once? My mother was in contact with
several former teachers. Aunt Roses then taught me math, just like Aunt
Erzsi did Latin. Her main girlfriend was Erzsi Epstein - at least when I
was a teenager. Before her it was Martha, Sárközi. When I was a kid, we
used to spend summer holidays on his Sepezd plot, along with his
grandchildren, the Lukin children. There were nine, we were sleeping head-
to-toe, where I first saw a child simply slapped for disobedience.
Aunt Erzsi was now pouring out into the hallway - she asked that Erzsi /
Epstein, who wore a hairstyle like Juliette Gréco at the age of seventy,
told a story about Pots / S. Martha's friend, Mom, was reportedly there for
her / and her buckets when the barn was lit during bacon baking, and Attila
József - your mother was too strict with her, she said, my mother's mother,
Ágota, really pushed her away from Márta Vágó, you hear, I'm a good
student, I know what that ceterum censeo is, and he's gone, at that time
there were no cars, almost the knocking of wooden slippers from the street.

My mother, Martha, went to solitaire. I quit reading Tom Sawyer at the

minute, drew a little old woman with a lot of wrinkles and was sure I would
never have a child, never have a wife, so I didn't even think about it. The
doctor said those with epilepsy should not forget this.
My mother divorced my father, Erzsi's widow, Márta Sárköz, my grandmother's
widow, / their husbands were killed / Aunt Erzsi's divorced (her ex-husband
then wrote a book with Freud's ex-boyfriend CG Jung) they were all deceived
by everyone. they just yell, yeah, they love each other, but somehow ...
weird. I kept silencing my mother, and it fit.
Aunt Elisa (the "Kremer") was the only old lady I didn't do. Her husband
(called Károly Kerényi) was a mythology expert, a fellow of Jung. I thought
Aunt Elisa would become a owl by night. As Pallas, Athena flies the Alps to
her husband, Károly Kerényi, teacher of Emma R.
Martha woke up, yeah, got up, turned on the radio, anointed her piritos,
"Israeli imperialists chase away our Arab brothers," said the well-known
announcer, Geo, cried to her son, I'm not a dog hound, but I think you are
late for school. Márta set off on the snowy street toward Bus 19 on
Hyeronimi / Border Guard / in front of Horthy Paula's villa / Géza's mother
always remarked, but only that they were related through the Urbans /
illiterate housekeeper, they talked about cooking, Geo will bring up coke,
well yes, my mother-in-law will never forgive her blue-blooded son for
taking an official editor's stuff, not to mention our religion ... She ran
with him to a priest as she wanted Geo to be baptized, do they really
think that matters?

At the publishing house, Martha came back to the porter, a little scared to
enter the newly-equipped paternoster, her boss, Eve Veress, was already
typing at her desk, she always made me feel so eager and competent;
Goldschmidt that I'm not going today. Géza K. will have to be called, Pisti
is not very bright in Russia, learn a little with him, he will not listen
to me. The Russian teacher said he didn't have Russian in his blood! Yet,
somewhere, the Ruthenian ancestors, if any, represent themselves in the
blood of the Ruthenian steppes. My mother, Goti teaches German, Erzsi
Kerényi teaches Latin, she learns Russian at school, but she won't sell it.
Mama Ella wants to take her to the cottage by train for the weekend, Mari
(Géza's husband, my son's stepmother, but we're fine) phoned to be willing
to take me by car, that's nice, I'll invite her to the cubicle once after
swimming. I gain weight again, anyway, since Tadeusz hasn't written for
months, over thirty a woman no longer has such a need, according to my
mother, Tadeus is very curved by Pisti. But there was nothing between us.
I'm jumping up to lunch with Mommy, Mum Ella goes over to discuss the
affair, they've been fine lately, finding out that Uncle Pap, Immanuel Löw,
Mum's uncle may have known Mum's aunt, R. Emma. I imagine the chief rabbi
talking to the anti-Semitic bestselling author.

1935. Aunt Emma's Barcelona Diary:

Star of Nijinsky. Mannheim Star. Luke - Star. Lilian Gish - Star. Hauser
Arnold - star. Lajos Fülep .... Just not me. I'm R. Emma, "female writer",
director of the library, Norwegian translator. David Star. they are men -
I'm a woman. And ugly. And clever. What's more, since Keller Gota's article
on hypnosis - Professor Völgyesi's translation into English - a crackling
radio, twinkling lamp light - something could have caught his eye on
hypnosis. Caution is key. Agota, of course, did not know that his family
was, according to legend, a relative of Jesus - but that still allowed
ancient knowledge to pass through it .... Yes, he may have given Nijinsky
to go mad with Messianism. Accuse!
I just can't be a star, because ..... Okay, okay, everyone, everyone ... Of
course, it might be easier to accept that "certain" Jesus than to fabricate
spirit history coincidences based on the documents that came up.
Neighborhood. Boundaries of the "I". And most of all, the boundary of sin
is important. Everyone knows their own limits. It is forbidden to describe
that there is no proof of Jesus' existence. How could the Talmudic sages be
the true sons of David? The anointed ones - the "Christians". And the non-
Jewish kings also married in XII. in the house of David. The Byzantine
imperial family (where the Árpáds got married) is called "Paleiologos.
"Ancient Name if translated from Greek.
What if I had ancestors from Nizh? It is next to Ruthenian Earth. Maybe
Ukraine? And can a non-Jew interpret the Law? Can you save your soul? Let's
say the "clamping method"? Will billions of Chinese, Indians, be crawling
in the Future World?



Lajos Fülep: / Letter to Simmel / ".... everything means something, from

jug ear to death ... everything looks beyond itself."
Aunt Emma, l921 / memories of l918-19 /: "It soon became clear that I, in
an active revolutionary society, had been involved in the preparation,
etc., of Astoria as the chief spiritual leaders. I was stumbled and felt
that I was not among them. There was something changed in their voice, some
security, filled with awkward guesses: almost all Jews around me .... could
these people of a foreign world be leaders in Hungarian life? These
strange, dreary people ... hundreds of times alien ... while we were
talking about books, we understood each other, but as soon as the Hungarian
spiritual disposition came, there was a wall between us. "

Geo, great-nephew:
The Gordovány find has stirred everyone's imagination. The president of the
council was there first. The president of the council must know that he is
a peace-loving man. Nade so much? How to exhibit a meter-sized bra shaped
thing in the town hall? Oh no. Don't do that. His wife had a different
- Ede, what are you doing? Isn't it all right? They'll do it anyway .... if
you disagree, they'll finally vote on the village coat of arms!

There was something in what she has said. Ede was rubbing his back in the
drink when his old pal, the station boss Josh, hit his back:
- The priest says there's nothing to do. It is a historical document. Here
was one of the first village brothels in Hungary, and this fish bone also
turned between the fingers of Endre Ady. These are independent moral
values, or so he said.
- You are a son, Brutus! he grunted and spun out of the pinball machines
into the main square, glowing in the autumn light. Why, in fact, do I have
to comment on everything? And that R. Emma himself was here, a fan of Ady's
time. Who is it? He looked around and was satisfied.
There came Joli Gordovány with her two little kids in front of the pub.
God, one could have been mine! Could have been? What does "could have"
mean? That is what it is. The old Jumurjnakname - so called because she
could not see her in the eye - headed for the door of the Convenience Store
(today ABC). A huge ZIL rushed around the bend, Ede raised his hand, did
not dare to leave, Aunt Jumurjak just crossed over, the driver did not
brake, Ede staggered, but no more trouble happened.

- Why do I have to say anything? he asked.

Make a condom museum if they want and name it Ady Endre, it's not my job.
Ede's wife hasn't recovered from the surprise for weeks. Her husband eats
greasy again, eats meat daily, stops smoking, doesn't go to the pub,
resigns from the presidency and pays off, reads Tao Te King, and pledges to
be a janitor at the new museum he fought against. How will the journalist
ask Emma R.? Will you measure me? My wife reads women novels all the time.
I'll tell them that it doesn't bother anyone here, who knows where the Feri
gipsy used furniture comes from, and that we'll exhibit in the art the
diary of Aunt Emma found in that coma.
Ede decided that he wouldn't go to bed today, make a small detour and say
hello to the Gordovány Feri, and after all, his goddaughter Panni was
always happy to see her. The whole village took it in his mouth when the
president became the godfather of a Gypsy girl. However, nobody saw the
girl's father except her black hair, because she was a mom here, a lake, or
a Slovak. They must be told that they are coming from Pest, the heirs of
the great-grandmother R., to look at the Diary. You can tell me again how
his pariah fell in front of the cave, because the lads danced, how the
meter-long storage with a lot of paper was found in the cave, and that he
was thrown into the fire if he did not intervene. Oh holy f-ck, is some old
writing, look now!
Then I told the priest about it, oh sure, he read, "I went down to the end
of the garden with Romola yesterday and told me that Keller Goti was
worried because her husband had been called to work ... No letter from
Radnoti for months ... "This is just a rarity in literary history," cried
the priest, and even put his cap on his forehead.
Well, come on, Panna, sit on my sidecar, we'll go out to the Aliens station
in front of the aliens. They can't find the bus. My God, if only somebody
in Pest would want to give me something because he wants to give something,
not just take it away. We have a good time, even that luck, it's a good
man, the limit is anyway ...
Here they come. I'm Anna Gordovány, says Panni, and she seems to blush.
Paint this kid from Pest, thinks the council president, and catches the
name: István Közma. So the Bibles are Ms. Emma's grandchildren, after she
got it, and was supposedly a great Jewish eater. You, Pancsa, behind me,
you go in the sidecar, here's the glasses - hold on!

1935. Barcelona. R. Emma's Diary: We solitaire with Mannheim. Six of Spade:

Victory.Disraeli. Six of Heart: Rebel Leader of Hungary, Kossuth. Joy.
Diamond Six: Freud. Deserved Success. 6 of Clubs: Stalin. Financial
Success. Sugar. Bull. Stubbornness.
In the evening, there will be a Nijinsky series in the news cinema. It's
impossible for a star to kill. Except, of course, if your friends are Jews!
They can do anything. It won't be good to see everything in the
library .... Occupational Harm ... I can't find anything wrong with them!
Likely. that the question has to be asked: would it be harmful if many
people followed Nijinsky's yoga method? - I'm God, Nijinsky-God. If people
listened to me for a few weeks, that would be a great result, he wrote in
his diary. Orgasm without ejaculation - by clamping between the anus and
the scrotum - might have allowed the dancer to overcome his guilt without
having to throw away the Bible. Oh, if somebody succeeds! Keep it secret!
Who has ears to hear. I'm ashamed - but I'm curious. The inner voice. The
"vav". It means hooks. The Strict Hook.


Anna Lesznai / Mrs. Jászi / / diary: "According to Bloch, there is

religious art, but its knowledge is lost / already in Assyria".
Aunt Emma, Memories of 19/1921 /: “Jasmine wants to meet me in a coffee
shop, hoping to see if I can help. Gyula Lukács is also there, they
consider the meeting important. Jásziné says that in my circle, the
Hungarian middle class, I should do propaganda, with Hungarians taking part
in the "transformation". Surprised, but good. Well, do the Ritons still
need it? My angry pity caught me ... You didn't even know who they were in
position - my belief in Jewish organizing power was a little shaky. "The
middle class can only be won to act as an opposition, I say, according to
Luke, this is better than retreat."

Geo Kozmos, today's great-nephew:

The tornado needs no explanation. Sanyi opened another bottle of beer. He

watched the autumn Lake Balaton, the pale blue sky with yellow leaves, and
he remembered his childhood. They spent the summer here every year, Dad
inflated the rubber mattress, gong at noon, sometimes boat trips, boating,
collecting bamboo with the Gaál girls ... Ella later married Sa, morning
bus ride, kitchen quarrel, the kid is already married, she doesn't
understand progressed to the computer in public administration, and
nowadays he sometimes jokes that he did not know administration. The radio
said they could expect wind tornadoes in some places. Since dawn, Sanyi has
been around, trying to get the garden furniture to a safe place, though if
the storm really comes, it won't help much. He woke up at night as the
window was knocked on, the Gazi gypsy could be seen - looking through the
gypsy row, the kerosene lamp burning as if he had seen a long knife flash,
but it was not an exaggeration; Ms. Ella came in early in the morning, but
went down to the shore in such a strong wind that she almost woke up to the
house. The dog, Caesar, was barking wildly - my God, the bucket overturned,
this Sa must be asleep, oh, there's always something. No problem, at least
Sanyi will have something to assemble and fix, his original profession was
anyway. It would have been. But they pointed out that he had become a
secretary at the Atoms in Csillebérc, now an academic holiday caretaker, an
aide. That's fine.

Today is October 2O. I'll have to go to the dentist in two weeks, not to
forget! How good are we so protected, such a machine, such a machine, such
a doctor, such a doctor, Ms. Ella felt she was already living her third
life, so what did the decorating girl have to do with the Wife of the
General and the Wife of the Warden? That was all I once was. Sixty-six
years… They hugged each other, propped the door so the wind wouldn't blow
it, and then pulled out the chessboard. Ella became clear. Uncle Sanyi's
Aunt Emma's diary was hidden somewhere. Géza wants to dig in, afraid they
find him full of Jews ...
"I told you to reinforce the fence by the time the Géza's come down this
weekend." Neither Martha nor Mari want little Geo to get lost in the
neighborhood, not that they are Gypsies, but that what dirt is in their
yards, the kids are sitting naked in the dust .... Oh, what's in that
newspaper so much to read!
Ella Mami glanced anxiously at the clear gray sky above the lake.
Meteorology might be right for once? Dehis then the Gezes can't jump, even
though they promised. There is no egg at home, though Geo's favorite is the
scrambled eggs. Well, by bike, maybe I still get there and back from the
Convenience Store. Candles are also to be bought, soon to be Assumption on
our neck. I need to set candles for St. Anthony because he fulfilled my
request, Geoke lit the measles. So he didn't get it. This kid does not like
to go to church, the Jewish grandmother must be talking his head. That
Christians are persecuting Jews. What about me? I just want you to say
beautifully before lunch, "Whoever has given food or drink should be named
blessed," so what is it? It's good that the old lady doesn't want to teach
Hebrew how to dress as an abrakadab ... Uncle Sanyi, get her bike out of
the shed, how many times do I have to ask?

Is something really beating the dust on the road except the tornado? This
will be the Volswagen for anyone to see! Lord Jesus, what a fortune you
have landed before the storm .... It is already raining, let's run to the
porch, Geochem, look, I made paper, colored pencil, sit there .... Marika,
I saw you long ago, Serbian, Mary , put it down, it shouldn't have,
everything is here ... the egg is coming in right now, because of the storm
I couldn't get to the store, of course put out a solitaire and the coffee
is ready .... Géza couldn't come down yet? Watch out, Geo, don't lean on
Aunt Emma's wall guard ... How's your Mom, Agota, Martha? You could bring
it once .... Uncle Sanyi is missing you, right, Sa?

1935. VI. 7. Barcelona. Aunt Emma R.'s Diary:

Antal Szerb (wow, I should look for his last letter to the poor) mentions
in Literary History that Goethe Faust is the forerunner of the Madách Man's
Tragedy as a philosophical poem. Interestingly, among the medieval
alchemists, mystics whose legends Goethe relied on, there was the XVI. Also
the rabbi Löw of the 17th century, who is allegedly the clay man, made the
"golem". In fact - and this is interesting eg. from the point of view of
Adam's concept of Madách - the golem was originally "the body of Adam" for
the Bible-explaining medieval Kabbalists who interpreted Psalm 139 in this
way. "Shapeless / = golem / / scrolled, wrapped / my body has been seen by
your eyes, everything in your book was written."
/ 139 16 /
/ There is also a legend in the Talmud with Ráv Lacis. / Adam Kadmon /
Ancient Man / A world-sized being who "contains all the events of the
world" holds ten chalices: the Infinite, Intelligence and Wisdom at His
Head, page from the heart is the Strict, at the right arm the Grace, at the
navel the Beauty, at the side the Fame and the Victory, at the bottom the
fertility base - the groin - and at the foot the Empire chalice. Legend has
it that the Cup of Strict Truth overflowed and overflowed into the empty
space / tehiru of Adam Belmon, who was the "Shadow" of Adam Kadmon, whereby
the evil formless molluscs - the golem - were created, capturing the souls
of the good, including the Messiah. So you're coming out of chaos ... I'm
lost, unfortunately. The steam is moving. Sharpening itself.

The Greatest Kabbalah Expert Today Gershom Sholem writes / in: Sabbatai
Svi, Bolingen - Princeton l935. e.g. 3O1./: "The great work of the cosmic
tikkun / healing / to be performed by Israel in respect of the power of the
Law and the commandments, applies only to the upper part of the" empty
space "/ tehiru /. The lower part is formless and chaotic - golem - will
remain in condition with his shells until the Messiah comes, who can
perfect it. " And so he continues his presentation of medieval doctrine
/i.m. p. 3O9 /: "Because the shells / kelippo / golem, or" shameless mass
"is called raw material, which will be perfected by it / by the messiah,
that is, anointed with oil ... they are made from the raw material, they
have to be made existent (= yehaweh in the ancient biblical hber / .... The
Messiah also broke many sacred sparks / soul sparks / ... to fulfill
Scripture / Isaiah 27:1/:
"With the Lord's sword ... he will punish the serpent, Leviathan." The
Adam-Messiah golem myth also has the belief that / p. 31O /: "The soul of
the Messiah, who has sinked among the shells - the golem or the clip -
sends out sparks in every generation ..... If the generation deserves it
and the spark has been persevering in the service of the Lord, he may be
the savior . " Sholem also writes elsewhere / MessianicIdea in Judaism,
Schocken, New York l941. e.g. 336 /: "The golem ... is none other than
Adam, the First Man, Adam Kadmon."

Adam's myths can be found in Graves-Patai's "Hebrew Myths". Volume /

Thought, l929.p.52 /: "While Adam was a helpless eccentric, and his
enormous body reached from one end of the world to the other, he could
observe the creation. God also showed him the righteous who would come from
him. ... to inform Adam ... "

Yehuda Löw Becalél / 1512-1609 / his great-grandson / mh 144O / was called

"the spark of David" because he was considered by many to be "the messiah"
or king of kknet - although there were five other "messiahs" in his life
phenomenon. / Mordekhai Dato, 1575 David Reubeni, 1532, Solomon Molkho and
Dutch David Joris in 1556, but also the more famous mystics Abarbanel and
Luria were considered by their disciples. Maharal /: "I say that for Joshua
and his people, the sun has stopped while he has moved on for the rest of
the world .... An object can have two different qualities in two different
ways: nature and non-nature are two different aspects. " / The Book of
Divine Power, Puthan, New York, l935.p. 32-36 /
At that time, I'm glad that librarian is my learned profession. David, the
Messiah and the totem animal of Israel, is the deer. The name Ritook comes
from the Finno-Ugric word "Rittoka" - deer god. Bartók told him about
Toni's friends, the twins of Kecskemét. Their correspondence has since been
released and should be sought.

“Then Elisha died and was buried. The following year, a man was just buried
when troops broke into the country, pushed that man into the tomb of Elisha
and left. And the man, touching the body of Elisha, came to life and was
restored. "/ Kir. II.13: 21 /
And Adam saw that the sons of David reigned. Who so, whoever. And Adam saw
how great was Joshua the son of David before the Eternal One. So the
resurrection was invented by the inferior Jews!


Ritoók Emma / Books of One Hundred Hungarians, Légrady Publ. Interesting

Newspaper Decameron / /.n./: "My beautiful mother, Rebecca Csiffy .... just
left her character ... on the paternal branch. Another of my beautiful
mothers, Krisztina Palotai Asbóth's hand was a painting hand .... When I
search for myself through my beautiful mothers, there is something quite
mine: the eternal desire for something else that has made the stranger so
important in my life. ”
Aunt Emma, Remembrance of 1921, 19: “At the Károlyi women's assembly, the
speaker - Mátyás Rákosi the Jewish Stalinist leader later in 1945-53 -
calls for an activity, Margit Kafka interjects, we want to know what that
activity is? Margaret's faint voice is lost in the noise, and I cry out
again: Please indicate exactly what they wish, what should we do? The
speaker – the Jewish Stalinist, Matthew Rakosi , the leader of Hungary
after 1945 - is embarrassed and seems to have seen me in the crowd and
immediately apostrophized, "Emma Ritoók asks what to do? There is a lot to
do ..." But he says nothing. I'm going, I can't stand these many empty
phrases. "

Nephew of Emma, K. Géza:

Carramba! - I cried (Géza K. wrote in his diary) and the boys all took care
of themselves. Just their buttocks, thighs were vibrating. I worked on
them, thought, and leaned back in the comfortable armchair that had been
brought down to the gym for the ceremony. My son is among them, back
there .... The gym teacher won't come in today, "the principal said and put
his hand on my shoulder. You're Spanish, aren't you? Then you are a real
man ... You will replace him. first, one or two locals. Before the dance
class. Really, why did I hate gym class back then? That "they executed?"
Well - well, the muscles don't get any stronger! How are they going to
climb Macchu Picchura? Come on, Óvári, move, move! They ran around and I
thought of Machu Picchu. We were with my wife, Mari, in the summer.
Throughout the summer, she talked about the Indian, with her enthusiastic,
glittering eyes, who walked down the path in front of her and then turned
around and offered her some local beer. Mari has been watching every Indian
movie ever since and I'll leave. It would be stupid to punish our
imagination. It is not true that longing is harmful, or that one who is
daydreaming wants to fulfill his desires. "The Lord is not pleased with the
muscles of men," I read in the Bible the Psalm of David. Okay, but me? I
like my son Geo as runs to overtake Bela Petrusin, the mighty ogre. I do
not deny it. This is not a pleasure yet.

Uno ... dos ... I'm in charge of them, let them get used to Spanish too. My
son is triggered by Petrusan, Geo slips in and the glaze comes off his
knee. You should be just and unselfish right now! But how? My heart is
beating. There is nothing wrong. Ebony boils. Then rinse with a beer. Oh,
the Szentgotthárd Educational Institution always comes across ... Aunt Emma
once visited me. I don't want my son to know about it. I'll bury his diary,
Géza thought. Only Uncle Sanyi should be persuaded to give it. She
shouldn't have been allowed to marry Mom ... She came from Siberia, she was
a caretaker first ... And now she decides everything at the Academy resort.
Last time one of the kids asked if it was impossible to do a dance class
without a gym class because he loves dancing but not exercising..Sorry, he
can't. The issue of dance fitness. Of course, I don't usually like to warm
up. But if I hadn't come to the Kispest fire brigade, I wouldn't have met
Gizi. He says they came from Oradea, refugees from Transylvania, and the
whole family lives here in Kispest. We soon got involved because it turned
out she met Aunt Emma in Varad. He even remembered that my aunt's favorite
was French Cream! The world is small!
I was hoping that his new girlfriend would still be in the dance circle. We
also sing, how beautifully he sang "Hey, fishermen, fishermen ... your nets
are worn!" The city commander was here with a Gestapo officer and asked us
to show us what we know. How pale the Gizella was, he just stole the crispy
crust ... (He later admitted, when the Russians came in, that Gordovany was
just a pseudonym, he was actually the grandson of Martha Kecskemét, the
rabbi of Makó.)

The children had run around the room for the sixth time. (It was only after
the war that Gizella, or Martha, told that she had received all her local
knowledge from Aunt Emma; Aunt Emma had described in detail her home in
Varad, the country road to Ártánd, Berettyóújfalu; Cosmos' how to cut a
rooster on New Year's Day, it was accidentally slaughtered by a neighbor's
goose's cock, and there was a big kalamajka ... I did, I remember, wearing
a pretty black linen dress, as if not amazed, (my mother's aunt) delirious
poems about the education of national youth. Ten years earlier, I had heard
the words of her sister-in-law, Tormay Cécile, about blood-thinning, and
how difficult it was for a woman who had written such to help At her
apartment and the Jewish mother-in-law of Passuth When the death penalty
was therefore ... What could cause this? Unless he wanted us to bring
together Sauces Festival is not to be right in saying that the Jews will
disappear during the vérkeveredés, not to resort to violence? Aunt Emma
abhorred the violence.

1935. Diary of Aunt Emma Barcelona: Solitaire. 9 Spade: Piotr I. (1672-

1725) Great Power. Lion. My heart beats. Do I have a hearing? 9 Hearts:
Poniatowsky (1632- 1792) Material happiness. Let's knead ourselves like
clay. Diamond 9:Paul Barras (1755-1829) Cruelty. Bronze Age. Green color.
The seal of the South. Snake. Copper ... bronze skinned snake. Yellow.
Cherubs.Nine of Clubs: Count Stephen Szechenyi, Loyalist of Metternich.
(1791-1860). Financial Profit.
Card of Justice. The iodine, the ten. Means hand. That is, the guide.
When I go home, don't forget to send Géza to be a folk dancer ... There you
will meet Martha Löw, who is lying to a Transylvanian girl and wants to
escape. And if I am good, I will be able to deal with their hate even with
their child.
Ten is the page of the Hermit, the lonely road. I also read from
Wittgenstein today: "Believing in God means finding the meaning of life. He
lives forever in the present. (In: Night Thoughts. / Wittgenstein./
But can truth exist without Jews? Even if it turns out that David doesn't
come from the Löw family. Not to mention the Moabite Ruth. Ruth? It means:
The Ugly One. Perhaps our non-Jewish ancestor Ruth .... might have
something to do with the Ritoks? It used to be Rytoch's writing.
Emma’s diary should be asked from Uncle Sanyi to avoid being read by
uninitiated. She didn't mean it.


Emma Ritook / Decameron of the Interesting Newspaper / /.n./: "Maybe there

was a woman who had lived somewhere before, leaving me obscure in the arch-
mansion room when she was pounding heavy candles in the evening."
Memories of Aunt Emma, l9l9: "I think my goat was saved by the fact that
(widow / John) / Luke's wife, who has two of Luke's three children, needs a
good acquaintance for her little child. We knew her as a warm-hearted woman
... even though she had qualities that did not show her origin as ours, but
that meant nothing to me in terms of human values. ”

 Uncle Zsiga, Aunt Emma's brother:

We are just ordinary civil servants. Our father was responsible for the
capital's health as an officer. I only took it to engineering. Tonight they
are official with Mayor Sepőcz, including Mrs Emma on the invited list. He
is able to smuggle the Jewish editor's lover. Something Bauer Herbert. In
order to deceive the enemy, he is now called Béla Balazs ... Don't be
kidding, darling, we are not Jews in our family ... Whose brother wrote
that novel about my golem? Chaim is not the brother of Bloch, don't joke!
He writes a book about the Messianic movements. Wear a gray cravat if you
want to wear a white jacket ... Turn on these buttons for me here!

Thanks, sweetie. That's why your sister Emma is strange to me, and she
keeps writing about how immoral others are and what the Jews can do and so
the Jews .... And she? Is she maybe an incarnate Madonna? How serious is
the Bloch? He wrote a book about falling in love with Rodin. And that she
met Dali at a friend (Mannheim or Freud). He even met Chaplin by another
friend. And besides Ady, almost all Jews ... Well, Rodin and Dali are not.
he only knows what he is talking about when he is angry with the Jews. Come
on, honey, give me my stash ... Thank you. It's good that you sent her
today, if the kids aren't here ... They went with Ella to Szentgotthárd,
Gézuska will be happy for them, little Zsiga will be having fun ... Here's
your teenager. Thanks. That's why we need to see the good in Emma. How many
charity events he has organized! Real generosity .... And the Norwegian
translation of twenty-two has partially shared the benefits of the family,
and goes into the kids' vacation ... But you can't stand kids, all old
ladies. Uh, an eye ran down my tights! I am surprised that he is still
longing for a spicy adventure over fifty .... When was your aunt born,
sixty-eight, right? Not today's chicken ... oh, how are you talking about
him ... He's allowed to humiliate, stink his old lovers, and I can't even
express my condescension? I think Emma's hatred of all that is Jewish comes
from a lack of self-esteem. So it comes from her illness. I consider it a
disease to be devoted to .... Well, let's go! Waiting for the mayor
and .... Emma. Let's go sweetie.

Emma Ritoók: The Adventures of the Ghost / 1921 / Pesti Szalon ed. 93/29.
His family did not belong to the natives either: even his grandfather
immigrated to the country, all small officials, and it seemed that the
character of the family would be given by the bureau. But his development
was strongly influenced by the changing times and school life, which also
changed and meant a new race. The old Calvinist noblemen's round, Tartar
skulls were competing hard with the big-nosed Jewish kids who had already
left for school at dawn ... between the poor pupils, their indebted
classmates, p.85: He was already surrounded by new people, surprised at how
many Jewish faces he saw in the crowd of interest at once. ”“ As if he had
just noticed that there was a new feast of pride or prey, ”he thought,
somewhat disdainfully. : The princess was well past the thirty, but the
freshness of the northern blondes, an officer the subtlety of the race, the
cold sensuality of the childless woman, ensured her timeless beauty ...
Eisenfls Ertweg-Harden Princess Amalia Klotild thought, her veins were
accompanied by the music of a long, ancient name: traditions and blue
blood, Rhine rock castles, political intrigues, wars. as if it were a
condensed drop in the history of feudalism.
P.196: Because his mother was a young girl who weaved novels, was looking
forward to the future, and certainly wore flowers in her hair, as seen in
old fashioned pictures - it could have been very sentimental. He started to
read the letters: the date surprised me ... he looked at the year again and
again - he squeezed his temple in his hand and jumped up ... No, no! This
is impossible! I would belong ... to those who came from the ghetto who he
was - secretly unconfirmed, but still looking down ... He opened the window
... everything is old - but he is not! The son of an artist, a Jew. And
nothing to do with this anymore ... it's not your home. At first he felt a
tearful, painful love for him .... his voice, his sickly rushed movements,
and the incomprehensible fading of his eyes ... he began to cry at the
tragedy of this life, which had its root. And then another sensation
awakened in her - a surely confident feeling of proud, confident "belonging
somewhere." He did not belong to an insecure, non-racial tribe of a family
coming from a small office, but he was the son and heir of a great
historical affliction. In a moment, a different past was opened to him than
the ghetto and the currency-exchange ancestors. He read eagerly ... it was
about the Spanish Jewish ancestors that the grandfather, the famous rabbi
Eli-Ben-Aaron - his grandfather - who had read the monkey and blessed his
little grandson, the violin, could possibly talk about in his son it was a
blessing to conceive ... And for a moment, the fear of racial hatred, he
was now consciously searching for connections with the people of the
prophets. Plato was not the ancestor - Philon, Jesus, Spinoza, and with
them he was the son of God's chosen people from the tribe of humanity. ...
Among the scattered letters he began to write to Heva, who is now
decorating a Christmas tree for unbelieving children in a quiet village in
memory of the Palestinian Jewish Messiah, while a new Messiah is waiting
for him. Cheering self-confidence became dizzy, and the letter was about
the border between faith and madness. "

I wrote this even when I respected them and I was afraid of them, and then
a lot of my friends ... I was shivering even if I had such a ... Jewish ...
I just thought it was some erotic devil. But now I see through them. Graves
describes them as different ethnies in mutual support.

“/ Benjamin - "son of my right hand" or "son of the south" meant that this
tribe possessed the southern part of Ephraim. However, Benoni, according to
the story, the boy 's original name, probably means "Son of Tin", the
Egyptian city of Tin, according to Gen. 41, 45, where Joseph' s father - in
- law lived: Benjamin might have migrated from there. with the two tribes
of Rachel and the priestly tribe of Levi. The latter is a Hivvita, a city
of Achaean origin. the Greek behavior of their envoys is Josh. 9.3 / The
question of Benjamin's origin is complicated by the fact that a tribe named
Benemina, whose head was called Davidum, was probably inhabited north of
Palestine, and probably became David. Documents unearthed in Mari in the
middle section of the Euphrates, /i.e. XIII. (Genesis / 49, 27) describes
Benjamin in a similar way. "/ Graves-Patai, p. 2O1 / So they may not only
come from India / Lord's city" on the other side of the Indian Ocean /,
they use Babylonian letters - but in fact Egyptian Greeks ... the famous
"echoes" of the Jews, in which all peoples find echoes, they are not the
"people", not the ethnicity, but the discoverers of an abstract sense of



Emma von Ryttoch: / Interesting Newspaper Decameron / "My life is so

simple and so uneventful that I had to call my beautiful mothers."
Aunt Emma's Memoirs of 1919/1921 /: "In her letter to Jasmine, she asks her
in the name of" Christian love "to use all my influence to save the life of
Corvin-Klein, who was not guilty of the acts for which she was condemned.
In the name of Christian love! They dare to write this word, who have not
been afraid of the worst acts for five months to destroy everything
Christian. We set up a Spanish wall in front of my mother's bed and the
very elegant young Jewish man, the stone, could come in. I don't understand
how Máli (my girlfriend, Rotschild's wife’s sister) can write to me just
when she knows how I think about communism. Even if I had the influence
that Mali believes, I wouldn't be able to do anything. I, as a counter-
revolutionary, have acquaintances who have suffered imprisonment themselves
... Korvin-Klein was where torture and death sentences occurred, such
cannot be persuaded, I do not think they heard the rescue witnesses.

1935. VI.17. Barcelona. Aunt Emma's diary:

And Adam could not speak when he saw all these. Adam's body was a
"commodity," or golem, as David sang: When I was secretly formed, as if I
had been formed in the depths of the earth. My shapeless body - golem - has
already been seen by your eyes; everything in your book was written down,
including the days that were intended for me, though none had yet been
written. "/ Ps.139./
And the golem saw Gaion Hai as he describes his vision of the throne of the
Messianic king: "Many learned people were of the opinion that one who is
adorned with many good qualities that are mentioned in the writing - and
who wants to see Mercury - the Holy Throne and Heavenly Angels, such a
person has to follow certain procedures, fasting for a certain number of
days, placing his head on his knees and singing many of the songs and
psalms that have survived. seven palaces and you will see him stepping from
one to another and see what is there ... "

Emma von Ryttoch: / Interesante periódico Decameron / "Mi vida es tan

simple y sin incidentes que tuve que llamar a mis hermosas madres".
Memorias de la tía Emma de 1919/1921 /: "En su carta a Jasmine, le pide en
nombre del" amor cristiano "que use toda mi influencia para salvar la vida
de Corvin-Klein, quien no fue culpable de los actos por los cuales fue
condenada. ¡En nombre del amor cristiano! Se atreven a escribir esta
palabra, que no han tenido miedo de los peores actos durante cinco meses
para destruir todo lo cristiano. Colocamos una pared española frente a la
cama de mi madre y El joven judío elegante, la piedra, podría entrar. No
entiendo cómo Máli (mi novia, la hermana de la esposa de Rotschild) puede
escribirme justo cuando sabe cómo pienso sobre el comunismo. Incluso si
tuviera la influencia que Malí cree , No podría hacer nada. Yo, como
contrarrevolucionario, tengo conocidos que han sufrido encarcelamiento
ellos mismos ... Korvin-Klein fue donde se produjeron torturas y sentencias
de muerte, eso no puede ser persuadido, no creo que Escuché a los testigos
de rescate.

1935. VI.17. Barcelona. Diario de tía Emma:

Y Adán no pudo hablar cuando vio todo esto. El cuerpo de Adán era una
"mercancía" o golem, como cantaba David: cuando me formaron en secreto,
como si me hubieran formado en las profundidades de la tierra. Mi cuerpo
sin forma, el golem, ya ha sido visto por tus ojos; todo en su libro fue
escrito, incluidos los días que fueron destinados a mí, aunque aún no se
había escrito. "/ Ps.139./
Y el golem vio a Gaion Hai cuando describe su visión del trono del rey
mesiánico: "Muchas personas sabias opinaban que alguien que está adornado
con muchas buenas cualidades que se mencionan en la escritura, y que quiere
ver a Mercurio, el Trono Sagrado y los Ángeles Celestiales, esa persona
tiene que seguir ciertos procedimientos, ayunar durante un cierto número de
días, poner su cabeza sobre sus rodillas y cantar muchas de las canciones y
salmos que han sobrevivido. Siete palacios y lo verán caminar. de uno a
otro y ver qué hay allí ... "

And the golem, the body of Adam, or Messiah, saw that Hizki, the son of
Hai, who had been finally expelled from the Pumbedita caliph, and thus
ended in the Babylonian Talmud, was born in Troyes, France, in 1O4O to
Rashi, or who has been the greatest Bible explainer ever since.

Béla Balázs: Dreamy Youth / first manuscript: l93O, note l946 / 246th old:
"- Agota is coming too," said Margaret Perl with great consideration when
she invited me to a snack. Margit uttered it only with humility, but also
with the haughtiness of the escort ladies. Because her best girlfriend was
a queen. The best and the wisest and most beautiful girl, and moreover, she
was also a violinist. he said - we don't pay attention to the boys, we
don't even look at the boys running after us ... ..... Then Agota entered
the room. "Why is she" lying? "He said simply and objectively without
looking at me." Just telling me. What is there to laugh about? Suddenly,
there was silence, the queen was here ..... page 361 And everywhere was
Agota! Two days before I accidentally went to their house when he was in
the car with his father. A strong breeze blew and slightly lowered her
short skirt. For a moment I saw the white lace hem of his pants.
Immediately I closed my eyes as if I wanted to print this picture out of
it. I felt miserable and unhappy in my shame. But I couldn't get rid of
that picture anymore. No, not Agota's thighs, which I have since seen in
lacy panties everywhere and all the time in front of me.

No! Agota became invisible. She was emancipated from the hell's dance of
hell that had since enveloped the white porcelain umbrella of my lamp.
Women's legs! Lacy bubbling! The fever shook. Glory pictures were drawn ...
In my fantasies, I was standing on the podium ... and most importantly:
Agota was sitting there, in one of the last rows, hiding from me ... There
was a sudden silence. Agota was the queen here. "
Where does Herbert / Balázs / Eszti Löw get from Queen? (Who she calls
Ágota. Balázs knows Ágota Keller, Esther's cousin. She could have given a
different name.) While she makes me beautiful by saying "My Queen"! And
that's where I find their family tree - Esther doesn't know for sure - a
royal family! Truly sir, forgive me for being angry with them ....

Béla Balázs, Nov 191O No. 3: “It is impossible to determine race in the
blood because it would only allow soul migration within one species. And
this is incredible to me. ”
Aunt Emma's Memoirs of 1919/1921 /: "Ernst Bloch was amused when Luke once
said in connection with the arecarnation that" I am convinced that I was
once a French marquis, in trousers, silk stockings and all the rococo
style. " Béla Balázs wrote, I hesitated not to send it back unread:
"Certainly you do not believe that I was a robber killer ... even though
they felt it ... but I think capitalism is bad ... I have to leave the
country, or at best they get out of it. "

Feri Gordovány, finder of Aunt Emma's diary:

I felt the sunshine on my nape. I woke up late, cleared the block from
branches and rocks for the night, stretched out. My neck is numb. Who am I?
A foolish guy who escaped from the refuge and, well, yes, I'm a pretty
ganef, a mercer, if you really have to, anime. I'm sorry, devla knows what
he put in here. The Laci Shoemaker, the Laci shopkeeper, can pick up empty
bottles from the houses, wherever they order mineral water. They live in
that green house. The widow of some doctor, and the little mom below them.
Well, and her husband .... this name is familiar, Gyurka Sanyi ... Because
I already took that money or not ..? Maybe he gave it, or something like
that, you get a little sorry and your wallets are open. Hey, where are you,
Luca, Sarah, where are the dogs. Come on, let's see what we live for.

The doctor's sleeping surely still had her eyes blinking, she wanted to
shake her, but she didn't dare admit it, instead she hesitated to not come
here that she didn't tell Laci that the bottles could be given, it's good
that her mother stayed calm and handed her glasses. That jacket must be her
husband, now she's going to work, she could have been a big dog before the
war ...
On the sixth, the Jewish couple must not come back, they have already moved
to their place. The grandmother of Miss Emma is said to have died last
year. How nice a woman was! He saw that I was a Gypsy, but he still gave me
alms ... He didn't wait for the Russians to come in, one day before he died
on the third of April. Seventy-seven years old was poor, God rest. The
custodian of his niece, Gyurka Sanyi, has just returned from Siberia. But
good for this little winter day! So Emma's greatness was Ella's mom's aunt,
a very successful writer, and then, who knows, even a year after she died?
Now the new authorities would surely get the ten circles ... Gyurka Sanyi
brought me a packet in the cave, she said she had an old lady's diary,
don't tell anyone, just don't come in first, she blows a lot to her Jews
they were all ... I got that diary ... Hey, it was a long time ago, when I
met Mr Dwarf, in Siberia! I didn't see myself as a Roma, enlisted,
captured, the ice froze on our bodies, we slept hugging each other, and
when we got home, I couldn't go up the porch steps. I rarely get to Pest at
the big weekly fairs, and when the Russians came in, Sanyi would come down
to Gordovany for me to do something with this box, there was a chunk of
milk, the diary of the great Ella's aunt. Written on it: “Emma”.

Sanyi also asked me not to tell anyone. All I had to do was tell my son,
Feri, not to throw it away ... he told his daughter, Panga. Maybe that was
a mistake. That girl was longing for the village. Well, no wonder her
father was drinking, her mother was alone with all the kids, she had to
slap a slap, then at Panna the dog never saw Indian blood in her veins ...
She went from college to college, studied engineering, and then something
she became the secretary of a sore professor, Zsuzsa, who used to be on TV.
Of course, he stumbled upon his ecstasy as an ethnographer - he said - in a
small village in Gordovany, where the local Roma are jealously keeping a
manuscript written by some flabby old woman from a turn of the century
Well, that's why I had to come up now, over the eighty, they would have
sent a car, but I'd rather be on the train, at least you can stretch out
your hands and feet. Dawn Budapest .... leafs on the black asphalt. I'm
going to the Great Hall, throw in a half. I have to meet my granddaughter,
Panna, in the afternoon, she says I need to tell a TV reporter about my
life. Well, Sándor Gyurka has entrusted his secret to him, poor, sure, in
his grave. They call it reporter, sure a Kike (=Jewish).

Geo Cosmos (great-nephew of Mannheim and Ritook)

My first memory: in the garden under my feet - stone and grass. Gray stone
and green grass. I can almost see it today when I close my eyes. And down
there, beneath the ruined black-and-window castle, red benches. Dads told
me that my first word - after "no" was "pibuc" (red bus) and yellow
lightbulb. I look at a contemporary photograph of my parents; a beautiful
couple of people with very fine, beautiful features, very intelligent,
affectionate, sensitive eyes - I don't even understand how they endured
this rough era of the eighties and forties.

Well, my mother couldn't stand it: she became ill right before the '56
freedom fight. I was born before I remember, at the beginning of a sickness
thirty years later, he said:
"Yes, when you were born .... I wanted you not to live ... I wanted to
scratch your eyes ... Then you were taken to the orphanage ... you must
have changed them ..."


Geo, R. Emma’ grand nephew / and on another branch Immánuel Löw’s and
great-nephew Károly Mannheim:

Beige and orange leaves on wet black asphalt. After getting up early, yoga,
prayer, a few brush strokes, a few keystrokes and prayer, and after a visit
to the doctor, he noticed he had forgotten to bring his writing with him -
but he was already sitting at his workplace, if all goes well, even though
there is something on this machine, it will stall. Today, Vidma decided to
put an end to her weight gain - her old friend, Francis, warned her to take
her hand off when she gained weight. So you don't go down to the buffet for
croissant. The previous day, Sunday, was visited by another old
acquaintance, Huba, who now became a Buddhist - who, too, praised the
virtue of self-restraint, to which Alma was inclined anyway, but only by
compromise. For example, he did not despise prostitution, was not disturbed
by perverted, bisexual fetish fantasies, nor was his religion forbidden -
only their acting out.
Now, however, he had decided to curb his desires in that direction, at
least for a while before the baby was born. Write about Lieutenant R. Geo,
from the age of twenty to forty, was officially called epilepsy, but Geo -
his friends like Dixie's "Cosmos" - knew that seizures were always
triggered by alcohol or other drugs - so he was the real enemy to
counteract. also need, a disease called addiction. That's why, partly due
to religious discovery, she got married a few years ago, made a child, and
was recently recruited to work as an interpreter for a well-known cultural
institution. Letters, faxes, phones to foreign partners, embassies. As
Kozmosz tried to raise his ego through art in his chaotic youth, he was
sometimes spoken of by the professional "grandmothers" of the institution,
which overcame his vanity, though he knew it was dangerous. Now he goes to
the toilet and for water, asks the secretary to repair the repair tape on
his machine, and then his colleagues board, and the day begins. She should
write about Lieutenant R. because she promised - it would not be easy to
write about a notorious anti-Semitic ancestor for her Jewish existence. In
addition, Klein was a converted Jew, and was baptized by her grandmother,
Ella, and was then called Cosma. He had never heard of the Jews before.

1935. Barcelona. Aunt Emma's diary:

When people in different religions refer to the Beloved Son, "Son of
David," we tend to forget what we know about the true sons of King David -
in any case, hundreds of generations, hundreds of warriors and scholars
have lived for thousands of years respected - there were conflicts over and
over again. In any case, this past group can support. You just have to get
to know them ...
That is, In the Psalms attributed to David in the 10th century we read:
"Taste and see that the Lord is good" / Zs. 34.9 / We know the story of the
sons of David from the books of Kings and Samuel from the Bible, VI. and
reigned in Zerubbabel against Ezra. V.-VI. century. But his descendants
retained the title "Prince of Exile" and became the leading families of
Talmudic schools explaining the Bible. That is, Hillel came to Jerusalem in
the first century - the other branch of the family remained in Babylon.

Sienkiewicz writes in the Fire Iron: "Prince Visniowicki (Ruthenian

Voivodeship): Here, at the moment, he becomes a giant that the whole world,
the whole of Ruthenia, cannot be accommodated ..." My Christ "cries' You
know! I have the power to do so, tell me to do it, tell me it is my duty! "
But he hangs Christ's head on his breast and listens.

Márta Vágó writes in her autobiography "Attila József": "The next day we
were together with the boys of Kecskemét, sitting in the garden of the
Margaret Island Dairy Hall. RE /, with whom I was in Paris One of the
twins, Paul, whom he briefly called Kecs - a very graceful spirit -
explained new developments in phenomenology when Attila turned to Gyuri in
Pest without any transition / Pali in Berlin then: - You Do you still live
in the Palatinus? That's the flat roof.

Scheiber, S., in his article "The Intellectual Life of Hungarian Jewry at

the Turn of the Century" / p. 156 / writes about Lipót Löw's son: “Béla
Balázs was a student of Löw Immanuel in the faith classes. Esther, one of
Löw's daughters, is the abbot of the autobiographical novel Dreamy Youth.
In his diary he writes: "For me he is the largest forum at the moment ....
If I get a bad opinion, I will terminate it ..."

Béla Balázs, Diary / May 19, l5O5 / "Suddenly I see the bottom of a skirt,
a pair of shoes, jumping off to not go to her, and get my head scared."
Hello, "says Eszti with a smile." Good day? " "The whole Löw family passes
by, looking at me with a wonderful, mocking smile."

Aunt Emma's memories of 1921/1921: "With that" certain "singing and whining
pronunciation and visibly vanity, I was less sympathetic to the others /
Béla Fogarasi / frankly, I did not feel much difference in this regard,
each had an alien race but they themselves were better able to distinguish
the nuances ... Our mental alignment only affected the upper layers, as
soon as we went deeper, there was a collision, because they had ideas that
were organic, and I had Balázs read poems, and his wife shouted from the
other room, "Herbert, give it to me ... find it ..." and the poor boy left
his poem and ran. But we had a great afternoon together. He was one of the
most beautiful when Béla Bartók - young and completely autumn - played the
Wood Prince on the piano. He smiled kindly at our pointless comments.

Boat Deck. Wide blue stripe at the back: the sea. In the foreground, a
black-haired, sharp-skinned woman in a burgundy taffeta skirt breaks at the
knees as she leans against the railing, a white velvet shoulder seal
covering the tears that flow down her face. Yes. We see Romula Pulszky, as
a round-haired, blond-haired servant, Ildi nods to her and gives her
- Oh, miss, so don't be ashamed anymore, well, that's why the lady in
question didn't pay us for this trip ......
- Have you paid? - Romola leans on her elbow at the rail:
You know how much I had to beg to let go ... Until I explained to her that
the daughter of Hungary's most famous actress could not be an actress ... I
don't want to live my life as the daughter of Emilia Markus. I want to be a
dancer ... I mean .... I mean .... I want to love you even more!

The voice of the dancer candidate falls. Everything has been successful so
far. In l911 he saw the celebrated dance star of the age, the God of
Motion, for the first time at the Budapest Opera House. Glittering gold
lampholders, diadems, thousands of eyes were all just looking at him,
Nijinsky, the miracle-worker, the two-sex dancer ... "That is, he wants to
be Nijinsky's wife," Emma says with impartial love. Look, - he picks up a
beige suitcase with curved heels - Look, I've brought you a mascot: this
little Jesus in Prague: whoever begs him will fulfill his wishes ...
- Oh my God, you little clown ... - Romola leans forward and caresses Eaz
Ildi's face, blonde and black hair in the coastal breeze - since we've set
off for South America, and he, oh - oh, no ship ... shells his gaze.
Mineral in it… Afraid of the ocean, it will fly.
Phone ringing.

After their marriage, they live near the Szerb-Villa in Buda, where Ágota
Keller, known to the biographers of Attila József and Béla Bartók, who is
the niece of Eszter Löw, also visited frequently. The other neighbour was
Herczeg Ferenc, a relative of Emma.(Szerb and Herczeg are famous writers.)
The hundredth generation has been lost since the family tree of David. But
he doesn't know for sure about his ancestor in Prague. And he knows nothing
about Nijinsky, the neighbor "Messiah." Who - we know - comes from the
"golem". And it turns out later that the word "golem" is included in the
legends of later Ruthenian relatives. Goral is their name. It means Fate in
Hebrew. / To visit my poet friend Ady to inquire with the board judges of
Várad and the chief rabbi of Kecskemét.
Whatever. Let's watch movies.

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