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LODRONIO, Louise & UY, Alyssa ABMMA-2

Magellan’s Voyage

External Criticism​:
● The journal was translated by Yale University which is one of the most
prestigious universities in the world, so they’re quite known.

● The translation of the journal was written in 1969.

● The journal’s translation is still with Yale University and has been published by
The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

Internal Criticism:
● Though, in the translation, it would seem that Pigafetta did not have any
eyewitness written in his journal, however he did mention the captain-general a
lot in his passage as well as other crew in the ship.

● I’m supposing that the reason why the journal was written by Pigafetta is that he
wanted to have documentation of the voyage.

● The translation of the journal was I think a literal translation of Pigafetta’s

journal because the structure of the way the sentences were written were
running sentences, meaning it didn’t have any punctuations which can be a good
excuse since I am supposing Pigafetta wrote the journal in action of the said

Rethinking Magellan and Rediscovering the Philippines

External Criticism​:
● The publication was written and edited by Belinda A. Aquino and Dean T.
Alegado. Belinda is known to be an academic, author, women's rights activist,
and for having founded the Center for Philippine Studies at the University of
Hawai'i at Manoa. Furthermore, Aquino is a Professor in Ethnic Studies and
Acting Director, Center for Philippine Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa.

● The book was published from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Center for
Philippine Studies who are known for their interdisciplinary academic curriculum
on Philippine Studies, provide scholarly research on the Philippines or Filipinos,
and comprehensive library collection of Philippine materials.

● The scholarly book serves as a secondary source with its first edition published in
1992 and the second in 1993.

Internal Criticism:
● The editors of the publication wanted to justify actions of rewriting or clarifying
the data existed during the pre-hispanic and pre-colonial era due to the
misrepresentation and distortions of historical records that made Filipinos
believe and grow up on false information regarding on Ferdinand Magellan's
encounter with the islands of the Philippines (e.g. it was indicated that Magellan
DID NOT discover the islands in the Philippines, because the culture and life of
people there had already existed prior to him).

● The sole reason for the publication is to encourage people to gain a deeper or
better understanding about the European conquest of the Philippines with more
reconstructed/factual data rather than accepting the simplified and glossed over
versions of it.

● Not a lot of "where" they got the info was mentioned, but based on the
references from the last page, it's best to assume they used and analyzed
primary sources such as Jose Rizal's translated novels, and other secondary
sources from scholarly reports and documents.

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