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Data sheets 3 2 2 6

Epoxydic coating by stratification

MEDAPOXY STR is an epoxy resin delivered in the - Do not apply when the ambient temperature or that
form of proportioned pre kit of 2 components: of the support is lower than 10°C or higher than
- Element A: Resin - Element B: Hardener 35°C.
- The relative humidity of the air must be lower than
USE 80%.
- Stratification with glass fibre of the tanks or basins Support concrete or mortar:
containing of the aggressive chemicals (acid, bases, - The concretes or mortars `supports' must have at
solvents, oil, etc) least 28 days of age.
- Verification (without glass fibre) of the basins and - The support must dry, clean and be removed from
steel and concrete tanks. the nonadherent parts. All oil traces, greases,
paintings, milt or other stains must be eliminated.
PROPERTIES To clean carefully and vacuum-clean before the
application of primary education MEDA-
- Very good behaviour with the chemicals (to consult IMPREGNATION
us) Metal supports:
- Very good adherence to supports concrete and - To pickle (mechanically or chemically)
steel - Then to dust metal surfaces before the application
- Good absorptivity of the support and glass fibre of an anti-corrosion resin MEDAPOXY PRIMER AC
- Good hardening and brightness
CHARACTERISTICS Finish all the preparations before the preparation of
the mixture and to prepare only the quantity of
• Mixing ratio: mixture which can be used during this time.
Element A :1kg Element B : 0,666 kg It is very important to stir up the two elements well
• Density of mixed product: .............. 1 ± 0,05 constituting MEDAPOXY STR in order to obtain a
• thinness: ................................................... 3 homogeneous mixture and completely to empty the
• Viscosity :................... 11000 MPa at 25 ° C containers in order to respect the report/ratio of the
• Pot life of mix:
1h 15 mn at 20 °C and 65% HR Pour the element B (hardener) in element A (resin)
• Time of hardening: while taking care to respect the ratio of mixture.
Out pitches: .............................. 6 h Do not mix manually.
Hard: ........................................ 16 h To stir up during 3 to 5 minutes with an electric
• Aspect of film after hardening: ... smooth and agitator at low number of revolutions. Scrape several
brilliance times the walls of the container in order to ensure a
• Compressive strength ................... > 70 Mpa total dispersion.
• Flexural strength .............................. 25 Mpa
• Adherence to concrete .................... 2,5 Mpa
• Adherence to steel ............................. 3 Mpa

The information given in this data sheet is based on our knowledge and our experiment to date. They are given for indication.
It belongs to the customer to ensure that this product suits to the intended usage.

Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23 - E-mail:
Data sheets 3 2 2 6

Delivered in kit of 20 kg:
1 - Apply a first layer of MEDAPOXY STR using a roller Element A: 12 kg Element B: 08 kg
at a rate of 1 approximately kg/m ². The product is preserved 06 months safe from heat and
2 - To pose immediately after a layer of checkmate moisture in its packing of origin closed hermetically.
of glass not woven (MEDAVER) (300 to 450 g/m ²) by
pressing it well in the resin by means of a roller. It is WARNINGS
imperative to avoid the formation of air pockets.
3 - An overlapping from 3 to 5 cm of the bands of Epoxydic resins can irritate the skin and the mucous
checkmate of glass is essential. membranes. Consequently, it is advised to put on
4 - The first layer of laminate having hardened in a rubber gloves.
Sticky state, to apply a second layer of In case of skin or eye contact, flush with plenty of
MEDAPOXY STR (approximately 1 kg/m ²) water and seek medical attention.
5 - To proceed to the second stratification (idem that 2)
6 - After hardening of the 2nd stratification, After the application clean tools using an epoxy
approximately to apply a top coat of MEDAPOXY STR solvent (MEDILUPOX) .
at a rate of 1,5 kg/m ².
To let harden 10 days before the startup. IDENTIFICATION Classification according to
standard AFNOR NFT36 005: Family 1; Classify 6b
(epoxydic Resins).

The information given in this data sheet is based on our knowledge and our experiment to date. They are given for indication.
It belongs to the customer to ensure that this product suits to the intended usage.

Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23 - E-mail:

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