Design and Analysis of Turbo Codes On Rayleigh Fading Channels

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2, FEBRUARY 1998

Design and Analysis of Turbo

Codes on Rayleigh Fading Channels
Eric K. Hall and Stephen G. Wilson, Member, IEEE

Abstract— The performance and design of turbo codes using coder is constructed from simple recursive systematic convo-
coherent BPSK signaling on the Rayleigh fading channel is con- lutional (RSC) encoders connected in parallel and separated
sidered. In low signal-to-noise regions, performance analysis uses by interleavers. The decoder uses an iterative, suboptimal,
simulations of typical turbo coding systems. For higher signal-
to-noise regions beyond simulation capabilities, an average upper soft-decoding rule where each constituent RSC is decoded
bound is used in which the average is over all possible interleaving separately. The constituent decoders then participate in sharing
schemes. Fully interleaved and exponentially correlated Rayleigh of bit-likelihood information in an iterative fashion. The
channels are explored. Furthermore, the design issues relevant constituent decoders traditionally use the BCJR algorithm [4],
to turbo codes are examined for the correlated fading channel. which is a MAP symbol decoding algorithm for block and
Turbo interleaver design criteria are developed and architectural
modifications are proposed for improved performance. convolutional codes. While the global turbo decoder is not ML,
it has been shown to perform within 0.7 dB of the Shannon
Index Terms— Codes, concatenated coding, fading channels, limit on the AWGN channel for bit-error rates (BER’s) of 10
interleaved coding, Rayleigh channels.
and message lengths of 65 536 [1].
I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we consider coherent BPSK signaling over a
nondispersive Rayleigh slow-fading channel. With appropriate

F OR wireless applications on fading channels, channel

coding is an important tool for improving communications
reliability. Turbo codes, introduced in [1], have been shown to
sampling, the discrete representation of this channel is
where is an integer symbol index,
symbol amplitude ( ), and
is a BPSK
is an i.i.d. AWGN com-
perform near the capacity limit on the additive white Gaussian ponent with zero mean and power spectral density . The
noise (AWGN) channel. As a powerful coding technique, fading amplitude is modeled with a Rayleigh pdf,
turbo codes offer great promise for improving the reliability for . With sufficient channel interleaving
of communications over wireless channels where fading is (fully interleaved), the ’s are independent. Without sufficient
problematic. To date, only limited attention has been given channel interleaving, we adopted an exponentially correlated
to the performance of turbo codes on fading channels [2], [3]. channel model as in [5] and [6]. In this model, the continuous-
In this work, we explore both the performance and design time, autocorrelation function is given by
of turbo codes for fully interleaved channels and correlated where is the Doppler bandwidth and is the lag parameter.
Rayleigh slow-fading channels. For Rayleigh channels, the turbo decoder must be modified
The organization of the paper includes a brief overview of to incorporate the appropriate channel statistics. In the MAP
turbo codes followed by a discussion of the channel model. We algorithm, this corresponds to formulating the transition metric
then proceed to discuss the turbo code average upper bounding ( ’s). For a fully interleaved channel and known fading
technique along with an examination of two-codeword prob- amplitudes (side information, SI), the transition metric from
ability bounds on correlated and independent Rayleigh fading [7] is given as
channels. Simulation results are then presented for typical
turbo schemes, followed by the results and conclusions from
our simulations and the average bound. We conclude with an
examination of the design of turbo codes on correlated fading


Turbo codes, introduced in [1], are, in essence, parallel The probability is conditionally Gaussian,
concatenated convolutional codes (PCCC). The turbo en- .
Manuscript received October 1996; revised April 25, 1997. This work was For the fully interleaved channel without side information
sponsored by the National Science Foundation under Grant NCR-9415996 (NSI), the transition metric is given as
and NASA/LeRC under Contract NAG3-1948. This paper was presented in
part at CISS’96, Princeton, NJ, March 1996 and the 6th Mini-Conference on
Communications in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM’96, London, U.K.,
November 1996
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0733-8716(98)00164-4. (2)
0733–8716/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

To formulate , we use the law of total probability with Hamming weight produces a codeword with Hamming
and to write weight . Substituting into (6), the average upper bound for
word and bit error can be expressed as


In [8], it is noted that the evaluation of the integral in (3) has

no known closed form. To avoid this problem, it is proposed
in [8] to assume that is Gaussian in the region of
most probable . From this assumption, (3) is approximated
as and

(4) (9)
In (8) and (9), is an expectation with respect to
The term is not a function of the conditioning ( ), the distribution . This average upper bound is attractive
therefore making its computation unnecessary in the MAP because relatively simple schemes exist for computing
algorithm [9]. It should also be noted that for the Rayleigh from the state transition matrix of the RSC [10], [11]. With
channel with average energy of 1, . , the performance of turbo codes can be studied on
various statistical channels by formulating the two-codeword
III. PERFORMANCE BOUNDING probability for the channel of interest and using (8) or
The ability to evaluate turbo codes in regions of high
signal-to-noise requires lengthy simulations or an analytic
B. for Fully Interleaved Channels with SI
bounding technique. In [10] and [11], an average upper bound
is developed for turbo codes. It is shown that this bound is very For the average upper bound, exact two-codeword probabili-
useful in determining the “error floor” as well as understanding ties or tight upper bounds are required. On the fully interleaved
the impact of constituent encoder choice and block size on channel with SI, the exact probability of incorrectly decoding
performance for the AWGN channel. Here, we apply this a codeword into a codeword which differs from in
bound to the Rayleigh fading channel. bit positions indexed by is

A. Derivation of the Average Upper Bound (10)

Consider the traditional union upper bound for the ML
decoding of an block code. Without loss of generality, Here, is the tail integral of a standard Gaussian density
we assume that the all-zeros codeword was sent, and we write with zero mean and unit variance defined as
the upper bound on the probability of word error as

To compute the average word error probability, we must
average over the channel gains . The result
Here, is the number of codewords with Hamming weight is a multidimensional integral given as
and is the probability of incorrectly decoding to
a codeword with weight . For a turbo code with a fixed
interleaver, the construction of requires an exhaustive
search. Due to complexity issues involved in this search, (11)
[10] and [11] propose an average upper bound constructed If the fading amplitudes are independent, the indexes of the
by averaging over all possible interleavers. The result of this differing bit positions are of no importance—only the weight
averaging can be thought of as the traditional union upper of the incorrect codeword matters. Therefore, we can formulate
bound, but with an average weight distribution. As in [11], the two-codeword probability in terms of only the Hamming
the average weight distribution can be written as distance of the codewords as


where is the number of input words with Hamming (12)

weight and is the probability that an input word

and Option 3 (Bound): Another option for upper bounding

on the fully interleaved fading channel with SI is
to upper bound the function in the integrand of (12). For
this approach, we have two possibilities. First, consider the
-function bound
For the average upper bound, we need an exact representa- (19)
tion of or a tight upper bound. The exact evaluation of
(12) is very difficult. To solve this problem, we examine four With (19), we bound the function of (12) as
options. The first option is to simplify (12) to a form that can
be evaluated via numerical integration. The other three options
avoid the problem of numerical integration by seeking closed (20)
form upper bounds for .
Option 1 (Exact): In [12], it is noted that can be
expressed in the alternative form given by Substituting this bound into (12), we observe a product of
integrals, each having closed-form solutions, simplifying the
bound to

Substituting into (21)

(14) Option 4 (Bound): As an alternative to (19), consider the

-function bound
Since all the fades are independent, the -dimensional integral
for reduces to a product of integrals over each . Fur-
thermore, these integrals have closed-form solutions allowing From this bound, the function of (12) can be bounded as
us to write


While (15) has no known closed-form solution, it can be

evaluated via numerical integration over the single variable . Substituting this bound into (12) and evaluating the integrals,
For the average upper bound, we may wish to avoid numerical we upper bound as
integration for every value of and so we next
examine three bounding options.
Option 2 (Bound): To avoid numerical integration in (15), (24)
consider upper bounding the integrand as

In Fig. 1, the four options for the evaluation of the two-

(16) codeword probability are illustrated for . The slope of the
curves in this figure is determined by the diversity order which,
for independent fading, corresponds to the codeword distance
. For example, Fig. 1 shows a reduction in of
This bound will be tight for large values of and will two orders of magnitude from 10–14 dB. In the
allow us to upper bound with the closed-form expression semilog plot, the slope of the curve is


(17) Comparing the bound options to the exact curve, in regions

of low SNR, Option 4 is the tighter of the three bounds.
where However, in this region, note the weakness of Option 2. In
regions of high SNR, the roles are somewhat reversed, with
(18) Option 2 being almost exact, while Options 3 and 4 differ
from the exact by a scale factor.

Fig. 1. Comparison of P2 (d) expressions for the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with SI and d = 5.

C. for Fully Interleaved Channels with NSI assumption, the two-codeword probability can be bounded by
For the fully interleaved channel with NSI, we use the bound an expression which is a function of and given as
developed by Hagenauer in [8]. This bound is based on the
simplified decoding metric (5), and is given by



A. Simulation Results
For the low signal-to-noise region, analytic evaluation of
where and . turbo codes has proven very difficult. Therefore, we examine
performance based on simulations. Simulations will consider
D. for Correlated Channels with SI rate-1/3 turbo schemes using the 16-state RSC with generator
(21/37) . This scheme is often denoted (1, 21/37, 21/37) due to
For the exponentially correlated fading channel with SI, we
its construction via parallel concatenation. The 16-state RSC
will appeal to bounds developed in [5] and [6] for . In
has 6, one less than the optimum free distance code
[6], it is noted that tight bounds on require knowl-
which has 7. However, this is the encoder used in
edge of the positions of differing symbols in the codewords
original paper of turbo codes [1].
and . This bound is given as
For the fully interleaved channel, we have plotted simulation
data for rate-1/3 turbo schemes with different block sizes in
Figs. 2 and 3. Here, we are considering input frames of length
420, 5000, and 50 000 bits. In each plot, a capacity limit
is shown for reference (see the Appendix for a derivation of
(26) these limits). In all simulations, the turbo decoder uses the
BJCR algorithm with modifications found in [7]. The results
In this expression, is the Hamming distance between the for 420 are shown after eight iterations, while both
two codewords, and indicates the time spacing between 5000 and 50 000 are shown after 15 iterations.
differing code symbols with duration . For example, It should be noted the simulations without side information
(100101) compared to the all-zeros codeword has and were done using the optimum metric rather than the simplified
and . Note that there will be ’s. metric shown previously [13]. In all cases, a single turbo
For the union bound, we can loosen the bound in (26) as interleaver is used with the interleaver fixed for all simulated
in [6] and [5] by making the pessimistic assumption that all frames. For 420, a helical interleaver is used which
differing symbols are adjacent ( , ). With this has been shown to be effective on the AWGN channel [14].

Fig. 2. Simulations on the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with side information (SI).

Fig. 3. Simulations on the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel without side information (NSI).

For block sizes greater that 1000, it has been observed that capable of coding gains exceeding 40 dB. Without channel
randomly generated interleavers generally perform better than side information, the performance degrades approximately 0.8
deterministic interleaver designs [15]. Therefore, for dB, consistent with the corresponding capacity limits (see the
5000 and 50 000, the fixed interleaver is generated Appendix). Furthermore, the performance for 50 000
randomly and used without optimization. remains within 0.7 dB of the capacity limit for BER .
With SI, it can be observed that for 50 000, the perfor- In Figs. 4 and 5, the performance of the same turbo schemes
mance of is within 0.7 dB of the capacity limit on the Rayleigh with 420 and 5000 is shown for various fading
channel. However, even for 420, the performance is bandwidths. It can be observed that performance deteriorates
much better than uncoded BPSK which achieves BER rapidly as decreases (fading process slows). It should also
at 44 dB. Therefore, these rate-1/3 turbo codes are be noted that for large blocks, the penalty for decreased fading

Fig. 4. Simulations on the exponentially correlated Rayleigh channel with k = 420 and SI.

Fig. 5. Simulations on the exponentially correlated Rayleigh channel with k = 5000 and SI.

bandwidth is less severe. For a BER and (Figs. 6–12). It should be noted that the tightness of these
0.01, the 420 scheme suffers roughly a 4-dB penalty bounds to actual simulation data from a specific interleaving
versus fully interleaved performance, while 5000 is only scheme is questionable for several reasons. These include
penalized 2 dB. Similar results can be observed for the union bound, the averaging over all interleavers, and the
0.001, implying that large blocks contribute greater diversity bounding of . This fact is illustrated in Fig. 6. It should
to the system. also be noted that the true performance of turbo codes does
not “diverge” at low SNR, as indicated by the bounds. In fact,
B. Bound Results the change in slope of the BER bound curves around 10 is
We now evaluate the average upper bounding technique not an effect of the channel, but rather an artifact of the union
for various channel models and various turbo schemes bound attributable to overcounting [11].

Fig. 6. Simulation and average bound for (1, 21/37, 21/37), K = 420 (SI and NSI).

Fig. 7. Average upper bound results on the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with SI using different two-codeword probabilities and the (1, 5/7, 5/7)
turbo scheme with K = 10.

In Fig. 7, a plot for small block length illustrates the effects Therefore, for an increase in block length from 100 to 1000,
of the different bounds outlined previously. Motivated the performance increase is 1/10, which can be observed in the
by this figure, the bound results in the remainder of this figures. The slopes of BER bounds will eventually converge
work will use the bound given in (24). This bound offers the to the minimum distance of the ensemble of codes. Therefore,
best compromise between performance in regions of low SNR the effects of using encoders with better free distance can be
while not requiring numerical integration. seen in Figs. 9–11. This effect is most evident is regions of
In Figs. 8 and 10, the effects of increased block length can high SNR. In regions of low SNR where our bounds are less
be observed. In [10], it is noted that the interleaver gain for useful, the actual weight spectrum becomes more important in
increased block length is proportional to for all RSC’s. influencing performance.

Fig. 8. Average bounds for the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with K = 100 and SI.

Fig. 9. Average bounds for the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with 16-state RSC’s and SI.

TABLE I fact, this degradation can be predicted if we return to the two-

codeword probability. Approximating (27) by dropping the last
two terms, the term can be viewed as an
energy degradation factor multiplying . Therefore, if
we assume that the minimum distance dominates, as is the
case at high SNR, we can approximate the difference relative
to the fully interleaved channel. These differences are shown
For the exponentially correlated channel, Fig. 12 shows the in Table I as well as Fig. 12.
average bound results for 100 and the (1, 21/37, 21/37) While these bounds give insights into achievable perfor-
turbo code. As in the simulations, performance degrades as mance and how to choose constituent encoders, they tell little
the correlation of the channel increases ( decreases). In regarding the performance of the best interleaving scheme for

Fig. 10. Average bounds for the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with K = 100 and NSI.

Fig. 11. Average bounds for the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with 16-state RSC’s and NSI.

a given block size and constituent encoder. In can be said in regions of high SNR, actual performance will be much
that the best scheme performs better than the ensemble bound better than the average bound due to the dramatic differences
but performance could be much better. This is due to the in the diversity orders. Again, at low SNR, the multipliers on
variation in the achievable minimum distances within the class low-weight events contribute to make the situation less clear.
of interleaving schemes for a given block size and constituent
encoder. For example, over the class of all interleavers, the (1, V. DESIGN FOR CORRELATED FADING
21/37, 21/37) turbo scheme with 420 has a worst case To examine the design of turbo codes on correlated chan-
interleaver which yields a minimum distance of ten. However, nels, we will consider the union upper bound on block-error
it is known that this scheme using a helical interleaver can probabilities for a specific turbo code rather than the ensemble
achieve a minimum Hamming distance of 22 [16]. Therefore, average considered above. The union bound for the probability

Fig. 12. Average bounds for the exponentially correlated Rayleigh channel with (1, 21/37, 21/37), K = 100 and SI.

of bit error of an turbo code is given as The term is referred to as the phrase length
product and can be used as a design parameter [6].
A. Interleaver Design Issues
where is the information weight of and Using (30) and (31), we can make some statements regard-
is the two-codeword probability. A bound for this probability ing the design of turbo codes in areas of high signal-to-noise.
is given in (26). As in [6], we can loosen and simplify this In this region, error events will be dominated by codewords
bound to having minimum Hamming distance . Therefore, we can
rewrite (30) as

(29) (32)

If we substitute (29) into (28), we have

From this approximation and the definition of from
above, we develop the following design objectives for the
turbo interleaving scheme:
1) maximize , referred to as maximizing the diversity
2) among the class of interleaving schemes achieving the
maximum , minimize .
The first criterion is identical for turbo code design on
AWGN channels, and involves creating interleavers that pre-
(30) vent short merges in both constituent trellises. However, the
traditional turbo scheme using only one interleaver might
have more than one interleaver that achieves the maximum
where the approximation arises from for small . Therefore, our second criterion states that, within the
and represents an effective information weight multiplier class of interleavers achieving maximum , choose the one
for the class of error events of distance defined as which minimizes . From (31), we observe that this
statement reduces to maximizing the phrase length product
for sequences achieving . In fact, this product is maxi-
mized when the weight is evenly spread throughout the entire

of the interleaver. If received codewords are buffered at the

receiver before decoding, the addition of a block interleaver
designed to scramble over codewords only increases latency
at the transmitter. For the design of these interleavers, the
row/column interleaver again is a strong candidate due to
the fact that it provides uniform spacing between formerly
adjacent symbols.
Figs. 17 and 18 show simulation results illustrating the ben-
efits of the alternative interleaving schemes for exponentially
Fig. 13. Turbo code fragments. correlated channels with SI. In Fig. 17, a (1, 21/37, 21/37)
turbo code is used where Here, a 21 20 helical
interleaver is used and For the block interleaving
scheme, a row/column interleaver with dimensions 35 36
is used. For the systematic interleaving scheme, a 20 21
row/column interleaver is used. The size of the systematic
interleaver is matched to the input block length ( 420)
Fig. 14. Turbo codeword after traditional serialization. while the block interleaver is matched to the codeword length
( ).
In the simulation, for a BER of 10 , the block and
B. Turbo Modifications systematic interleaving schemes offer coding gains of 2 and
3 dB, respectively. While these gains do not match the coded
In its classical representation, a PCCC turbo scheme having performance on the fully interleaved channel, they have been
two constituent encoders is generally drawn with only one obtained with relatively little effort (i.e., latency and extra
interleaver preceding the second constituent encoder. In this hardware). If the goal was the performance of the fully
scheme, codewords are formed by the serialization of the interleaved channel, the size of the block interleaver could
systematic and parity streams. In this scheme, transmitter be increased.
latency is reduced since there is no additional buffering stage In Fig. 18, a turbo design with large block
following encoding. Receiver latency is also reduced since and stronger degree of channel correlation ( 0.001) is
the first constituent decoding can be done as the codeword considered. Here, the turbo interleaver uses the same random
is received. Despite these benefits in terms of latency, the design used in the simulations. The block interleaver is a 125
traditional serialization procedure will suffer problems on 120 row/column design while the systematic interleaver is
correlated fading channels due to clustering of weight within a 100 50 row/column design. Despite the strong channel
codewords. This clustering occurs since the event in- correlation, the additional interleaving yields coding gains of
volves short merges in both constituent trellises. Figs. 13 and 5 and 7 dB, respectively. The increase in the coding gains
14 illustrate this clustering effect. over the previous example is largely related to the size of the
With a single turbo interleaver, this clustering of weight is systematic and block interleavers. Again, by increasing the
always going to be present for sequences that produce low size of the block interleaver, the fully interleaved performance
Hamming weight. However, the clustering can be reduced can be approached. In both previous examples, it can be noted
by adding an additional interleaver either before the first that interleaver design is more critical as decreases.
encoder or before the serialization of the systematic sequence
(Fig. 15). The extra interleaver should improve performance
by increasing the phrase length product for low output weight VI. CONCLUSIONS
sequences, as well as reducing the correlation between adjacent In this paper, we have shown via simulations that turbo
systematic symbols for the constituent decoders. The system- codes are capable of performance very near the capacity limit
atic interleaver should operate over the entire input frame, on fully interleaved fading channels. Furthermore, we have
with the design being arbitrary provided that it is sufficiently shown simulation results and bounds to indicate the perfor-
different from the turbo interleaver. A possible candidate is mance of turbo systems under conditions of both independent
the row/column interleaver which reads data into a matrix by and correlated fading. The bound results give indications of
rows while reading the data out by columns. achievable performance as well as the effects of block length
For situations with relaxed constraints on system latency, and constituent encoder choice. We concluded by proposing
another possible interleaving scheme is to append a block interleaving options as well as structural modifications to im-
interleaver following the serialization procedure as in Fig. 16. prove turbo code performance on correlated fading channels.
Block interleavers have been shown to perform well in mit-
igating fading effects by reducing the effective correlation
time of the channel. The ability of this scheme to reduce APPENDIX
channel correlation is directly related to the size of the With coherent BPSK signaling, the discrete fading channel
block interleaver or the interleaver depth. Unfortunately, the model is given as , where is the channel output
additional latency for the scheme is proportional to the size and is an input BPSK signal with energy constraint .

Fig. 15. Systematic interleaving for fading channels.

Fig. 16. Block interleaving for fading channels.

Fig. 17. Simulation results for turbo modifications on the exponentially correlated Rayleigh channel with K = 420, BTs = 0.01, and SI.

The variable is an AWGN component, and is the channel conditioned on this knowledge. For this case, we write the
gain with Rayleigh distribution and is independent of . capacity expression as
Channel capacity is defined as the maximum over the input (33)
distribution of the mutual information between the
channel output and input . For the fading channel, (34)
if the fading amplitude is known, the mutual information is

Fig. 18. Simulation results for turbo modifications on the exponentially correlated Rayleigh channel with K = 5000, BTs = 0.001, and SI.
and simplifies to

(35) (38)

The steps above are based on the independence of and , In this expression, is the Rayleigh pdf with average
conditional probability rules, and the law of total probability. power of 1 and is the Gaussian pdf with a mean
is the mutual information between and of and variance . The term is defined as
conditioned on knowledge of the channel gain .
is the expectation over the distribution . Based on the (39)
independence of and , this distribution can be written as
If channel side information is not available, the channel
For symmetric channels with a finite input alphabet (i.e., capacity is written
BPSK), the maximization in the capacity definition is achieved
by an equiprobable input distribution
. From the determination of
and , the capacity expression is (42)


The channel gain emerges in this expression as we examine

, which can be written as

By symmetry, is

Substituting back into and using the simplifications



Fig. 19. Channel capacity on the fully interleaved Rayleigh channel with coherent BPSK signaling.

TABLE II solution to the following equation [17]:


For BPSK signaling with the assumption of equiprobable

inputs, and , the true boundary is found
from the solution to
where (46)

Unfortunately, for fading channels with BPSK signaling,

(45) (46) has no closed-form solution due to the complexity of
the capacity expressions and . Therefore, we
simply show a vertical line to indicate the minimum
Equations (38) and (44) can be computed using numerical required for zero error performance in Figs. 2 and 3.
integration and the results are plotted in Fig. 19. Notice that
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[17] S. G. Wilson, Digital Modulation and Coding. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1996.

Eric K. Hall received the B.S.E.E. degree from

Duke University, Durham, NC, in 1994 and the
M.S.E.E. degree from the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, in 1996.
He spent the summer of 1996 working for Lock-
heed Martin Tactical Communications Systems, Salt
Lake City, UT. Currently, he is working toward the
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Uni-
versity of Virginia. His research deals with practical
and theoretical aspects of error-control coding.
Mr. Hall is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and the
IEEE Communications and Information Theory Societies.

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