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• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

• Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 40 de minute
• La toate subiectele se cer rezolvări complete.

PART 1: (30 points)

Read the text below to decide if each of the following sentences is correct (A) or incorrect (B):

Walking benefits

Scientists have known for years that people who exercise tend to live longer than those who do not. Perhaps
one of the best things we can do for our bodies is to simply take a walk. Some people might think that walking
is not intense enough to offer any health benefits. They may say that playing sports or running hard would be
much better because they tend to use more energy.

When you stop and think about it, however, walking is one of the things that almost anyone can do at any
time. Unlike many sports, you can enjoy doing it alone and you don’t need any special equipment.

Walking also has many hidden benefits that we are just starting to understand. One of the best things about
walking is that it can strengthen your heart. Even slowly walking will make your heart work harder. It will pump
blood faster and give your circulatory system a workout. This also helps to manage blood pressure. As a
result, you can lower the chance of having a stroke by up to 27 percent.

Walking can also help with weight loss. Even a short 30-minute walk at 3 kilometres per hour can burn off 75
calories for a person who weighs 60 kilograms. A daily walking routine can be a good part of an overall weight
loss plan. A walking routine also seems easier to keep than other exercise routines aimed at weight
loss. Studies show that about 75 per cent of people who try to lose weight by jogging will quit within six
months. On the other hand, only 25% of walkers quit in the same period.

Finally, walking can make you a much happier person! Walking causes the brain to release endorphins
throughout the body. These help to raise your mood levels. They also make you feel relaxed, more alert, and
happier. Walking is an excellent way to reduce stress and anger.

1. Walking is an activity that requires much effort. – A / B

2. People do not enjoy walking alone. – A / B
3. One of the benefits of walking is that it makes your liver healthier. – A / B
4. People who want to be slim should walk regularly. – A / B
5. More people quit jogging than walking. – A / B
6. When they walk, people feel angry. – A / B

Test inițial la disciplina LIMBA ENGLEZĂ – clasa a IX-a, L1 Pagina 1 din 2
PART 2: 30 points
A. Complete the second sentence so as to mean the same as the first, using no more than three words:
1. Mary has never left the country before.
This is __________________ Jenny has left the country.

2. Parents do not allow children to drive.

Children _________________ to drive by their parents.

3. John has woken up late so he missed the morning train.

If John __________________ earlier, he wouldn’t have missed the morning train.

4. Daniel is fourteen, but all his classmates are twelve or thirteen.

Daniel is _________________ in his class.

5. „Do you like reading?” the teacher asked Jennifer.

The teacher asked Jennifer ___________________ reading.

6. I have been cleaning all morning, I think you should start cleaning too.
I think it is _________________ to clean now.

B. Complete the following text with one word in each gap:

As the new school year begins, many parents are looking for something different for their young children. A
popular choice for many is the forest kindergarten. This kindergarten involves learning in a natural
environment, mostly outdoors. It is a type of kindergarten which (1) ________ been popular for some years
now, so more and (2) _________ children are sent to one. Activities include role play, climbing trees and
exploring (3) __________ nearby forests. Children are also encouraged (4) ___________ use things found
outside to make different objects. Teachers are supervisors or assistants, and they care (5) _______, educate
and stimulate the children. It is expected that, in the future, even more parents will (6)_________ sending their
children to forest kindergartens.

PART 3: (30 points)

Your friend is very interested in sports, but you prefer less energetic pastimes such as reading or listening to
music. Write a 100-word paragraph message to him/her in which you explain what you think about sport, why
you enjoy other activities, and suggest something you could do together in your free time.

Test inițial la disciplina LIMBA ENGLEZĂ – clasa a IX-a, L1 Pagina 2 din 2

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