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a List and explain GIS operations related to data analysis.

1. Vector data analysis: buffering, overlay, distance measurement , spatial statistics, map
2.Raster data analysis: local, neighbourhood, zonal, global,raster data manipulation
3.Terrain mapping and analysis
4.Viewshed and watershed
5. Spatial interpolation
6. Geocoding and dynamic segmentation
7. Path analysis and network applications

b Write a short note on rasterization

The conversion of vector data to raster data is called rasterization. The rasterization involves three
1.The first steps sets up a raster with a specified cell size to cover the area extent of the vector data
and initially assigns all cell values as zeros.
2. The second step changes the values of those cells that correspond to points, lines or polygon
boundaries . The cell value is set to 1 for a point the lines value for a line and the polygons value for
polygon boundary.
3.The third step fills the interior of the polygon outline with the polygon value. Errors from
rasterization are usually related to the design of the computer algorithm, the size of raster scale and
boundary complexity

c Explain the Universe Transverse Mercator(UTM) grid system. Give suitable example
Description of UTM

d Explain the following terms of object based data model and give suitable example.
Aggregation - The whole part relationship between classes. It is a type of association except that
the multiplicity at the composite end is typically 1 and the multiplicicty at the other end is 0or any
+ve number.
Example census tract is an example of a number of census blocks.
Association – defines how many instances of one class can be associated with the other class
through multiplicity expression at both ends of the relationship. Common multiplicity expressions
are one and omne oe more.
Example : - An address is associated with one zip code but it can be associated with one or more

a What is Root Mean Square error in geometric transformation. Explain the role of RMS error in Affine
A root mean square (RMS) error is a quantitative measure that can determine the quality of
geometric transformation. It measures the displacement between the actual and estimated
locations of the control points. If the RMS error is acceptable, then a mathematical model derived
from the control points can be used for tranforming the entire map or image.
If the RMS error is within the acceptable range, then the assumption is that this same level of
accuracy based on the contrlol points can aslo apply to the entire map or image. But this assumption
may not be true under certain circumstances.

b Explain the map-to-map and image-to-map transformation

map-to-map – A newly digitizied map, either manually digitized or traces from a scanned file is based
on digitizer units. Digitizer units can be in inches or dots per inch. Geometric transformation
converts the newly digitized map into projected coordinates in a process often called as map-to-map
Image-to-map transformation applies to remotely sensed data. It changes the rows and columns ie
image coordinates of a satelite image into projected coordinates.

c List the common resampling methods and explain them.

Common Resampleing methods are :
Nearest neighbour
Bilinear interpolation
Cubic convolution

d Explain bilinear interpolation resampling method with suitable example

The bilinear interpolation method uses four nearest neighbours in the original image to compute a
pixel value in the new image.

a Explain different types of attribute table.
Different types of attribute tables are
Feature attribute table
Nonspatial attribute table

b Explain file and hierarchical database with suitable example

A flat file contains all data in a large table. A feature attribute table is like a flat file. Another example
is a spreadsheet with data only.
A Hierarchical database organizes its data at different levels and use only th eone-to-many
association between levels

c Explain
1. Dot map
Uses uniform point symbols to show spatial data, with each symbol representing a unit value. One to
one dot mapping representing a unit value of one, such as one dot representing one crime location
In most cases, it is one-to-one many dot mapping and the unit value is greater than one

2. Choropleth map
Symbolizes with shadow, derived data based on administrative units. An example is a map showing
average household income by county.The derived data are usually classified prior to mapping and
are symbolized using color scheme for quantitative data. Therefore the appereance can be greatly
affected by data classification.
d Explain relational database with suitable example.
A relational dtabase is a collection of tables, also called as relations, which can be connected to each
other by keys. A primary key represents one or more attributes whose values can uniquely identify a
record ina table. Its counterpart in another table for the purpose of linkage is called a foreign key.
Thus a key common to two tables can establish connections between corresponding records in the

a Explain data exploration
Data exploration in GIS lets user view th egeneral patterns in the data set, query data subsets, and
hypothesize about possible relationships between data sets. But there are two important difference
1. Data exploration in GIS involves both spatial and attribute data.
2. The media for data exploration in GIS include maps and map features.

b Explain spatial data query with suitable example

It refers to the process or retrieving a data subset from a layer by working directly with features.
Features may be selected using a cursor, a graphic, or spatial relationshp betwen features.
The results of spatial data querycan be simultenously inspected in the map, linked to the hihjlighted
records in the table, and displayed in charts. They can also be saved as a new data set for further

c Explain with suitable example the query by cell value type of raster data query
The cell value in a raster typically represents a specific attribute value at the cell location. Therefore,
the operand in raster data query is the raster data query is the raster itself rather than a field as in
the case of vector data query. A raster data query uses a Boolean statement to separate cells that
satisfy the query statement from cells that do not.Raster data query can also use the Boolean
connectors of AND, OR and NOT to string together separate expressions. A compound statement
with separate expressions usually applies to mulitple rasters which may be integer, floating point or
mix of both types.

a Explain Buffering
Buffereing creates two areas
1. Area that is within a specified distances if select features
2. Area that is beyonf.
Area that is within the specified distance is claaed the buffer zone.
a. Points
b. Lines
c. Polygons

b List and explain various overlay operations based on feature type.


c Explain the following map manipulation operations with example

Dissolve aggregates features that have the same attribute value or values.
Example we an aggregate roads by highway number or counties by state.
Application – to simplify a classified ploygon layer.

2. Append
Creates a new layer by piecing together two or more layers.
Example Append can put together a layer from four input layer, each corresponding to the area
extent od USGE 7.5-minute quadrangle. The output can then be used a s single layerfor data query
or display.

d Explain the reclassification local operations of raster.

Local operations are cell-by-cell operations. A local operation can creat anew raster from either
single input rasy=ter or multiple input raster. The cell values of the new raster are computes by the
function relating the input to the out or are assigned by a classification table.
A local opeartion reclassification creates a new raster by classification. Two method may be used
a. One-to-one chnage
b. Assign a new value to range of cell values in theinput raster.
Reclassification serves three purposes
1. It can create simplified raster
2. It can create a new raster that contain a unique category or value
3. It can create a new raster that shows the ranking of cell values in the input raster.

a List and explain the types of spatial interpolation
Spatial Interpolation methods can be categorized in several ways. They can be grouped into
1) global interpolation: uses every known point available to estimate an unknown value
local interpolation: uses a sample of known points to estimate an unknown value
2) Exact interpolation: predicts a value at point location that is the same as its known value i.e, it
passes through the control points
inexact interpolation or approximate interpolation: predicts a value at the point location that differs
from its known value.
3)Deterministic interpolation: provides no assessment of errors with predicted values.
Stochastic interpolation: offers assessment of prediction errors with estimated variances

b Explain the density estimation local method

It measures cell densities in a raster by using a sample by known points. There are simple and kernel
density estimation methods. To use the simple density estimation method we can place raster on a
point distribution, tabulate point that fall within each cell, sum the point values and estimates the
cells density bty dividing the total point values by the cell size.

c What is Kringing? Explain

Kriging is a geostatistical method for spatial interpolation. Kringing can assess the quality of
prediction with estimated prediction errors.
Detail explaination.

d Define the following:

1. Anisotropy: a term describing the existence of directional differences in spatial dependence
2.Range: The distance at which semivariance starts to level off in a semivariogram
3. Nugget: The semivariance value at the distance 0 in a semivariogram
4. Partial Sill: The difference between the sill and the nugget in a semivariogram
5. Sill: The semivariance at which the leveling starts in a semivariogram.

a Explain different components of GIS
1.Computer System 2. GIS software 3. People 4. Data

b Write a short note on metadata

Metadata provide information about geographical data. They are therfore an integrakl part of
GISdata and are usually prepared and entered during data production process. Metadat are
important to anyone who plans to use public data for GIS project. Metadata let us know
1. if the data meet our specific needs for area coverage, data quality and data currency.
2. How to transfer, process and interprete geospecial data
3. Include the contact for additional information.

c Explain normalization with suitable example

It is a process of decomposition, taking a table with all the attribute data and breaking it down into
small tables while maintaining the necessary linkages between them. Normalization is designed to
achieve the following objectives.
1. To avoid redundant data in tables that waste space in the database and may cause data integrity
2. To ensure attribute data in separate tables can be maintained and updated separately and can be
linked whenever necessary
3. To facilitate a distributed database.
Give Normalization example

d Write a short note on feature selection by graphic data query

e Find the zonal mean for the input raster(a) using a zonal raster(b)
f Describe how semivariance can be used to qualify the spatial dependence in a data asset

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