LT1 IP For Technological Innovation

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551 M.F. Jhocson St. Sampaloc, Manila

IP for Technological Innovation


Dedicatoria, Michael Angelo

Villarama, Mhar Venneth F.
Addun, Calvin John D.
Rivera, Dan Christian
Plaga, Gabriel


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in


May 19, 2021

for Beginners”

What is the topic about?

The first topic is all about how to formulate an idea. According

to the keynote speaker, idea flow, innovation, overview of the IP
system, how IP concept is important for everyone, and technology
readiness level is key attributes to formulate an idea. To further
understand, according to Dr. Canlas the process of imagining all of
the things you will accomplish is known as idea flow. For example, it
was mentioned in the justification document that it is concerned with
a certain notion, which is a device, equipment, machine, product, or
substance. Second, it must have legal implications for financing, a
technical working group, or a consultant who has a contract, a non-
disclosure agreement, and a transfer of assignment. While when in
terms to innovation it is when using your ingenuity to come up with a
new concept or solution. It is technical innovation that allows parts to
accomplish things they could not accomplish before. It also
addresses the problem-solving technique and its application in the
workplace, community, and business.

The intellectual property (IP) system is concerned with rights

and duties, as well as benefits and incentives, all stemming from the
development and preservation of IP, which “refers to mental
creations: inventions; literary and creative works; and symbols,
names, and pictures used in commerce. Lastly, technological
readiness level is made up of nine stages that are used to
comprehend a technology's technical maturity throughout its
acquisition phase. The following levels are provided:

1.First are the Basic principles observed.

2.Technology concept formulated.

3.Experimental proof of concept

4.Technology validated in lab.

5.Technology validated in relevant environment.

6.Technology demonstrated in relevant environment.

7.System model or prototype demonstration in operational


8.System complete and qualified.

9.Actual system proven in operational environment.

Will this be useful in your Techno project?

This topic will be useful in our techno project which is the

Thermocoal, because it helps us to think more ideas that we can add
to our project. Also, this topic helps us to think about the legal
implications that we should do to avoid conflicts while doing our
project and the nine stages of technological readiness level (TRL)
helps us on how we estimate the maturity of the Thermocoal.
How will you apply this to your business Idea?

We can apply this topic to create more ideas to improve our

business plan so that we can surely create our business more
efficient. We have the ideas now that we should check if there’s any
consequences while making our business plan to make sure if we
can be involved in something according to law. We should apply the
TRL’s or the Technological Readiness Level, to estimate the maturity
of the Thermocoal.

Any suggestions to improve the sessions?

Our suggestions to improve the session is that the organizer

should provide an icebreaker throughout the session. Since, it was an
three hour discussion we all know that icebreakers are vital in this
such events where communication and participant comfort are crucial
aspects. They aid in ensuring that all attendees are equal
participants, and they completely engage participants when you want
them to own the meeting or session's outcomes. And they should
also improve the audio of the webinar is very poor and hard to
for Technological Innovation”

What is the topic about?

The topic is all about “IP for Technological Innovation” patent of

new inventive technologies and its novelty. It focuses on the
patentability opinion where current patents and patent applications
play a role in determining the viability of a given invention. A
patentability opinion is a legal opinion that evaluates your invention in
light of established prior art to assess the probability of your invention
being patentable, it also talks about the process of a patentability
invention which is Right-to-Use Opinion, Non-Infringement Opinion,
Infringement Opinion, Validity Opinion.

Dr. Ria Canlas, which is the CEO of Po Lite Technology

incorporated, the founder and the inventor of Po-Lite discusses what
makes the technology patentable and its process throughout. Her
invention Po-Lite is a great example for the topic, very timely, and
another new source of information for new generations to come. Po-
Lite products are not only cost-efficient, time-efficient, and quality-
efficient but it also helps to prevent gas emissions by using green
materials, thoroughly dissect each problem to strengthen, and
enhance the structural integrity and its characteristics, and lastly the
aesthetic of the product.

The nobility of the inventor’s idea is the core and foundation of

the product, the creativity of it comes along. New ideas come from a
playful mind, being imaginative gives it a steppingstone to make an
idea and encountering problems along the way.

Will this be useful in your Techno project?

This will be very useful for our Techno project because this
serves as a guide towards an organized process, production, and
quality outcome. The topic is versatile in any aspect of inventions and
its patentability. Our techno project “Thermocoal” will be going
through a long way of being patentable and from what we learn from
the topic it will be very useful and helpful for us to be guided and
deliver a great outcome, this will be great for us students that are
starting making ideas or upgrading older inventions and by benefiting
both parties who will be the one using it someday in the future by
learning from it, the trial and errors, the why’s ,creating new
information and keys for new generations to come.

How will you apply this to your business Idea?

Before the project started the idea itself is the foundation, the
topic emphasizes the nobility of our technology. We will be focusing
Intellectual Property Rights (IP) because it protects the future assets
of the product that may be integral to long-term viability. It keeps the
ideas, protecting future growth of the product, securing its nobility
preventing from copying or leaked information without consent. If the
project, has it takes to be patentable, we will use the given sources
from the video for the process of patent.
Any suggestions to improve the sessions?

Our suggestion to improve the sessions is to talk about the

topic in different time stamps so it doesn’t take longer because the
video took almost 3 hours, I think it’s better to divide the topics on
different videos so it can broaden the conversation especially on the
topic questions, but it is understandable that it’s almost a 3-hour
video because they don’t have time and they have their own
schedule. They can edit the video and cut it to different parts in this
way when the viewer plays back a certain part of a video, they can
easily go back since it is a shorter time.
“Special Coaching Session”

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