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PGR eis Workhorse: FiyWostat is ‘ropesing to launch domestic Dassenger services with aflet De Havilland Dash 8 000s. ies FlyWestaf is hoping to bring much-needed competition to the domestic Algerian market, before setting its sights further afield in west Africa. Martin Rivers report ‘Chali Zia Cher: "is a firstin Algeria —alarge market tats op 20 first low-cost carieron August 18, when is pplication for an air operators certificate (AOC) was formally received by the country’s ii aviation author ‘Thestartupisheaded by co founders, Chakib Ziani CCherifand Richard Powell, who are propesing to launch domestic passenger services witha leet of De Haviland Dash 8 0400s, ‘Capital city, Algiers, wl be the atfne’s main operating base, witha secondary hub also being tablished in Tamanraset, am oasis city in the fa south of Algeria. Longer erm, the business plan envisages subsidiaries or franchises being setup across west Arica initlly focusing ‘on Gambia, the former British eolony that has been without ‘adomesticairine since 2014 Algerian president, Abdelmadid Tehboune, has repeatedly called for more competition in the civil aviation ctr since taking ollice two yearsago. ‘The Algerian markets currently dominated by two state- ‘owned airlines: lag-carver Ait Algerie, which has poor reputation with customers owing its ow service standards and frequent delays; and Tass Aisne, whi began a charter cartier fr cil workersand has struggled to diversify beyond thisniche. Former transport minister, Lazhar Hani, announced plans foranevs privately owned domestic irlnein October 2020. Aithouin he was red by te president three months Tater over a procurement scandal, the ministry remains committe tothe project. “Talks were held between goverment officials and “2 {dozen potential investors” in uly, according local media. FlyWestas the only company to have subsequently Aiselosed an AOC application. Hee despite being the front-runner inthe fberasation of Algeria skies, things haven gone smcothy forthe start-up, Management originally planned 1 launch operations in ‘May 2021 in Gambia, having won the apparent backing of that countrys president, Adama Barrow. An inital route network of ight destinations was ‘announced forthe Banjul base: Abidjan (Ivory Coast): Bamako (Mali) Bissau (Guinea-Bissau); Conakry (Guinea); Dakar (Senegal) Freetown (Sierra Leone); Monrovia (Ciera); and Praia (Cape Verde), F West moved astep closer to hocoming Algeria's LOW-COST CARRIERS larger irra for lights to western Euro also on the agenda. Gambia tourism sector has been dependent on European kisure carrer TUI sine thecollapse ‘of Gambia Bird the former flag-caries, in 2014 As elas deferring its Gambian project, Fly Westaf has sgnifcanly altered its plans forthe upcoming Algerian unit. The company originally intended touse the coastal ity ‘of Oran asa secondary hub, deploying strat tofive «domestic and four international markets, The overseas routes were expected tobe Alicante and Barcelona in Spain; and Toulouse and Montpelirin France: “Tamanrasset has naw replaced Oranas the planned satelite hub likely due tothe governments decision fo intaly grant only domestic lying rights gouga “Weare on the verg of having a provisional authorisation for four] AOCafter our meeting with the Algerian minister ‘oftransport,” Cheri said, “tis fist in Algeria ~alarge ‘marke thats opening [upto competition]. Of course, our strategy in west Altica is nt forgoten, Precisely tsa unique opportunity tink the twomarkets.. rom “Tamanrassetin second phase.” Launching operations inthe mids ofthe aifne industry's ‘worst ever downturn might see ike anextrardinary gamble Butmanagenien appear confident that times of crises fer the greatest opportuniics. Cheri points tohistrically ov leasing tes or aircraft amid an ongeing supply gut, as well as rentativesignsof a recover in global ravelthssummes. Heals boliows that the economic hardships crated by the Covid19 pandemic wll motivate African govern ‘opush forward with lng-overdu reforms to their iv aviation sectors—specitically, by replacing wasteful egacy flag carriers with morecosteflective budge ailines “Thats likey to strike chord with President Tebboune, who has vowed ord Algeria fis reputation for public- sector bureaveracy and inefficiency. ‘Whatisnotclearis whether Fly Westat has securedthe necessary funding tomake good onits promises, Management have been seckinginvestment of 9.2 milion tog olf the ground about one thinof which the expt come rem ‘Algeria state-run National Investment Fun. .

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