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Quarter 1 – Module 14:
The Art of Emotional Expressions
Personal Development 11/12
Quarter 1 – Module 14: The Art of Emotional Expressions

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Fermin P. Curaming
Editors: Frankie T. Turalde, Randy P. Bacares, Gloria E. Fontelar
Reviewers: Sheila C. Bulawan
Illustrator: Engr. John Paul Revilla
Layout Artist: Jogene Alilly C. San Juan
From the previous module, we have learned how to improve our intelligence
and grow our brain by personally making a concrete plan to achieve them.
However, as human beings, we are not only governed by our intelligence,
sometimes, our behaviors, reactions, and even decisions are not only based on
what we know or how we understand things but also on how we deal with our

At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. Discuss that understanding the intensity and
differentiation of emotions may help in communicating
emotional expressions

Vocabulary List
As we begin, you remember:

Emotion – is a natural instinctive state of mind derived from one’s experiences,

personal relationships, and life circumstances – usually attributed to
one’s feelings and moods.
Feeling – a general term for subjective point of view as well as for specific
Mood – A temporary state of mind or feeling
Emotional Intelligence – The ability to understand, use, and manage your own
emotions in positive ways

Agree or Disagree
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Circle _____ if you agree and
_____ if you do not agree with the statement.

1. Emotions are based on feelings and has nothing to do with human

2. A person can choose a mood whenever s/he decides to
3. The more intense the emotions are, the more that they need to be
4. Both Pleasant and Unpleasant Emotions must be expressed
5. “Okay” as a response is a good measure of emotional expression

Learning Activities
Activity 1: Feelings Meter
Directions: Below is a set of different emoticons that manifest the
different common human emotions. Your task is to rate yourself as
regards the intensity of emotion you feel whenever you experience each
one of them.
Rate yourself ten (10) for the most extreme and one (1) for the least
extreme. It does not aim to know how frequent you experience these
emotions, rather it focuses on how strong your feelings are when you
experience them in your life. Shade the line up to the corresponding
number of your choice.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sad _______________________________________________
Angry _______________________________________________

Afraid _______________________________________________

Shy _______________________________________________
Disgust _______________________________________________
Jealous _______________________________________________
Excited _______________________________________________
Love _______________________________________________

What can you say about the intensity of your emotions? What does it
show about how extreme your emotions are – both in the lower and
higher points?

How does the intensity of your emotions affect your behaviors and
reactions to your environment? How important is understanding the
intensity of your emotional experiences?
What are your insights after doing this activity? Expound your answer.

Activity 2: heART Attack!

Directions: Below is a figure of a heart which in the classical sense

is used to illustrate our emotions. However, most of the time, we only
use heart to symbolize the emotion of love to someone.

In this activity, you will design your heart showing how complex
its experience of emotions; not to signify how intense each emotion
of yours but how many and how frequent these emotions are
experienced by you.

You may use scribbles or doodles to design your heart but what
is important is the different colors you assign to each part of emotion.
You may choose what occupies the most central part or the
peripheries. Below your heART, make a legend to facilitate our
understanding of the different emotions.


Legend: (example)
____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________

How do you describe your heART? Does it truly resemble how colorful
and complex your emotional experiences? Expound your answer.

If you will be given the chance to improve your heART’s landscape; what
part would you like to change? Why and How?


Emotional intelligence 101

The experience of human Emotion can be traced

back from the human race’s survival instinct. When there
is a threatening stimulus in the environment, our
tendency is to automatically protect ourselves to survive
– we call this “fight or flight” reaction. These autonomic
reactions have been learned by human beings in the
evolutionary level and this can be a common process that
we share even with animals - the capacity to respond to
stimuli in the environment.

What makes us different from animals and other living organisms, are
our ability to become fully aware of our emotions - its expressions and
reactions. With this, we will be able to process and draw out insights from our
experiences that in turn may help us improve in our daily dealings with the
people around us. However, as human beings, we have different perceptions
and receptions about the world – hence we have different ways on how we
process our experiences.

It is not new to you when you accuse intelligent people to be dumb in

handling emotions particularly in the name of love. Though there is a little
association on this two especially when an intelligent person is not a master of
his/her emotions. However, to claim this as a universal truth is a different thing.
There are a lot of things to be considered in this claim. First, you need to
reiterate the meaning of intelligence and second, you need to have an
empirical basis to say that this claim is true.

As discussed in the preceding modules, it emphasized that

intelligence is not only measured on someone’s ability to solve mathematical
problems and resolve natural science mysteries. You understood that
intelligence can be in different forms and apart from the Multiple Intelligence of
Howard Gardner, you also have this Emotional Intelligence/Quotient (EI/EQ)
of Salovey and Mayer which pertains to the ability to understand, use, and
manage one’s emotions.

Hence, emotional intelligence can be acquired by people across

intellectual or academic capacities. They are not inversely proportional to each
other; in fact, they can go hand and hand together. And this begins in the
simplest act of being aware and able to recognize your own feelings and
emotions. This ability can also be a good determinant to life’s success because
it will help you build strong relationships; facilitates good decision making; and
assists you in dealing with difficult situations in the day-to-day life struggles.

How to be Emotionally Intelligent?

The activities you accomplished above could be a good way to start

improving your Emotional Intelligence. As mentioned, it begins with a simple
awareness and recognition of your emotions, that is why the activities were
about reflecting on the intensity and variety of your emotions. Your Personal
Development Reader provides ways on how to improve your EI. Below is its
summary with additional insights.

Being Aware of Your Emotions – By noticing or recognizing the feelings or

moods in a particular situation in a day is the most fundamental skill for EI. If
you can accurately name what and how you feel, then you are ready for the
next skill. One cannot manage something that s/he is not aware of. That is why
it is important to label your emotions, verbalizing it to your self is helpful (e.g.
“I feel frustrated”, “I feel glad”, “I feel thrilled”). From now on, make it a habit to
recognize and label your emotions.

Understanding How Others Feel and Why – Apart from being aware of your
own emotion, another skill to be improved is learning how to understand other’s
emotions. Again, you will not be able to accomplish this if you do not have a
mastery of yourself, or else, you will end up to having mistaken judgment about
people. This skill is also called EMPATHY. This is important since this is a good
ground for positive relationship with others – enabling you to recognize how to
respond to people and situations.

Managing Emotional Reactions – It is good to recognize your current

emotion and to keep reminding the self what kind of emotion you are
experiencing. However, we need to learn further how to manage our reactions.
If you want to improve your EI, learn when, where, and how to express yourself.
There is greatness in being truthful and frank, but there is nobleness in
choosing the right timing and the manner of saying.

Choosing Your Mood – If you are already aware of your and other’s emotions;
and you are also able to manage your reactions – it is now important to
empower yourself in choosing your moods. Moods are emotional states that
last for a shorter period of time. Recognize that our mood must not always
depend about others and the situations. An emotionally intelligent person
knows that s/he has the capacity to choose his/her mood.

These ways are easier said than done. That is why, mastering the art of
managing emotion is sometimes a lifetime process. As we age, we come to
know more our tendencies, as observed from our previous reactions to
situations, and we get to manage more our emotional expressions.

Emotional Expressions

Emotional expressions are a set of behaviors manifested from our

feelings and moods. When we were little, we tend to cry a lot when we are in
pain or when we are sad or lonely. When we are angry, we tend to be more
aggressive to the point of quarreling other children. Childhood Emotional
Expressions could be in a form of stomping, hitting, yelling, and losing control.
But as we grow older, though we may still cry and be aggressive at times, but
the intensity and the frequency are now varied and different from our
childhood experience of emotional expressions. You may have improved a
lot in your emotional expressions or the other way around – but these
primarily depend on how we deal with our emotions today.
There are suggestions above about how we are going to improve our
Emotional Intelligence. But they are easier said than done, especially to
teenagers like you. The first two: Emotional Awareness and Empathy may
seem so easy, but it also needs a lot of time to master. The last two: Managing
Reactions and Choosing One’s Mood are more difficult that the first ones
especially that they are highly dependent upon our brain development –
which we have learned from the previous modules, that teenagers’ brains are
still on the process of construction.
However, this does not impede our chance to improve our emotional
expressions. What is important right now is our continuous mindfulness and
reflections about how we react to our environment as influenced by our
current emotional state. Observing and understanding your reactions to how
intense and varied your emotions are could a great help to achieve your self-

My Take-Aways on Emotional Intelligence and Expressions

A. In one or two sentences, discuss what is Emotional Intelligence

B. Among the different ways to improve your emotional intelligence, which
do you think is most appropriate to you? How would you apply it?

C. How good are you in evaluating your own emotions? Do you feel that
you already have a capacity to manage your own emotional
expressions? How do you feel about this reality?

My Emotional Expressions Tracking Device

A. Using this device, you can monitor how well you are doing with your
emotional expressions. Complete the device below. Think of the times
when you are in the extremes of emotions experiencing each. Just be
grounded on the experience you had about this emotion. If you think you
were not able to explore this emotion yet, might as well imagine yourself
feeling these emotions, and try to see your tendencies upon having them

Frequency refers to how often you experience the emotion – as reflected

from your heart attack. Use the scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) rate

Intensity refers to how strong or extreme the emotion is. Use your
answer written in Feelings Meter. Use the scale of 1 (lowest) to 10
(highest) rate yourself.

Emotional Expressions refer to your reactions or your behavioral

response to the given emotion. Write your answers in phrase. Give at
least two answers in this item.

Evaluation refers to your personal judgment whether your emotional

expressions are acceptable or not. Your basis of saying so is your own
understanding of social norms and good conduct.

Frequency Intensity Emotional Expressions Evaluation


Sad _______________________________________________
Angry _______________________________________________

Afraid _______________________________________________

Shy _______________________________________________
Disgust _______________________________________________
Jealous _______________________________________________
Love _______________________________________________
My Take-Aways on My Emotional Expressions Tracking Device

A. How did you feel doing the activity? Was it easy or difficult? Why made
you say so? ______________________________________________

B. What can you say about your emotional expressions or your reaction
tendencies when you experience these emotions? Do you like what you
see? Why or Why not? ______________________________________

C. Based on your evaluation of each emotion and its emotional

expressions, which emotion do you still need to manage better? Cite at
least three (3) and suggest ways how to improve your self-management
skills. ____________________________________________________

D. How would you like to improve in your emotional expressions? How will
it help in shaping the better YOU? ______________________________

Concrete Ways to Improve One’s Communication of Emotional Expressions

Being true in expressing your emotions is good and actually healthy.

Studies suggest that repressing emotions lead to increased level of stress.
Another, emotional expressions were found to be a common trait among
people who lived 100 years, part of it is positive attitude towards life. So, the
suggestion is that we should express our emotions and don’t hold back.
However, for those who are not used doing so, it is easier said than done. And
for those who really wanted to express it totally, there are still proper ways in

communicating them. Saying that emotional expression is healthy does not
mean that we can say all that we want to say in all kinds of manner we want
them to be expressed.

Emotional Intelligence just like other intelligences are honed talents and
skills, and we vary in the way we cultivate these. A huge factor why we vary in
communicating emotions are our personality. Those who are extroverts tend
to have higher emotional expressiveness than those who are introverts. But
the good news is, just like other intelligences, it can be improved. How do we
begin? Generally, it was already stated above: How to Improve Emotional
Intelligence; but specifically, on Communicating Emotional Expressions, the
list below provides concrete ways to do it.

Tips to Improve Emotional Expressions

1. It always begins with self-awareness: how do you feel about the
situation, what message do you want to communicate? It is good to
clarify first your own emotions before communicating it to others. That is
why, when we are angry, it is good to separate yourself first from the
triggering factors, process yourself, and calm down your emotions. You
may also talk to a friend expressing why you are angry. When you are
already good, then you may communicate your feelings to those whom
you wanted to express it.

2. Emotions are data, it communicates meaning and intent. Therefore, it is

important to accurately convey those to people in the most possible way
that they can also understand and perceive. Most of the time, people
argue and quarrel not because of differing opinions, but because of
emotions attached to it and the way we convey as well as interpret the

3. Practice communicating your Emotional Expression to closest friends

first. Trying to master communicating emotional expression is quite
frustrating for some. There are those who badly wanted to express but
they can’t; and there are those who expressed it eventually but later on
regretted why they did it at the very first place. This experience if remains
will encage you in that cycle forever. So, communicating emotional
expressions to closest friends may help in the long run, until such time
that you are already ready doing it to others – even strangers.

4. Avoid responding “okay” when trusted people ask, “How Are You”,
especially when they seem so sincere about their concern. Instead of
saying just “okay”, you may start expressing what you actually feel. In
counseling, “okay” as a response is not considered an emotion or even

a feeling, it is the vaguest answer you would hear. For us Filipinos,
responding “okay” is culturally tolerated – but this is when the purpose
of asking “How Are You” is just a greeting but not an actual question. So,
from now on, instead of saying just “okay”, you may say actual feelings.
For instance: “I feel anxious about our upcoming exams”, “I am
distracted by our classmates’ behaviors”, “I’m excited about what will be
the next lesson”.

5. If you cannot find somebody to communicate your emotions, you may

take a video of yours while expressing yourself. After doing it, you may
want to play the videos and observe how you express yourself, your tone
of voice, your facial expression, your gestures, and the likes. This will
help you in your personal awareness of your emotional expressions. If
videos are not available, you may talk in front of mirror and observe
yourself expressing your emotion.

6. Change your perspective about expressing unpleasant emotions. Most

of the time, we associate unpleasant emotions to negative emotions.
Note that in the Philippine culture, negative emotions are trained to be
repressed and not meant to be expressed especially in public situations.
When we are angry, we prefer not to say it, instead we promote talking
about the person in his back. When we are sad and cry, people judge us
as weak and sensitive. When we are afraid, we are judged as coward.
These are cultural expressions that need further examination. There is
nothing wrong expressing unpleasant emotions as long as there is a
good and clear intention, as long as you do not harm others, and as long
as you already processed within you what you really wanted to convey.

Wrap up

Answer the following Questions:

A. What important ideas have you learned from this module? Enumerate at
least three (in bullet form).

B. What have you discovered about yourself in relation to the module? How
do you feel about these discoveries? Explain your answers in a
maximum of three sentences only.

C. In a maximum of 5 sentences, discuss how is your understanding of the

intensity and differentiation of emotions help you in communicating your
emotional expressions.

Application SMART BOARD
You already understood the idea why there is a need for you to
understand that the intensity and differentiation of your emotion affects
how you communication emotional expressions, then, you are already
prepared in planning out how to improve your own ways of
communicating emotional expressions.
Directions: Choose 3 emotions among those included in Task 1 and draw
them in the circles provided below. Choose those with the highest
intensity and frequency. Then use the chart below, planning how
you will respond to them in the future. You will write three easy and
feasible steps/reaction/expressions when you will be confronted
with that emotion. For stage performers, they call their written guide
offstage as Idiot Board. But in this activity, since you already learned
a lot and ready to act it out – we will call this: SMART BOARD.

1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________

1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________

1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________

Name and Signature of the Student

Personal Pledge to Becoming an Emotionally Mature Individual
Identify personal strengths that will help you in actualizing your plans
in your SMART BOARD. Use these personal strengths to back up your
pledge to becoming an emotionally mature individual. Write a simple pledge
following the format below.

I, _____________________, solemnly pledge to become more aware of myself,

able to recognize and acknowledge both my pleasant and unpleasant emotions. I also
pledge in trying to empathize others’ emotions, sensitive enough to deal with them
appropriately. Moreover, I pledge to manage my emotional expressions, and that I will be
having a control to choose my moods appropriately.
Finally, I pledge to use my personal strengths namely: ________________,
________________, and ________________ to assist me in becoming an emotionally
mature individual. I will constantly do my duty of monitoring my emotion and my emotional
expressions, with the help of my friends, parents, teachers, and most importantly, with
the guidance of the Lord.

Name & Signature


Emotion Validator:

Directions: You are a member of the school’s Peer Counseling Club; you are
chosen to evaluate and check your co-members’ work ready for
posting. Their works are in a form of slogan and you will be promoting
how to Communicate Emotional Expressions appropriately. Suppose
the items below are their works, choose whatever is appropriate for
posting. Your only standard in choosing is the correctness of the
concept being conveyed. Put a smiley to those you approve, and sad
face to those you do not approve:
Express Yourself No Matter What They
Be Brave. Your Emotions Think. Demand to Be Listened To.
Don’t Show. Let them see
you Strong
You re the Master of
Telling Them What You Feel Must Start from
Your Own Emotions, Do
Reflecting About How You Feel
Not Let it Control You

In Communicating Emotional Expressions, What Matters Most is Your
Perception Not their Reception

It is always noble to be Be Emotionally Intelligent Even if

humble, keep your You Fail in all other Intelligences
emotions to yourself

It is always noble to
When You’re When you Cry,
choose the manner of
Intelligent, you are You Show the
talking and the proper World How
Dumb in Terms of Love
Timing of Saying Weak You Are



Directions: Conceptualize a simple statement with strong impact. This

statement must be short and can suit the t-shirt illustration below. You
will design your own t-shirt with your own statement. The statement
must be an offshoot of the learning from this module – how to
appropriately communicate emotional expressions. You will place this
at the back of your shirt
Another statement shall be designed to the FRONT of the shirt, but the
statement here shall show your usual reactions/expressions of emotions
before this module.
Therefore, the FRONT shows what we usually do, but the BACK part
will show how it should actually be done. You may also choose the color
of the shirt.


Agree or Disagree
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Circle _____ if you agree and
_____ if you do not agree with the statement.

1. Emotions are based on feelings and has nothing to do with human

2. A person can choose a mood whenever s/he decides to
3. The more intense the emotions are, the more that they need to be
4. Both Pleasant and Unpleasant Emotions must be expressed
5. “Okay” as a response is a good measure of emotional expression

Emotion Validator

Be Brave. Your Emotions

Express Yourself No Matter What They
Don’t Show. Let them see Think. Demand to Be Listened To.
you Strong

Telling Them What You Feel Must Start from You re the Master of
Reflecting About How You Feel
Your Own Emotions, Do
Not Let it Control You

In Communicating Emotional Expressions, What Matters Most is Your

Perception Not their Reception

It is always noble to be Be Emotionally Intelligent Even if

humble, keep your You Fail in all other Intelligences
emotions to yourself

When You’re It is always noble to When you Cry,

Intelligent, you are choose the manner of You Show the
talking and the proper World How
Dumb in Terms of Love
Timing of Saying Weak You Are


Beck, Julie. 2015. The Atlantic. November 18. Accessed March 07, 2020.

Department of Education. 2018. Personal Development Reader.

Santos, Ricardo Rubio. 2016. Personal Development . Rex Book Store.

Seagul, Jeanne, Melinda Smith, Lawrence Robinson, and Jennifer Shubin. 2019. Help Guide.
October. Accessed March 07, 2020.


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