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Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

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A conceptual foundation for effective construction and demolition

waste management
Kamyar Kabirifar a, *, Mohammad Mojtahedi a, Cynthia Changxin Wang a, Vivian W.Y.Tamb
Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
School of Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia


Keywords: Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is described as a material which is indispensably arisen from con-
Construction and demolition waste struction and demolition (C&D) activities and ought to be effectively managed, otherwise, its improper man-
management agement can produce negative economic, environmental, and social impacts. Effective management of CDW leads
Conceptual framework
to the corroboration of structures and leading to an authentic impact on natural systems. Therefore, it is vital to
Waste management hierarchy
Sustainability concept
consider a potent concept capable of analyzing effective construction and demolition waste management
Theory of planned behaviour (CDWM). This study aims at developing a framework to assess the effectiveness of CDWM. The proposed con-
ceptual framework includes three main categories, namely CDWM contributing factors, CDWM hierarchy, and
effective CDWM. CDWM contributing factors consist of four main categories, namely CDWM stakeholders’ atti-
tudes, CDWM from sustainability point of view, CDWM tools, and CDW project life cycle. In developing this
framework, and in addition to the contributing factors, supportive theories have been applied for the purpose of
justification. Based on a systematic research method, 214 research documents were revealed initially and after
refining process, 32 relevant research documents were unveiled and then thoroughly considered. It was revealed
that sustainability concept is the main foundation of CDWM. Accordingly, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
was identified as a fundamental pillar that supports stakeholders’ attitudes in effective CDWM assessment.

CDW based on their suitability and possibility for reusing, recovering and
recycling (Yeheyis et al., 2013).
1. Introduction
To shed light on the quantity of engendered CDW, it is worth
considering the most recent available data on the quantity of generated
Shen et al. (2004) defined construction and demolition waste (CDW)
CDW worldwide. For instance, over 2300 MT (million tonnes) of CDW is
as “generated debris in buildings, concrete, steel, wood, rubble, earth,
produced in China annually (Yazdani et al., 2021) made China the
and a composition of materials generated from various activities in
highest CDW producer worldwide. Meanwhile, the United States pro-
construction sites including land excavation, construction of structures
duces over 700 MT of CDW and the European Union is responsible for
and buildings, clearance of construction site, activities relating to de-
generating over 800 MT of CDW annually (Wu et al., 2019b). Con-
molition, roadwork and renovation of buildings”. CDW was explained by
struction industry is also responsible for about 23% of landfilling in Hong
Poon and Chan (2007) as an assortment of inert/non-inert materials, e.g.,
Kong (Yu et al., 2013), 27% in Canada (Yeheyis et al., 2013), 29% in the
concrete, rocks, and soil are categorized as inert materials, whereas
United States, 40% in Brazil, 44% in Australia, and 44% in the United
wood, glass, and plastic are categorized as non-inert materials (Yuan
Kingdom (Ajayi et al., 2016) and an average of 35% globally (Sol-
et al., 2013). CDW is also explained as a congealed waste engendered
ís-Guzman et al., 2009). CDW should be effectively managed, otherwise
during renovation, construction, and demolition processes (Yuan and
indispensably produced CDW can have adverse social, economic, and
Shen, 2011). One of the most recent definitions of CDW was presented by
environmental impacts.
Menegaki and Damigos (2018) as a compound of different materials
Related literature indicates that CDWM could bring environmental
comprising hazardous/non-hazardous, and inert/non-inert materials as
advantages, as well as socioeconomic benefits for both construction
well as materials that are unintentionally generated by natural hazards
projects and associated stakeholders (Wang et al., 2019). CDWM in an
like tsunamis, hurricane and earthquake. Other researchers classified

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K. Kabirifar), (M. Mojtahedi), (C. Changxin Wang), v. (T. Vivian W.Y.).
Received 15 October 2020; Received in revised form 23 November 2020; Accepted 24 November 2020
2666-7908/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

2. Contributing factors to construction and demolition waste

Nomenclature: management

C&D construction and demolition CDW has gained extensive attention from researchers and CDW
CDW construction and demolition waste practitioners around the globe in addressing environmental and socio-
CDWM construction and demolition waste management economic associated problems (Kabirifar et al., 2020), nonetheless it
MT million tonnes has been confirmed that construction industry is still vulnerable to help
IMW integrated waste management alleviating the environmental and socio-economic burdens and its per-
WMH waste management hierarchy formance is far from optimum (Bai et al., 2016). To tackle this problem,
SWM sustainable waste management outstanding efforts have been carried out to minimize CDW generation
SD sustainable development (Yuan, 2012), however without considering effective CDWM mechanism,
SM sustainability management deficiencies associated with CDWM cannot be treated. Consequently, it is
TPB Theory of Planned Behaviour crucial to consider effective management of CDW and its main compo-
TRA Theory of Reasoned Action nents through reviewing related frameworks.
BIM building information modelling One of the most acceptable and widely applicable approaches to
GPS global positioning system manage CDW is fulfilled by 3Rs principle including reduce, reuse, and
GIS geographic information system recycle approaches, also known as CDWM hierarchy (Peng et al., 1997).
RFID radio frequency identification Reduce is the most effective and optimal approach for CDWM as it has the
BD big data lowest environmental impacts, thus, reduce is considered as the most
IBS industrialised building system favourable approach and first preference in CDWM (Huang et al., 2018).
CE circular economy Subsequently, reuse strategy, which is defined as the process of using
engendered materials by C&D tasks for their original purposes or to
satisfy a new function, is considered as the second priority (Huang et al.,
2018). Finally, recycle strategy, which is defined as the process of using
broken down engendered materials by C&D activities to make new ma-
terials, is the last priority in CDWM. Although some researchers have
effective manner is also regarded as essential to gaining different landfill considered other strategies such as incineration, it has been proven that
space conservation, job creation, project expense reduction, etc (Wu due to the limited applicability of these strategies to CDW (e.g., wood is
et al., 2017). Evaluating CDWM effectiveness is the main and crucial the main CDW material appropriate for incineration), they are not widely
aspect of CDWM performance assessment (Wu et al., 2019a). Conse- acceptable for CDWM (Ximenes et al., 2018).
quently, CDW needs to be effectively managed. Several studies have One of the most versatile frameworks in CDWM studies was estab-
considered CDWM performance from several perspectives (Wu et al., lished by Lu and Yuan (2011). This framework studied CDWM bound-
2019a). For instance, some studies have observed CDWM performance aries and came up with amounts of CDW, origins of CDW, impacts of
from sustainability viewpoint including environmental impacts, eco- CDW, regulatory environment for CDWM, performance measurement of
nomic impacts, and social impacts (Marzouk and Azab, 2014), while CDWM, humans in CDWM, tools assisting in CDWM, and CDW minimi-
other studies have considered the effect of project life cycle, stakeholders zation, reduce, reuse, and recycling as components of CDWM (Lu and
decision, tools and technologies, etc on CDWM performance (Esa et al., Yuan, 2011). Some other main components of CDW including CDWM
2017b). However, there is a lack of study considering major components hierarchy, CDW martial life cycle, and construction project life cycle
affecting CDWM performance. Thus, considering a potent concept were also considered in the framework. This framework has played a
capable of analyzing CDWM effectively is essential. Toward fulfilling the critical role as a benchmark for CDW studies by considering a thorough
aim of this research, which is to establish a potent conceptual framework framework based on brainstorming. Although a versatile coverage of
capable of analyzing effective CDWM, first, contributing components to CDWM topics and studies are considered in this study, it is necessary to
effective management of CDW should be identified. Subsequently, these classify associated components to effective CDWM in a broader way.
components should be arranged in a logical way justifiable by supportive Yuan and Shen (2011) appraised 3Rs principle for CDWM before land-
theories to form the proposed conceptual framework. filling. In the proposed framework, some factors affecting CDWM
By developing this conceptual framework, a foundation for effec- including CDW generation, reduction, reuse, and recycling approaches,
tiveness assessment of CDWM studies is built. Academics will benefit CDW from general perspective, and human factors in CDWM were
from the current research as it considers components affecting effective studied, however, this classification lacks in addressing organized clas-
CDWM as well as relevant supportive theories in the domain of CDWM. It sification for contributing components to effective CDWM. Saez et al.
gives researchers the opportunity to adopt these components and the- (2013) developed a framework to assess the effectiveness of CDWM.
ories in their future research to develop CDW effectiveness in their case Results from this study indicated that suppliers play an impressive role in
studies. CDWM professionals are also familiarized with the contributing CDWM. Industrialised building systems as well as appropriate distribu-
components to effective CDWM and can adopt these components to their tion of waste containers in the construction sites can also significantly
organizations for the purpose of CDW minimization. According to the reduce CDW, however in this study, less attention has been given to the
aim of this research, the following research questions should be major contributors to effective CDWM in a specified classification. Yuan
addressed. (2013) developed a framework based on key indicators capable of
RQ1. What is a proposed conceptual framework appropriate for analyzing effective CDWM. The pivotal emphasis of this study was on
assessing the effectiveness of CDWM? and. CDWM assessment from sustainability viewpoint by considering envi-
RQ2. Which theory(ies) can support and justify the concept of effec- ronmental, economic, and social issues of CDWM without considering
tive management of CDW research? other effective factors.
To answer the research questions, the following section (Section 2) Similarly, several other research frameworks for effectiveness
discusses contributing factors to effective CDWM. Then, research meth- assessment of CDWM have been developed in different regions. For
odology is discussed in Section 3. Section 4 is discussion in which sup- instance, a framework for CDWM performance assessment was estab-
portive theories for the proposed framework as well as conceptual lished by Couto and Couto (2010) in Portugal, in which impacts of
formulation and hypotheses development are discussed in detail. Lastly, project phases and project stakeholders on CDWM performance were
Section 5 concludes the study. studied. Yeheyis et al. (2013) elaborated a framework for CDWM

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

Table 1
Factors contribute to effective construction and demolition waste management.
Category Sub-categories

1. Construction and demolition waste stakeholders 1.1 Lack of perception among construction and demolition stakeholders including clients, architects, contractors, and
sub-contractors (Murtagh et al., 2016)
1.2 Emphasis on the role of clients as the main stakeholder in construction and demolition waste management (Arif
et al., 2012).
1.3 Client’s inappropriate attitude towards construction and demolition waste management by prioritizing profit
instead of waste (Lu et al., 2015).
1.4 Role of contractors and sub-contractors in construction and demolition waste minimization (Li et al., 2018).
1.5 Inadequate training and poor workmanship result in construction and demolition waste production (Udawatta et al.,
2. Construction and demolition waste project life cycle 2.1 Extra attention should be given to the planning and design stage to reduce construction and demolition waste
management. For instance, communication and coordination between designers and allocate proper auditing time can
significantly reduce construction and demolition waste. Also, variation minimization, detailed specification, and waste
estimation before project initiation are prominent in construction and demolition waste management during planning
and design stage (Ding et al., 2018)
2.2 Supply chain management plays a critical role in construction and demolition waste management (Dainty Andrew
and Brooke Richard, 2004).
2.3 Procurement plays a critical function in construction and demolition waste minimization. For instance, accurate
quantification of material, accurate ordering, and appropriate methods for handling materials play an imperative role in
construction and demolition waste minimization (Esa et al., 2017b).
2.4 Proper application of construction and demolition waste plan, accurate monitoring of construction activities,
application of on-site and off-site sorting approaches, having plan for demolition activities, skilled workforce, proper
methods and machineries for construction and demolition techniques, measuring input and output of materials of each
section in construction phase, rework minimization, proper allocation of waste containers in the construction site,
reusing materials on-site, and enough storage in construction site as well as efficient logistic in construction site can
reduce construction and demolition waste in construction and demolition phase (Kabirifar et al., 2020).
3. Regulations with respect to sustainable construction and 3.1 Preserving natural resources without engendering life for future generations, cutting down on greenhouse gas
demolition waste management emissions, reduction in landfilled waste, preventing soil from degradation and pollution, preventing air and water from
pollution, governmental policies, and concerns with global warming, are factors addressing construction and
demolition waste management from environmental viewpoint (Jain et al., 2020).
3.2 Costs associated with material usage, costs imposed to construction and demolition waste practitioners including tax
on landfilling, disposal costs, loss of productivity, overhead costs, transportation costs, reuse and recycling cost are
factors affecting construction and demolition waste management from economic perspective (Marzouk and Azab,
3.3 Health and safety issues associated with recycling of materials from collection to transportation and recycling,
construction and demolition waste stakeholders’ decisions and attitudes, public view and awareness towards
construction and demolition waste management, incentives for behavioural change in demolish workforce, and social
concerns with illegal dumping are factors affecting construction and demolition waste management (Wahi et al., 2016).
4. Construction and demolition waste management tools 4.1 The role of information technology (IT) in construction and demolition waste management including building
information modelling (BIM), radio frequency identification (RFID), global positioning system (GPS), geographic
information system (GIS), and Big Data (Kabirifar et al., 2020).
4.2 Approaches to construction and demolition waste management including lean principle, circular economy (CE),
Zero Waste approach, Green Rating System, and plan for site waste management (Esa et al., 2017a).
4.3 Construction and demolition waste management technologies including prefabrication and modularization (Won
and Cheng, 2017).

decision support tool in Canada based on life cycle analysis approach, in in Malaysia. In the developed framework, C&D project life cycle, stake-
which CDW project life cycle and CDWM hierarchy played a vital role. holders, and CDWM strategies were considered regarding micro, meso,
Policies, design specification, material management, construction prac- and macro level. However, this study also lacks in a specific classification
tice, and selective demolition were also main criteria, however, other of factors affecting CDWM. Several other researchers have also focused
critical components in CDWM such as stakeholders, and tools and tech- on different aspects of CDWM, such as information technology tools (e.g.,
niques were not addressed in this study. Another framework was devel- Building Information Modelling (BIM), approaches (e.g., Circular Econ-
oped by Calvo et al. (2014) for CDWM in Spain. In this study the role of omy), and technologies (e.g., prefabrication) (Esa et al., 2017b). Table 1
tax penalties and incentives to alter CDW stakeholders’ behaviour were summarizes factors contribute to effective CDWM. These factors are
considered prominent. Similarly, a framework for post-disaster CDWM in classified into four certain groups.
Sri Lanka (Karunasena and Amaratunga, 2016) and a framework for Current study is along with the research carried out by Kabirifar et al.
environmental management practices of CDWM in Europe (2020) in considering certain classification for contributing components
(Galvez-Martos et al., 2018) were developed, however both studies to CDWM. As Table 1 exhibits, contributing components to effective
lacked a systematic and broad classification of contributing components CDWM can be categorized into four main groups, namely CDWM from
to effective CDWM. Ajayi et al. (2015) elaborated a framework for sustainability standpoint, CDW stakeholders’ attitudes, CDWM tools, and
effective CDWM in the United Kingdom. In this study, a framework for CDW project life cycle. In addition, the most widely applied CDWM hi-
CDWM strategies was developed, in which plan for site waste manage- erarchy encompassing reduce, reuse, and recycle strategies (Huang et al.,
ment, waste tools, tax and legislative measures, waste efficient procure- 2018) also affect effective management of CDW. Fig. 1 presents
ment, flexibility and deconstruction, offsite construction, materials reuse contributing factors to effective CDWM.
and recovery, and sorting and recycling as contributing components to In order to develop the proposed conceptual framework for this study,
effective CDWM were considered. Disrupting factors to effective CDWM the next step is to investigate the way through which these factors can be
implementation were also explored. However, there was not a broad arranged in a logical way making the proposed framework capable of
classification for effective CDWM contributing components. Esa et al. analyzing effective management of CDW. The proposed conceptual
(2017a) also elaborated a framework for broadly review CDWM practices framework should also be supported by the application of supportive

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

theories. Thus, there is great need to identify the most applicable theories commercial waste, nuclear waste, etc), and irrelevant studies (e.g.,
supporting contributing factors to effective management of CDW. These studies addressing materials in CDWM (e.g., theories related to recycled
theories do not only support the factors, but also forms the basis of concrete)) were removed from further analysis. Finally, 32 research
conceptual framework. To identify the most applicable theories pertinent documents left for further analysis in which sustainability concept was
to construction and demolition waste management, a potent method of the primary research objective. Table 2 and Figs. 3–6 summarize the
research is utilized which is discussed in the next section. results.
Fig. 3 illustrates the number of published articles on CDWM theories
3. Research methodology based on countries. China, Australia, and Hong Kong were the top three
countries in this research area as their names revealed 25, 10, and 5 times
This study adopts a two-stage strategy in identifying the most perti- based on authors’ affiliation. Fig. 4 shows published articles on CDWM
nent research articles to CDWM theories. These strategies include: 1. theories categorized by publication source. As it can be seen, Journal of
selection of databases; and 2. Searching and selecting the sample. The Cleaner Production with 8 articles, Waste Management journal with 5
proposed research methodology is presented in Fig. 2. articles, and International Journal Of Environmental Research And

3.1. Database selection

To track research articles, different database sources and search en-

gines such as Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar could
be exploited. A study carried out by Falagas et al. (2008) stated that
Scopus database is the most preferred database among other databases,
however (Wang and Waltman, 2016) conducted a research on database
selection and came up with Web of Science as the most comprehensive
database compared to others. This study utilizes both Scopus and Web of
Science databases and Google Scholar as search engines.

3.2. Sample searching, refining, and selection

In this step, the most relevant theories related to the current research
domain are recommended to answer the research questions. By consid-
ering “construction waste management theories” and “construction and
demolition theories” as the keywords for searching among research paper
titles, abstracts, and keywords (including research articles and review
papers) ranging all years (up to October 2020) and also, with the help of
Google search engines, 214 research documents were initially identified.
It is worth considering that although keyword searching is a prevalent
and preferred method to retrieve relevant articles to the research topic
(Gross et al., 2015), it should be utilized by researchers dominant to the
research topic cautiously and with respect to the controlled vocabulary
(Gross et al., 2015), otherwise it leads to the loss of relevant articles
(Penning de Vries et al., 2020).
In the second step, selected papers were initially analysed through
title and abstract reading to discern their suitability to fulfill the research
aim of this study. Initially, irrelevant research documents, including
other types of wastes (e.g., food waste, solid waste, municipal/industrial/ Fig. 2. Research methodology.

Fig. 1. Contributing factors to effective management of construction and demolition waste and construction and demolition waste management hierarchy (the most
effective way to manage construction and demolition waste).

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

Table 2
The most relevant theories to construction and demolition waste management.
Theory Application

1. Theory of planned behaviour-12 articles 1. Identifying factors affecting CDW reduction behaviour of construction workers with the aim of system dynamics (Yang et al., 2020).
2. Analyzing builder’s attitudes with respect to the recycling approach of CDW in India (Jain et al., 2020).
3. Identifying factors contribute to CDW recycling behaviour of stakeholders in Hong Kong (Mak et al., 2019).
4. Identifying factors stimulating project managers’ behaviour with respect to CDW reduction (Yuan et al., 2018).
5. Exploring effective contributing factors to CDW reduction behaviour of CDW contractors (Li et al., 2018).
6. Exploring effective contributing factors to CDW reduction behaviour of contractors in China (Wu et al., 2017).
7. Analyzing factors that affect willingness of CDW workers’ reduction behaviour (Liu et al., 2017)
8. Exploring factors affecting CDW reduction in the construction phase with respect to environmental advantages in China (Ding et al.,
9. Examining factors affecting CDW reduction in the design stage with respect to designers’ role in China (Li et al., 2015)
10. Developing a support tool for CDW reduction with the aim of system dynamics (Yuan et al., 2012).
11. Investigating how contractors’ behaviour affect CDW reduction, reuse, and recycling in Malaysia (Begum et al., 2009).
12. Investigating attitudinal factors affecting CDW stakeholders’ behaviour (Teo and Loosemore, 2001).
2. Game theory and Evolutionary game 1. Investigating the decision-making process among stakeholders involved in CDW recycling (Su, 2020).
theory-8 articles 2. Analyzing the behavioural symbiotic evolution of CDW stakeholders including recyclers and construction firms with or without
incentives from governments (Ma and Zhang, 2020).
3. Investigating the integration of the government’s mechanism of incentive-penalty and green development performance on process of
decision-making of recycling entities (Long et al., 2020)
4. Investigating the decision-making pertaining to behaviour of CDW stakeholders involved in CDWM (Du et al., 2020).
5. Investigating the profit gained by CDW recycling unit with respect to CDW stakeholders including CDW recycler and producer (Liu, J.
et al., 2020b).
6. Supply chain material development for CDW reuse and recycling with respect to CDW stakeholders (Li et al., 2019).
7. Clarifying the behavioural decision-making process of CDW stakeholders (Chen et al., 2019).
8. Investigating CDW stakeholders’ behavioural decision-making process with respect to environmental regulations (Shen et al., 2018).
3. Fuzzy set theory-2 articles 1. Estimating CDW generation (Maues et al., 2020)
2. Evaluation methods applied for environmental treatment of CDW (Kong and Ma, 2020).
4. Grey system theory-2 articles 1. Estimating produced waste through renovation activities in China (Ding et al., 2019).
2. Illegally dumped waste reduction with aim of System dynamics (Jia et al., 2018).
5. System dynamics theory-2 articles 1. Investigation design and construction phases of CDW for overall CDW reduction in China (Ding et al., 2018)
2. Exploring and examining CDW generation, transportation, recycling and landfilling as well as illegal dumping in projects in China
(Tam et al., 2014)
6. Stakeholder theory-1 article Analyzing critical factors contributing to the recycling of CDW in China with aim of Grey-DEMATEL method (Liu, H. et al., 2020a).
7. Incentive theory-1 article Promoting market for CDW recycled material (Hu et al., 2019).
8. Herd theory-1 article Exploration of how attitude alteration in CDW stakeholders influence CDW (Ding et al., 2016a).
9. Task-contextual theory-1 article Exploring the role of designers in CDW minimization (Ajayi et al., 2016).
10. Implementation theory-1 article Effective evaluation of construction Waste Management Plan in the UK (Shiers et al., 2014).
11. Emergy theory-1 article Analyzing economic aspect of CDW with respect to comparisons between traditional and new approaches to CDW recycling (Yuan et al.,

Public Health along with Resources, Conservation and Recycling journal 4. Discussions
with 3 articles, were the top four sources of publication. Fig. 5 represents
top ten published articles on CDWM theories based on researchers’ 4.1. Construction and demolition waste management and sustainability
affiliation. Shenzhen University with 8 times, and Western Sydney Uni- concept
versity with 5 times were the top affiliations among other universities.
This was followed by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The University In the last few years, the concept of sustainability has been directed
of Adelaide, Southwest Jiaotong University, and Guangzhou University by various emerging schools of thought and non-conventional theories
with 4 affiliations each. Finally, Fig. 6 shows top fourteen authors in this such as biomimicry (Gamage and Hyde, 2012), green economy (J€anicke,
field. Ding, Z., Yuan, H., and Zou, J. were the top three authors in this 2012), circular economy (Pomponi and Moncaster, 2017), industrial
research area with 4 published articles each. ecology (Husgafvel et al., 2015), transition economy (Kemp and Loor-
Regarding Table 2, although several theories in the research domain bach, 2003), systemic economy (Sala et al., 2015), regenerative economy
of CDWM were unveiled, considering the contributing factors to effective (Goodland, 1995), and blue economy and ecological clustering (Pauli,
CDWM, the theory of planned behaviour is the most applicable theory 2010). The use of sustainability concept in the aforementioned notions is
with regard to CDW stakeholders’ attitudes. The theory of planned mainly based on manufacturing, business, marketing and other industries
behaviour supports decision making process of stakeholders involved in (Scheel, 2016), however, main focus of this study is the concept of sus-
CDWM in the general form rather than decision making based on specific tainability in the construction industry, peculiarly CDWM.
problems under mathematical formulations and simulations (e.g., game Sustainability concept has definitely been one of the most principal,
theory, fuzzy set theory, grey system theory, etc). According to the aim of vigorous and fundamental concepts to analyse CDWM (del Río Merino
this study, one fundamental concept, namely sustainability concept et al., 2009). Subsequently, sustainability concept is considered as the
(notion) and one fundamental theory, namely theory of planned behav- foundation of CDWM (Bossink and Brouwers, 1996). Additionally, to
iour are considered to support the proposed conceptual framework. It is effectively manage CDW, one is significantly required to pay attention to
worth mentioning that sustainability concept supports CDWM from the constitution of this concept. Moreover, sustainable construction is a
sustainability standpoint theoretically, and the theory of planned critical approach, which is used by the construction industry for
behaviour supports CDW stakeholders’ attitudes theoretically. As dis- responding to the sustainable development needs (Ortiz et al., 2009).
cussed earlier, CDWM from sustainability standpoint and CDW stake- Sustainable construction is to generate a healthy and sustainable envi-
holders’ attitudes are two factors that contribute to effective ronment (Hill and Bowen, 1997) to ensure that infrastructures and
management of CDW. buildings would carry a favourable effect on natural systems in a

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

adequate resource accessibility for its habitats (Starik and Kanashiro,

2013). A formal endorsement for sustainable development was generated
by ‘Earth Summit’ including more than 150 nationals in 1992, plus a
broad particular and general policy initiatives under the sustainable
development heading as Agenda 21 in Brazil2 (Grubb et al., 2019).
Looking for a good waste management, proper terms are applied by
waste management scholars such as integrated waste management
(IWM), waste management hierarchy (WMH), sustainable waste man-
agement (SWM), etc (Chung and Lo, 2003). According to the principles of
sustainable development (Development, 1993), (Tammemagi, 1999)
defined the objectives of SWM as protecting environment and health
while reducing the burden of next generations and conserving resources.
In this case, SWM is referred to as “the application of integrated life cycle
management concept in waste management” (Grubb et al., 2019). SWM
was later changed to the waste management hierarchy (3Rs) (Scheel,
Fig. 3. Published articles based on country (based on authors’ affiliation).
2016) as the first priority of CDWM (Yuan, 2013). In another word, the
program areas within SWM have later evolved within the waste man-
agement hierarchy with its recent excessive application considered the
foremost and substantial strategy for CDWM (Huang et al., 2018). This
hierarchy could provide a preference to avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle,
compost - waste to energy transformation- and safely dispose off waste
(Grubb et al., 2019). However, 3Rs principle including reducing, reusing,
and recycling strategies have widely been used in CDWM (Huang et al.,
2018). Considering this hierarchy, produced waste is required to be
recovered based on its properness for the processes of reducing, reusing,
and recycling earlier than waste disposal into landfills, which is the final
stage (Li and Du, 2015). The mentioned processes (reduction, reuse, and
recycling strategies) could assist in attaining a closed loop of material
flow with a successful result in CDW minimization (Huang et al., 2018).
Considering the adaptation of the ecological perception of Bronfen-
Fig. 4. Top 5 journals (more than one article). brenner in sustainable construction domain (Bronfenbrenner and Morris,
2007), five influence levels on development of human and, eventually,
balanced economic, environmental, and social perception. For instance, human behaviour are identified. The broadest level is Macro including
while construction activities produce a few economic profits, it has global and national economy and culture. Subsequently, Exo level in-
serious social and environmental effects on the community as well cludes organizations, markets, regulations, and other social centres. Af-
(Kabirifar et al., 2020). Consequently, in the construction industry, sus- terwards, Meso level could be explained as association amidst
tainability has progressively been adopted to promote sustainable efforts organizations through a network of supply chain such as networks of
with an overall object of balancing in environmental, economic and so- supplier, business networks, and networks of clients. Next, Micro level
cial effects within construction activities (Chong et al., 2009). includes person-to-person effects in a regular manner, suppliers, clients,
“Sustainability” was initially ascertained by the International Union and employees. In the end, there is an Individual layer, in which psy-
for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in 1980 chological factors with personal motivations and norms affect behaviour
(Saenger et al., 1983). “Brundtland Report” provided by the United Na- (Murtagh et al., 2016).
tions Commission on Environment and Development (1987) identified Wood Donna and Jones Raymond (1995) grouped sustainability
sustainable development to provide the current needs without jeopard- management (SM) into three levels of potential SM as macro or societal,
izing the capability of next generations to fulfil their own needs meso or organizational, and micro or individual SM. They believed that
(Brundtland, 1987). In another word, based on WCED,1 sustainable defining at least one macro level, one meso level, and one micro-level has
development is a development, in which basic public requirements are shown the point that sustainability could be understood as a multiscale
fulfilled, and desire for a decent life is publicly satisfied without jeop- concept. Also, long-term life-quality boost could occur not only at these
ardizing next generations’ capability (Brundtland, 1987). Sustainable levels, but also among them (Starik and Kanashiro, 2013). As a result,
development has emphasized on the essence of co-development of triple global sustainability issues affect organizations and should be crucial to
bottom lines comprising social, economic and environment (Bai et al., all the organization types and individuals in its subsequent steps. To be
2016). Few definitions, perceptions and explanations have also been survived in long-term and uncertain environment and to attain a global
applied by individuals, organizations and societies (Starik and Kanashiro, sustainability, organizations should satisfy various expectations of
2013), and few studies are to coalesce, particularly over long-term stakeholders (individuals) who are able in wreaking unacceptable
quality of socio-economic and environmental aspects of life (Starik and destruction on the viability of organization if no interest is met (Wreder
Rands, 1995). Accordingly, sustainable development would rapidly et al., 2009). Therefore, for considering effective CDWM plan, individual
become the main principle, underpinning official environmental policy level, organizational level, and societal level should be proportionally
at international and national levels (Koroneos and Rokos, 2012). Later, cared, however, this research targets organizational level, first because
sustainability revolution occurred in 1990 when the individual, organi- organizations are bigger scale of individuals and they reflect individuals’
zational, and societal movements into developing potential for socio- point of view. Second, organizations are easy to approach within a
economic and environmental long-term life-quality was led by scholars structured manner, and last but foremost, it is more logical and practical
and practitioners to generate the concept of a sustainable world with to assess organization’s performance concerning CDWM rather than in-
dividual or national’s performance.

1 2
World Commission on Environment and Development. UN conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

Fig. 5. Top 10 affiliations (more than one affiliation).

Fig. 6. Top 14 authors (Authors with more than one article).

4.2. The role of stakeholders’ attitudes in construction and demolition developing a framework for effective CDWM assessment. Stakeholders
waste management have various interests within the system, with diverse influences,
whether negative or positive, when the system is responding to their
Freeman (1999) provided a common definition, in which stake- attentiveness. Management of stakeholders is related to how stake-
holders are singulars and groups who could impact or be impacted by holders are considered, defined, grouped, and managed (Steurer et al.,
actions associated with value creation and trade. Wood et al. (2018) 2005) while addressing different attitudes of participants, advance their
narrow downs “stakeholders” as groups and individuals who depend on communication and clarify their needs (Freeman et al., 2010). Stake-
the organization to gain their personal objectives and on whom the or- holders have also a close bilateral relationship with organizations
ganization depends for steadiness and consistency. The significance of (Freeman, 1999).
managing stakeholders in dealing with CDW has increased. Reed (2008) Accordingly, CDW could be efficiently managed through changing
reported that successful waste management strategies necessitate the attitudes than altering techniques (Wong and Yip, 2004). In other words,
significant involvement of all stakeholders. attitudes have represented the evaluation of people from objects or cir-
There are various key parameters in the construction projects such as cumstances exposed to them to behave in a specific way (Ajzen, 1985). It
costs, machineries, materials, manpower (human being) and etc., how- is widely accepted that an attitude has four dimensions encompassing
ever, human beings, who take part in direct construction tasks is the most evaluative (values/likes or dislikes), cognitive (knowledge/beliefs),
significant element due to their ability in connecting all other resources behavioural (intentions/actions), and affective (feelings/emotions)
together for attaining ultimate project goals (Zeng et al., 2015). Con- (Shertzer et al., 2005). However, attitude is closely related to the
cerning this concept, it is emphasized that considering human factors in behaviour in the context of CDWM research (Teo and Loosemore, 2001).
CDWM during infrastructures’ improvement and waste processing tech- Typically, attitudes are formed based on the positive or negative evalu-
nology is essential (Lingard and Rowlinson, 1997). ation of consequences extracted from an exhibited behaviour and per-
Yuan and Shen (2011) proposed that the best resolution for CDWM is sonal beliefs about those consequence (Teo and Loosemore, 2001).
based on practitioners than waste materials. Stakeholders’ role in CDWM Attitudes are formed because attitudes perform priority and structure to a
is reflected by their attitudes regarding CDWM (Teo et al., 2000). complex world while clarifying and providing consistency in the in-
Consequently, there is a great need to consider stakeholders’ attitudes in dividual’s description of situations and objects (Olson and Zanna, 1993).

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

Attitudes are used to express the guiding values and self-identity of in- behaviours in construction phase. It was revealed that waste was consid-
dividuals. Also, attitudes are essential to managers since they master- ered as an unavoidable consequence of construction activities from on-site
mind behaviour of people in response to stimulus while providing views construction workers’ perspective when their attitudes were driven by
into the proper motivating mechanism(s). According to studies, attitudes pragmatism. It was also proved that majority of waste generation could be
are best deduced from the actions or words of people, which provide stopped by solely altering the construction workers’ attitudes because of
insights into their psychological orientation towards a situation or object their direct or indirect relationship with waste generation causes (Kula-
(Ostrom, 1989). In the next sub-section, theory of planned behaviour is tunga et al., 2006). Begum et al. (2009) studied the factors affecting the
discussed as the most applicable theory to support stakeholders’ attitudes attitude and contractor’s behaviour toward waste management in
in CDWM research. Malaysia. Results indicated that an affirmative attitude towards waste
management could move to a favourable behaviour. Aligned with (Begum
4.2.1. Construction and demolition waste management and theory of et al., 2009), (Al-Sari et al., 2011) investigated how the behaviour and
planned behaviour attitude of local waste management contractor is affected in Palestinian
The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) developed by Ajzen (1985) territory. Also, a personal norm was observed to be one of the major
was derived from the theory of reasoned action (TRA). According to TRA, predictors in waste prevention behaviour (Bortoleto et al., 2012). Ram-
behaviour is managed by intention which is affected by subjective norms ayah et al. (2012) extended the theory of planned behaviour by incorpo-
and attitudes (Bagozzi, 1992). The TPB is a commonly applied and rating environmental knowledge and environmental awareness to
impressive theoretical method for the attitude-behaviour relationship envisage recycling behaviour and (Yuan, 2012) assessed social perfor-
(Davies et al., 2002). Based on the TPB, to perform a given behaviour, mance of CDWM quantitatively. Li et al. (2015) investigated designers’
intentions play a crucial role because they capture the motivational pa- attitudes towards construction waste minimization in China by the utili-
rameters that affect behaviour. Also, social structure, social context and zation of the theory of planned behaviour and its components. Sun et al.
habits cannot be discarded because these parameters directly affect the (2015) studied waste management practices and opinions of small builders
individual preferences (Udawatta et al., 2015). Social psychologists have in the UK and came up with elementary awareness of small builders to-
typically agreed that values, beliefs and attitudes of people affect their wards sustainable construction as well as their lack of knowledge and
behaviour (Crocker and Lehmann, 2013). Accordingly, (Chapman et al., attitude in this domain. The theory of planned behaviour was considered
2013) have also indicated that individual values, motivations, and de- in the study of Ding et al. (2016b) as the basics for environmental per-
cisions affect the behaviour of people. formance evaluation of CDW. The willingness attitude of construction
In general, attitude is considered as a negative or positive feeling workforce in CDW reduction based on the theory of planned behaviour
toward particular objects while affecting behaviour. Unconsciously or was considered in another study performed by Liu et al. (2017). Also, the
consciously, behavioural decisions are occasionally based on attitudes attitude and behaviour of a contractor towards CDWM were studied in
(Begum et al., 2009). The TPB claims that an individual’s behaviour is China (Wu et al., 2017). Construction waste reduction considering con-
obtained from the perceived behavioural intentions and behavioural tractors and project managers’ behaviour based on the application of the
control. Thereafter, behavioural intention is the function of three de- theory of planned behaviour were also considered in the studies carried
terminants, namely 1) perceived behavioural control, e.g., perceived own out by Yang et al. (2020).
capability to successfully exhibit behaviour, 2) attitude of individuals This study considers the theory of planned behaviour, which targets
towards behaviour e.g., favourite or unfavourite evaluating of behaviour, the behaviour of individuals on themselves and on organizations as
and 3) subjective norm e.g., the perception of other relevant expectations supportive theory of CDW stakeholders’ attitudes, a parameter in the
(Ajzen, 1985). On the other hand, the intention of individuals is affected body of the proposed conceptual framework, in order to assess the
by the opinions of other people (Bamberg, 2003), mainly if someone is effectiveness of CDWM. This theory is the most applicable theory to
from a specified organization, then the objectives and philosophy of that support stakeholders’ attitudes in CDWM research domain.
organization will significantly affect their intention (Bortoleto et al.,
2012). The main supposition with respect to the TPB is that the more 4.3. Conceptual framework formulation and hypotheses development
intention is, the more likely a peculiar behaviour will be carried out. Even
if people might have positive intentions, they cannot comply with them, The context of this research is to develop a conceptual framework
unless they get through to this belief that they could own overall control capable of analyzing CDWM effectively. As discussed, there are four
of the behavioural performance (Davies et al., 2002). factors that contribute to effective CDWM, namely CDW stakeholders’
Many scholars have considered human factors’ relationship with attitudes, CDW project life cycle, CDWM from sustainability perspective,
CDWM (Wu et al., 2017). For instance, the significance of human factors and CDWM tools. CDWM hierarchy (including reduce, reuse, and recycle
in waste reduction was highlighted and debated that it could be ceased strategies) is also considered as the most effective way to manage CDW
by attitudes alteration (Poon et al., 2001). Herremans and Allwright effectively (Huang et al., 2018). The concomitance and juxtaposition of
David (2000) exhibited that attitude and awareness lead to performance the contributing factors to effective management of CDW and CDWM
(behaviour) and action in terms of environmental management affairs. hierarchy forms the proposed conceptual framework for this research.
Teo et al. (2000) reported that the labour-intensive nature of construc- Fig. 7 illustrates the proposed conceptual framework for effective man-
tion activities means that behavioural hindrances are likely to tremen- agement of CDW.
dously affect levels of waste. Lingard et al. (2000) also mentioned that As Fig. 7 represents, contributing factors to effective CDWM affect
the degree of attained reducing, reusing, and recycling of CDW could CDWM hierarchy initially, and in the second step, CDWM hierarchy
highly depend on the motivational effects of construction workers’ affect effective CDWM. The reason for this formation (considering
behaviour. For instance, according to a study performed in a contracting CDWM hierarchy in between and as an intervening factor) is to supply
organization in Australia, it was revealed that management has low the proposed conceptual framework with logic and measurement by
affirmative attitudes to waste reduction compared to construction fulfilling the following objectives: i) how does contributing factors to
workers in construction organizations. The management of time, cost and effective CDWM affect effective CDWM? (this should be reflected in the
quality objectives (Kabirifar and Mojtahedi, 2019) are crucial than the form of reduction, and/or reuse, and/or recycling of CDW), and ii) which
potential environmental issues (Lingard et al., 2000). strategy is more effective? For instance, in case BIM affects CDWM, this
On the other hand, it was revealed that attitudes toward waste mini- impact is reflected through CDWM hierarchy (which strategy is more
mization are one of the problems in the area of construction waste man- applicable and more effective?)
agement (Teo et al., 2000). Teo and Loosemore (2001) utilized Ajzen’s The proposed conceptual framework is also supported by one theory-
theory of planned behaviour to study the attitudinal strengths that form the theory of planned behaviour-which reflects the attitudes of

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

Fig. 7. Proposed conceptual framework for effective management of construction and demolition waste.

stakeholders involved in CDWM and one concept -sustainability- which namely i) IT-based tools in CDWM including building information
reflects sustainable CDWM. Subsequently, five hypotheses are developed modelling (BIM), global positioning system (GPS), geographic informa-
based on the proposed conceptual framework. Each hypothesis explains tion system (GIS), radio frequency identification (RFID), and big data
the impact of a factor on another factor. Hypotheses are developed based (BD), ii) CDWM approaches including lean principle, circular economy,
on the theoretical framework and they examine whether a theory is valid. zero waste management approach, green rating system, and plan for site
In fact, hypotheses are transitional stage from theoretical framework to waste management, and iii) CDWM technologies including industrialised
empirical investigation (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). Hypotheses are building system (IBS) and modularization. Several studies have consid-
formed based on evident literature, theories, and previous experience of ered the impact CDWM tools on CDWM. For instance (Esa et al., 2017b),
researchers (Hair et al., 2017). Hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5) are have considered Circular Economy (CE) in CDWM. The application of
represented in Fig. 7. Hypotheses H1 to H5 are discussed as follows. GPS and GIS technologies for CDW reduction has also been considered by
H1: Effect of construction and demolition waste stakeholders’ atti- Li et al. (2005). The application of other CDWM tools such as building
tudes on construction and demolition waste management hierarchy. information modelling (BIM), site waste management plan, lean princi-
Based on different typologies to identify stakeholders engaged in ple, etc have also been addressed by several studies (Karaz et al., 2021).
CDWM, there are various classification of stakeholders. Some researchers By drawing hypothesis three (H3), this study considers the effect of
have considered a broad classification of stakeholders in CDWM CDWM tools on CDWM hierarchy.
including designers (architects, engineers, etc.), main contractors, con- H4: Effect of construction and demolition waste project life cycle on
sultants, environmentalists, sub-contractors and material vendors, public construction and demolition waste management hierarchy.
or private clients, C&D recyclers, general public, and regulators (Lu et al., As discussed earlier, different scholars have come up with different
2015), however some other scholars have categorized stakeholders into a life cycle for CDWM. For instance (Lu and Yuan, 2011), considered
more specific classification (e.g., three groups including consultants, construction life cycle in their research including concept, design, con-
contractors, and clients (Esa et al., 2017b). CDW stakeholders have been struction, execution, maintenance, and demolition phases, whereas
proven to have a significant contribution to CDWM hierarchy including (Yeheyis et al., 2013), considered pre-construction phase, construction
reduce, reuse and recycle strategies (Lu et al., 2015). For instance, ar- and renovation phase, and demolition phase in their research. Esa et al.
chitects affect CDWM by their design (Osmani et al., 2008). Also, con- (2017a) classified CDW life cycle into three main groups, namely plan-
tractors and sub-contractors affect generation, reduction, reuse, and ning and design stage, procurement stage, and construction and demo-
recycling of CDW by their attitudes (Saunders and Wynn, 2004). By lition stage. CDW project life cycle depends mainly on the research aims,
drawing hypothesis one (H1), this study considers the effect of CDW organizations’ structures and complexity, and population target of the
stakeholders’ attitudes on CDWM hierarchy. research. Many studies have addressed the effect of project life cycle on
H2: Effect of construction and demolition waste management from CDWM. For instance (Osmani et al., 2008), studied the impact of design
sustainability perspective on construction and demolition waste man- phase on CDWM. Similarly, (Esa et al., 2017a) studied the impact of
agement hierarchy. procurement phase, and construction and demolition phase on CDWM.
This hypothesis reflects the effect of sustainable CDWM on CDWM By drawing hypothesis four (H4), this study considers the effect of CDW
hierarchy including environmental, economic, and social aspect of project life cycle on CDWM hierarchy.
CDWM on reduce, reuse, and recycle strategies. These impacts have been H5: Effect of construction and demolition waste management hier-
highlighted mostly in the form of assessing the impacts of regulatory archy on effective construction and demolition waste management.
framework (e.g., reward-incentive mechanism, tax on waste disposal and CDWM hierarchy including reduce, reuse, and recycle strategies has
landfilling, health and safety regulations, etc) on CDWM hierarchy in been considered as the most effective way to manage CDW (Kabirifar
terms of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling (Shiers et al., 2014). For et al., 2020). By drawing hypothesis five (H5), this study considers the
instance, several studies have considered environmental aspect of CDWM impact of CDWM hierarchy on CDWM effectiveness which leads to a
(Kong and Ma, 2020). Socio-economic aspects of CDWM have also been performance assessment of CDW effectiveness based on prioritization of
addressed in several studies (Marrero et al., 2017). By drawing hypoth- CDWM hierarchy.
esis two (H2), this study considers the effect of CDWM from sustainability
standpoint on CDWM hierarchy. 5. Conclusions
H3: Effect of construction and demolition waste management tools on
construction and demolition waste management hierarchy. This research proposed a conceptual framework for effective CDWM
As discussed earlier, this study along with the research performed by management. The proposed conceptual framework includes contributing
Kabirifar et al. (2020) classifies CDWM tools into three main groups, factors to effective CDWM, CDWM hierarchy, and effective CDWM.

K. Kabirifar et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1 (2020) 100019

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