Estabillo - Digestive System

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Esophagus - it receives the food you consume, and its muscular

tube connects from throat to stomach.
2. Stomach - it is the storage of the food you ate, it has acid that
helps break down food.
3. Liver - it removes/filters toxins in blood supply.
4. Gall Bladder - it stores, regulates, and controls the flow of bile.
5. Pancreas - it helps regulate bloodsugar and helps creating
6. Small Intestine - it absorbs the nutrients from food.
7. Ileum - it absorbs bile acid, fluid, and vitamin b-12
8. Large Intestine (colon) - it absorbs water and salt from leftover
that has not been digested.
9. Rectum - it is where the colon delivers the stool or where it stores
10. Anus - is the opening of the digestive tract that feces can go



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