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Discipline in Table Tennis

Regulation 3.5 involve the area of discipline in table tennis, this regulation applies to both coaches and
players in a game. Discipline in any sports is a very important foundation to develop fair and order during
tournaments or matches. It also does builds up the character of an athlete during the game because it
teaches the value of control and hard work.

Advice (3.5.1)

Under Discipline, is the regulations on giving advice to players

Regulation 3.5- Giving of Advice

 Regulation for international Competitions

 Each National Association can, however, decide whether to adopt this regulation or not.
 Amended with effect on Oct. 1, 2016

Who are allowed to give advice?

 In a team match, any authorized person to be in the playing area is allowed to give advice to
players. (3.5.1)
 In an individual match, the player or pair may receive advice from only one person designated
beforehand to the umpire. In case that the players from a doubles match are from different
associations, each may select an adviser, but should be treated as a unit. (
 Only the authorized person is allowed to give advice, otherwise the umpire will hold a red card
and dismiss him from the playing area.

What are yellow and red cards for?

 The use of these is contained in the additional regulations but is not included in the Laws.
 These are shown by umpires and referees as a formal warning to players, coaches, and advisers

When is it allowed to give advice?

 Any time except during rallies provided play is not thereby delayed. (
 If the stated regulation is not obeyed, the following condition shall take place:
1. In the case of an individual match, the umpire will hold up a yellow card and warn the
adviser that any further offence will result in dismissal in the playing area.
2. If further offence pertaining to no. 1 had happened, the adviser will be sent away and will
not be allowed to return until the match has ended.
3. In the case of team match, further offence after a yellow card has been shown will also
lead to the dismissal of the authorized person whether he or she is the person previously
warned. He or she will not be allowed to return, except when required to play or cannot
be replaced by another player. (

( These regulations shall apply only to advice on play and shall not prevent a player or captain, as
appropriate, from making a legitimate appeal nor hinder a consultation with an interpreter or Association
representative on the explanation of a juridical decision.

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