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Doan Hong Anh-Bien Hoa Gifted High School

Part 1. For questions 1 – 5, you will hear the beginning of a radio interview with Stephen Perrins, a
composer of musicals. Listen and indicate the most appropriate response A, B, C, or D.
1. The light songs Stephen wrote at college weren’t published because _______.
A. he couldn’t interest a publisher in them
B. he was afraid of people’s reactions
C. his family advised him against it
D. he didn’t think they would sell
2. Stephen and Jenny’s original reason for writing Goldringer was that_______.
A. they wanted to include it in their college show
B. it was commissioned for a school concert
C. they wanted to find out if they were able to do so
D. a music publisher asked them to write a musical
3. Stephen prefers not to write the lyrics for his shows because he _______.
A. would rather work with someone else
B. finds it difficult to write them
C. thinks they are of poor quality
D. is only interested in writing music
4. Stephen’s purpose in mentioning Helen Downes is to convince listeners that _______.
A. he has strong views about productions of his musicals
B. Helen Downes was an unsuitable director
C. the design for a particular show was of too low a standard
D. the director has ultimate responsibility for a production
5. Stephen claims that reason why some newspapers criticize him is that _______.
A. they think he is conceited
B. they don’t like his music
C. he isn’t interested in publicity
D. he tries to control his public image
Part 2. For questions 6 - 10, you will hear a conversation. Decide whether the following statements are true
or not by writing:
T for a statement which is true;
F for the statement which is false;
N if the information is not given.
6. Napoleon controlled all of Europe at one time.
7. Austria and Russia fought fiercely against Napoleon, but England did not.
8. Napoleon lost most of his soldiers when he attacked England.
9. Napoleon died before he reached the age of fifty-two.
10. He was married when he was very young.
Part 3. For questions 11 – 15, answer the questions below.
11. How did the students do their practical sessions?
12. In the second semester how often did Kira work in a hospital?
13. How much full-time work did Kira do during the year?
14. Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?
15. In addition to the language, what do overseas students need to become familiar with?
Part 4. For questions 16 - 25, listen to a piece of VOA news about Croatia Voters Back Same – Sex Marriage
Ban and fill in the missing information.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the spaces
Government proposals to (16)______________________ rights for same-sex couples prompted the
petition. Around (17)________________________ of a million people signed it – out of a total population of just
over 4 million. The Catholic Church is a (18)_____________________ of Croat identity – and many people are
The referendum is an enormous (20)________________________ for Croatia’s government. It tried – and
failed – (21)______________________ the vote through the courts.
Doan Hong Anh-Bien Hoa Gifted High School
Success is (22)________________________. Croatia appeared to be moving in (23)__________________
to other western Balkan countries (24)_____________________ the EU in July. Now, like its neighbours, Serbia
and Montenegro, it has (25)_______________________ on the same-sex marriage.

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