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Name: Romnick Lester M.

Galindo Year & Section: Electri 1E

1. Who am I, really?

- I believe I am a person with tremendous ideas and goals in life. I am a person who works
hard and is trying to improve myself. I am an ambivert, which means I enjoy socializing
with people from time to time but also enjoy being alone and comfortable in my own
company. My personality has aided me in both my schooling and free time. If I'm having
trouble with a subject, my friends and I do group study and have a good time doing it.
When I want to be alone, I try to develop a new habit, such as reading a book or learning
to play the guitar. I am a kind person by heart and I intentionally never try to hurt people.
I am an empathic individual with no ego or attitude issues. I get along well with others, and
my friends enjoy my company. And lastly, I am a strong believer in God and the existence
of supernatural power in our universe. These values have always helped me grow as a better
person. The belief that there is a God watching whatever we do from up above the sky
makes me be careful before committing mistakes knowingly. The fear of God has made
me a righteous person from the beginning.

2. What worries me most about the future?

- What worries me most about the future is my death, the grand finale. If not my death, others
that I am extremely close to. I try not to be too concerned about it since, at the end of the
day, we all have to recognize that death is unavoidable. We should all be worried, or if we
aren't worried, we should be concerned about life. In terms of the future, I only have control
over how I react to it. I react well at times, regardless of what is going on, and not so well
at other times. I'm only human, and I'm doing my best to figure it out. We all have our bad
days, and I'm no exception. There will be a lot of change in the future. I'll do my best to
deal with it until the end of my days. I’ll try not to be worried about it, there will be good
and bad times. Enjoy the good times, learn from the difficult times, and don't overwork

3. If this were the last day of my life, would I have the same plans for today?

- If this were the last day of my life, well, I wouldn’t have the same plans for today. What
will I do is, I would first message a regret letter to all the people I misbehaved with and i
will also forgive all those who did the same to me. By the afternoon I would do charity of
my wealth and belongings for the needy. I would also thank all my close friends and
relatives for their support, kindness and well being. In the evening I will go for a dinner
with my parents and will thank them in the best possible way I can for making me see this
world and bringing me to this point of life. I shall tell them that I wish I could see them
or possibly be born to them again in the life to come. I will then return home and thank god
for this wonderful life of mine as a human being and will go to sleep with a fear that I
won't wake up tomorrow but as the morning comes the so called nightmare ends and I
wake up yet again as usual and life continues.

4. What am I really scared of?

- I'm really scared of losing my parents because I don't know what to do with myself, what
to do with my life, and how to exist in this world without them. I'm scared of losing them
because I know I won't be able to live without them. I can't be reliant on others. At my age,
I really need a parent to lead me through everything I do in life, to discipline me when I do
something wrong, and to be proud of me for the things I've accomplished. I'd like them to
see what I've accomplished in my life. When I'm alone, it's quite difficult for me, I'm not
sure what my future holds without them. I can't even stand on my own two feet, but one
thing is for sure, I'll never tired of doing something nice for them to be proud of.

5. What matters most in my life?

- There are three things that matters most in my life. First, is my family. Family is most
important to me because no matter what happens they always stick up for me. One day I
can argue with them and they still make me look good when someone talks bad. One day
I can get mad and say something unnecessary and they still understand and forgive me for
it. Another reason family is important to me is because they help me when I'm in trouble
and I know that without my family I wouldn't be the person I am. Second is my education
because I want my family to be proud of me especially my parents. They work hard to
support me in every way that they can and show me love that cannot be given by just
anyone. I will study harder to make them proud of me. And third is friends, friends also
matters most in my life. I can do anything that is within my capacity to help them out when
they are in trouble or need. I also give them advises. Accompany them anywhere when
they are alone. Lend my ears to them when they feel lonely or down and I am proud of
saying that I cheer them up quite easily and fast. I can share my emotions with them. Being
in the company of my friends my problems in life seem a bit less and I feel privileged to
have such friends.

6. What can I do as a student to help my country?

- As a student, i can do some thing to help my country a better place to live in doing simple
things like joining a government or barangay activities like planting trees, proper
segregation of waste, throwing my trash into the trash bin.

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