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2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT)

A Blockchain System for E-Learning Assessment and Certification

Chuyang Li, Junqi Guo*, Guangzhi Zhang, Yunchuan Sun

Yaofei Wang, Rongfang Bie International Institute of Big Data in Finance at
College of Information and Technology Business School
Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China Beijing, China

Abstract—Nowadays, the applications of blockchain technology certification, including an network structure based on the
spring up rapidly, providing opportunities for solving the combination of the public and the private blockchains, and
weaknesses in online education field, such as the complexity of four detailed design schemes of smart contracts for the
e-learning assessment, the lack of a unified e-learning realization of the e-learning assessment and credit exchange,
assessment standard and the insecurity of digital education the digital certificate issuance and secure storage, the digital
certificates. In this paper, we propose a blockchain system for certificate verification and the e-learning voucher allocation,
e-learning assessment and certification, which includes an respectively. Comparing with the traditional e-learning and
entirely new network structure on the basis of the combination online education platforms, the proposed system exploits the
of the public and private blockchains, as well as four specific
advantages of its structure and functional modules to
smart contract schemes for the realization of the e-learning
assessment and credit exchange, the digital certificate issuance
establish a fairer, healthier and more open e-learning and
and secure storage, the digital certificate verification and the e- online education environment.
learning voucher allocation, respectively. The proposed system
has been demonstrated as a promising candidate solution to
establish a fairer, healthier and more open e-learning and While e-learning model brings breakthroughs and
online education environment. convenience to the traditional education industry, it also
grows challenges or risks in the fairness, security and
Keywords-blockchain, online education, smart contract, e- openness of online education at the same time. The main
learning assessment, education certification problems in e-learning and online education can be
summarized as follows:
I. INTRODUCTION x Complexity of e-learning assessment. Due to the
With the process of education informatization in the era particularity of e-learning, its assessment not only
of big data, one significant change is the transformation of includes evaluating the learning outcomes of
education mode from the traditional classroom-based learners through traditional methods (such as final
teaching-and-learning to an online way, which brings the rise exams), but also needs to combine with the
of various e-learning (electronic learning) or online evaluation of their learning process by analyzing
education platforms (such as MOOC [1], Coursera [2], learners' various e-learning data(such as length of
XuetangX [3] and so on). As the most important way of learning time, online discussion activity and so on)
online education, e-learning is popular for its no-limitation in [7]. However, the diversity of e-learning data causes
both learning time and space as well as diverse forms of the complexity of e-learning assessment. There is an
learning, which has become an effective way to share high- urgent need for an autonomous e-learning
quality educational resources and encourage self-learning in assessment model to reduce the burden on online
society. However, challenges which still exist in e-learning educators and enhance the fairness of the e-learning
and online education cannot be ignored, such as complexity assessment.
of e-learning assessment, lack of a unified e-learning x Lack of a unified e-learning assessment standard.
assessment standard as well as insecurity of e-learning digital E-learning assessment standards vary widely among
certificates. different e-learning platforms and even among
Currently, some studies have shown that it is feasible to different courses on the same e-learning platform.
create a more open and credible online education ecosystem The lack of a unified assessment standard makes it
by means of the blockchain technology [4]. However, unlike impossible for a learner's e-learning achievements to
the application of blockchain in the financial industry which be certified and transferred into recognized credits or
has detailed methods and specific schemes, the application of qualifications, which will greatly dampen the
blockchain in online education is still in its infancy, lacking enthusiasm of learners and discourage the
of the practical application cases or theoretical research development of online education [8].
examples [5, 6]. x Insecurity of e-learning digital certificates. Most
In this paper, we consider the solutions of the problems of the certificates obtained by e-learning are issued
in online education together with blockchain technology, and and stored in the form of digital certificates, which
propose a blockchain system for e-learning assessment and are more convenient to be queried than paper

978-1-7281-3488-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 212

DOI 10.1109/SmartIoT.2019.00040

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certificates, but also tend to be stolen and tampered certification security and self-verification, secure tuition
because of the hidden dangers of internet (such as transactions, as well as educational fund allocation and
hackers). At present, the security of digital tracking [5]. At present, the research status of the blockchain
certificates still depends on the centralized in education is still in its infancy, lacking mature application
management of the Certificate Authority (CA) cases or theoretical support. It is even more difficult to find a
ecosystem. However, the credibility of CA directly relevant reference about blockchain-based online
ecosystem is gradually decreasing and approaching education systems. Reference [29] based on the issue of
the end of its life now [9]. credit distribution and certification for online education, a
In recent years, as one of the most revolutionary blockchain-based solution EduCTX was proposed, but only
emerging technologies, blockchain technology provides solved the security problem of credit storage. The credits
opportunities in solving the problems above. As one of the obtained by learners in EduCTX are still controlled by the
most revolutionary emerging technologies in recent years, education authorities unilaterally, which does not solve the
blockchain has become a hotspot both in academic challenge of decentralized e-learning assessment. Therefore,
researches and commercial applications. The blockchain was the new system proposed in this paper aims to take the
first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in his paper named advantages of blockchain technology to achieve
Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system in 2008 [10]. breakthroughs in online education applications, solving the
The key technical points such as distributed ledgers, problem about e-learning assessment and credit exchange,
consensus mechanisms (e.g. PoW [11], PoS [12], DpoS [13], digital certificate issuance and secure storage, digital
PBFT [14, 15], etc.), timestamp and encryption mechanisms certificate unmediated verification, as well as e-learning
(including hash encryption algorithm such as SHA256 [16], voucher automatically allocation.
and the asymmetric encryption algorithm for digital
signature [17] such as ECDSA [18]) and smart contracts [19, III. SYSTEM NETWORK STRUCTURE
20], form the advantages of blockchain as decentralization, In the traditional blockchain-based cryptocurrency
anonymity, auditability, security and persistency. In system, all the network nodes are in a same role and totally
particular, smart contracts give the blockchain advanced equal with each other in authority, among which there are
programmability, enriching the functions that the blockchain only simple transfers of tokens in the system. There are three
can achieve and greatly expanding the application range of main categories of blockchain according to its
the blockchain, such as auto-pay, digital rights management, decentralization level [10]: public blockchain, consortium
financial services (including cryptocurrency wallet controls, blockchain, and private blockchain. Public blockchain is
automatic payment of insurance claims, etc.) [21], Supply completely decentralized but runs slowly in the process of
Chain Management (SCM) [22] and smart grid [23]. network transmission and block reading and writing, while
With the arrival of the Phase 3.0 of blockchain [24], the private blockchain chooses to increase the speed of the
innovative idea of applying the blockchain technology to the network and reduce the cost of reading and writing by
field of education has emerged and further promoted some sacrificing decentralization.
enterprises and universities to carry out various pilot works Differently, in the blockchain-based e-learning system,
in specific application directions. The University of Nicosia the network structure needs to support the realization of
(UNIC) [25] is committed to maximizing the potential of the various educational functions, which is more complex than
blockchain in education, and it is the first university which the process of transactions. Besides, due to the particularity
started to accept bitcoin tuition (in 2013), to offer MOOC of the educational process, the user nodes in the network
courses on cryptocurrencies and to internally issue academic need to be separated into at least two different roles,
certificates based on the blockchain in bitcoin (in 2014). The educators and learners respectively, which means the
Media Lab Learning Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute network model with single node role and single-type
of Technology (MIT) [26] began using the Blockcerts blockchain is insufficient to apply in e-learning systems.
standard to issue digital certificates to social communities in In this section, we combine both the public and the
2015, and then in June 2017, developed a blockchain-based private blockchain structures to complement each other, and
learning certificate platform and used the Learning Machine apply the combination in online education to build a
(LM) Certificate to issue diplomas to the student of MIT blockchain-based e-learning assessment and certification
Media Labs and Sloan School [4, 5, 6]. In addition to system. Besides, comparing with traditional blockchain
universities or colleges, the number of companies offering systems, our blockchain system for e-learning assessment
certificates on the blockchain may increase in the near future. and certification has totally different designs in the node
In 2016, Sony Global Education (SGE) [27] announced that roles and network structure. A detailed description is given
it has developed an internal certificate issuance system based as follows.
on blockchain technology, and in 2018, Sony began to In the system we designed, the network allows user
deploy its own blockchain service offerings on its hosted nodes in two kinds of roles to join and exit, and each role has
Global Math Challenge [28] with 150,000 participants from its specific authorities:
around the world. 1) Learning Users: shown as the red nodes in Fig. 1.
The application scenarios of blockchain in education can Anyone who wants to learn online in our system can apply
be summarized as e-learning records and assessment, global for a personal account and join into the network as a
education knowledge database construction, education


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learning user node. There is a Certificate Wallet and at least contract is deployed on the blockchain of the proposed
one Course Credit Wallet under the learning user's personal system. After that, because of the autonomous execution of
account. The credits generated by online learning activities the smart contracts, the education authority is no longer the
of the learning user in the system is added into his/her owner of the smart contract, and does totally not have to get
personal Course Credit Wallet. After finishing one course’s involved into the course learning assessment and
study, the learning user can use enough course credits to management process. In addition, only the education
exchange the digital certificates of the corresponding authority nodes have the permission to issue valid digital
courses, and the learning achievement score of the certificates of their own courses in the system.
certificate is obtained and accumulated into the Certificate According to different node roles and the relationships
Wallet for later exchange of the corresponding voucher among them, we design the network structure of our
rewards at the same time. blockchain-based e-learning assessment and certification
system, including three kinds of networks and two types of
blockchains. With the help of the illustration of Fig. 1, the
detailed description of the network structure of the proposed
system is as follows:
1) Learning User Network (LUN): The LUN is a fully
decentralized P2P network composed of all nodes of
learning users who join our system for e-learning activities,
shown as the biggest red area in Fig. 1. All information
about the learning data records, learning achievements and
digital certificates of each learning user corresponds to
his/her personal account identity. Learning users can
anonymously transmit messages with their own account
identities through LUN to have a communication or
discussion with each other.
2) Education Certification Network (ECN): The ECN,
shown as the blue area in the center in Fig. 1, is a fully
decentralized P2P network composed of all nodes of
education authorities in our system. Corresponding to ECN,
there is Education Certification Public Blockchain (EC
Public Blockchain), shown as the blue blockchain-icon in
Fig. 1. All the nodes in ECN participate in the management
and distributed storage of EC Public Blockchain. When an
education authority issues a new digital certificate, the
content of the certificate is broadcast to all education
authority nodes across ECN and be verified through
consensus mechanism. A verified digital certificate is
encrypted by its issuing authority as a digital signature and
then written into EC Public Blockchain for permanent
3) Learning Assessment Local Networks (LALNs, and
Figure 1. The network structure of proposed blockchain system for e- the Learning Assessment Local Network of education
learning assessment and certification.
authority X is shortened as the LALN-X): Each LALN is a
2) Education Authorities: shown as the blue nodes in local network dynamically constructed by one education
Fig. 1. Different kinds of schools or other education authority in our system, shown in Fig. 1 as an area with the
institutions (such as universities, private schools, training purple outline surrounding a node of education authority
institutions of specific skills, etc.) can join the network as an and all the nodes of its real-time learning users. In the
education authority node and give online courses or exams LALN-X, the node of education authority X is the center
in our system. The education authority node can write the node of the local network together with each node of the its
learning assessment rules of its own courses into each real-time learning users as an adjacent node of itself. Each
corresponding smart contract for course credit calculating real-time learning user can obtain resources and upload
just before the courses are officially opened to the learning learning data of corresponding courses of education
users. Once a smart contract is submitted by the education authority X in the LALN-X. Corresponding to the LALN-X
authority and recognized by all its learning users, the smart of education authority X, there is the Learning Assessment


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Private Blockchain X (LA Private Blockchain-X), shown as after finishing double digital signature and the consensus
a purple blockchain-icon near the LALN-X in Fig. 1. The verification in the ECN. The third-party organization can be
learning data of each learning user in the LALN-X is invited by the learning user to temporarily access the EC
automatically assessed and transferred into course credits by Public Blockchain, and then use the public key of both the
triggering the smart contracts deployed on the LA Private learning user and the education authority to decrypt and
Blockchain-X, and then the course credits together with the verify the authenticity of the user’s digital certificates.
original learning data are packed into blocks and 3) E-learning voucher allocation module: This
persistently stored the LA Private Blockchain-X as functional module runs in the LUN using a smart contract,
references for issuing digital certificates in the future. regularly counting the learning achievement score of each
In addition, the learning users can invite employers or learning user in the LUN at a specific time period, and
other third parties to temporarily access EC Public allocate e-learning vouchers automatically according to the
Blockchain to verify their obtained digital certificates for job proportion of the learning achievement scores. The vouchers
applications. The process of certificate verification by the can only be self-used in the proposed system by the learning
employers or the third parties can be totally unmediated
(which means the participation of any education authorities
is unnecessary during the digital certificate verification A. Module of E-Learning Assessment and Credit Exchange
process), which can improve efficiency in job recruitment. For any education authority X in our system, it can create
IV. DESIGN OF SMART CONTRACTS FOR SYSTEM and deploy Course Credit Generation Contract X (CCGC-X)
FUNCTIONAL MODULES on its LA Private Blockchain, the sub-contract which can
automatically calculate learning users’ specific course credits
Based on the network structure presented above, the based on the scoring rules of multidimensional e-learning
proposed system has three functional modules, which can be data (like lengths of learning time, test grades, online
simply summarized as follows respectively: discussion activities, etc.) written in it.
1) E-learning assessment and credit exchange module: Besides, we can also learn from the concept of School
This functional module acts in each LALN, generating Credit Bank, to set common standard credits in the system in
course credit blocks and adding into the corresponding LA order to establish a unified e-learning assessment system.
private blockchain. Education authorities can deploy their Standard Credit
2) Digital certificate issuance and secure storage Exchange Contracts X (SCEC-X) on their own LA Private
module: This functional module runs in each LALN and the Blockchains, the sub-contracts which can automatically
exchange specific course credits to the common standard
ECN. First access the LA Private Blockchain in LALN,
credits in the system. The exchanging rules for standard
settle the current course credits of the learning user and credits can be formulated and managed by all education
decide whether to issue the digital certificate. If the credits authorities in ECN.
are sufficient that meeting the requirement of course The smart contract of this function module is designed
completion, the education authority generates the digital and executed as follows (see Fig. 2 and Table I):
certificate, which is stored into the EC Public Blockchain

When learning user login the system: START

INITIAL: login = true, timer == 0, // the login status and the login time
crs_credit = 0, std_credit = 0, // the new course credit and the new standard credit
learning_data[ learn_time = 0, test_score = 0, discuss_time = 0, post_num = 0,… ];
1 While login == true and timer <= 0.5 hour: Update learning_data ;
2 Check If login == false or timer == 0.5 hour Then:
3 MKT = Merkle_Tree(learning_data);
4 Set address = CCGC_X_ADDR;
5 Send learning_data to address: Excute crs_credit = CCGC_X(learning_data);
6 If crs_credit != 0 Then:
7 Set address = SCEC_X_ADDR;
8 Send crs_credit to address: Excute std_credit = SCEC_X(crs_credit);
9 End If
10 User_CC_WALLET.CCredit += crs_credit; User_CC_WALLET.SCredit += std_credit;
11 credit_block = Package (User_ID, MKT, crs_credit, X, std_credit);
12 Add credit_block to LA_PRIVATE_BLOCKCHAIN_X;
13 Initialize(learning_data);
14 End If
15 Check If login == true Then: Turn back to 1 with timer = 0; End If


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accumulated into user’s Course Credit Wallet. The learning
user's account information (like the user ID), the Merkle tree
of e-learning data, the newly accumulated course credit (with
a mark X of the corresponding education authority for the
future check) and standard credit is packed into a new credit
block, which is added into the LA Private Blockchain of
education authority X further.
B. Module of Digital Certificate Issuance and Secure
The learning user can submit a certification application to
education authority after finishing the course study, and the
education authority checks the course credit balances of
learning user. If the course credit balances have reached the
requested amount for course completion, a digital certificate
with information in detail is generated and then digital-
signed by the education authority and the learning user one
after another. The digital certificate with double digital
signature is recorded permanently in the EC Public
Figure 2. Module of e-learning assessment and credit exchange. Blockchain as a new digital certificate block. At the same
time, the credits for the course digital certificate are deducted
Step 1: Login initialization. When the learning user from the Course Credit Wallet, and the learning achievement
login the system, the account login status is activated, the score corresponding to the digital certificate is counted into
new course credit and the new standard credits are initialized the Certificate Wallet of the learning user.
as 0, and the system starts to record the data of e-learning The smart contract execution process of this function
process (like length of learning time, test scores, length of module is presented below (see Fig. 3 and Table II):
discussion time, number of user’s posts, etc.). Step 1: Settlement of the course credits. When
Step 2: Record of the e-learning data. During the education authority X receive a course certification
learning user login, the e-learning data is updated every half application from its learning user, it implements the course
hour (the frequency can be changed according to the specific credit settlement by checking the balances of the learning
conditions of the course), and the data Merkle tree is user’s Course Credit Wallet in its LA Private Blockchain-X.
generated. In addition, the e-learning data updating and the If the credit balances are sufficient, a certain number of
data Merkle tree building can also be executed immediately course credits are deducted from the Course Credit Wallet
when the learning user submits a logout request. for creating a digital certificate with detail information (such
Step 3: Calculation of the course credit. CCGC-X is as the owner, issuing authority and time, corresponding
triggered automatically after each updating of the data, and course name and course type, as well as the certificate level
the newly accumulated course credit is calculated based on or grade if necessary), and then the implementation goes
the new e-learning data. straightly Step 2, otherwise the certification application is
Step 4: Exchange of the standard credit. After the rejected and the process is terminated with the reason that the
current course credit calculation of CCGC-X finishing, the credits are not enough. Once a digital certificate is created,
SCEC-X is triggered automatically to exchange the course the corresponding learning achievement score of this
credit to standard credit in the case that the course credit is certificate is add into the learning user’s Certificate Wallet
not 0. as a basis for future learning rewards.
Step 5: Credit accumulation into the Course Credit
Wallet. The course credit and the standard credit is

Figure 3. Module of digital certificate issuance and secure storage.


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When learning user submit a course certification application to education authority X: START
1 Check If balances(User_CC_WALLET) >= EduX_CC_Amount Then:
2 User_CC_WALLET.CCredit -= EduX_CC_Amount.CCredit;
3 User_CC_WALLET.SCredit -= EduX_CC_Amount.SCredit;
4 cert = create_digital_cert[User_ID, X, issue_time, course_info, cert_level,…];
5 User_Cert_WALLET.Score += query_learning_achievement_score(cert);
6 h_cert = hash(cert);
7 v_cert = [cert, encrypt(h_cert, EduX_pri_key)];
//the valid certificate signed by education authority X
8 h_v_cert = hash(v_cert);
9 c_cert_block = [v_cert, encrypt(v_h_cert, User_pri_key)];
//the final digital certificate with double digital signature
10 Broadcast in ECN: Excute con_result = EC_PB_CONSENSUS_M(c_cert_block);
11 If con_result == true Then: //confirmed by consensus mechanism
12 Add c_cert_block to EC_PUBLIC_BLOCKCHAIN; //issue and storage
13 End If
14 Else: Send reject_cert_application(‘Insufficient course credits.’) to User;
15 End
Step 2: Digital signature of the education authority. employers or third-party organizations independently, using
The education authority X has a unique pair of public and the address of users’ digital certificate blocks in the EC
private keys generated by the key generator when joining the Public Blockchain and their own personal public keys
proposed system. After the public key of education authority getting from the learning user, as well as the public keys of
X is generated, it is published in the system for further the education authorities which can easily obtained in the
verification. The education authority X encrypts the hash system.
value of the digital certificate H(cert) by using the private
key, completing the digital signature of issuing authority. C. Module of E-Learning Voucher Allocation
The signed H(cert) together with the confirmed original In order to encourage the learning users and reward
certificate information, constitutes a valid digital certificate. outstanding learners in our system, a Voucher Allocation
Step 3: Digital signature of the learning user. The Contract (VAC) can be executed every quarter in LUN to
learning user encrypts the hash value of the valid digital allocate a corresponding amount of e-learning vouchers
certificate creating in Step 2, marked as H(v-cert), again with according to each user's learning achievements during just
the personal private key, so as to finish the digital signature this quarter. The digital certificates obtained in the proposed
of the learning user. The original valid digital certificate and system can be divided into two types: level certificates and
H(v-cert) with user’s signature constitute the final course non-level certificates: the level certificates record
digital certificate block. corresponding level ranks according to the course grades of
Step 4: Storage of the digital certificate block. The the learning users (such as A, B, C, A+, B-, etc. similar to the
new digital certificate block with double digital signature is course's digital grade records), while non-level certificates do
broadcast in the ECN by the education authority X. If all not classify grade ranks but only certify that the learning
education authorities in the ECN reach a consensus, the users have passed the course. Due to differences in type,
digital certificate block is added into the EC Public course major, course difficulty and other factors, the scores
Blockchain and stored safely. of learning achievement corresponding to different
As the various digital certificates obtained by the learning certificates are not the same (the score calculation of level
users in the system are publicly stored in the EC Public certificates should also consider the actual rank of each level
Blockchain, and the public keys of all education authorities certificate, ensuring that the higher the level rank, the higher
are also published in the whole system, the authenticity of the score). Since the numbers and types of digital certificates
any certificate information in the EC Public Blockchain can obtained by the learning users are various, different amounts
be straightly verified by decrypting with both the of learning achievement scores accumulated in their personal
corresponding public key of the education authority that Certificate Wallets can directly reflect the differences of their
issued the digital certificate, and the personal public key of own achievement amounts. Based on that, a total amount of
the learning user who owns the certificate. Based on this, the e-learning vouchers can be allocated automatically and fairly
digital certificate unmediated verification process during the through the execution of VAC, by the proportion of the
job application and recruitment can be realized in the learning achievement score of each learning user to the total
proposed system. The learning users can invite the score of all users in the entire LUN. To avoid malicious
employers or third-party organizations that they are applying profit or trading behaviors, the e-learning vouchers can only
for, to temporarily access to the EC Public Blockchain. The be used to offset the tuition fees for paid courses in our
verification of digital certificates can be completed by the system, and cannot be withdrawn or transferred to others.


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When a quarter of learning is completed: START
INITIAL: V_TOTAL_AMOUNT; //the total amount of the e-learning vouchers
1 LUN_Score = sum(ALL_User_Cert_WALLET.Score):
2 For each learning user Do:
3 Excute User_v_amount = VAC(User_Cert_WALLET.Score, LUN_Score, V_TOTAL_AMOUNT);
4 Sent vouchers(amount = User_v_amount) to User_account;
5 Zero(ALL_User_Cert_WALLET.Score);
6 End

private blockchain, which ensures assessment dynamic and

And comparing with traditional e-learning systems which
are based on centralized databases, using the distributed
ledger and cryptography technology of the blockchain, it is
possible to permanently store educational achievements and
ensure that they are credible, safe and cannot be falsified.
The certificate issuance and storage process is carried out in
the global network (ECN) and the corresponding public
blockchain (EC Public Blockchain), which guarantees the
credibility and validity of the digital certificates, the
openness and transparency of the certification process, as
well as the convenience and effectiveness of digital
certificate verification for employers and other third-parties.
The application combining both public blockchain and
private blockchain effectively promote system structure
optimization. Besides, in the process of e-learning
assessment, the analysis and storage of e-learning data, the
generation and exchange of course credits as well as the
Figure 4. Module of e-learning voucher allocation. credit accumulation of account Course Credit Wallet are all
automatically completed by the smart contracts. In the digital
The smart contract execution process of this function certificate verification process, the employers or third-party
module is as follows (see Fig. 4 and Table III): institutions can verify the authenticity of the digital
Step 1: Calculation of total learning achievement certificates directly by using the public keys of the
score in LUN. When a quarter of learning is completed, the corresponding education authorities opened in our system.
scores in every learning user’s Certificate Wallet is sum up, Both of the two processes are totally autonomous without
the result of which is the total learning achievement score of relying on an education authority as an intermediary.
the whole LUN.
Step 2: Automatically allocation of e-learning V. CONCLUSION
vouchers. For each learning user account, LUN executes In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based e-learning
VAC to calculate the amount of e-learning voucher the user assessment and certification system, which can be effectively
deserved, and finish the automatically voucher allocation. employed in online education scenarios. We present a new
Step 3: Clearance of Certificate Wallets. The learning network structure on the basis of the combination of the
achievement scores in all the learning users’ Certificate public and private blockchains, which not only breaks the
Wallets is cleared to zero for a new start of next quarter’s limitation of the single node role in the traditional single-
calculation and allocation. blockchain systems with high flexibility, but also fully
D. Comparative Analysis retains the security and credibility of the blockchain
technology, which thus creates a fairer, healthier and more
Different from traditional blockchain systems, the open online education environment. Meanwhile, the multi-
proposed system is a complementary combination of public chain application pattern of the proposed system is similar to
and private blockchains, reduces the complexity caused by the emerging concept BlockNet (the Internet of Blockchains),
the large node scale of the public blockchains. As the which can increase the value of the storage and information
learning assessment process of each educational authority is interaction in blockchains, creating exponentially more
carried out in its own local network (LALN) and capabilities and possibilities for the blockchain ecosystem.
corresponding private blockchain (LA Private Blockchain), a Besides, the proposed four specific smart contract schemes
real-time assessment of e-learning and the storage space in detail are also meaningful for the practical use of
saving can be realized for the high speed and low cost of the blockchain technology in education.


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