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Class IX (2021=22)
The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde Handout (Moments)

Instructions for students:

(i)This handout is a help, meant for you to complete your assignment in your registers.
(ii)The questions have been supported with relevant hints and value points for your help,
so that you may structure your answers appropriately in the registers
(iii)Please maintain the order of questions, as per the handout, while doing your work in
the register and draw a line after every question.

• The Happy prince was a statue placed on a high column in the square of the city.
• Swallows had flown away to the warm place but one swallow was left behind.
• The swallow decided to spend the night between the feet of the happy prince and the
bird saw the prince weeping.
• The prince sad that there was a seamstress in her poor house and asked the bird to
pluck the ruby off his sword for the poor woman.
• The prince saw a young playwright cold and hungry and he asked the bird to carry the
sapphire for the young man.
• The king showered his benevolence on his subjects till he donated both his sapphire
• The swallow decided to remain with the king and dies at the feet of the king due to
extreme cold.

“Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,” said the Prince, “do as I command you.”
(a) Why did the prince command instead of making a request to the swallow?
(Hint;)The prince did so because the swallow had refused to pluck the sapphire-prince
was determined to help the writer
(b) Why does the prince say “ Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow”?
(Hint) The prince says so-wanted to press upon-little bird-urgency of situation
So they pulled down the statue of the Happy Prince. “As he is no longer beautiful, he is no
longer useful,” said the Art Professor at the University.
(a)Who pulled down the statue of the happy prince? Why?
(Hint;) Town authorities pulled down – mayor had ordered -to be pulled down
(c) Why was the statue no longer beautiful and useful?
(Hint;) No longer useful- every precious jewel-every leaf of gold -had been given away
in charity-happy prince

Answer the following questions in 20-30 words:

Q1. Describe the statue of the Happy Prince.
(Hint: )statue stood on a tall pillar-covered with gold-sapphire for eyes-large ruby-hilt of
his sword
Q2. What was the last wish of the swallow? 
(Hint: )swallow flew-shoulder of the happy prince-wished to kiss his hand-kissed the prince
and died

Answer the following in 40-50 words:

Q1: Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does
he see all around him?
(Hint;) The prince was called so - all his life lived in happiness- After his death, his statue -
middle of the town. From there -see the plight of the people- made him unhappy- sight of
poor, sad people made him unhappy
Q2: Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress? What does the swallow do
in the seamstress’ house?
(Hint;) Happy prince saw-poor seamstress was tired- had no money to look after her ill son
- helped her by sending her the ruby-swallow placed the ruby stone on the worktable next to
the thimble-flew over to the sick child who was uneasy- mother had dozed off - boy was
feeling hot, the swallow flapped its wings to give him some air-comforted the boy - put him
to sleep
Answer the following in 100-120 words:

Q. What are the precious things mentioned in the story? Why are they precious? (120-150
Value Points:
• Prince and the dead swallow were both precious because they were kind and
• Prince was sad as he saw people suffering and he gave away his ruby, sapphires and
all his gold to them
• concerned about the well-being of his people even though he was dead
• little swallow was precious because it showed kindness by deciding to stay back for
the Prince in harsh winter
• The swallow was so precious that when it died and fell down at the Prince’s feet, the
Prince’s leaden heart broke into two

• When God asked one of his angels to bring him the two most precious things in the
city, the angel brought him the leaden heart and the dead bird
• God said the little bird would forever sing in his garden of Paradise and the Happy
Prince would praise him in his city of gold

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