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School of Education


Name: GAFFNEY, Brydie Topic: Plastic Waste Lesson No.: 5

Subject: English School: N/A Duration: 40 min.

Date: 24.10.2021 Year level: 3

Learning Purpose/Rationale:

The idea of this lesson is to start educating students on what happens to the plastic sources that we use and
where they end up, allowing students to start considering where their waste might be going.
By the end of the lesson students should understand what happens to plastic if it isn’t recycled properly and
what effects this can have, they will learn this by taking on the perspective of a piece of plastic.

This lesson will also allow students to consider their own action when putting their rubbish in the bin and
think of where it is going to go, they may also make the link of buying less plastic and therefore
contributing less to the big problem.

The following High Impact Teaching strategies will be used:

- Worked example – helps student to have a clear understanding of what is required of them in the
learning activity
- Metacognitive Strategies – showing students what and how to question themselves in their writing
activities and how they should approach the task
The following learning strategy will be used:
- Discussion- think pair share– students are able to share ideas and inspire one another

F-10 Victorian Curriculum or (11-12)VCE focus

Create imaginative texts based on characters, settings and events from students’ own and other cultures
including through the use of visual features (VCELT264)

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over
text structures and language features and selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the
audience and purpose (VCELY266)

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over
text structures and language features and selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the
audience and purpose (VCELY266)
Learning outcomes:
• For students to understand what the life cycle of plastic looks like and how it ends up in places
that it shouldn’t – focusing on the ocean
• To have an understanding of why it is bad if our plastics are not treated properly
1. assess students’ prior knowledge and readiness for the learning in this lesson
Students’ prior knowledge will be assessed in the beginning class discussions and understanding
what students think happens to our plastic, the following of the lesson will be enhancing their
prior knowledge (if any) and getting students to understand where plastic really goes.
2. assess emerging knowledge and understanding, improving skills
Assessing emerging knowledge will occur through their writing task and understanding what they
understand about the plastic lifestyle.
3. feed assessment information back to the students to inform their learning
Students will receive feedback through direct conversation as well as written feedback on their
writing pieces.

Timing in minutes
Teacher activities: Learner activities:

To begin the lesson, have a class
discussion on why students think there is Students will be actively
so much waste and plastic in our oceans? listening to discussion and
2 minutes contributing thoughts and
How do they think it gets there? What do
they think is the most prevalent plastic ideas, thinking about what
source that is contributing to ocean they know about waste.
5 minutes The explore how the life cycle of plastic Watching the video and
and how it ends up in our oceans watch taking in information
this video on ‘What really happens to the
plastic you throw away’
After the video have a discussion on Reflecting on the video and
what we have watched – ensure to go contributing to class
2-3 minutes discussion
over what decomposing is to ensure
students have an understanding of how
long it takes for plastic to ‘disappear’
from our environment and also
discussing what they think was the best
life cycle for plastic from the video.

Learning Activity
Students individual learning activity for Students should be listening
this lesson will require them to write a to instruction and starting to
25 minute writing time point of view piece of them being a piece think about their story and
of plastic and their journey in the what details they are wanting
environment. to include.
Students will be encouraged to think
about the following:
- what kind of plastic am I?
- Who used me? Did they put me in
the bin? Did they leave me
somewhere they shouldn’t have?
- Where did I end up? How did I get
Students have control over their journey
as long as it is to a realistic standard, they
can be a bottle that has been properly
recycled or they could have ended up in
the ocean or landfill.
Students may want to use iPads to
research and add to the depth of their
story if they would like.
5 minutes Looking at the example and
Before sending students back to their sharing their ideas with a
share a worked example prepared prior to partner or small group on the
the lesson and allow students to talk in floor
pairs to discuss their ideas.
Conclusion: Respectfully listening to their
To conclude the lesson students some peers and if they would like
students will be asked to share their short to, sharing their own writing
stories with the class. pieces.
Teacher’s resources:
• Whiteboard
• Markers
• Screen to display videos
• iPad source

Catering for inclusion:

To cater for students who struggle with writing tasks, offer a template for them to use consisting of
questions to answer, including:
1. What plastic source am I?
2. Who is using me?
3. Where did they put me? In a bin or on the ground?
4. Where did I go next? Did I go to a recycle center or have I ended up in the ocean?
5. Is where I have ended up a good or a bad thing? Why?

Encourage them to put their answers into a writing piece if they complete the questions.

Students’ resources:
• Stationary
• Writing Books

Extension activities:
If students finish their activity early, they can use an iPad and visit the following website:
And read the information and play the game at the bottom of the webpage

Learning space set-up: The learning space will be in their classroom

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