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Alkalde Jose St., Kapasigan, Pasig City






1) Choose a specific and significant point in history that you are interested with
(Ex. World War II, Voyage of Magellan, Reign of Queen Victoria, Pandemic etc.)

For me, I will choose the Coronavirus Pandemic that started last December 2019. I chose this
because I belong to the society who experience it even until now. I can share my insights clearly
because I am also a victim of this virus.

2) Provide 1 related news clip/ article/ photo about this event from a reputable source. Indicate your
reference material or link.
Title: PH Reports Highest Daily COVID-19 Death Toll

3) Explain briefly how the plight of people were affected under this significant time: Political,
Cultural, Economic, Social.

• Political
Because of this pandemic, our government is also shocked at handling this kind of problem in the
country, not only in the Philippines but around the world. That is why the help of the private
sector is also expected to help the people. It sometimes result to lack of full trust of the masses in
the government based on their response and performance during this pandemic. The people's vote
is also influenced based on what they have shown in the midst of this pandemic.

• Cultural
If we observe, the culture of being a Filipino is also disappearing because it is being replaced by
discrimination. For example, we use to help our neighbors when they are sick or they need some
help inside their houses but because of the threat of the virus, we learn to avoid our countrymen.
For me too, the festivals that are crowded with people, such as Panagbenga, Ati-atihan, Sta. Clara
and others. We can no longer practice the tradition of procession because of the nature of the
actions of people under quarantine.

• Economic
This pandemic caused an economic collapse due to the limited employment of workers.
Simultaneous entry of employees is not allowed even in the public or private sector. That is why
it has led to a shortage of Philippine currency production. What is worse is that the country's debt
has increased even more to provide and supply the need to respond to this pandemic.

• Social
The pandemic has become a major obstacle to people's interaction especially with their family,
friends and co -workers and school. They also do not have enough physical activities and outdoor
activities, which leads to depression and anxiety because of isolation inside their homes. People
can no longer walk in malls and parks, children are even more miserable because they also do not
experience playing outside. Education is also more affected because people are not allowed to
have close contact with each other, due to the lack of competitiveness in their future jobs.

4) Enumerate and describe three (3) inventions or scientific discovery or process related to your
chosen field of studies in college that came out of this time.

PART I. Using the arrow below, create and summarize a simple timeline of Historical Period.
Start from the beginning to the most recent period in history. Indicate the year covering each
period in history. (10 points)


TIME – 4000 PERIOD 500- NCE PERIOD AGE 1800-
B.C. 1200 A.D. 14th-17 CENT 1900


PART II. Referring to your answers on PART I

B. Indicate the ANTECEDENT highlight of the time opposite each major
historical period
C. Give three 3 INVENTIONS on that specific period that is related to
technologies of your present course in college. (5+10+10=25 points)


Ancient Time – 4000 B.C Ancient history covers all • Paper
continents inhabited by • Eye Makeup
humans in the period 3000 •Concrete
BC-AD 500.This roughly
coincides with the traditional
date of the founding of Rome
in 753 BC, the beginning of
the history of ancient Rome,
and the beginning of the
Archaic period in Ancient
Medieval Period 500-1200 In the history of Europe, the • Coffee House
A.D. Middle Ages or medieval • Eyeglass
period lasted approximately • Public Library
from the 5th to the late 15th
centuries, similarly to the Post-
classical period of global
history. It began with the fall
of the Western Roman Empire
and transitioned into the
Renaissance and the Age of
Renaissance Period 14th-17th Our history of knowledge • Ice Cream
Century reveals people in three major • Parachute
regions who have greatly • Paddle Boat
contributed to the intellectual
evolution of mankind: the
Chinese in the Orient, the
Indians in the South and
Southeast Asia and the ancient
Greeks in Europe. Out of these
three major regions of
knowledge, the first burgeoning
of awareness was the “Greek
explosion” that began during the
sixth century BCE. It made its
first impact on the Islamic world
and then in Europe during the
Modern Ages (1800-1900) The Middle Ages, the medieval • Printing Press
period of European history • Computer
between the fall of the Roman • Light Bulb
Empire and the beginning of the
Renaissance, are sometimes
referred to as the "Dark Ages."
Present (2000-Present) The twentieth century was a • Camera Phone
period of radical departure in • USB Flash Drive
the way almost every previous • Bluetooth
area of human activity.
Accelerating scientific
understanding, better
communications, faster
transportation transformed the
world in those hundred years
more than any time in the past.
It was a century that started with
steam powered ships as the most
sophisticated means of
transport, and ended with the
space shuttle. Horses, and other
pack animals, Western
humanity's basic form of
personal transportation for
thousands of years were
replaced by automobiles within
the span of a few decades.

PART III. Answer each question in not more than 50 words:

(10 points each item, TOTAL: 40 points)

A. Why is it important to study the history of Science and Technology?

For me, it gives us the glimpse of the inventions that innovated on that
particular historical period. So that we will appreciate its use until the present time. We
will also be given a chance to upgrade those inventions that will be very in our daily
lives, specially for the next generation.

B. From your own understanding, how S & T influence the Society and
how does Society influence S & T?

In my own understanding, Science & Technology influences the human race or society
by making our works easier and less complicated. It improves way of living and human
condition. It also help us to protect our environment by using technology such as
drainage pipe nets, organic burials pads and many more. On the other hand, society
influences S & T by upgrading it to a more efficient matter, examples are human
upgrading way of detecting the present coronavirus.

C. How important is the knowledge that you will gain about the related S and T of your
chosen course/field towards your career success?
Support your answer.

The knowledge that I will gain about the S & T will be relevant to my field, education.
Because through Science and Technology, I can maximize the use of devices that can
help me present my works in front of the class. I can use video presentation, projectors,
USB flash drive, laptop and many more so that they will visualize every topics that we
are going to tackle. Technology will make my works easier, too by recording scores and

D. Express your opinion on this question:

As a modern society, have we optimized the use of Science and Technology to address
the present pandemic crisis? Support your answer.

For me, we have optimized the use of Science and Technology in response to the
COVID-19 pandemic. We can see that our scientists and researchers use their knowledge
to find the possible cure for the virus. By the use of apparatus and technology, they are
able to discover that the virus mutates as time goes by, and how it will affect the health of
the society. They are also came up with the vaccine which will help people to have
immunization from the virus.

In not more than 50 words, your most treasured discovery from this lesson.

The most treasured discovery of mine from this lesson is that most of the technology we use
today are from other era. They came up with many inventions so that lives of people will be
much easier than before. Also the ideas they cam up from past eras can be use by present
innovators to upgrade it to a more advanced one. Science and Technology does really help
people in many aspects of life including political, economical, cultural and social aspects. So
to sum up, S&T influences our life in the society and in vice-versa, we influence S&T, too.

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