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Jnana Sangama, Belgaum-590014, Karnataka, INDIA

“Mental Health Development Application with Face Recognition

For the Academic year


D. Sahithya 1MV17IS017
Mohit Sinha 1MV17IS030
Mrudula R 1MV17IS031
Ruchika Jain 1MV17IS045

Under the Guidance of

Mrs. Shanta Biradar

Assoc. Professor, Dept. of ISE
Sir MVIT, Bangalore-562157


Department of Information Science and Engineering

Certified that the project work entitled “Mental Health Development Application with
Face Recognition Login” is a bonafide work carried out by D. Sahithya, Mohit Sinha,
Mrudula R and Ruchika Jain bearing USN 1MV17IS017, 1MV17IS030, 1MV17IS031
and 1MV17IS045 respectively, students of Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment
have been incorporated and the project report has been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirements in respect of Project work .


Prof and Head Dept of

Project Guide ISE
Mrs. Shanta Biradar Dr. P.Vijay Karthik
Assoc. Professor,Dept. of
ISE HOD, Dept. of ISE,
Sir MVIT,Bangalore Sir MVIT,Bangalore
Mental health has always been a focus of attention of researchers in India. Depression is a
significant contributor to the global burden of disease and affects people in all communities
across the world. Today, depression is estimated to affect 350 million people.

The World Mental Health Survey conducted in 17 countries found that on an average about 1
in 20 people reported having an episode of depression in the previous year. Depressive
disorders often start at a young age. They reduce people’s functioning and often are

For these reasons, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide in terms of total
years lost due to disability. The demand for curbing depression and other mental health
conditions is on the rise globally.

The aim of this project is to develop an application which will make the users feel that they
always have someone who will listen to their problems and help to talk them out of
depression and strive towards reducing the percentage of suicide in the country.

Socialization is a process that introduces people to social norms and customs. This process
helps individuals function well in society, and, in turn, helps society run smoothly. Family
members, teachers, religious leaders, and peers all play roles in a person's socialization.

Research exploring young people's perspectives on mental health is at an early stage of

development and few studies have focused in detail on mental distress or illness. This paper
reports findings from a qualitative study which used case vignettes in group and individual
interviews to explore the ways in which the young people who took part constructed their
understanding of what constitutes mental illness. In essence, they did so by drawing on their
own experiences to distinguish between behaviours with which they could identify in some
way and those with which they could not.
An overview of previous relevant research is provided in the Introduction, followed by a
description of the methods and sampling strategies used. The main findings of the study are
then presented in relation to the ways in which young people defined unusual behaviour, their
understanding of the behaviours associated with different mental health problems and their
attitudes to the people concerned.

Finally, some ways in which health promotion might build on the findings are identified and

1. Introduction
2. Software Requirement Specification
3. High Level Design
4. Detailed Design
5. Implementation
6. Testing
Chapter 1


This report documents how mental disorders are detrimental to the development of low- and
middle-income countries and the poor within these countries. It proposes cost-effective
solutions that can be adopted by countries to promote development. Suicide is an extreme but
common outcome for people with untreated mental disorders, particularly depression and
substance abuse, which are associated with up to 90% of all cases of suicide in some
countries . Contrary to the common belief that these are concerns of high-income countries
only, mental disorders and their effects are also important issues for developing countries.
Over 80% of people suffering from mental disorders such as epilepsy, schizophrenia,
depression, intellectual disability, alcohol use disorders and those committing suicide are
living in low- and middle-income countries . Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain
of stigma and discrimination for too long. It is time to bring it out into the open. The
magnitude, suffering and burden in terms of disability and costs for individuals, families and
societies are staggering. In the last few years, the world has become more aware of this
enormous burden and the potential for mental health gains. We can make a difference using
existing knowledge ready to be applied.
We need to enhance our investment in mental health substantially and we need to do it now.


Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we
think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make
choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence
through adulthood.
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

The focus of this project is to create a user friendly interface for people suffering due
to mental health disorders and depression , help them to overcome the phase through
advanced features .

The project involved seeking information both from young people representative of the
general community and also from a number of groups regarded as being at particular risk -
for example young people who have previously attempted suicide, young people with a
mental illness, young people living in rural and remote areas,what the Brief describes as
'marginalised or seriously disaffected' young people who may engage in self-harming
behaviour . These promising innovations in treatment and care can be customized as per the
context for scale up and integrated into the primary healthcare system through the District
Mental Health Programme. The innovative approach not only makes mental health services
more accessible and affordable but also empowering in nature by encouraging community
members in early detection, prevention of mental illness and appropriate treatment referral to
existing primary health care services.

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT



[1] Paper Name: Machine learning in mental health: a scoping review of methods
and applications
Authors: Andrian B R Shatte
Methods Used: employed a scoping review methodology to rapidly map the field of ML
in mental health. Eight health and information technology research databases were
searched for papers covering this domain. Articles were assessed by two reviewers, and
data were extracted on the article's mental health application, ML technique, data type,
and study results. Articles were then synthesised via narrative review.

Results: Overall the application of ML to mental Health had demonstrated a range of

benefits across the area of diagnosis , treatment and support.

[2] Paper Name: Implementing the institute of medicine definition of disparities .

Authors: Thomas G McGuire and Kenneth B Wells

Methods Used: Expenditures are modeled using generalized linear models with a log
link for quantity and a probit model for any utilization. We adjust for group differences
in health status by transforming the entire distribution of health status for minority
populations to approximate the white distribution. We compare disparities according to
the IOM definition to other methods commonly used to assess health services disparities.

Results: A rigorous definition of disparities is needed to monitor progress against

disparities and to compare their magnitude across studies. With such a definition,
disparities can be estimated by adjusting for group differences in models for expenditures
and access to mental health services.

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT


[3] Paper Name: Natural Language Processing in mental health application using non
clinical texts
Authors: Rafael A Calcvo and David N Milne
Methods Used: In the period between August 2014 and May 2015, the authors
performed multiple searches using Google Scholar. Relevant research published after this
period was added during the reviewing process. Google Scholar was chosen because it
indexes journals, conferences and patent documents. Conference papers and patents are
particularly important sources because a significant amount of the research in NLP and
computer science is not published in journals, which is the standard in the mental health
Results: Text-driven psychological interventions are possibly the most common form of
Internet intervention.Online counseling and peer support groups provide human-to-
human communication where the computer mediation can add significant value through
automatic triaging, summarization and personalization of the interventions.
[4] Paper Name: Digital Health application in mental Health care for immigrants and
Authors: Andrien Liem and Jimmy.
Methods Used: This review adopted a rapid review methodology. Available literature
was searched in three online databases January 1, 2005, to February 28, 2019. Studies
were included if they (1) applied digital health technologies, (2) focused on immigrants,
refugees, or asylum seekers without age and country limitation, (3) reported nonclinical
and/or clinical outcomes, and (4) were published in English or Indonesian. Narrative
synthesis was developed based on the data extraction and quality assessment.
Results: The ethical standards of these digital health applications were poorly
implemented and reported. Stigma toward mental disorders and lack of technology
literacy were the main challenges in scaling up digital health applications for immigrants
and refugees.
[5] Paper Name: Mental Health care application for Primary health care workers .
Authors: Ed-Edily Mohd. Azhari, Muhd. Mudzakkir Mohd. Hatta, Zaw Zaw Htike
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Methods Used: The principal goal of the MEGA project is to provide youth with better
access to mental health services and appropriate care, by developing a mental health
screening mobile application tool to be used in PHC settings in South Africa and Zambia.
In this study, we will use a mixed methods multi-center study design. In phase one, we
will investigate the mental health literacy of PHC practitioners to identify areas in need
of development.

Results: common psychiatric disorders remain largely undetected and untreated in PHC
settings. By identifying limitations in PHC workers knowledge with regard to youth
mental health, we aspire to improve the depression care provided to youth in Southern by
developing and implementing a locally relevant m-health application.


I. Self Management apps

II. Apps for improving thinking skills
JJ. Skill training and illness management


● Live Chat
● Mood Swing Management
● Intensive Games
● Interactive Platform
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT


Web apps have significant potential to deliver high-efficacy mental health interventions. Given the global sho
the lack of mental health care access in rural regions, apps have emerged as a viable tool to bridge the mental
Technology is well-poised to transform how mental health treatment is delivered and accessed, but this transf
combined mobilization of science, regulation, and design.

Web apps have significant potential to deliver high-efficacy mental health interventions. Given the global sho
the lack of mental health care access in rural regions, apps have emerged as a viable tool to bridge the mental
Technology is well-poised to transform how mental health treatment is delivered and accessed, but this transf
combined mobilization of science, regulation, and Web apps have significant potential to deliver high-efficac
interventions. Given the global shortage of psychiatrists and the lack of mental health care access in rural reg
as a viable tool to bridge the mental health treatment gap. Technology is well-poised to transform how menta
delivered and accessed, but this transformation requires the combined mobilization of science, regulation, and

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Chapter 2
Software Requirement Specification




An SRS or a software requirement specification, for any software system, is a

complete description of behavior of a system to be developed. It may include a set of use
cases that describe interactions the users will have with the software. It should include both
the user requirements of the system and detailed specifications of the system requirements.
In addition it also contains non-functional requirements. Non-functional requirements
impose constraints on the design or implementation such as performance engineering
requirements, quality standards, or design constraints. The SRS document enlists all
necessary requirements that are required for the project development.


The operating environment specifies the environment in which the application is run on.


Processor: Intel i5 onwards

Memory: 2.00 GB RAM

Hard Disk Space: 20GB

Keyboard: Standard Windows Keyboard


Operating System: Windows 7 & above / MacOS X & above

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT
Software Requirement Specification


The developed system is expected to provide the following functionalities:

 1. Users can create profiles which will be anonymous.

 2. Users can login with email and by using face detection to simplify login.
 3. Users can see relevant motivational posts, listen to TED talks by selecting their
current mood for the day and save the ones they like.
 4. Users can like/comment on public blog posts.
 5. Users can create posts and share what they feel.
 6. Users can chat anonymously and share their problems without the fear of being


Non-Functional requirements are not directly concerned with the specific functions
delivered by the system. These are constraints on the service or functions offered by the
system. They include timing constraints, constraints on the developing process and
standards. They may relate to emergent system properties such as reliability, response
time and store occupancy. Alternatively, they may define constraints on the system such
as the capabilities of I/O devices and the data representations used in system interfaces.
Non-Functional requirements often applied to the system as a whole. They do not
usually just apply to an individual system's features and services.

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Software Requirement Specification

The following list of non-functional requirements is expected from the system:

 Availability: The software like browsers, internet connections should be there.

 Reliability: This software attempts to insure appropriate content but assumes no

responsibility for external manipulations.

 Performance: CPU time of the proposed software varies from 4seconds to 6seconds
and PSNR value from 25dB to 26dB.

 Modifiability: Another key factor that the system should consider is modifiability.
As the system might have to be integrated with other systems and mounted on other
platforms in future, it should be modifiable.

 Accuracy: One of the significant motives of the system is to produce accurate

results, every time it is run. The system aims at accuracy of 70% and above.

 Reliability: The system should be robust in producing results and should be reliable
at all times. The application should not crash under any circumstances such as a user
trying to load unsupported files, etc. It should show appropriate messages for every user
generated message.

 Response time: The system should respond in the least amount of time possible.

 Usability: The application developed should be easy to use and user friendly. User
must be able to understand and use the components of the application without any

 Robust: The application should be able to produce correct output for all kinds of
inputs given by the user which may have different images of different noises and
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT
Software Requirement Specification


 Users should know the basics of computers.

 Users should have knowledge of working on the internet.
 Users should be familiar with the Face Recognition System.


 Provides an easy to understand and user friendly interface.

 Reduces the stress of a Mentally Depressed Person.
 Provides a chat system to talk between a sad and a happy person.
 Provides an interface for posting Images and seeing it time to time.


This chapter contains the essential functional and non - functional requirements the system
should adhere to the overall general perspective of the system‘s behavior, the hardware,
software and interfaces that are being used. It helps in the generation of the system
architecture and the high level design with more attention to details. It can be implemented
on any system which meets the requirements as mentioned above.

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Chapter 3
High Level Design




The High-level design is used to explain the design aspect of the functional modules
and the interface between them. It provides an overview of a solution, system, product,
service, or processes. Such an overview is important in a multi-project development to make
sure that each supporting component design will be compatible with its neighboring designs
and with the big picture.

A high-level design document will usually include a high-level architecture diagram

depicting the components, interfaces and networks that need to be further specified or
developed. The document may also depict or otherwise refer to work flows and/or data flows
between component systems. In addition, there should be brief consideration of all significant
commercial, legal, environmental, security, safety and technical risks, issues and
assumptions. The idea is to mention every work area briefly, clearly delegating the
ownership of more detailed design activity whilst also encouraging effective collaboration
between the various project teams.

Today, most high-level designs require contributions from a number of experts,

representing many distinct professional disciplines. Finally, every type of end-user should be
identified in the high-level design and each contributing design should give due consideration
to customer experience.
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT
High Level Design


3.2.1 Considered Design Constraints

User Constraints

Using this system is fairly simple and intuitive.. A user familiar with basic computer
operability skills should be able to understand all functionality provided by the system.

Hardware Constraints

The system should work on most home desktop and laptop computers and can be extended to
mobile phone apps. Software Constraints

The system is designed to run on a machine having Python and Javascript. Communications Constraints

The user must understand the basic English language to understand the terms. Data Management Constraints

System shall be able to interface with other components according to their specifications. Operational Constraints

The system is not limited to any Operating System. It works equally well on Windows, Mac
and LINUX.
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT
High Level Design


System Architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior and
more views of a system. An architecture description is a formal description and
representation of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the
structure of a system which comprises system components, the externally visible
properties of those components, the relationships (example the behavior) between
them and provides a plan from which products can be procured, and systems
developed, that will work together to implement the overall system. The language for
architecture description is called architecture description language (ADL).

Fig 3.1 Architecture Diagram

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

High Level Design


A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an

information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing
(structured design). A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm or process,
showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows.
This diagrammatic representation can give a step by step solution to a given problem.

Fig 3.2 Data Flow Diagram

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

High Level Design


There are six primary functions of our system.

1. Users can create profiles which will be anonymous.
2. Users can login with email and by using face detection to simplify login.
3. Users can see relevant motivational posts, listen to TED talks by selecting their
current mood for the day.
4. Users can like/comment on public blog posts.
5. Users can create posts and share what they feel.
6. Users can chat anonymously and share their problems without the fear of being


A High-level design provides an overview of a solution, platform, system, product, service or

process. This chapter focuses on system design, design considerations for this system and the
various diagrams explained gives a clear explanation about the process flow in this system.
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT
Chapter 4
Detailed Design



The purpose of the design phase is to bring the conceived project to the real stage using
various technologies by creating a user interface using which the user can interact with the
system and the system produces the required results to the users.

User Interface:

The user interface is the aggregate of means by which people interact with a particular
machine, device and computer program other complex tool. The user interface provides the
means of either

 1. Input, allowing the user to manipulate the system.

 2. Output, allowing the system to produce the effects of user manipulation.

Graphical user interface: Accepts input via devices such as computer, keyboard and mouse
clicks etc. Displays the output on devices like monitors.


4.2.1 Software Graphical User Interfaces

Software graphical user interfaces are the one from which the end users that is client or
administrator interact with the system with the help of buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, text
box etc.
The user interface for this project will be implemented by developing the following
wireframes for the different screens
1. Login Page
2. Home Page
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT
Detailed Design

The login screen of WEvolve is shown in the following figure. The left hand side of the
screen has the logo and name of the application. Users can login using a button by using face
recognition or manually by entering the username and password.

Fig 4.1 Login Screen

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Detailed Design

Login Screen

Home Screen

Posts and Games Interphase

Fig 4.2 Home Screen Wireframe


This chapter helps us know how the creation of user interfaces happen. It summarizes
the various GUI components used and their use in the project.

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Chapter 5




Implementation of any software is always preceded by important decisions regarding

selection of platform, the language used, etc. These decisions are often influenced by several
factors such as the real time environment in which the system works, the speed that is
required, the security concerns, other implementation specific details etc.

It is, in fact, a realization of technical specification or algorithm as a program,

software component, or other computer system through programming deployment. Many
implementations may exist for a given specific standard.


In developing any application, the programming language plays a significant role.
The choice of the programming language has to be made based on the requirements of the
application at hand. In this application, Python programming is used as it is very convenient
to develop machine learning applications with it, owing to its wide variety of available
toolkits and libraries. We have also used HTML, CSS and Javascript as it is very easy and
convenient for developing interactive user interfaces.


Our application is built in such a way that it is independent of the platform. It will run
well in Mac OSX, Windows as well as Linux.
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT


5.4.1 Naming Conventions

Throughout our code, we have given meaningful variable names and functions so that it is
intuitive for anyone who is seeing the code.

5.4.2 File Organization

Our project is developed by keeping in mind the various features and screens and a
hierarchical tree structure is given for the different files in the project.

1. Managing Folders:

The Current Folder Browser provides a few features to make managing separate
folders easier. The tree views multiple projects from a root directory. Having a top-down
hierarchical view makes it easy to move files between project directories. The address bar is
used for quickly switching back and forth between project directories.

2. Write Comments:

Having comment lines in files enables the functions, scripts, and classes to participate
in functions like help and look for. When a directory is supplied to the help function it reads
out a list of functions in that directory. The display may be customized with a Contents.m
file, which can be generated with the Contents Report.

5.4.3 Properties Declaration

All the properties like database name, API’s and other configuration data is written in a
separate properties file so that it can easily be changed in only one place if at all there is any
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT




Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the qualit
under test. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the
understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include the process of executing a prog
intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects).

It involves the execution of a software component or system component to evaluate one or more properties
properties indicate the extent to which the component or system under test:

● Meets the requirements that guided its design and development.

● Responds correctly to all kinds of inputs.

● Performs its functions within an acceptable time.

● Is sufficiently usable.

● Can be installed and run in its intended environments.

● Achieves the general result of its stakeholder’s desire.

As the number of possible tests for even simple software components is practically infinite, all software te
select tests that are feasible for the available time and resources. As a result, software testing typically (but
execute a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects).

Software testing can provide objective, independent information about the quality of software and risk o

Software testing can be conducted as soon as executable software (even if partially complete) exists. The o
development often determines when and how testing is conducted. For example, in a phased process, most
requirements have been defined and then implemented in testable programs. In contrast, under an Ag
programming, and testing are often done concurrently.

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT




 Unit Testing: Unit testing, also known as component testing, refers to tests that
verify the functionality of a specific section of code, usually at the function level.

 Integration Testing: Integration testing is any type of software testing that seeks to
verify the interfaces between components against a software design.

 Component Interface Testing: The practice of component interface testing can be

used to check the handling of data passed between various units, or subsystem
components, beyond full integration testing between those units.

 System Testing: System testing, or end-to-end testing, tests a completely integrated

system to verify that it meets its requirements.

6.2.2 TESTING METHODS Unit Testing

Unit testing, also known as component testing, refers to tests that verify the functionality of a
specific section of code, usually at the function level. In an object-oriented environment, this
is usually at the class level, and the minimal unit tests include the constructors and

These types of tests are usually written by developers as they work on code (white-box
style), to ensure that the specific function is working as expected. One function might have
multiple tests, to catch corner cases or other branches in the code. Unit testing alone cannot
verify the functionality of a piece of software, but rather is used to ensure that the building
blocks of the software work independently from each other.

Unit testing is a software development process that involves synchronized application of a

broad spectrum of defect prevention and detection strategies in order to reduce software
development risks, time, and costs.
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT
Testing Integration Testing

Integration testing is any type of software testing that seeks to verify the interfaces between
components against a software design. Software components may be integrated in an
iterative way or all together ("big bang"). Normally the former is considered a better practice
since it allows interface issues to be located more quickly and fixed.

Integration testing works to expose defects in the interfaces and interaction between
integrated components (modules). Progressively larger groups of tested software components
corresponding to elements of the architectural design are integrated and tested until the
software works as a system.


Black Box Testing

Black-box testing treats the software as a "black box", examining functionality without any

knowledge of internal implementation. The testers are only aware of what the software is

supposed to do, not how it does it. Black-box testing methods include: equivalence
partitioning, boundary value analysis, all-pairs testing, state transition tables, decision table
testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing, use case testing, exploratory testing and
specification-based testing.

White Box Testing

White-box testing tests internal structures or workings of a program, as opposed to the

functionality exposed to the end-user. In white-box testing an internal perspective of the

system, as well as programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses

to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs. While white-box

testing can be applied at the unit, integration and system levels of the software testing

process, it is usually done at the unit level. It can test paths within a unit, paths between units
during integration, and between subsystems during a system–level test. Though this method

of test design can uncover many errors or problems, it might not detect unimplemented parts

of the specification or missing requirements.

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Chapter 7



The goal of this project is to develop a Mental Health application using Face Recognition for
login with a good performance rate.The aim is to normalise people talking about mental
health and keep their bodies and their minds as a priority in this fast pacing world. All
concepts are implemented on the selected tech stack using our own written codes, with only a
minimalistic use of in-built functions. A GUI is also developed which enables the above
application to have a user friendly interface.
Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

Department of ISE, Sir MVIT

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