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Before we start let us pray. In the name of father, son and the holy spirit (play video of prayer)

B. Greetings
“Good Morning STEM 11 students.”
I hope you were in good condition and feeling well.

C. Attendance
You will answer a google form quiz about our topic for today and it will serve as your attendance. After submitting the google form quiz You will receive instantly your
certificate of participation

+Present the objectives+

At the end of this module, learners should be able to:
1. describe the structural components of the cell membrane (STEM_BIO11/12-lg-h-13) and
3. explain transport mechanisms in cells (diffusion, osmosis, facilitated transport) (STEM_BIO11/12-lg-h-13)

D. Review

Given the following pictures, what do you think our last topic?


Very good! Fluid Mosaic Model
It is called fluid because
Fluid – the phospholipid bilayer is viscous and individual phospholipids can move position

Mosaic –because the phospholipid bilayer is embedded with proteins, resulting in a mosaic of components.

E. Motivation
Scene Check point area
Hello. For the mean time I am volunteer on this area.

What do you think is the purpose of having quarantine check points?

Good idea.
We make sure that no one enters in our baranggay with a fever or feeling unwell. The only allowed into our baranggay are those who carry our necessities such as food,
water, and medicine and also to employees working in the midst of a pandemic.

Based on your prior knowledge. What part of the cell has a similar function of this checkpoint that serves as barrier and allowing the transport of essential nutrients and
waste products?
Cell membrane

The cell membrane is the key player for todays discussion .

IV. Activity
As we are now on quarantine, there are travel restrictions and we are following social distancing. Let us say, there are two small grocery stores which only 25 persons
allowed inside. The grocery store A have 50 customers waiting outside the store and the grocery store B have no customers.

What should other customers do so that they can also buy their needs following social distancing?

The 25 customers will voluntarily move to grocery store b. This idea is the same concept of passive transport.

V. Analysis
Passive transport involves the movement of material along a concentration gradient (high concentration ⇒ low concentration) until they are equally distributed in that
space. This transport helps cells maintain homeostasis by keeping conditions within normal ranges inside all of an organism's cells.
Because materials are moving down a concentration gradient, it does not require the expenditure of energy.

Imagine being inside a classroom. If a bottle of cologne were sprayed in the corner. What will be the movement of scents inside the classroom?

The scent molecules would naturally diffuse from the spot to all corners of the classroom, and this diffusion would go on until no more concentration gradient remains. 

Simple Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Whenever a substance exists in greater concentration
on one side of a semipermeable membrane, such as the plasma membrane, any substance that can move down its concentration gradient across the membrane will do
so. The structure of the phospholipid bilayer allows only small, non-polar substances such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.

But, how does large molecules like glucose move from high to low concentration without passing on phospholipid bilayer?

Let's recall what we have previously studied in the Fluid mosaic model, which parts of the cell membrane can glucose pass through?

The amount of solute is also a factor for passive transport to occur. The movement of a solvent across a semipermeable membrane toward a higher concentration of solute
is called as Osmosis.

Let us take a look of this example

If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, there will be a net flow of water out of the cell, and the cell will lose volume. A solution will be hypertonic to a cell if its solute
concentration is higher than that inside the cell, and the solutes cannot cross the membrane.

What will be the physical appearance of cell placed in hypertonic?

A  hypertonic solution causes a cell to shrink.

If a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, there will be a net flow of water into the cell, and the cell will gain volume. If the solute concentration outside the cell is lower than
inside the cell, and the solutes cannot cross the membrane, then that solution is hypotonic to the cell.

When a cell is placed in hypotonic solution it will undergo?

A hypotonic solution causes a cell to swell.

But if the solute concentration outside the cell is the same as inside the cell, and the solutes cannot cross the membrane, then that solution is isotonic to the cell.

What happens to a cell when it is isotonic?

Isotonic solutions have the same water concentration on both sides of the cell membrane.  There will be no net movement of water. 

VI. Abstraction
Now let us have a deeper understanding about passive transport. I will ask a question related to the picture that I will show to you

Are you ready? I know you are born to be ready.

What kind of passive transport shown in the commercial?

The fragrance of fabric conditioner used by Miss Pia Wurtzbach is an example of simple diffusion. It moves from highest concentration to lowest concentration.
Why is salt used in preparing dried fish?

It is related to pickling and is one of the oldest methods of preserving food. Salt inhibits the growth of microorganisms by drawing water out of microbial cells through

What type of transport is used to move sugar into the cell?

Since the phospholipid bilayer will not allow glucose to cross by simple diffusion, helpers are needed. The membrane proteins grab one glucose molecule and shift their
position to bring the molecule into the cell. That's an easy situation of passive transport because the glucose is moving from higher to lower concentration.

VII. Application
It seems that you really understand our topic. Let us relate the concept of passive transport in real life situation.
I have here some materials to demonstrate the passive transport.
I encourage you to try it in your home.

experiment 1

Materials needed are

1 glass of hot and cold water
2 pieces of tea bag
1 plate of sliced ampalaya
1 large plate
2 spoon of salt
1 glass of water

(Demonstration for diffusion)

In this experiment the diffusion of food coloring in hot and cold water shows how temperature effects the rate of diffusion, with the process being much faster in hot water
than in cold water.

The water on the left was heated, while the one on the right was not. Notice that due to the increase in heat , the diffusion of tea out of the bag is faster than that in the cold
water. Additionally the movement of water into the tea bag is also much faster, as you can see it sink immediately.

One teabag is placed in a glass of hot water and another teabag is placed in a glass of cold water. Observe of what will happen .

(Demonstration or osmosis)
Where this green liquid came from?

asAAzzaaSS Osmosis is the movement of a solvent across a semipermeable membrane toward a higher concentration of solute. 

Cut into thin diagonal slices.

Place ampalaya slices on a large plate.

Sprinkle with 2-3 spoon of salt.

After adding the salt mix it with your hand. Do this within 1 to 2 minutes until the green liquid from the ampalaya comes out of it

Where this green liquid came from?

VIII. Closure
Let’s wrap up the discussion using a graphic organizer.

IX. Evaluation
Now let us check your understanding. Using this link answer the google form. It is multiple choice question. Remember this would serve as your attendance and you will
receive your e-certicates after submitting your google form quiz.

X. Assignment
In a piece of paper. Explain the following questions.

1. What is the significance of passive transport to all living things?

2. Is it possible that the molecules move from low concentration to high concentration? Explain your answer.

If you have any question about your homework please contact me through

Good bye class!

Now let us visualize how passive transport occur.

This time we need

1 pack of mm’s candy

1 glass of water
1 white plate
Please pause this video so you can get your materials too.
Let us start!
1. Let First step, we need to arrange the mm’s candies in circular shape.
2. Pour the small amount of water at the center of mm’s candies.
3. Let us observe of what will happen to mms candies

What happened after pouring water in the middle of the candies?

When we pour water onto the plate the candy's colored coating starts to dissolve in the water. As a result we can observe the colored dye move towards the center of the
plate. This process can result in amazing, colorful rainbow patterns. This phenomena is a representation of passive transport. The color particles move from a place with
lots of color to a place with no color.

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