Theoretical Foundation in Nursing: LESSON 7

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LESSON 7: REVIEW/ PREVIEW (10 minutes)

To start this session, let us have a quick recap of previous topic and if you still recall the different stages
of expertise. This acitivity will allow you to arrange the sequence of the 5 stages of expertise. Let’s see
how well you remember. Enjoy!

_2__Advance Beginner __5__Expert __1__Novice __3__Competent __4__Proficient


You will answer and rationalize this by pair. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given
to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you
answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity:

Multiple Choice

1. This is called when empathy and reflection work together in such a way that caring can be
expressed in nursing
a. Moral Practicea
b. Eye of the Heart
c. Vocation
d. Registering of the Eye

RATIO: “Moral practice is when empathy and reflection work together in such a way that caring can be
expressed in nursing”.

2. What is the three theoretical sources of Kari Martisens theory? Select all that apply
a. Karl Marx
b. Edmund Husserl
c. Merleau-Ponty,
d. Hegel


RATIO: In her analysis of the profession of nursing in the early 1970s, Martinsen looked to three philosophers in
1. Karl Marx, the German philosopher, politician, and social theorist;
2. Edmund Husserl, the German philosopher and founder of phenomenology; and
3. Merleau-Ponty, the French philosopher and phenomenologist of the body. Later, she broadened her theoretical
to include other philosophers, theologians, and sociologists

3. All of the following are the theoretical assertion of Martinsen’s theory except?
a. People are created independent and relational.
b. to the created belong the sovereign life utterances.
c. these are phenomena present in the service of life.
d. they create life, they release life's possibilities.

RATIO: People are created dependent and relational. The person is fundamentally dependent upon
community and the creation to the created belong the sovereign life utterances these are phenomena
present in the service of life.
4. Is termed as “forms not only the value base of nursing, but is a fundamental precondition for
our lives” ?
a. Cure
b. Care
c. Compassion
d. Core
RATIO: Care “forms not only the value base of nursing, but is a fundamental precondition for our lives.
Care is the positive development of the person through the Good”

5. Under Nursing paradigm, Martinsen mentioned about the trinity of care which include all but
a. Relational
b. Practical
c. Ethics
d. Moral

RATIO: Care is a trinity: relational, practical, and moral simultaneously

6. This refers to a zone that we must not interfere with in encounters with the other and
encounters with nature
a. Moral Practice
b. Untouchable
c. Professional Judgement
d. None of the above

RATIO: Untouchable: This term refers to a zone that we must not interfere with in encounters with the other and
encounters with nature. It refers to boundaries for which we must have respect.

7. She published a ____ of a book with the provocative title, Caring Without Care
a. Notes on nursing
b. Lit torch
c. Nursing problems
d. None of the above

RATIO: Published a “lit torch” of a book with the provocative title, Caring Without Care? They raised
important questions about whether nurses were “moving away” from the sickbed, whether caring for the ill
and infirm was disappearing with the advent of increasingly technical care and treatment, and whether
nurses were becoming administrators and researchers who increasingly relinquished the concrete
execution of care to other occupational groups.
8. Martinsen referred Environment as Space and Situation. This means that:
a. In space are found time, ambience, and power.
b. Our interaction with each other set the tone and color the situation and the
c. person is always in a particular situation in a particular space.
d. All of the above
RATIO: The person is always in a particular situation in a particular space. In space are found time,
ambience, and power (Martinsen, 2001, 2002b, 2002c). Martinsen asks what time, architecture, and
knowledge do to the ambience of a space. Architecture, our interaction with each other, use of objects,
words, knowledge, our being-in-the-room—all set the tone and color the situation and the space. The
person enters into universal space, natural space, but through dwelling creates cultural space. We build
houses with rooms, and the activities of the health service take place in different rooms.

9. Martinsen is reluctant to provide definitions of terms, since definitions have a tendency to

close off concepts. Rather, she maintains, the content of concepts should be presented. Is
this statement True of False?
a. True
b. False

RATIO: Martinsen is reluctant to provide definitions of terms, since definitions have a tendency to close
off concepts. Rather, she maintains, the content of concepts should be presented. It is important to
circumscribe the meaningful content of a term, explain what the term means, but avoid having terms
locked up in definitions.

10. Ethical demand to take care of neighbor, so nursing requires a personal refinement in
addition to professional knowledge is defined as?
a. Profession
b. Vocation
c. Moral
d. Professional Judgement

RATIO: Vocation is given as a law of life concerning neighborly love which is foundationally human.”It is
an ethical demand to take care of one’s neighbor. For this reason, nursing requires a personal refinement,
in addition to professional knowledge.

AL Activity: The Muddiest Point

You will now answer what was least clear for this session. This technique will help you determine which
key points you missed.

In today’s session, what was least clear to you?

Almost everything since I need to search some of the parts of the lesson to understand it well.

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