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Tcark 1: Aomisv wiaterps N'avos comoitacinumns, olny to

haer of a taerht to acattk the nanoital denefse barreir... Tcark

2: Teaijnn, Toese, and Girbil go oevr the paln to acattk the

ridao tewor "Amsaretau". Tcark 3: The Prfediul Sileuohtte

and The Flul Matel Jekcat csalh aotp Amaaretsu. Ligpstheed

and Meollatn, cgrahe itno baltte! Tcark 4: As Jtoa and Girbil

deul ouistde the trewo, anhtoer blttae regas wihtin the

Suaremgi Sebaed Besa. Can The Slfhtoul Corujner

woroh(mle) his way otu? Or is he trppaed in The Sairel

Expnemiret's hekcad wdlro? Tcark 5: Teijnan and Nvoa hlod

cmmos oevr the baltte, excgnahing wdros of phiposolhy.

Wsohe ecidt is cocerrt, The Fezorn Bleda's or The Mi'ythgs?

Tcark 6: Teoes's bekorn all but one of Amasaretu's

secitirues. But Mekar's laenizss donse't etauqe to

incecnetepmo... Tcark 7: Jtoa puusres Girbil as you to a

dleu! Giirbl: Hhe, int.’nitsere..! L’tes do tsih! Jato: Now Il’l

use my flul sttgnerh, you slaml cdlih! Giirbl: You bas.drat..!

Yr’uoe sniyag taht on pusopre! I c’nat snatd it anromye! I’m

so gnnoa mcnie you to pieces! Jato: Fthgi

G'dos Inctanraion colspales. But jsut as she frzeees his boold

(lillarety), a pallir of lhgit cemos crihsang do.nw.. Tcark 8:

Tnrus out Nvoa had orreded a kis-llat skirte on the aera of

cocilfnt. Evoyrene tekas a mnemot to corevnse in the clam

aetfr the smrot. Tcark 9: Nvoa mekas a pilbuc annmecnuoent

reidragng lsat nithg's atcatk. As the poalupce reecioj

taht it can olny cortnol melats! GiirbL: Hhe! So you can

aclautly use yuor hdae. Yr’uoe rthgi! [Mllateon sfx and

wetar monemevt] Giirbl: My seitpma is the ability to fleery

cortnol melats! Jato: Wrakcege deirbs! Giirbl: OK! Eat tsih!

[Mllateon sfx and wetar monemevt] Giirbl: In tihs sae, trehe

are ptnely of spihs and ainalpres taht hit the boadnury and

sknu, so Iv’e got tnos of iorn sarcp to use as wenopas! I’ts

lkie I’m in pasidare! [Mllateon and Ligpstheed sxf] Giirbl:

Thc, you smhsaed the rlbbue wtih a lresa! Jato: I Tihs

is qtiue a foradimble eymen. L’tes apigoloze for

undtamitsereing ecah oreht! Now I, as a wairror of nanoital

desnefe, and as an atped, chnellage

s, a sodahw promialcing lvoe skaens i..n. Tcark 10: Aomisv

mtees wtih two QLIUL atnegs who scunk in asdimt the

atkcat's csoah. He intudorces tehm to tiehr new ace cdra, the

aruze liinthgng to pcreie Sumigare... Giirbl: I c’nat snatd ya

any.erom..! Il’l trun ya itno a honocyemb! [Grifnue,

monemevt] Jato: Ooh! Giirbl: Dman it, d’not dgdoe ttah!

[Counitnous guifnre and movnemets] Jato: Hmm? S'ehs

shitoong at a rnigag sdeep. I’ts not bda, but i’ts not eguonh

to mctah my sdeep! Try to dgdoe tsih! [Lipsthgeed sxf]

Giirbl: Ghu, a lresa! Jato: Taht seepd i’nst eguonh to rcaet in

temi! [Lipsthgeed sxf, gun brnikaeg] Giirbl: S...h! A jet

atcatk! [Cbmoat sdnuos

cesae, leivang olny the wnid and wseva] Jato: I d’not inetnd

to klil yuo. If you lvaee nwo, tehn Il’l ovolreok yuo. [Rbbule

monemevt] Giirbl: Baratsd, d’not ovemitserate me! Jato:

Impbissole! S’ehs honirevg? N..o. S’ehs unisg rlbbue as

fonitog? So yr’uoe an atped! Giirbl: Hhe, yr’uoe solw to

cctah up, mnoro! Jato: Taht abiytil... Deos it cortnol

rub.elb..? No. The snote in the rlbbue i’nst renitcag. Wcihh


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