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Module Code & Module Title FC6P01NT- Final Year Project

Assessment Weightage & Type

Final Year Project Proposal (5%)

Year and Semester

2021-22 Autumn, Year Long

Student Name: Bibhav Karki

London Met ID: 19031619

College ID: NP05CP4A190041

Assignment Submission Date: 25th OCTOBER 2021

First Supervisor: Ganesh Mainali

Title: Covid Vaccine Booking (Web App)

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be
FC6P01NT Final Year Project

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Problem Scenario ................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Problem as Solution ............................................................................................. 3
2. Aim and Objective .................................................................................................. 4
3. Expected Outcomes and Deliverables ................................................................... 5
4. Project Risks, Threats and Contingency Plans: ..................................................... 6
5. Methodology: .......................................................................................................... 8
6. Resource Requirements....................................................................................... 10
7. Work Breakdown Structure ................................................................................. 11
8. Milestone Chart .................................................................................................... 12
9. Project Gantt Chart............................................................................................... 13
10. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 15
References ............................................................................................................... 16
FC6P01NT Final Year Project

Tables of Figures

Figure 1: RUP Processes ........................................................................................... 9

Figure 2: Work Breakdown Structure ....................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Milestone Chart ......................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Gannt Chart............................................................................................... 13

Table of Tables
Table 1: Project risks, threats and contingency plans ................................................ 7
FC6P01NT Final Year Project

1. Introduction

As we all know, Health is the backbone of the nation. To develop the nation,
the People must be healthy. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as
"a condition of complete physical, mental, and social well-being." Healthy living refers
to the steps, behaviors, and strategies that we employ to promote health and well-
being. (Felman, April 19, 2020)
In Today’s World, innovation is becoming an increasingly crucial element of our daily
lives. There are countless types of applications that have taken over the marketplace,
and many people are seeking new apps daily to make our life easier and better.

I’m working on designing and developing a web app for covid vaccine that will be
beneficial to all the People of major cities of Province 1. ‘CoVaccine’ will be the name
of this app. This app will be built with Visual Studio Code as the editor and JavaScript
as the programming language, with NodeJS and the express JS framework as the
backend. This app has all the features that a covid online booking portal must have.
The following are the some of the features that will be included in this app.

• Advanced Booking (People can book a vaccine date whatever date they want).
• Friendly and easy UI to use for People as it contains both English as well as
Nepali language.
• Precautions and safety guide for People.
• Information of active Covid cases.
• Keeps the record of vaccinated People and their doses.
• Shows places of vaccination in google maps.
• Shows the active tracking of the Covid-19 Patients.
• People can cancel booking afterwards if they are unable to visit that place in
vaccine dates.
• Shows available dates, vaccine, and vaccine features to the people.

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1.1 Problem Scenario

As we all know, most of the people travel long distance for covid Vaccine.
People faced a lot of problems in injecting covid Vaccine also they must stand in
queue for more than hours even if they stand for more than hours sometimes, they
don’t get vaccinated due to shortage of vaccine and they end up going back to their
house without vaccinated. The following are some of the challenges that many
individuals encounter while injecting covid vaccine:

• People faced a lot of problems in injecting covid vaccine especially people who
have diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases etc. People must stay in queue
which may affects their health.
• Daily wages laborer and Farmers are facing problems as they earn money only
when they go to work if they stand in line for hour their family might be hungry
in that day, due to lack of earning at that day.
• If only government is injecting vaccine, then businessman might get a lot of
problems in their business due to spent of lot of hours for vaccine and can
cause a huge loss in their business.
• People are unknown with covid patient and people coming from different places
and they talk with unknown people without knowing their PCR reports which
might increase actives cases.
• Sometimes People might be unknown with vaccines, people stand in line but
due to shortage of vaccine they must come to next day or day when vaccine is
available it affects almost all the people.
• Due to dirty Politics of our country, We People are facing a lot of problems
sometimes government sent vaccine according to the population of that cities
or villages, but Vaccine might get sold to private hospital by the People in higher
post of that cities and villages that’s makes shortage of vaccine, and some
people might not get covid vaccine.

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1.2 Problem as Solution

As we all know, App is always made for making People work easier and
efficient. While using this app, People might not face problems while injecting covid
vaccine. This app is mainly for People of different cities of Province 1 and for
minimizing all the issues and can give the proper service to the People. This app will
show the active covid Patient nearby which makes People aware. This app minimized
crowd and maintained social distancing as People only visit when they have their turn.
By using this app, even sick people, laborer, farmers, businessman can book a date
for a vaccine when they are free. Also, it shows available vaccine and its types to the
people so that they can inject vaccine as they like. This app help people not getting
fool by the local government and can asked a government if sometimes happened as
this app will show all details related with vaccine. This app is especially made for the
People who are facing problems directly or indirectly by higher level People of the
society. It also has cancellation options if they are unable to visit that place in booking
date. For making this app effective the government must teach people how to use this
app or as this app has interface in Nepali as well as in English so that most of the
People might not face Problems while using.

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2. Aim and Objective

The main aim of this project is to develop a web app to book a covid vaccine for
major cities of Province 1 and show the available vaccine and places where vaccine
is injecting. The main goal of this software is to provide a well-managed and
acceptable covid vaccine service to people who want to inject covid vaccine, as well
as to replace the traditional strategy with technology. This app mainly focusses on
providing a proper vaccine service to the People. There are various objectives of this
Project they are given below:

• To design a web application utilizing JavaScript (Node Js Express Js, which

improved programming and application development skills and understanding.
• To know how a database is implemented in a real-world context.

• To improve individual's research and presentation skills.

• To learn how to use the many tools required to complete this app.

• To keep track of the process of developing and implementing this app.

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3. Expected Outcomes and Deliverables

The goal of this software is to provide a managed covid vaccine service to a
variety of people. This software will also assist numerous People in obtaining covid
vaccine, which will have a direct impact on health of Province 1 People.

Some of the features of this app are given below:

• Friendly and easy UI to use for People as it contains both English as well as
Nepali language.
• Shows the active tracking of the Covid-19 Patients.
• The system shows the information of active covid cases, deaths, vaccinated
People etc.
• Keeps the record of vaccinated People and their doses.
• The system shows places where covid vaccine is injecting in google maps.
• Shows available dates, vaccine, and vaccine features to the people.
• The system has advanced booking where people can book vaccine dates in
• Automated E-mails to People after booking covid vaccine date. (Real-time
booking & confirmation).
• The system gives safety and precautions guide for People.

More features will be added according to the need of time.

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4. Project Risks, Threats and Contingency Plans:

I'm not stranger to developing Web applications with JavaScript (NodeJS,
Express Js) but I've never built a complete program by myself as I have only worked
with my team. As a result, numerous risks and hazards are predicted to arise during
the development of this software. We all know that no software can be produced
without any risks or threats, and this is true for this app as well. The hazards and
dangers to the project, as well as contingency strategies, are listed in the table below:

S.N. . Risk and Threats Probability Contingency

1. During the development phase, High The proper implementation of

several errors may occur. code is the subject of research.

2. Misplaced or deleted code High Back up code and data to a

hard drive or a USB flash
3. Errors while creating a database Seek assistance from the

Medium database module leader and

review several tutorial videos
and journals.

4. Hardware or software failure Medium It's a good idea to have backup

code and hardware on hand.

5. Failed to meet weekly deadline low Work in accordance with the

Gantt plan and the set of

6. Issues with database Investigate the subject by

implementation Medium consulting multiple websites,
YouTube videos, and other

7. Research is being disrupted due High Another type of internet

to a slow internet connection. connection, such as mobile
data or fast Wi-Fi, should be

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8. Finding enough resources on the Medium Request help from supervisors

internet is difficult. and seniors, as well as a
person who is a specialist in
the field.
9. Debugging code is difficult. Medium Investigate the mistake and
look for help.

Table 1: Project risks, threats and contingency plans

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5. Methodology:
When working on a project, software development methodology refers to the
systematic processes that must be followed. It's an amalgamation of design ideals
and pragmatic realities that dates to the dawn of computing. The purpose is to
establish a method for software development that is systematic. (GeekforGeek, 12
Jun, 2020) The most common SDLC mythologies are given below:

• Waterfall Model
• Spiral Model
• Big Bang Model
• V-Shape Model
• Agile Model
• Iterative Model

For developing this web app, I prefer Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology
which is an agile methodology. The project life cycle is divided into four phases by
RUP. All six main development disciplines are practiced at each phase: business
modeling, requirements, analysis and design, implementation, testing, and
deployment. RUP's major purpose is to produce high-quality software on a predictable
budget and schedule. If necessary, each of the life cycle phases can be repeated until
the major objectives are achieved. The project is completed once the transition phase
is successfully completed. (Study, June 19, 2020) The four different phases of RUP
are as given below:


• The project's concept was developed.

• The development resources required were analyzed.

• A discussion with the supervisor was done to see whether the project is
appropriate to develop.
• The project's end-users were identified, and it was decided whether this app
would be valuable to them.


• The app's architecture and resource requirements are also analyzed.

• A class diagram, a case diagram, and a collaboration diagram are all created.
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• The proposal is documented, and the resources are assessed.

• Gantt Chart, Milestone chart, Breakdown Structure are also made.


• The app will be created and finished.

• The app will be designed

• The testing such as white-box, black- box is carried out in app in this process.

• The app's documentation will be created and updated.

• The beta version of the app will be also released.


• End-users will be given access to the app, and feedback will be collected.

• Based on comments, final modifications and upgrades will be made.

• Beta Testing will be carried out.

Figure 1: RUP Processes

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6. Resource Requirements
We all know that to complete a project or a system, we need a variety of
The following are the basic resources needed to complete this project:

PC with windows 10.

• IDE: Visual Studio Code for writing code.

• Programming Language: JavaScript
• Database: MySQL
• Vaccine and Places where vaccine is injected Information
• Dummy People Information
• Microsoft Word for documenting Project.
• for drawing of different figures and charts.

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7. Work Breakdown Structure

Figure 2: Work Breakdown Structure

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8. Milestone Chart

Figure 3: Milestone Chart

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9. Project Gantt Chart

Figure 4: Gannt Chart

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The project idea examination and specification, requirement determination,

scope validation, research, time and cost estimation, and end-user determination are
all included in the Inception phase of the Gantt chart above. The green color bars
represent the start-up phase, and the size of the bars corresponds to the amount of
time it took to execute those activities. Construction of Gantt charts, Work Breakdown
Structures, Milestone Charts, Proposal documentation, app architecture review, and
resources required evaluation are all part of the elaboration process. Similarly, the
development phase includes activities such as app development, database
development, app documentation, user manual development, testing, and beta
version release. In the above chart, the transition phase, which includes tasks such
as final app deployment, feedback collection and analysis, beta testing, and updates
and upgrades, is most likely identified and depicted in blue-colored horizontal bars.

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10. Conclusion
In the present context of Province One online vaccine date booking app will
surely be fruitful in major cities like Itahari, Biratnagar, Dharan Birtamore etc. as these
cities are mainly famous for industrial, agricultural, and other sectors and People are
very busy in these cities. As the main goal of this software (web application) is to
provide a well-managed vaccine date booking service to people, also it shows active
covid Patient nearby as well as to replace the traditional strategy with technology. This
app mainly focusses on providing a proper and a good vaccine service to the People.
This app will help to minimize the risk of spreading corona virus all over the province
one as it managed overcrowding etc. Various features of this app are also mentioned
above. Lots and hard work proper research and dedication is required to complete
this project on time. This project will surely help me in my coming future as well as it
helps me to become a web app developer and full stack developer in near future.

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Felman, A., April 19, 2020. MedicalNewsToday. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 8 October 2021].
GeekforGeek, 12 Jun, 2020. RUP and its Phases. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 8 October 2021].
Study, June 19, 2020. Rational Unified Process. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 8 October 2021].

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