University of Technology, Jamaica

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Programming 1: Continuous Assessment 1 – Week 3

Use the Program Development Cycle to solve each of the following problems. Each solution should be
documented in an electronic portfolio. For the “test and debug step”, please include screen shots in
your portfolio. ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE CODED IN PYTHON AND C. Be sure to document your code
appropriately to include, a statement that describes what the program does.

1. List the steps of the steps of the Program Development cycle

2. Design a program that accepts a number and prints its square and its cube. After you have
completed the steps in the PDC, develop the table that maps the pseudocode to the flowchart to
the Python code to the C code.

3. Design a program that prompts for the side of a square. It should then determine and display the
square’s perimeter and area.

Design a program that prompts for the length and width of a rectangle. It should then determine
and display the rectangle’s perimeter and area.

4. Design a program that prompts the user to enter the charge for a meal in a restaurant and then
calculate and displays the amount of a 10% tip, 7% sales tax and the total of all three amounts.
After you have completed the steps in the PDC, develop the table that maps the pseudocode to
the flowchart to the Python code to the C code.

5. An employee needs a program to enter the after tax and then calculates its before tax price.
Assume GCT of 20%. After you have completed the steps in the PDC, develop the table that maps
the pseudocode to the flowchart to the Python code to the C code.

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