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According to Lourdes S.

Lim, et al in a book entitled Assessment of Learning

1, assessment for learning is all about informing learners of their progress empower
them to take the necessary action to improve their performance. Teachers need to
create learning opportunities where learners can progress at their own pace and
undertake consolidation activities where necessary.

Learners need to know and understand the following before learning can take

 What is the aim of the learning?

 Why do they need to learn?

 Where are they in terms of achieving the aim?

 How can they achieve the aim?

When learners know and understand these principles, the quality of learning will
improve. Sharing this information with learners will promote ownership of the learning
aims and a sense of shared responsibility between the teacher and learner to achieve
those aims. Improving learners’ confidence and self-esteem reflects positively in
learners’ work and their motivation is improved.

The Four Basic principle of OBE

1. Clarity of focus about outcomes – Learners are certain about their goals and are
always given significant, culminating exit outcomes. It focus on what the school
provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they “know and are
able to do” whatever the required outcomes are.

2. Designing backwards - using the major learning outcomes as the focus and linking
all planning, teaching and assessment decision directly to these outcomes. It begins
with objectives of a unit or course-what students are expected to learn and be able to
do and proceeds backward to create lessons that achieve those desired goals.

3. Consistent, high expectations of success – helping students to succeed by

proving them encouragement to engage deeply with the issues they are learning and
to achieve the set of high challenging standard. It means that teachers should
establish high, challenging standards of performance in order to encourage students to
engage deeply in what they are learning. Helping students to achieve high standards
is linked very closely with the idea that successful learning promotes more successful
4. Expanded opportunity – developing curriculum that allows every learner to
progress in his/her own pace and that caters to individual needs and differences. It
means giving countless chances and ways to show the students that they have met
their objective. Not all learners learn the same thing, the same way, and the same
time. However, extended opportunities can help achieve high standards.

Measurement - Measurement comes from the old French word measure which means
“limit or quality” basically, it is a quantitative description of an objects characteristic or
attribute. In science, measurement is a comparison of an unknown quantity to a
standard. There are appropriate measuring tools to gather numerical data on variables
such as height, mass, time, temperature, among other. It is the term used to describe
the assignment of given assessment.

According to mode of response - in terms of the way responses are made, a test
may be oral, written or performance-based.

Oral Test - answers in spoken hence; it can be used to measure oral communication
skills. It may also be used to check students’ understanding of concept. Written Test is
activities wherein students either select or provide a response to a prompt. It is a
written form.

Performance Test - is activities that require students to demonstrate their skills or

ability to perform specifications. More aptly called performance assessment; they
include problem-based learning, inquiry task, demonstrating tasks exhibits,
presentation tasks and capstone performances. These tasks are designed to be
authentic, meaningful, in depth and multidimensional; however, cost and efficiency are
some of the drawbacks.

Subject Test - elicits varied responses. A test question of this type may have more
than one answer. Subjective tests include restricted and extended-response essays
because students have the liberty to write their answers to a test question, it is not
easy to check.

Individual Test - is given to one person at a time. Individual cognitive and

achievement tests are administered to gather extensive information about each
student’s cognitive functioning and his/her ability to process and perform specific task.
They can help identify intellectually gifted students.

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