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Philippine Political Science Journal

ISSN: 0115-4451 (Print) 2165-025X (Online) Journal homepage:


Loretta Makasiar Sicat

To cite this article: Loretta Makasiar Sicat (1976) Foreword, Philippine Political Science Journal,
3:3, v-v, DOI: 10.1080/01154451.1976.9753919

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Published online: 18 Apr 2012.

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Download by: [University of California, San Diego] Date: 29 June 2016, At: 13:29
"Development" seems to be the "in-word" of the moment.
Strangely enough, however, the phrase "national development"
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:29 29 June 2016

evokes different kinds of responses from several quarters, varying all

the way from the most enthusiastic endorsement, to cautious
skepticism, down to the most vocal negative reaction. Precisely
because the term has become rather controversial, it has also
become a direct topic of discussion as well as the context against
which current scholarly investigations are conducted.
It is in both these contexts that papers were chosen for presenta-
tion at the Second National Conference of the Philippine Political
Science Association held at the University of the Philippines on June
26-27, 1976. Adopting the theme "Political Science, Philippine
Politics, and National Development," the PPSA sought to bring to
light some of the political ramifications of the goals and programs on
which the Philippines and many other developing countries have
placed priority.
This Journal issue publishes in full the papers read at the
conference, as well as some of the transcribed comments of the
discussants to each of the papers.

Loretta Makasiar Sicat

June 1976 Editor

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