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2019 Fall Semester, Electromagnetics (I), Midterm #1

Time:10:10 ~ 12:00 am. Date: 2019/10/15 Total scores: 100 points

(Note: Total 7 problems in two pages. Only a calculator without programming capability is allowed.)
 1  
[Hints: In cylindrical coordinates:   aˆ   aˆ   aˆ z
   z
1  1  
A  ( A  )  (A )  (A z ) ]
    z

1. [10%] Given that B   2 sin  aˆ   ( z  1) cos  aˆ   z 2 aˆ z , find B  â x at (4, /4, -1).

2. [10%] In free space, V   2 e z sin  . (a) Find the electric field intensity E . (b) Determine the

stored energy density wE (Joules/m3).

3. [10%] Two very large (infinite) charged planes intersect at 90 as the figure shown below. The
four quadrants are each made of a different material as shown. The planes are charged
uniformly with positive charge density +s . Find the electric field intensity E in every region.

[for Problem 3]

4. [20%] The charge distribution within a sphere of radius b is given as v  (b  r )(b  r ) (C / m3 )

in free space. Compute the electric field intensity E and the potential V for (a) r  b and (b) r
> b. Assume that the potential is zero at r = .

>> Please turn over this page to find the other problems. <<
5. [20%] The inner spherical shell of radius 10 cm is held at a potential of 1000 V with respect to
the outer shell of radius 12 cm. The dielectric constant of the medium is 2.5. Determine
(a) the electric field intensity E ,
(b) the polarization vector P ,
(c) the surface charge density on each conductor,
(d) the bound surface charge density on each surface of the dielectric medium.

6. [10%] A dielectric sphere ( 1  2  0 ) with a radius of a is buried in a medium (  2  6  0 ). At the

interface, given that the electric field intensity E2  10sin  aˆ r  5cos  aˆ  in the medium, calculate

E1 and D1 at the interface aside the dielectric sphere.

7. [20%] A coaxial capacitor consists of two conducting coaxial surfaces of radii a and b (a < b)
and a length of , as illustrated in the following Fig. A.
(a) Derive the capacitance if the space between conductors is filled with air.
(b) Ifthe space between conductors is filled with two different dielectric materials with relative
dielectric constants  r1 and  r 2 , as shown in Fig. B, find the capacitance of this configuration.

[for Problem 7]

[The end]

Problem 1: B  â x  9

z z 2 z
Problem 2: (a) E  aˆ  2  e sin   aˆ  e cos   aˆ z  e sin 

1  2 2 z 2
(b) WE   0 4 e sin    2e2 z cos2    4e2 z sin 2  
Problem 3:

s 
E1 
 aˆ y  aˆ z  , E2  s  aˆ y  aˆ z 
2 2
 
E3  s  aˆ y  aˆ z  , E4  s  aˆ y  aˆ z 
2 3 2 4

Problem 4: (a) E  r   aˆr
15 0 r 2

1  b2 r3 
(b) E  r   aˆr  r  
0  3 5

Problem 5: (a) E  aˆr
900 0
(b) P  aˆr
1500 0 1500 0
(c) s,inner surface  2
C/m2 , s,outer surface   2
a b
900 0 900 0
(d) bs,inner surface  2
C/m2 , bs ,outer surface   2
a b

Problem 6: E1  30sin  aˆr  5cos  aˆ , D1  60 0 sin  aˆr  10 0 cos  aˆ

2 0 l   1   2  l
Problem 7: (a) C  , (b) C 
ln  b / a  ln  b / a 

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