Vivekananda Institute of Technology & Science, Karimnagar: Electronics and Communication Engineering

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Vivekananda Institute of Technology & Science, Karimnagar


Bit Bank
Subject Name: Digital Image processing Subject Code: EC612PE

Class : III B.Tech. II Semester ECE Faculty Name: D.Ravikiran Babu

UNIT-1: Digital Image Fundamentals & Image Transforms

1. The amount of luminous flux falling on a given area of surface is called as ____________ [ ]
(a)Aperture (b) contrast (c)brightness (d)Illuminance
2. Digitization of spatial co-ordinates (x, y) is called [ ]
(a) gray level quantization (b)finite sampling (c)image sampling (d)image quantization
3. A 128X128 image with 64 gray levels requires ________bits of storage [ ]
(a) 4096 (b)8192 (c)12288 (d)98304 
4. A good image is difficult to define because image quality [ ]
(a )high subjective ,weakly dependent (b)lowly subjective, weakly dependent
(c) high subjective, strongly dependent (d)lowly subjective, strongly dependent
5. For coordinates p(2, 3)the 4 neighbors of pixel p are [ ]
(a) (3,3) (2,3) (1,3) (1,3) (b) (3,3) (2,3) (1,1) (2,2) (c)(3,3)(2,4)(1,3)(2,2) (d)(3,3)(2,4)(1,3)(2,1)
6. The principal application areas of digital image processing is [ ]
a. Human Interpretations b. Autonomous machine perception c. both A and B d. none
7. Unsampling is a process of ____________the spatial resolution of the image [ ]
(a)decreasing (b)increasing (c)averaging (d)doubling
8. D4 distance is also called as _____distance [
(a)city block distance (b)chess board distance (c)Euclidean distance (d)mean distance
9. D8 distance is also called as [ ]
(a)city block distance (b)chess board distance (c)Euclidean distance (d)mean distance
10. To convert a continuous sensed data into Digital form, which of the following is required? [ ]
(a)Sampling (b)Quantization (c)Both Sampling & Quantization (d) Neither Sampling nor Quantization
11. For a continuous image f(x, y), how could be Sampling defined? [ ]
(a) Digitizing the coordinate values (b) Digitizing the amplitude values
(c) All of the mentioned (d) None of the mentioned
12. For a continuous image f(x, y) quantization is defined as [ ]
(a) Digitizing the coordinate values (b) Digitizing the amplitude values
(c) All of the mentioned (d) None of the mentioned
13. The quality of a digital image is well determined by ___________ [ ]
(a) The number of samples (b) The discrete gray levels
(c) All of the mentioned (d) None of the mentioned
14. What is the first and foremost step in Image Processing? [ ]
(a) Image restoration (b) Image enhancement (c) Image acquisition (d) Segmentation
15. In which step of processing, the images are subdivided successively into smaller regions? [ ]
(a) Image enhancement (b) Image acquisition (c) Segmentation (d) Wavelets
16. Image transforms are needed for [ ]
(a) Conversion information form spatial to frequency (b) spatial domain
(c) Time domain (d) both b & c

17. Image restoration is used to improve the ________image [ ]

(a) quantity (b) quality (c) blur (d) None
18. The Walsh and Hadamard transforms are ___________in nature [ ]
(a) Sinusoidal (b) Cosine (c) non-Sinusoidal (d) Cosine and Sine
19. The transform which possess the highest energy compaction property is [ ]
(a) Fourier transform (b) Walsh transform (c) Slant transform (d)KL transform
20. DFT stands for [ ]
a) Discrete Fourier Transform b) Digital frequency Transform
c) Digital Fourier Transform d) Discrete Frequency Transform
21. The purpose of Image compression is [ ]
a) to reduce Image data for storage and transmission
b) to increase the Image data for storage and transmission
c) to improve the quality of the image
d) None
22. The Power Spectrum of the Image is ________ [ ]
a. P ( u, v )  R (u, v )  I (u , v )
2 2
b. P (u, v )  R (u, v )  I (u, v )
2 2

c. P(u, v )  R (u, v )
d. None

1. An Image is a collection of individual points referred as …….……

2. A typical size comparable in quality to monochromatic TV image is of size……….
3. ….. ….. is the first and foremost step in Image Processing
4. …………… is the total amount of energy that flows from the light source, and it is usually measured in
watts (w).
5. For a continuous image f (x, y), Quantization is defined as…………………
6. In ………. type of slicing, highlighting a specific range of gray levels in an image often is desired
7. A continuous image is digitized at _______ points
8. The transition between continuous values of the image function and its digital equivalent is called
9. The smallest discernible change in intensity level is called _____________
10. ………………. number of steps are involved in image processing
11. The expanded form of JPEG…….……….
12. _________________ property allows one to compute a two-dimensional DFT as two separate one dimensional
13. Spatial shift will result in __________ shift
14. The Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is another __________
15. The Hadamard matrix of order n satisfies the orthogonality condition ___________
16. DCT is used in ___________standard
17. Haar function are ________________ functions
18. The transform does not change the _____________ present in the signal
19. A digital image is composed of finite number of elements called ____________
20. Images are a way of recording and presenting information in a _____________form

Multiple choice questions

1. a Fill in the blanks

2. c
1. Pixel
3. d
2. 512x512
4. c
3. Image Acquisition
5. c
4. Radiance
6. c
5. Digitilizing the amplitude values
7. b
6. Grey level slicing
8. a
7. Sampling
9. b
8. Quantization
10. c
9. Contour
11. a
10. 10
12. b
11. Joint Photographic Experts Group
13. c
12. Separable property
14. c
13. Phase
15. d
14. Gaussian
16. a
15. Hn xHnT = nIn
17. b
16. JPEG
18. c
17. Non sinusoidal orthogonal functions
19. d
18. Information content
20. a
19. Pixels
21. a
20. Visual
22. a
1. One that is not the field of x-ray band

a. industry

b. astronomy

c. radar

d. medical diagnoses

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2. A star in the constellation of Cygnus exploded about

a. 15050 years ago

b. 16000 years ago

c. 16050 years ago

d. 15000 years ago

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3. Middle infrared light is used in

a. mineral mapping

b. soil moisture

c. water penetration

d. vegetation discrimination

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4. Ultraviolet light is used in

a. law enforcement

b. radar

c. nuclear medicine

d. fluorescence microscopy

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5. For marine acquisition the energy source consists usually of

a. five gun towed

b. four gun towed

c. three gun towed

d. two gun towed

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6. Imaging in geological exploration, industry and medicine uses

a. audio

b. sound
c. sunlight

d. ultraviolet

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7. Major application of contrast-enhancement radiography is

a. industry

b. astronomical observations

c. angipgraphy

d. lithography

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8. The principle energy source for images

a. electrical spectrum

b. magnetic spectrum

c. electro spectrum

d. electro magnetic spectrum

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9. The most energetic rays of EM energy spectrum

a. gamma rays

b. x-rays

c. ultraviolet rays

d. visible rays

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10. Which waves can penetrate through clouds

a. ultrasonic

b. radar

c. visible and infrared

d. gamma

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11. Image enhancement and restoration are used to process

a. high resolution images

b. degraded images

c. high quality images

d. brighter images

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12. The dominant application of microwave in image processing is

a. medicines
b. radar

c. lens enhancement

d. medical diagnoses

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13. The transmission electron microscope works much like a

a. slide projector

b. side projector

c. dual projector

d. imaging projector

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14. Microwave band is used in

a. industry

b. radar

c. medicine

d. lithography

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15. Corn smut is particularly

a. useful

b. harmful

c. meaningful

d. damaging

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16. Waves having longest wave length

a. x-rays

b. microwaves

c. gamma

d. radio waves

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17. In medicine radio waves are used in

a. MRI

b. surgery

c. CT scan

d. injections

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18. Fluorescence microscopy is an excellent for materials made of

a. chlorine

b. fluorine

c. fluoresce

d. copper

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19. Which one is not the process of image processing

a. high level

b. low level

c. last level;

d. mid level

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20. Which one is not the area of digital image processing

a. law enforcement

b. lithography

c. medicine

d. voice calling

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21. A structured light illumination technique was used for

a. lens deformation

b. inverse filtering

c. lens enhancement

d. lens error

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22. Tomography is the algorithm that uses images

a. edges

b. slices

c. boundaries

d. illumination

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23. Cygnus loop is an example of

a. gamma rays

b. visible spectrum

c. x-rays

d. uv rays

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24. Major use of gamma rays imaging includes

a. radar

b. astronomical observations

c. industry

d. lithography

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25. Angiography uses what technique

a. image addition

b. image multiplication

c. image division

d. None of the above

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26. Wavelength of thermal infrared ranges from

a. 10.4-12.5

b. 10.4-13.5

c. 11.4-12.5

d. 10.3-12.5

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27. Which is not an example of image processing

a. thumb prints

b. paper currency

c. mp3

d. lisence plate detection

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28. An image is a two dimensional function where x and y are

a. spatial coordinates

b. frequency coordinates

c. time coordinates

d. real coordinates

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29. Electromagnetic visible spectrum ranges from

a. 400-700nm

b. 600-900nm
c. 400-700pm

d. 600-900pm

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30. Early bartlane systems were capable of coding image in

a. two gray levels

b. three gray levels

c. four gray levels

d. five gray level

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31. Lithography uses

a. ultraviolet

b. x-rays

c. gamma

d. visible rays

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32. Visible red light is used in

a. soil moisture

b. mineral mapping

c. water penetration

d. vegetation discrimination

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33. Which one is not the source of images?

a. mecatronic

b. acoustic

c. ultrasonic

d. electronic

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34. Which color is having largest frequency in visible spectrum

a. blue

b. violet

c. green

d. red

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35. Oldest source of EM radiations used for imaging

a. visible
b. gamma

c. x-rays

d. ultraviolet

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36. Visible blue light is used in

a. soil moisture

b. mineral mapping

c. water penetration

d. vegetation discrimination

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37. Weather observation and prediction is major application of

a. spectral imaging

b. multi spectral imaging

c. central imaging

d. bio imaging

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38. Image subtraction is used for

a. color enhancement

b. frequency enhancement

c. spatial enhancement

d. detection

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39. Computerized axial tomography uses

a. x-rays

b. gamma

c. microwaves

d. radio waves

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40. Wavelength of near infrared ranges from

a. 0.76-1.90

b. 0.76-0.90

c. 0.36-0.90

d. 0.76-0.10

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41. Wavelength of visible green ranges from

a. 0.52-0.70

b. 0.52-0.62

c. 0.53-0.60

d. 0.52-0.60

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42. The major area of imaging in visual spectrum is in

a. automated visual inspection

b. auto visual inspection

c. visual inspection

d. automated inspection

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43. Detecting anomalies is a major theme of

a. lithography

b. astronomy

c. industrial inspection

d. medicine inspection

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44. Which is the image processing related fields

a. medicines

b. chemistry

c. neurobiology

d. chemicals

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45. Manufactured goods often checked using

a. voice over IP

b. digital image processing

c. audio processing

d. video processing

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46. Remote sensing is an application of

a. gamma rays

b. x-rays

c. visible and infrared

d. ultraviolet

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47. Which is the first fundamental step in image processing

a. filtration

b. image acquisition

c. image enhancement

d. image restoration

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48. Which color is having largest wavelength in visible spectrum

a. red

b. blue

c. green

d. yellow

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49. Fluorescing area shine against dark background to permit

a. detection

b. correction

c. inspection

d. enhancement

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50. Which radio wave band having longest wavelength

a. gamma rays

b. x-rays

c. radio waves

d. ultraviolet

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51. The spatial coordinates of a digital image (x,y) are proportional to:

a. Position

b. Brightness

c. Contrast

d. Noise

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52. Among the following image processing techniques which is fast, precise and flexible.

a. Optical

b. Digital

c. Electronic

d. Photographic

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53. An image is considered to be a function of a(x,y), where a represents:

a. Height of image

b. Width of image

c. Amplitude of image

d. Resolution of image

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54. The range of values spanned by the gray scale is called:

a. Dynamic range

b. Band range

c. Peak range

d. Resolution range

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55. Which is a colour attribute that describes a pure colour?

a. Saturation

b. Hue

c. Brightness

d. Intensity

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56. Which gives a measure of the degree to which a pure colour is diluted by white light?

a. Saturation

b. Hue

c. Intensity

d. Brightness

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57. Which means the assigning meaning to a recognized object.

a. Interpretation

b. Recognition

c. Acquisition

d. Segmentation

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58. A typical size comparable in quality to monochromatic TV image is of size.

a. 256 X 256

b. 512 X 512
c. 1920 X 1080

d. 1080 X 1080

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59. The number of grey values are integer powers of:

a. 4

b. 2

c. 8

d. 1

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60. What is the first and foremost step in Image Processing?

a. Image restoration

b. Image enhancement

c. Image acquisition

d. Segmentation

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61. In which step of processing, the images are subdivided successively into smaller regions?

a. Image enhancement

b. Image acquisition

c. Segmentation

d. Wavelets

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62. What is the next step in image processing after compression?

a. Wavelets

b. Segmentation

c. Representation and description

d. Morphological processing

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63. What is the step that is performed before color image processing in image processing?

a. Wavelets and multi resolution processing

b. Image enhancement

c. Image restoration

d. Image acquisition

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64. How many number of steps are involved in image processing?

a. 10
b. 9

c. 11

d. 12

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65. What is the expanded form of JPEG?

a. Joint Photographic Expansion Group

b. Joint Photographic Experts Group

c. Joint Photographs Expansion Group

d. Joint Photographic Expanded Group

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66. Which of the following step deals with tools for extracting image components those are useful in the representation and description of shape?

a. Segmentation

b. Representation & description

c. Compression

d. Morphological processing

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67. In which step of the processing, assigning a label (e.g., “vehicle”) to an object based on its descriptors is done?

a. Object recognition

b. Morphological processing

c. Segmentation

d. Representation & description

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68. What role does the segmentation play in image processing?

a. Deals with extracting attributes that result in some quantitative information of interest

b. Deals with techniques for reducing the storage required saving an image, or the bandwidth required transmitting it

c. Deals with partitioning an image into its constituent parts or objects

d. Deals with property in which images are subdivided successively into smaller regions

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69. What is the correct sequence of steps in image processing?

a. Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image processing->Compression->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Morphological
processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition

b. Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological
processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition

c. Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Color image processing->Image restoration->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological
processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition

d. Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological
processing->Representation & description->Segmentation->Object recognition
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1. Sensor strip mounted in a ring configuration is used in

a. microscopy

b. medical

c. industry

d. radar

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2. 1024 x 1024 image has resolution of

a. 1048576

b. 1148576

c. 1248576

d. 1348576

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3. The lens is made up of concentric layers of

a. strong cells

b. inner cells

c. fibrous cells

d. outer cells

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4. Radio wave band encompasses

a. audio

b. AM

c. FM

d. Both b and c

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5. L = 23 would have

a. 2 levels

b. 4 levels

c. 6 levels

d. 8 levels

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6. The cornea is the tough transparent tissues that covers eye's

a. eye lid

b. lashes

c. anterior

d. exterior

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7. Digital images are displayed as a discrete set of

a. values

b. numbers

c. frequencies

d. intensities

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8. In MxN, M is no of

a. intensity levels

b. colors

c. rows

d. columns

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9. Each element of the matrix is called

a. dots

b. coordinate

c. pixels

d. value

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10. Imaging system produces

a. high resolution image

b. voltage signal

c. digitized image

d. analog signal

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11. Digitizing the coordinate values is called

a. radiance

b. illuminance

c. sampling

d. quantization

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12. The smallest element of an image is called

a. pixel

b. dot

c. coordinate

d. digits

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13. Types of imaging sensors are

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five

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14. E = hv in this expression, h is called

a. speed of light

b. light constant

c. plank's constant

d. acceleration constant

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15. The fovea itself is a circular indentation in the retina of about

a. 1.8mm

b. 1.5mm

c. 1.6mm

d. 1.7mm

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16. Type of zooms are

a. 8

b. 6

c. 4

d. 2

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17. DPI stands for

a. dots per image

b. dots per inches

c. dots per intensity

d. diameter per inches

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18. Hard x-rays are used in

a. medicines

b. lithoscopy

c. industry

d. radar

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19. No of bits to store image is denoted by the formula

a. b = NxK

b. b = MxN

c. b = MxNxK

d. b = MxK

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20. MRI in imaging stands for

a. magnetic resonance imaging

b. magnetic resistance imaging

c. magnetic resonance intensity

d. major resonance imaging

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21. Digitizing the amplitude values is called

a. radiance

b. illuminance

c. sampling

d. quantization

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22. Process of using known to estimate unknown is called

a. interchange

b. interpolation

c. extrapolation

d. estimation

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23. The choroid lies directly below the

a. eye lid
b. cornea

c. retina

d. sclera

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24. Value of speed of light constant c

a. 2.998x10^8

b. 3.998x10^8

c. 4.998x10^8

d. 5.998x10^8

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25. Black and white images have only

a. 2 levels

b. 3 levels

c. 4 levels

d. 5 levels

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26. Gamma rays have largest

a. wavelength

b. frequency

c. energy

d. power

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27. Part of the eye , that is not the membrane of the eye is

a. cornea

b. cells

c. retina

d. choroid

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28. In MxN, N is no of

a. intensity levels

b. colors

c. rows

d. columns

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29. One that is not the measuring substance of the image is

a. radiance

b. refraction

c. illumination

d. brightness

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30. Discernible change in intensity level of image is

a. wide domain

b. spatial domain

c. frequency domain

d. algebraic domain

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31. Black and white pixels of image are represented in matrix as

a. 1 and 2

b. 0 and 1

c. 0 and 2

d. 0 and -1

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32. Image sensor produces

a. voltage waveform

b. current waveform

c. audio

d. discrete signals

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33. Mechanical digitizers are referred to

a. densitometer

b. micrometer

c. microdensity

d. microdensitometer

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34. Cone vision is called

a. photopic

b. photogenic

c. photograph

d. protoplasm

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35. Digitizing the image requires

a. reflection

b. sampling

c. quantization

d. Both b and c

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36. A matrix is denoted by

a. M.N

b. MxN

c. M+N

d. MN

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37. Changing the overall sensitivity of the image is called

a. illumination

b. brightness

c. brightness adaption

d. illumination adaption

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38. Image linear interpolation is given by the formula

a. v(x,y) = ax+by+cxy+d

b. v(x,y) = ax+by+cxy

c. v(x,y) = ax+by+d

d. v(x,y) = by+cxy+d

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39. One that is not the type of image sensor is

a. single sensor

b. line sensor

c. matrix sensor

d. array sensor

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40. X-rays pass through the patient's body for generating diagnostic

a. x-ray film

b. rays
c. images

d. reel

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41. Value of plank's constant h is

a. 9.55x10-34

b. 8.55x10-34

c. 7.55x10-34

d. 6.55x10-34

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42. Digital image processing is build on mathematical and

a. probabilistic formulations

b. additional formulations

c. probabilistic addition

d. probabilistic subtraction

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43. The lens has a fixed

a. focal length

b. width

c. length

d. focal width

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44. Functions that combines to produce Æ’(x,y)

a. illumination and frequency

b. intensity and reflectance

c. illumination and radiance

d. illumination and reflectance

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45. The innermost membrane of the eye is

a. eye lid

b. cornea

c. retina

d. sclera

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46. Radio waves have largest

a. wavelength
b. frequency

c. energy

d. power

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47. Matrix is made up of

a. rows

b. column

c. values

d. Both a and b

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48. Discernible small details of image is

a. wide domain

b. spatial domain

c. frequency domain

d. algebraic domain

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49. To convert a continuous sensed data into Digital form, which of the following is required?

a. Sampling

b. Quantization

c. Both Sampling and Quantization

d. Neither Sampling nor Quantization

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50. To convert a continuous image f(x, y) to digital form, we have to sample the function in __________

a. Coordinates

b. Amplitude

c. All of the mentioned

d. None of the mentioned

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51. For a continuous image f(x, y), how could be Sampling defined?

a. Digitizing the coordinate values

b. Digitizing the amplitude values

c. All of the mentioned

d. None of the mentioned

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52. For a continuous image f(x, y), Quantization is defined as

a. Digitizing the coordinate values

b. Digitizing the amplitude values

c. All of the mentioned

d. None of the mentioned

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53. Validate the statement:

“For a given image in one-dimension given by function f(x, y), to sample the function we take equally spaced samples, superimposed on the function, along a
horizontal line. However, the sample values still span (vertically) a continuous range of gray-level values. So, to convert the given function into a digital function,
the gray-level values must be divided into various discrete levels.”

a. True

b. False

c. May be

d. Can't Say

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54. How is sampling been done when an image is generated by a single sensing element combined with mechanical motion?

a. The number of sensors in the strip defines the sampling limitations in one direction and Mechanical motion in the other direction.

b. The number of sensors in the sensing array establishes the limits of sampling in both directions.

c. The number of mechanical increments when the sensor is activated to collect data.

d. None of the mentioned.

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55. How does sampling gets accomplished with a sensing strip being used for image acquisition?

a. The number of sensors in the strip establishes the sampling limitations in one image direction and Mechanical motion in the other direction

b. The number of sensors in the sensing array establishes the limits of sampling in both directions

c. The number of mechanical increments when the sensor is activated to collect data

d. None of the mentioned

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56. How is sampling accomplished when a sensing array is used for image acquisition?

a. The number of sensors in the strip establishes the sampling limitations in one image direction and Mechanical motion in the other direction

b. The number of sensors in the sensing array defines the limits of sampling in both directions

c. The number of mechanical increments at which we activate the sensor to collect data

d. None of the mentioned

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57. The quality of a digital image is well determined by ___________

a. The number of samples

b. The discrete gray levels

c. All of the mentioned

d. None of the mentioned

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58. Assume that an image f(x, y) is sampled so that the result has M rows and N columns. If the values of the coordinates at the origin are (x, y) = (0, 0), then the
notation (0, 1) is used to signify :

a. Second sample along first row

b. First sample along second row

c. First sample along first row

d. Second sample along second row

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59. The resulting image of sampling and quantization is considered a matrix of real numbers. By what name(s) the element of this matrix array is called __________

a. Image element or Picture element

b. Pixel or Pel

c. All of the mentioned

d. None of the mentioned

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60. Let Z be the set of real integers and R the set of real numbers. The sampling process may be viewed as partitioning the x-y plane into a grid, with the central
coordinates of each grid being from the Cartesian product Z2, that is a set of all ordered pairs (zi, zj), with zi and zj being integers from Z. Then, f(x, y) is said a
digital image if:

a. (x, y) are integers from Z2 and f is a function that assigns a gray-level value (from Z) to each distinct pair of coordinates (x, y)

b. (x, y) are integers from R2 and f is a function that assigns a gray-level value (from R) to each distinct pair of coordinates (x, y)

c. (x, y) are integers from R2 and f is a function that assigns a gray-level value (from Z) to each distinct pair of coordinates (x, y)

d. (x, y) are integers from Z2 and f is a function that assigns a gray-level value (from R) to each distinct pair of coordinates (x, y)

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61. Let Z be the set of real integers and R the set of real numbers. The sampling process may be viewed as partitioning the x-y plane into a grid, with the central
coordinates of each grid being from the Cartesian product Z2, that is a set of all ordered pairs (zi, zj), with zi and zj being integers from Z. Then, f(x, y) is a digital
image if (x, y) are integers from Z2 and f is a function that assigns a gray-level value (that is, a real number from the set R) to each distinct coordinate pair (x, y).
What happens to the digital image if the gray levels also are integers?

a. The Digital image then becomes a 2-D function whose coordinates and amplitude values are integers

b. The Digital image then becomes a 1-D function whose coordinates and amplitude values are integers

c. The gray level can never be integer

d. None of the mentioned

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62. The digitization process i.e. the digital image has M rows and N columns, requires decisions about values for M, N, and for the number, L, of gray levels allowed
for each pixel. The value M and N have to be:

a. M and N have to be positive integer

b. M and N have to be negative integer

c. M have to be negative and N have to be positive integer

d. M have to be positive and N have to be negative integer

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63. The digitization process i.e. the digital image has M rows and N columns, requires decisions about values for M, N, and for the number, L, of max gray levels.
There are no requirements on M and N, other than that M and N have to be positive integer. However, the number of gray levels typically is

a. An integer power of 2 i.e. L = 2k

b. A Real power of 2 i.e. L = 2k

c. Two times the integer value i.e. L = 2k

d. None of the mentioned

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64. The digitization process i.e. the digital image has M rows and N columns, requires decisions about values for M, N, and for the number, L, of max gray levels is
an integer power of 2 i.e. L = 2k, allowed for each pixel. If we assume that the discrete levels are equally spaced and that they are integers then they are in the
interval __________ and Sometimes the range of values spanned by the gray scale is called the ________ of an image.

a. [0, L – 1] and static range respectively

b. [0, L / 2] and dynamic range respectively

c. [0, L / 2] and static range respectively

d. [0, L – 1] and dynamic range respectively

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65. After digitization process a digital image with M rows and N columns have to be positive and for the number, L, max gray levels i.e. an integer power of 2 for
each pixel. Then, the number b, of bits required to store a digitized image is:

a. b=M*N*k

b. b=M*N*L

c. b=M*L*k

d. b=L*N*k

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66. An image whose gray-levels span a significant portion of gray scale have __________ dynamic range while an image with dull, washed out gray look have
__________ dynamic range.

a. Low and High respectively

b. High and Low respectively

c. Both have High dynamic range, irrespective of gray levels span significance on gray scale

d. Both have Low dynamic range, irrespective of gray levels span significance on gray scale

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67. Validate the statement “When in an Image an appreciable number of pixels exhibit high dynamic range, the image will have high contrast.”

a. True

b. False

c. May be

d. Can't Say

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68. In digital image of M rows and N columns and L discrete gray levels, calculate the bits required to store a digitized image for M=N=32 and L=16.

a. 16384

b. 4096

c. 8192

d. 512

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69. A continuous image is digitised at _______ points.

a. random

b. vertex

c. contour

d. sampling

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70. The transition between continuous values of the image function and its digital equivalent is called ______________

a. Quantisation

b. Sampling

c. Rasterisation

d. None of the Mentioned

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71. Images quantised with insufficient brightness levels will lead to the occurrence of ____________

a. Pixillation

b. Blurring

c. False Contours

d. None of the Mentioned

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72. The smallest discernible change in intensity level is called ____________

a. Intensity Resolution

b. Contour

c. Saturation

d. Contrast

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73. What is the tool used in tasks such as zooming, shrinking, rotating, etc.?

a. Sampling

b. Interpolation

c. Filters

d. None of the Mentioned

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74. The type of Interpolation where for each new location the intensity of the immediate pixel is assigned is ___________

a. bicubic interpolation

b. cubic interpolation

c. bilinear interpolation

d. nearest neighbour interpolation

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75. The type of Interpolation where the intensity of the FOUR neighbouring pixels is used to obtain intensity a new location is called ___________

a. cubic interpolation

b. nearest neighbour interpolation

c. bilinear interpolation

d. bicubic interpolation

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76. Dynamic range of imaging system is a ratio where the upper limit is determined by

a. Saturation

b. Noise

c. Brightness

d. Contrast

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77. For Dynamic range ratio the lower limit is determined by

a. Saturation

b. Brightness

c. Noise

d. Contrast

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78. Quantitatively, spatial resolution cannot be represented in which of the following ways

a. line pairs

b. pixels

c. dots

d. none of the Mentioned

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79. The most familiar single sensor used for Image Acquisition is

a. Microdensitometer

b. Photodiode


d. None of the Mentioned

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80. A geometry consisting of in-line arrangement of sensors for image acquisition

a. A photodiode

b. Sensor strips
c. Sensor arrays


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81. CAT in imaging stands for

a. Computer Aided Telegraphy

b. Computer Aided Tomography

c. Computerised Axial Telegraphy

d. Computerised Axial Tomography

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82. The section of the real plane spanned by the coordinates of an image is called the _____________

a. Spacial Domain

b. Coordinate Axes

c. Plane of Symmetry

d. None of the Mentioned

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83. The difference is intensity between the highest and the lowest intensity levels in an image is ___________

a. Noise

b. Saturation

c. Contrast

d. Brightness

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84. _____________ is the effect caused by the use of an insufficient number of intensity levels in smooth areas of a digital image.

a. Gaussian smooth

b. Contouring

c. False Contouring

d. Interpolation

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85. The process of using known data to estimate values at unknown locations is called

a. Acquisition

b. Interpolation

c. Pixelation

d. None of the Mentioned

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86. Which of the following is NOT an application of Image Multiplication?

a. Shading Correction
b. Masking

c. Pixelation

d. Region of Interest operations

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87. The procedure done on a digital image to alter the values of its individual pixels is

a. Neighbourhood Operations

b. Image Registration

c. Geometric Spacial Transformation

d. Single Pixel Operation

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88. In Geometric Spacial Transformation, points whose locations are known precisely in input and reference images.

a. Tie points

b. Reseau points

c. Known points

d. Key-points

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89. Of the following, _________ has the maximum frequency.

a. UV Rays

b. Gamma Rays

c. Microwaves

d. Radio Waves

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90. How is array operation carried out involving one or more images?

a. array by array

b. pixel by pixel

c. column by column

d. row by row

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91. The property indicating that the output of a linear operation due to the sum of two inputs is same as performing the operation on the inputs individually and then
summing the results is called ___________

a. additivity

b. heterogeneity

c. homogeneity

d. None of the Mentioned

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92. The property indicating that the output of a linear operation to a constant times as input is the same as the output of operation due to original input multiplied by
that constant is called _________

a. additivity

b. heterogeneity

c. homogeneity

d. None of the Mentioned

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93. Enhancement of differences between images is based on the principle of ____________

a. Additivity

b. Homogeneity

c. Subtraction

d. None of the Mentioned

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94. A commercial use of Image Subtraction is ___________

a. Mask mode radiography

b. MRI scan

c. CT scan

d. None of the Mentioned

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95. Region of Interest (ROI) operations is commonly called as ___________

a. Shading correction

b. Masking

c. Dilation

d. None of the Mentioned

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96. If every element of a set A is also an element of a set B, then A is said to be a _________ of set B.

a. Disjoint set

b. Union

c. Subset

d. Complement set

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97. Consider two regions A and B composed of foreground pixels. The ________ of these two sets is the set of elements belonging to set A or set B or both.

a. OR

b. AND

c. NOT
d. XOR

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98. Imaging systems having physical artefacts embedded in the imaging sensors produce a set of points called __________

a. Tie Points

b. Control Points

c. Reseau Marks

d. None of the Mentioned

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99. Image processing approaches operating directly on pixels of input image work directly in ____________

a. Transform domain

b. Spatial domain

c. Inverse transformation

d. None of the Mentioned

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