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;ToggleKey is the F-key you want to use to activate the mod (so 7 would set it to
ToggleKey = 9

;EnableScriptByDefault can be set to 1 or 0, depending if you want to have to

enable the script manually or it should be active by default
EnableScriptByDefault = 1

;KillWoundedToggleKey is the F-key you want to use to activate the "kill wounded"
feature (so 7 would set it to F7)
;if activated, every NPC in a dying state will instantly die (useful for missions
with enemy waves, so you don't have to check every downed enemy for signs of life)
;it is advised not to keep this enabled permanently, but only enable it briefly at
the end of fire fights to save yourself the mercy killing
KillWoundedKey = 8

;LongerBleedoutKey is the F-key you want to use to activate the "longer bleedouts"
feature (so 7 would set it to F7)
;if activated, NPCs take longer to bleed out - per default this mod sets the
bledout time to something that won't keep NPCs alive for so long that it will break
;keep in mind, though, that almost everything this mod adds, is based on chance ->
so per default the chances of NPCs taking long to bleed out is extremely low - with
this option toggled on, though, they will take longer to bleed out
LongerBleedoutKey = 7

;FirendlyFireKey is the F-key you want to use to activate the "friendly fire"
feature (so 7 would set it to F7)
;if activated, firendly NPCs will be subsceptible to player fire (only members of
the Dutch Van Der Linde gang for now)
FirendlyFireKey = 2

;NPCHealth is the standard health for an NPC

NPCHealth = 105

;KnockbackThreshold is the health threshold under which an NPC can be knocked down
KnockbackThreshold = 100

;NPCAccuracyThreshold - if NPC health is below this threshold, accuracy decreases

NPCAccuracyThreshold = 95

;DyingMovementThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to

get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground) - if DyingMovment
is disabled (in the advanced section),
;the behavior under this threshold is the same as for the DyingThreshold
DyingMovementThreshold = 70

;DyingMovementThreshold2 is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to

get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground, less agile than
the first threshold) - if DyingMovment is
;disabled (in the advanced section), the behavior under this threshold is the same
as for the DyingThreshold
DyingMovementThreshold2 = 50

;DyingThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back
up again when knocked down (just lying on the ground, not moving)
DyingThreshold = 18

;LassoDisarms can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, lasso-ing someone disarms

LassoDisarms = 0

;HogtyingDisarms can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, hogtying someone

disarms them
HogtyingDisarms = 1

;Disarming can be set to a value between 0 and 100 - this is the percentage chance
of NPCs being disarmed when shot in the right forearm or hand
;every NPC can be disarmed (even lawmen), but dropped weapons from disarms will
look partially invisible (its only optical, you can pick them up and use them as
DisarmingChance = 100

;DisableItemGlow makes pickup objects not glow anymore, if set to 1

DisableItemGlow = 0


;ModEffectRange is a value which describes the number of NPCs which are affected by
ModEffectRange = 50

;ExcludeStoryNPCs can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, the mod will not

affect story NPCs
ExcludeStoryNPCs = 1

;AlwaysKillWounded makes the toggle-able option via KillWoundedToggleKey set to be

always on - will override whatever is toggled
AlwaysKillWounded = 0

;AlwaysBleedoutLonger makes the toggle-able option via LongerBleedoutKey set to be

always on - will override whatever is toggled
AlwaysBleedoutLonger = 0

;StoryNPCHealth sets the health of story NPCs to the given amount - only works if
ExcludeStoryNPCs is set to 1 (otherwise they will get the health value from
NPCHealth) - 0 disables the feature
StoryNPCHealth = 450

;FriendlyFire can be set to either 0 or 1, if set to 1 it will make NPCs which are
in a "companion"-relationship with the player subsceptible to player fire (can also
be toggled via FirendlyFireKey)
FriendlyFire = 0

;Playerinvincibility is the setting for the player to be invincible (values: 0 or

PlayerInvincibility = 0

;PlayerHealth sets the player's health to the given amount - only works if
PlayerInvincibility is disabled (setting it to 0 disables this feature)
;ATTENTION: due to how the game handles to update the player's health, this feature
can be a little buggy
PlayerHealth = 0

;HorseInvincibility is the setting for the currently mounted horse to be invincible

(values: 0 or 1)
HorseInvincibility = 0

;HorseHealth sets the health of the currently mounted horse to the given amount -
only works if HorseInvincibility is disabled (setting it to 0 disables this
HorseHealth = 0

;SpineShotsParalyze can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, NPCs shot in the

spine will drop down and won't be able to move
SpineShotsParalyze = 0

;SpineParalysisChance only works if SpineShotsParalyze is turned on

;the value represents the percentage change of an NPC getting paralyzed when hit in
the spine
SpineParalysisChance = 15

;SpineParalysisAudioChance is the chance (between 0 and 10000) per millisecond that

a paralyzed NPC will audibly react to its suffering
SpineParalysisAudioChance = 10

;Chances for disarming behaviors - if the summed chances are not exactly 100, they
will be ignored and the default values will be set
DisarmFleeingChance = 31
DisarmAttackChance = 55
DisarmHandsUpChance = 7
DisarmCowerChance = 7

;SpecialWeaponModifier - since NPCs have more health, some weapons should do more
damage - this is the modifier for weapon damage (200 = 200% = twice the normal
damage) (shotguns, sniper rifles, dynamite arrows, improved arrows and tomahawks
will be affected by this)
SpecialWeaponModifier = 64

;WeaponModifier - the weapon modifier for all "non-special weapons" (50 = 50% =
half the normal damage)
WeaponModifier = 63

;MeleeModifier - the damage modifier for all melee damage - 100 disables it, it
counts as percentage (50 = 50% = half the normal damage)
MeleeModifier = 95

;KnifeModifier - the damage modifier for the following knives: normal knife, miner
knife, bear knife, vampire knife, civil war knife, machete
KnifeModifier = 90

;NPCWeaponModifier - the damage modifier for all NPC weapon damage (inluding story
NPCs) - 100 disables it, it counts as percentage (50 = 50% = half the normal
NPCWeaponModifier = 230
;NPCMeleeModifier - the damage modifier for all NPC melee damage (including story
NPCs) - 100 disables it, it counts as percentage (50 = 50% = half the normal
NPCMeleeModifier = 105

;NPCAccuracy - when NPC health is above the NPCAccuracyThreshold, accuracy will be

set to a value between NPCAccuracyHealthyMin and NPCAccuracyHealthyMax (randomized)
;if NPC health is below NPCAccuracyThreshold, accuracy will be set to a value
between NPCAccuracyInjuredMinMin and NPCAccuracyInjuredMax (randomized)
NPCAccuracyHealthyMin = 45
NPCAccuracyHealthyMax = 65
NPCAccuracyInjuredMin = 15
NPCAccuracyInjuredMax = 35

;Bodypart Damage Modifiers - regulate the amount of damage certain body parts take
(100 is 100%, 50 would be 50% so half the damage is done when this body part is
LegDamageModifier = 2
ArmDamageModifier = 2
TorsoDamageModifier = 115
HeadDamageModifier = 150
NeckDamageModifier = 5

;DyingStatesForMelee enables or disables the dying states for NPCs who have only
been damaged by fists (can be set to either 0 or 1) -> if enabled, knocked out NPCs
wont get up again if under any dying threshold
DyingStatesForMelee = 0

;MeleeDyingStateKnockout makes NPCs ragdoll into the DyingStates when in melee

combat and their health crosses the DyingMovementThreshold (DyingStatesForMelee has
to be enabled for this feature to work) - can be set to either 0 or 1
MeleeDyingStateKnockout = 0

;FireSurvivalChance is the percentage chance of an NPC surviving a fire if burning

(values: integers between 0 and 100)
FireSurvivalChance = 35

;FireHealth is the health value an NPC gets when it is burning, if it is NOT

supposed to survive the fire (if this value is set too high, the NPC might still
survive the fire)
FireHealth = 320

;DiverseFireAudio makes NPCs reaction sounds to being on fire a little more diverse
(vanilla sounds overwrite the few new ones, though - so the new ones might get cut
off from time to time)
DiverseFireAudio = 0

;KnockbackChance is the percentage chance (from 0 to 1000, so you can set it more
precisely) of a knockdown occuring when the NPCs health is under the
KnockbackThreshold (values: integers between 0 and 1000)
KnockbackChance = 9

;FallTimeDown is the time in milliseconds an NPC has to be falling to be

incapacitated afterwards
FallTimeDown = 1300

;FallTimeDeath is the time in milliseconds an NPC has to be falling to be dead

FallTimeDeath = 2500

;HorseFallingDelta is a value to be specified in milliseconds - NPCs on mounts will

collapse when shot and the game counts them as falling as soon as they are not
sitting properly in the saddle
;thus most of them will die from FallTimeDeath since they will be stuck on the
horse until gravity pulls them down -> this value is the delta for the falling time
to start calculating
;if the value is 6000, then 6000 milliseconds after a mounted NPC leaves its mount,
the falling counter will start counting (if the NPC is falling) - so mounted NPCs
are safe from a death by falling for this amount of time
HorseFallingDelta = 8000

;UseAnimChance is the chance of writhing animations being used instead of the

random dying movement during dying stage 1 (the percentage reflects the percentage
in NPCs - so 50 will make every second NPC use animations)
;Be aware of two things:
;1. The animations (if activated) may prevent the use of the "running around with
blood spilling out of an artery wound" animations during dying stage 1
;2. When downing someone who is in cover or on horseback, the animations may still
play (wheter you activated them or not)
UseAnimChance = 100

;UseForcePushesWhenAnimUsed can be set to either 0 or 1, if set to 1 the force

pushes configured way down in the ini will also be applied to NPCs in dying states
who are using the writhing animation
;usually force pushes are only applied when the writhing animation is not used (so
the NPC still moves when in dying states, although no animation is being executed
-> random dying movement)
UseForcePushesWhenAnimUsed = 0

;TransitioningDelta represents the time delta between an NPC going down in dying
state 1 and transitioning to the wounded animation (UseAnimChance must be set to
see results)
TransitioningDelta = 500

;DyingStateHogtie can be set to either 1 or 0. If enabled (= set to 1), NPCs in

dying stages who are playing a writhing animation will be automatically bound on
wrists and ankles as soon as you lasso them.
;Explanation: normally NPCs in writhing animations can't be lasso-ed without
instantly dying - this method circumvents that.
DyingStateHogtie = 1

;DSEuphoriaStumble makes NPCs stumble around when weak (DyingMovementThreshold

crossed) and not on the ground - you can set the chance (0 to 100) how often
Euphoria stumbling should be applied
;this will look a little silly, if not configured correctly - you can configure it
using the values DyingPushChance, DyingForcePushX, DyingForcePushY and
DyingForcePushZ (they are way down in the ini)
DSEuphoriaStumbleChance = 70

;DSMaxStumbleTime is the maximum time in milliseconds an NPC will be able to

stumble (using DSEuphoriaStumbleChance) - after the specified milliseconds have
passed, the NPC will be forced to the ground
DSMaxStumbleTime = 1000

;DSDelay is the time in milliseconds after an NPC's health crosses the

DyingMovementThreshold, that the posture of the NPC will be checked (via
ZValueForHeadBone and ZValueForHeadBone2) and if it is
;low enough (= not standing, but already falling or stumbling), the DyingPush will
be executed (DyingPushChance, DyingForcePushX, DyingForcePushY, DyingForcePushZ)
;This will only trigger if DSMaxEuphTime has passed and the NPC is still in
DSDelay = 300

;DSMaxEuphTime is the maximum time an NPC is allowed to be in ragdoll after

crossing the DyingMovementThreshold - after the amount of set milliseconds has
passed and the NPC is still in ragdoll,
;it will be forced to the ground
DSMaxEuphTime = 7000

;StumbleChance is the "percentage" chance of stumbling or falling when an NPC was

hit in the leg (values: integers between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more
precisely => so a value of 30 would equal 3%))
StumbleChanceBothLegs = 80
StumbleChanceOneLeg = 15

;RunningThreshold is the velocity of the NPC - if the NPC runs faster than this
velocity, the stumble chance kicks in (stumbling can happen)
RunningThresholdBothLegs = 30
RunningThresholdOneLeg = 50

;OnlyBleedOnTorsoShot can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, NPCs will only

bleed (= bleeding effects below) if they are shot in the torso
;(this comes in handy if you want to catch a wanted NPC alive -> legs can be shot
without having to fear the bleedout -> you can also use HogtieBleedingStop if you
;ATTENTION: is this parameter is active and the NPC has not been shot in the torso,
the parameter MaximumDyingStateTime will not work (= although the maximum time has
passed, the NPC will not die)
OnlyBleedOnTorsoShot = 1

;TorsoShotBleedingOverwrite can be set to either 0 or 1 and only works when

OnlyBleedOnTorsoShot is set to 1
;if set to 1 the parameter MaximumDyingStateTime will not work unless the NPC has
been hit in the torso (= although the maximum time has passed, the NPC will not
;if set to 0, NPCs will only bleed if they have been hit in the torso, yet will die
if the MaximumDyingStateTime has passed
TorsoShotBleedingOverwrite = 0

;HogtieBleedingStop can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, NPCs won't bleed (=

bleeding effects below) if they are hogtied or lasso-ed
;(this comes in handy if you want to catch a wanted NPC alive -> even if the NPC is
bleeding, if you hogtie it, it won't bleed out)
;ATTENTION: is this parameter is active and the NPC is hogtied, the parameter
MaximumDyingStateTime will not work (= although the maximum time has passed, the
NPC will not die)
HogtieBleedingStop = 1

;BleedWhenDying can be set to either 1 or 0, if set to 1 an NPC will continuously

lose health when under the DyingThreshold
BleedWhenDying = 1

;BleedingChanceDying is the "percentage" chance of bleeding per script iteration (=

every ~millisecond) when NPC is under the DyingThreshold (values: integers between
0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would equal
;the first one is for dying state 1, the second one for dying state 2 and 3
BleedingChanceDying1 = 20
BleedingChanceDying2 = 10

;BleedingValue is the value of health an NPC loses when bleeding is applied (= one
of the bleeding chances kicks in)
BleedingValue = 4

;BleedWhenDying can be set to either 1 or 0, if set to 1 an NPC will continuously

lose health when under the KnockbackThreshold
BleedWhenShot = 0

;BleedingChanceDying is the "percentage" chance of bleeding per script iteration (=

every ~millisecond) when NPC is under the KnockbackThreshold (values: integers
between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would
equal 3%))
BleedingChanceShot = 21

;DamagedLegsDownTime is the amount of time in milliseconds after which an NPC gets

forced to the ground after both its legs got shot at least once (each)
;example: a value of 10000 means that 10 seconds after an NPC was shot in both
legs, it will be forced to the ground and into Dying States
DamagedLegsDownTime = 1500

;LegsHitThreshold is the amount of times an NPC has to be hit in each leg before
going down (overrides DamagedLegsDownTime)
;example: a value of 3 means that each leg has to be hit 3 times, then the NPC will
go into Dying States
LegsHitThreshold = 2

;BleedingSave is the time in milliseconds an NPC is saved from bleeding out after
getting downed by leg shots - this is to prevent immersion-breaking deaths (falling
down from leg shots and dying almost instantly)
;example: if the value is 10000, this means that if an NPC is forced to the ground
by LegsHitThreshold or DamagedLegsDownTime, it will start to bleed out 10 seconds
after going down
BleedingSave = 10000

;CoreDepletion enables or disabled the depletion of cores (can be set to either 0

or 1)
CoreDepletion = 1

;CoreDepletionAmount is the value which gets deducted from the cores when the
CoreDepletionTime has passed (full cores have a value of 100, empty cores a value
of 0)
CoreDepletionAmountHealth = 6
CoreDepletionAmountStamina = 6
CoreDepletionAmountDeadeye = 6

;CoreDepletionTime is the amount of seconds after which CoreDepletionAmount gets

deducted from all cores (in milliseconds, so a value of 10000 would mean that every
10 seconds the cores get decreased by the CoreDepletionAmount)
CoreDepletionTime = 140000

;HorseCoreDepletion enables or disables the depletion of your horse's cores (can be

set to either 0 or 1)
HorseCoreDepletion = 0

;HorseCoreDepletionAmount is the value which gets deducted from the horse's cores
when the HorseCoreDepletionTime has passed (full cores have a value of 100, empty
cores a value of 0)
HorseCoreDepletionAmountHealth = 6
HorseCoreDepletionAmountStamina = 6

;HorseCoreDepletionTime is the amount of seconds after which

HorseCoreDepletionAmount gets deducted from your horse's cores (in milliseconds, so
a value of 10000 would mean that every 10 seconds the cores get decreased by the
HorseCoreDepletionTime = 360000

;CoreDepletionAfterDeath will deplete all cores entirely if the player dies, if

enabled (can be set to either 0 or 1)
CoreDepletionAfterDeath = 1

;MoneyLossAfterDeath will decrease the player's money on death, if enabled

MoneyLossAfterDeath = 1

;MoneyLossPercentage is the percentage of money the player is going to lose on

death (20 would equal to 20 percent of money loss)
;ATTENTION: the money will be lost in addition to the usual death cost
MoneyLossPercentage = 25

;DyingStateChance is the chance of DyingStates being used (if that chance doesnt
trigger, vanilla behavior will occur) - the value must be between 0 and 100 (0
disables DyingStates completely)
DyingStateChance = 100

;Parameters for fear reactions in combat

;NPCsDownThreshold -> how many NPCs have to be downed to trigger the effect
;NPCsDownIntervall -> in which time intervall do they have to be downed (in
;NPCFearChance -> what is the chance of an NPC actually panicking when above
conditions apply (number is divided by 10 -> 250 means 25% chance, be aware that
this chance is calculated every millisecond)
;FearCowerChance -> the chance of reaction being cowering
;FearHandsUpChance -> the chance of reaction being hands up
;FearFleeingChance -> the chance of reaction being fleeing
;FearFleeUltimately -> can be set to either 0 or 1, if set to 1, cowering or hands
up NPCs will flee after a while, no matter what (breaks immersion otherwise)
;if the summed chances are not exactly 100, they will be ignored and the default
values will be set
;to disable this feature, set NPCFearChance to 0
NPCsDownThreshold = 9
NPCsDownIntervall = 3500
NPCFearChance = 190
FearCowerChance = 5
FearHandsUpChance = 55
FearFleeingChance = 40
FearFleeUltimately = 1

;SneakNoiseMultiplier is the multiplier for the noises the player makes while
sneaking - the value is divided by 100 (so 90 would be a multiplier of 0.9 -> 0
disables the feature)
SneakNoiseMultiplier = 0

;DSAudio means DyingStateAudio - if you aim or threaten NPCs who are in

DyingStates, they have a chance of audibly reacting to it (different reactions in
different dying states) - 1 enables and 0 disabled that feature for the respective
dying states
DS1Audio = 1
DS2Audio = 1

;DyingStateAimReaction is the chance (between 0 and 10000) per millisecond that an

NPC will audibly react to being aimed at while in DyingState (DS1Audio has to be
enabled for this to work)
DyingStateAimReaction = 75

;DS2AudioChanceModifier is the modifier for the DyingStateAimReaction during Dying

State 2 -> during Dying State 2 the NPCs will have less audio responses available,
thus making it un-immersive
;if the sounds are getting played too often -> this setting sets the chance of
audio responses actually triggering (100 will make them trigger the same as in
Dying State 1, 50 would only make
;them trigger half as often, etc.)
DS2AudioChanceModifier = 85

;MaximumDyingStateTime is the maximum amount of milliseconds NPCs will be able to

stay alive in dying states (if set to 0, this feature is disabled)
;example: if set to 20000, NPCs will bleed out in 20 seconds or less when in dying
;ATTENTION: parameters TorsoShotBleedingOverwrite and HogtieBleedingStop can
disable this parameter
MaximumDyingStateTime = 40000

;NooseAudio can be set to either 1 or 0 - if set to 1, NPCs being tied via

TieYourLasso-mod will react audibly
NooseAudio = 1

;NooseAudioChance is the chance (between 0 and 10000) per millisecond that an NPC
will audibly react when being tied via TieYourLasso-mod
NooseAudioChance = 50

;NoosedNPCsLiveLonger makes NPCs hanged by the TieYourLasso-mod live longer

NoosedNPCsLiveLonger = 1

;NosseHealthBoost only works if NoosedNPCsLiveLonger is enabled - the set amount

will be added to the hanging NPCs health each millisecond (if it is set too high,
the NPC will never die or die even quicker (game engine problem))
NooseHealthBoost = 4

; below values are direct inputs for methods - tweaking them may result in
unwanted behaviors

BothLegsStumbleForcePushX = 0
BothLegsStumbleForcePushY = 375
BothLegsStumbleForcePushZ = 0
OneLegStumbleForcePushX = 0
OneLegStumbleForcePushY = 320
OneLegStumbleForcePushZ = 0
IsDirectionRelativeOneLeg = 1
IsForceRelativeOneLeg = 0
IsDirectionRelativeBothLegs = 1
IsForceRelativeBothLegs = 0

;This only works if "DSEuphoriaStumbleChance" is set to at least 1

;Pushing in dying mode works like this: if the dyingthreshold has been crossed, a
random number betweed 0 and 999 is calculated, if this number is under the
DyingPushChance, a new logic is triggered.
;This logic randomly decides whether the x, y or z axis of the NPC will receive the
push (if you only want one axis pushing, set the other ones to 0) - the push is
then applied to the center mass of the NPC
DyingPushChance = 600
DyingForcePushX = 7
DyingForcePushY = 1
DyingForcePushZ = 1

;ZValueForHeadBone is used for checking the z-value of the vector returned by |

ENTITY::GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE(peds[i], 21030) | -> peds[i] is the
current NPC and 21030 is the bone ID of its head
;if the z-value of the head is below this value, the dyingpush does not trigger
ZValueForHeadBone = 260

;ZValueForHeadBone is used for checking the z-value of the vector returned by |

ENTITY::GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE(peds[i], 21030) | -> peds[i] is the
current NPC and 21030 is the bone ID of its head
;if the z-value of the head is above this value, the dyingpush does not trigger
ZValueForHeadBone2 = 3000

;ZValueForHipBone is used for checking the z-value of the vector returned by |

ENTITY::GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE(peds[i], 14415) | -> peds[i] is the
current NPC and 14415 is the bone ID of its lower spine
;if the z-value of the hip is above this value, the dying movement does not trigger
ZValueForHipBone = 500

;HeadVecMaxDelta is the value a standing NPC in DyingStates has to move his head (=
NPC is moving and not standing still) during HeadVecMaxTime - if it fails to do so,
it is pushed to the ground
HeadVecMaxDelta = 14
HeadVecMaxTime = 100

;HeadVecStumble enables EuphoriaStumbling when an NPC is forced down via

HeadVecMaxDelta and HeadVecMaxTime - if set to 0 the NPC just falls without
HeadVecStumble = 1

;RagdollingSpeedThreshold is the speed an NPC is allowed to have for the ragdolling

to set in (DyingStates) - if the NPC is moving with a speed above the threshold,
ragdolling will not happen (since it can look weird)
RagdollingSpeedThreshold = 7
DSRagdollingSpeedThreshold = 15

;HeadVecMaxDeltaB - same as above, but for NPCs who are bleeding out (will stop
running after some time and just stand around)
HeadVecMaxDeltaB = 80
HeadVecMaxTimeB = 650
;DyingMovementForceOffsetX - X-offset for dying force to be applied to the bones
(where on the bones) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of
5 becomes 0.5)
DyingMovementForceOffsetX = 1

;DyingMovementForceOffsetY - Y-offset for dying force to be applied to the bones

(where on the bones) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of
5 becomes 0.5)
DyingMovementForceOffsetY = 1

;DyingMovementForceOffsetZ - Z-offset for dying force to be applied to the bones

(where on the bones) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of
5 becomes 0.5)
DyingMovementForceOffsetZ = 1

;DyingMovementPush - strength of the force applied for dying movement (on the
corresponding axis) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of 5
becomes 0.5) - first stage, can be quite agile
;right calf
DyingMovementPushX_Legs01 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Legs01 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Legs01 = 3
;right thigh
DyingMovementPushX_Legs02 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Legs02 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Legs02 = 8
;left calf
DyingMovementPushX_Legs03 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Legs03 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Legs03 = 3
;left thigh
DyingMovementPushX_Legs04 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Legs04 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Legs04 = 8
;left forearm
DyingMovementPushX_Arms01 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Arms01 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Arms01 = 110
;right forearm
DyingMovementPushX_Arms02 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Arms02 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Arms02 = 110
;spines 01 - 05 (vertebras)
DyingMovementPushX_Spine01 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Spine01 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Spine01 = 4
DyingMovementPushX_Spine02 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Spine02 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Spine02 = 4
DyingMovementPushX_Spine03 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Spine03 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Spine03 = 5
DyingMovementPushX_Spine04 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Spine04 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Spine04 = 4
DyingMovementPushX_Spine05 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Spine05 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Spine05 = 4
;neck 01 - 05 (vertebras)
DyingMovementPushX_Neck01 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Neck01 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Neck01 = 7
DyingMovementPushX_Neck02 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Neck02 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Neck02 = 0
DyingMovementPushX_Neck03 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Neck03 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Neck03 = 4
DyingMovementPushX_Neck04 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Neck04 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Neck04 = 0
DyingMovementPushX_Neck05 = 0
DyingMovementPushY_Neck05 = 0
DyingMovementPushZ_Neck05 = 4

;pushing values for alternating x-push

;right calf
DMPushXLeg01 = 2
;right thigh
DMPushXLeg02 = 9
;left calf
DMPushXLeg03 = 2
;left thigh
DMPushXLeg04 = 9
;left forearm
DMPushXArm01 = 120
;right forearm
DMPushXArm02 = 120
;spines 01 - 05 (vertebras)
DMPushXSpine01 = 10
DMPushXSpine02 = 5
DMPushXSpine03 = 5
DMPushXSpine04 = 5
DMPushXSpine05 = 5
;neck 01 - 05 (vertebras)
DMPushXNeck01 = 5
DMPushXNeck02 = 5
DMPushXNeck03 = 10
DMPushXNeck04 = 5
DMPushXNeck05 = 5

;bDyingMovementPush - strength of the force applied for dying movement (on the
corresponding axis) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of 5
becomes 0.5) - second stage, should be less agile
;pushing values for alternating x-push (spine and arm pushes are also applied to
the z-axis) - stage 2
;right calf
bDMPushXLeg01 = 1
;right thigh
bDMPushXLeg02 = 2
;left calf
bDMPushXLeg03 = 1
;left thigh
bDMPushXLeg04 = 2
;left forearm
bDMPushXArm01 = 2
;right forearm
bDMPushXArm02 = 2
;spines 01 - 05 (vertebras)
bDMPushXSpine01 = 0
bDMPushXSpine02 = 0
bDMPushXSpine03 = 0
bDMPushXSpine04 = 0
bDMPushXSpine05 = 0
;neck 01 - 05 (vertebras)
bDMPushXNeck01 = 0
bDMPushXNeck02 = 0
bDMPushXNeck03 = 0
bDMPushXNeck04 = 0
bDMPushXNeck05 = 0

;booleans for dying movement

IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Arms = 0
IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Legs = 0
IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Spine = 0
IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Neck = 0
IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Arms = 0
IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Legs = 0
IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Spine = 1
IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Neck = 1
IgnoreDyingMovementUpVector = 0

;Booleans for enabling dying movement for body parts, stage 1

DyingMovementLegsEnable = 1
DyingMovementArmsEnable = 1
DyingMovementSpineEnable = 1
DyingMovementNeckEnable = 1

;Booleans for enabling dying movement for body parts, stage 2

bDyingMovementLegsEnable = 1
bDyingMovementArmsEnable = 1
bDyingMovementSpineEnable = 1
bDyingMovementNeckEnable = 1

;DyingMovementEnableWhenSpeedLowerThan - if DyingMovement is enabled, the NPC has

to be slower than the given speed value to get the DyingMovement applied
DyingMovementEnableWhenSpeedLowerThan = 10

;DyingMovementChance - is the chance of dyingmovement to kick in (randomizer value

between 0 and 999) - stage 1
DyingMovementChance = 550

;DyingMovementPushTime - time for how long should be pushed (in milliseconds) -

stage 1
DyingMovementPushTime = 0

;DyingMovementWaitTime - time the waiting windos until the next push (in
milliseconds) - stage 1
DyingMovementWaitTime = 800

;DyingMovementBuildUpTime is the time between WaitTime and PushTime which is used

to prepare the push by slightly pushing the NPC for this time interval already
DyingMovementBuildUpTime = 4000

;DyingMovementBuildUpCount is the amount of times the push is divided and applied

during the DyingMovementBuildUpTIme
DyingMovementBuildUpCount = 100
;DyingMovementXRollChance is the chance of an x roll occuring while dying movement
is active (if its not xroll, zroll will be triggered - so if the chance is 60, the
chance for zroll is 40)
DyingMovementXRollChance = 73

;DyingMovementAudioChance is the chance per script iteration (~millisecond) that

pain audio is played in stage 1 of DyingMovement, the audio 01, 02 and 03 are the
sounds which are played (decided by chance)
DyingMovementAudioChance = 80
DyingMovementAudio01 = 4
DyingMovementAudio02 = 5
DyingMovementAudio03 = 9

;bDyingMovementChance - is the chance of dyingmovement to kick in (randomizer value

between 0 and 999) - stage 2
bDyingMovementChance = 10

;bDyingMovementPushTime - time for how long should be pushed (in milliseconds) -

stage 2
bDyingMovementPushTime = 0

;bDyingMovementWaitTime - time the waiting windos until the next push (in
milliseconds) - stage 2
bDyingMovementWaitTime = 100

;bDyingMovementBuildUpTime is the time between WaitTime and PushTime which is used

to prepare the push by slightly pushing the NPC for this time interval already -
stage 2
bDyingMovementBuildUpTime = 5000

;bDyingMovementBuildUpCount is the amount of times the push is divided and applied

during the DyingMovementBuildUpTIme - stage 2
bDyingMovementBuildUpCount = 100

;booleans for the dyingpush method (not dyingmovement)

IgnoreUpVector = 1
IsDyingForceRelative = 0
IsDyingDirectionRelative = 1

;PanicChance is the chance of NPCs audibly panicking when taking damage from the
PanicChance = 2

;PanicChanceHelpless is the chance of NPCs audibly panicking when taking damage

from the player or being threatened by the player (like pointing a gun) while not
being able to defend themselves (e.g. being in ragdoll)
PanicChanceHelpless = 5

;FemalePushModifier is the value the normal push value is divided by when pushing
is applied to female NPCs (because they are lighter than male NPCs)
FemalePushModifier = 3

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