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Expert Review ajog.


An integrated model of preeclampsia: a

multifaceted syndrome of the maternal
cardiovascular-placental-fetal array
Simcha Yagel, MD; Sarah M. Cohen, MPH; Debra Goldman-Wohl, PhD

Maternal tolerance of the semiallogenic fetus necessitates conciliation of competing interests. Viviparity evolved with a placenta to
mediate the needs of the fetus and maternal adaptation to the demands of pregnancy and to ensure optimal survival for both entities. The
maternal-fetal interface is imagined as a 2-dimensional porous barrier between the mother and fetus, when in fact it is an intricate
multidimensional array of tissues and resident and circulating factors at play, encompassing the developing fetus, the growing placenta,
the changing decidua, and the dynamic maternal cardiovascular system. Pregnancy triggers dramatic changes to maternal hemody-
namics to meet the growing demands of the developing fetus. Nearly a century of extensive research into the development and function of
the placenta has revealed the role of placental dysfunction in the great obstetrical syndromes, among them preeclampsia. Recently, a
debate has arisen questioning the primacy of the placenta in the etiology of preeclampsia, asserting that the maternal cardiovascular
system is the instigator of the disorder.
It was the clinical observation of the high rate of preeclampsia in hydatidiform mole that initiated the focus on the placenta in the etiology of
the disease. Over many years of research, shallow trophoblast invasion with deficient remodeling of the maternal spiral arteries into
vessels of higher capacitance and lower resistance has been recognized as hallmarks of the preeclamptic milieu. The lack of the normal
decrease in uterine artery resistance is likewise predictive of preeclampsia. In abdominal pregnancies, however, an extrauterine preg-
nancy develops without remodeling of the spiral arteries, yet there is reduced resistance in the uterine arteries and distant vessels, such as
the maternal ophthalmic arteries.
Proponents of the maternal cardiovascular model of preeclampsia point to the observed maternal hemodynamic adaptations to pregnancy
and maladaptation in gestational hypertension and preeclampsia and how the latter resembles the changes associated with cardiac
disease states.
Recognition of the importance of the angiogenic-antiangiogenic balance between placental-derived growth factor and its receptor soluble
fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and disturbance in this balance by an excess of a circulating isoform, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, which
competes for and disrupts the proangiogenic receptor binding of the vascular endothelial growth factor and placental-derived growth
factor, opened new avenues of research into the pathways to normal adaptation of the maternal cardiovascular and other systems to
pregnancy and maladaptation in preeclampsia.
The significance of the “placenta vs heart” debate goes beyond the academic: understanding the mutuality of placental and maternal
cardiac etiologies of preeclampsia has far-reaching clinical implications for designing prevention strategies, such as aspirin therapy,
prediction and surveillance through maternal hemodynamic studies or serum placental-derived growth factor and soluble fms-like
tyrosine kinase-1 testing, and possible treatments to attenuate the effects of insipient preeclampsia on women and their fetuses,
such as RNAi therapy to counteract excess soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 produced by the placenta.
In this review, we will present an integrated model of the maternal-placental-fetal array that delineates the commensality among the
constituent parts, showing how a disruption in any component or nexus may lead to the multifaceted syndrome of preeclampsia.
Key words: cardiac output, cardiovascular adaptation, decidual natural killer cells, diastolic function, exercise in pregnancy, extracellular
vesicles, extravillous trophoblast, fetus, great obstetrical syndromes, hypertension, maternal-fetal interface, maternal heart, peripartum
cardiomyopathy, peripheral vascular resistance, placenta, placental-derived growth factor, preeclampsia, soluble fms-like tyrosine ki-
nase-1, syncytiotrophoblast, systolic function, trophoblast

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
Received June 1, 2020; revised Sept. 13, 2020; accepted Oct. 19, 2020.
The authors report no conflict of interest.
Corresponding author: Simcha Yagel, MD.
0002-9378/$36.00  ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1

Expert Review

Introduction between the maternal cardiovascular the indices derived from them that
Preeclampsia (PE) is a syndrome char- system and fetal-placental system. Mal- control for maternal body habitus. These
acterized mainly by maternal symptoms: development in any of the constituents evaluate the morphologic modifications
hypertension, proteinuria, or, in the comprising the array can lead to PE. brought about by the increasing de-
absence of proteinuria, effects in target mands of pregnancy and volume over-
organs. Over the last 3 decades, fetal ef- Maternal Cardiovascular Adaptations load and the changes in the milieu of
fects have been enfolded into the defi- to Pregnancy and Maladaptation in circulating factors. Functional parame-
nition of PE to designate various Preeclampsia ters focus primarily on left ventricular
phenotypes: PE with or without intra- Normal maternal cardiovascular adap- function as it adapts to pregnancy. These
uterine growth restriction (IUGR) as tations in pregnancy include increased include stroke volume (the volume of
well as the symptom onset time early or cardiac output (CO), expanded blood blood pumped at each systole, calculated
late in pregnancy, before or after 34 volume, and reduced systemic vascular as end diastolic volume end systolic
weeks’ gestation. resistance and blood pressure, which volume), CO (stroke volumeheart
Nearly a century of extensive research ensure healthy provision of nutrients rate), measures of vascular resistance
has investigated the role of the placenta and gas exchange to the growing fetus (systemic vascular resistance or total
in the development of hypertensive dis- and maternal adjustment to the burden peripheral resistance, calculated as 80
orders and PE during pregnancy. Molar of pregnancy.3 Maternal cardiac trans- [mean arterial pressure central venous
pregnancies, which develop without a formation resembles the physiological pressure]/CO), and isovolumetric
fetus, are at very high risk of developing hypertrophic response to exercise in relaxation time (measured from the
PE and provided the clue to investigate normal individuals, including eccentric closure of the aortic valve to the onset of
the placenta as a source of the disease.1 ventricular remodeling, enhanced func- filling by opening of the mitral valve).
Later investigations by Brosens et al2 tion, and improved metabolism.4,5 In a metaanalysis11 of multiple studies
demonstrated that poor placentation, Several studies6e9 have examined the and meta-analyses of maternal cardiac
typified by shallow trophoblast invasion progressive changes in CO and uterine parameters across the trimesters, results
and deficient spiral artery conversion, is artery diameter and flow velocity. The were shown to be mixed. From 32 weeks’
characteristic of gestational hypertensive proportional distribution of CO to the gestation onward, CO, stroke volume,
disorders and PE. uterus increases from 3.5% in early and heart rate have been shown to in-
Healthy pregnancy requires integra- pregnancy6 to 5.6% at midtrimester to crease, remain the same, or decrease.
tion of a complex array of crosstalk and approximately 12% at term.6,9 Some of the observed inconsistency
interplay across maternal, fetal, and Certain conditions, such as chronic seems to stem from differences in pop-
placental systems, to ensure normal hypertension or increased afterload, can ulations, approaches, and technologies
embryo implantation and adequate lead to pathologic hypertrophy, charac- used to obtain measurements.11
development and maintenance of the terized by concentric remodeling of the Researchers have investigated the link
placenta and placental bed and appro- left ventricle. In some conditions of between maternal cardiac adaptation
priate adaptation of the maternal car- pregnancy, the demands exceed the and maladaptation and the subsequent
diovascular and other systems. Some adaptational capacity of the maternal development of PE. In an early study of
instances of PE seem to have their source milieu, such as twins and multiples, the changes in cardiovascular function,12
in placental pathology, others have their macrosomia, or prolonged pregnancy. In the authors showed that the changes
source in maternal cardiac maladapta- other conditions, such as prepregnancy observed in maternal hearts in their
tion, and perhaps most involve a com- chronic hypertension and others, the initial pregnancy began early, persisted
bination of the 2. This has broader preexisting condition might predispose after delivery, and appeared to be
implications than the purely academic. to poor maternal response and enhanced by a subsequent pregnancy.12
Although the maternal cardiovascular adaptation.3 Melchiorre et al13 showed that grav-
system has a part in the development of The necessity of maternal adaptation idae with term vs preterm PE had
the disorder, understanding the role of to pregnancy is evident; CO increases by differently adapted hearts. Although
the placenta is imperative to under- approximately 45% in normal singleton both groups showed increases in mean
standing the full complexity of the pregnancy and even more in twins.3,10 arterial pressure, total vascular resistance
maternal-fetal interface. The interface is Normal cardiac remodeling and the index, relative wall thickness, and altered
not a 2-dimensional fabric but rather a differences between eccentric and geometry, the preterm PE cases showed
multifaceted array. concentric remodeling are measurable increased signs of hypertrophy, impaired
In this essay, we will attempt to illu- via morphometric and functional pa- relaxation, and measures of diastolic and
minate the importance of appropriate rameters. Some of the measures being systolic dysfunctions and decreased
maturation of the maternal-placental- studied include ventricular wall thick- stroke volume index and cardiac index,
fetal array from the moment of im- ness, septal thickness, ventricular diam- indicative of worsening dysfunction. The
plantation and the mutual crosstalk eter, atrial dimensions, and others, and group also showed14 that the impact of

2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

PE, observed during pregnancy, was study groups also showed statistically In nonpregnant animal models, exer-
evident 1 and 2 years after delivery.14 significant differences in total vascular cise was observed to induce decreased
Ghossein-Doha et al15 followed 51 resistance (TVR), with early-onset cases blood flow in the uterine artery as blood
women that formerly developed early- showing high TVR and late-onset cases was redirected to provide oxygen to the
onset PE, defined as the appearance of showing low TVR. Controls were effort. However, during pregnancy, in-
symptoms before 34 weeks’ gestation, in measured at a median level. Early-onset vestigators have observed an attenuated
their subsequent pregnancies. PE cases showed greater alteration in dia- decrease in flow, and a greater propor-
recurred in 14 women. Compared with stolic function, such as lower atrial tion of blood flow was directed to the
women in whom PE did not recur, those measures. Uterine artery notching at 24 fetus than to the uterus in nonpregnant
with PE had significantly lower prepreg- weeks’ gestation was noted 4 times more animals.23,24
nancy left ventricular mass index and in women developing early- vs late-onset Exercise reduces the risk of gestational
stroke volume and higher heart rate. disease. The investigators concluded that hypertension and PE and appears to
During the course of their pregnancies, different hemodynamics came into play mitigate the effects of PE when it de-
the groups displayed similar adaptive for early, placenta-mediated PE, which is velops.4 The adaptation observed in
trajectories. Maternal cardiac parameters linked to defective trophoblast invasion pregnancy differs from the physiological
were the only observed difference among with high percentage of altered uterine adaptation to physical exercise and from
the groups. Interestingly, the groups also artery Doppler, and late-onset PE, which pathologic remodeling resulting from
differed in the rate of persistent chronic appears to be linked to constitutional chronic conditions. The basic molecular
hypertension and treatment with antihy- factors.16 This large study demonstrates mechanisms underlying remodeling in
pertensive medications. Although the the combination of maternal cardiac each situation are affected by hormonal
recurrent PE group had a higher rate of maladaptation and placental factors in and other changes in pregnancy.5 Exer-
hypertension, they had lower rates of the development of the differing phe- cise can impact the angiogenic-
treatment.15 Numbers were small, but notypes of PE. antiangiogenic factors profile, and it
this may be an interesting avenue of may be through this reaction that exer-
future research, whether interventions for Cardiac Adaptation to Exercise and cise improves cardiac adaptation and
hypertension might improve outcomes in Pregnancy and Maladaptation in maternal outcomes.
these high-risk gravidae. Preeclampsia Considered together, these observa-
These 2 seminal studies demonstrated Exercise has known benefits for the tions of differential cardiac effects in
changes in the maternal cardiovascular cardiovascular and endothelial systems. pregnancy and their modulation
system and signs of maladaptation that The observed anatomic and functional through exercise brought groups around
cannot be explained by placental factors adaptations in the heart to exercise are the world to view the maternal heart not
alone. Maternal cardiac maladaptation is mirrored in many ways by the physio- only as playing a role in the development
shown to have a role in the development logical adaptations observed in normal of PE but also being the most important
of PE. pregnancy. There are some important player in the pathophysiology of the
Further investigation into maternal differences. For example, exercise creates disease.
maladaptation in PE by Valensise et al16 sporadic volume overload and corre- These investigators draw parallels be-
compared uterine artery Doppler and sponding adaptation during the resting tween PE and gestational diabetes.25,26
echocardiographic functional measures state, whereas pregnancy is a continuous, They contend that both states share
of more than 1300 asymptomatic progressive state. The cellular and mo- characteristics, such as predisposing
women at 24 weeks’ gestation and lecular mechanisms and pathways factors, with the parallel states in
compared groups that eventually devel- implicated in these comparative states nonpregnant individuals, that is, risk
oped early- or late-onset PE. Of the 107 have been reviewed elsewhere.5 factors for type 2 diabetes and cardio-
women who developed PE, 75 man- Exercise has been shown to enhance vascular disease are shared with gesta-
ifested early-onset disease and 32 late- placentation through alterations in tional diabetes and PE, respectively. In
onset disease. Women with early-onset perfusion pressure and oxygen avail- contrast with nonpregnant patients,
disease had smaller wall thickness and ability that may impact invasion and both syndromes of pregnancy are
ventricular diameters than late-onset proliferation of trophoblast cells.17 The resolved at parturition. Most patients
cases or controls. This, coupled with brief bouts of hypoxia and reduced rapidly return to normotensive or nor-
lower CO, appeared to be the result of placental perfusion induced by exercise moglycemic states in the postpartum
underfilling in a state of pressure over- might benefit placental development by period but remain at high risk of devel-
load and a concentric hypertrophy promoting cell proliferation and oping cardiovascular disease or diabetes
pattern. However, late-onset PE showed angiogenesis.18e20 In murine models, in later life. However, as most were at
the largest ventricles, with intermediate improved placentation was shown to increased risk of these diseases before
wall thickness and high CO, indicative of lead to better angiogenic-antiangiogenic pregnancy, it is not proven that affected
hypertrophied ventricles in an overfilling balance, which in turn may reduce the pregnancy is the instigator. In addition,
state without pressure overload. The risk of PE.21,22 important differences between the 2

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 3

Expert Review

pregnancy syndromes are the prepon- hypertension, who are at very high risk of in situ. The authors describe “a stormy
derance of nulliparas in PE and the PE, were observed to have reduced first- postoperative course” necessitating an-
occurrence of type 2 diabetes in males. trimester concentrations of PlGF and ticonvulsants and antihypertensives to
Unlike diabetes, PE never occurs without sFlt-1, and this was more pronounced in control worsening PE.45
a placenta. women who developed PE.37 Pregnancies of fetuses with trisomy 13
In addition, it has been shown that have been observed to suffer a 6-fold
The Imperative Role of the Placenta in pravastatin may impact the angiogenic- increase in gestational hypertension
Preeclampsia antiangiogenic balance by reducing the and a 12-fold increase in severe PE.46
The cardiovascular model of PE, as release of sFlt-1 from the placenta while The balance between circulating angio-
presented above, contends that poor increasing PlGF release and circulating genic and antiangiogenic factors has
prepregnancy cardiovascular reserve or PlGF, with potential usefulness in PE been shown to differ from euploid cases:
excessive cardiovascular demands in prevention.41 the placentas of these pregnancies were
pregnancy are the precursors of PE. This The case of abdominal pregnancies shown to have increased sFlt-1, and the
model presents the maternal heart as the has been suggested in support of the mothers had decreased serum PlGF. A
“engine” of pregnancy and gestational cardiovascular model of PE. By defini- case series of trisomy 13 placental
complications, whereas the placenta is tion, in abdominal pregnancy, there is no mosaicism cases showed that 3 of 6
merely the “radiator.”25,27 However, intrauterine placenta or remodeling of women developed PE and 1 developed
there are numerous examples of preg- the decidual spiral arteries; implanta- gestational hypertension.46
nancy complications and experimental tion, trophoblast invasion, and idiosyn- Mirror syndrome is a curious disorder
research investigations that underline cratic vascular remodeling seem to arise in which maternal symptoms “mirror”
the essential role of the placenta in the in an ectopic location.42 However, those of the fetus, which is affected by
development of the disease and serve as a despite this lack of spiral artery conver- hydrops fetalis. The maternal clinical
“proof of concept,” substantiating the sion, changes characteristic of pregnancy picture may mimic PE and resolve when
placenta as the source of PE. have been observed in the uterine the underlying fetal cause is treated.
There are many examples of placenta- and ophthalmic arteries, and uterine Llurba et al47 examined the sera levels of
dependent pathologies that lead to PE, artery Doppler indices have been shown angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors in
but they do not satisfactorily illustrate to be appropriately adapted during mirror syndrome and compared them
other pathways to the disease. Karumanchi abdominal pregnancy.43 These preg- with preeclamptic and control cases. The
et al28 provide a “missing link” among nancies (although rare) have a high rate investigators showed that sFlt-1, PlGF,
these varied mechanisms: soluble fms-like of PE. It is argued therefore that spiral sFlt-1etoePlGF ratio, and soluble
tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1). The sFlt-1 re- artery conversion and shallow invasion endoglin (sEng) in patients with mirror
ceptor is a nonmembrane associated, and are not essential for developing PE. From syndrome mimicked those of women
therefore free-circulating, antiangiogenic this, the supporters of the cardiovascular with PE, that is, sFlt-1, sEng, and the
splice variant of the vascular endothelial etiology interpret that placentation is not sFlt-1etoePlGF ratio were increased,
growth factor (VEGF) receptor 1 (or Flt- necessary for PE. However, other case whereas PlGF was decreased compared
1). As sFlt-1 resembles Flt-1 in its extra- reports44,45 would tend to support the with controls. However, as mirror syn-
cellular domain, it can compete with Flt-1, necessity of a placenta (albeit extra- drome resolved, values gradually
binding with the angiogenic factors, VEGF uterine) in the development of PE in returned to levels comparable with
and placental-derived growth factor these pregnancies. Piering et al44 controls. The authors note that tracking
(PlGF), essentially removing them from described a case of abdominal preg- the level of these factors can differentiate
circulation and diminishing their angio- nancy carried to term. After the delivery between mirror syndrome and pre-
genic effects. of a live fetus and the placenta left in situ, eclamptic pregnancies.47
In normal pregnancy, the angiogenic PE persisted for more than 3 months A recognized puzzle of PE is the clear
factor, PlGF, and the antiangiogenic fac- after delivery, confirmed by clinical signs “protective effect” of cigarette smok-
tor, sFlt-1, are balanced, but unbalanced and kidney endotheliosis. The disease ing.48 Llurba et al47 investigated this clear
(with increased sFlt-1 and decreased resolved after the removal of the inverse association as it relates to sFlt-1
PlGF) in PE.28e37 Under hypoxic condi- placenta; kidney biopsy almost 2 years and PlGF levels and uterine artery
tions, cytotrophoblasts up-regulate sFlt- after delivery confirmed the resolution of Doppler measures. The investigators
1.38,39 Sela et al40 showed that sFlt-14 endotheliosis. The patient was alive and found that even in women at high risk of
comes from syncytial knots, which in well 25 years later, with normal kidney PE based on their uterine artery Doppler
turn impacts on kidney function. When function and blood pressure.44 In screening results, serum PlGF remained
sFlt-1 and PlGF concentrations are another case45 of abdominal pregnancy higher, and the rate of PE that eventually
balanced, normal angiogenesis is main- with PE resulting in the delivery of a live developed was lower, compared with
tained. Antiangiogenic properties pre- term neonate, with placenta adherent to nonsmokers.49
dominate when the balance is the broad ligament, cecum, and small A known complication of twin preg-
skewed.28,35,36 Women with chronic bowel, a portion of the placenta was left nancy is discordant fetal development.

4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

We and others have reported twin preg- factors and their impact on the fetus, and mechanisms that allow the placenta to
nancies complicated by early-onset PE fetal factors on the uterus and other live harmoniously in a nonallogenic
and discordance for IUGR.40,50 Selective maternal organs.53,54 Most fascinating is environment: down-regulation of the
feticide of the affected twin led to even- the part played by the fetus in the crea- highly polymorphic human leukocyte
tual resolution of the PE cascade. Cor- tion of a favorable uterine milieu, by antigen (HLA)-A and HLA-B antigens in
docentesis performed before the crosstalk with and changes to the uterus the syncytiotrophoblast while the inva-
procedure revealed higher levels of sFlt-1 and the maternal heart. These processes sive trophoblast expresses HLA-G of low
in the circulation of the twin with IUGR. begin with implantation and continue polymorphism. Although NK cells are
Moreover, maternal serum levels of sFlt- throughout pregnancy. known for their killing properties for
1 returned to normal as the PE symp- Implantation and placentation during immune defense, they are builders at the
toms resolved.40 the first trimester of pregnancy are the maternal-fetal interface.56,57 Chiefly, the
Staff et al51 proposed a model of PE foundation of normal fetal development decidual NK (dNK) cells produce factors
phenotypes based on maternal endo- and a healthy pregnancy.55 Implantation, necessary for appropriate placental bed
thelial response to circulating PlGF. PE with subsequent migration of extravillous development.56 Ashkar et al58 pioneered
and IUGR develop as a result of trophoblast (EVT) into the decidua and the seminal work in mice lacking uterine
disturbed endothelial inflammatory first third of the myometrium, includes NK (uNK) cells, which showed that their
response. Vascular endothelium may be invasion by EVT into the lumen of the pregnancies developed defective central
characterized by pregestational endo- spiral arteries and remodeling of their artery remodeling and growth-restricted
thelial inflammatory dysfunction. In this myometrial and decidual segments. pups.58 Tayade and colleagues59 further
case, placentation may be normal, but These invaded segments widen and lose demonstrated a role for PlGF (generally
owing to disturbed maternal endovas- their smooth muscle to achieve vessels of expressed by both uNK and tropho-
cular response to circulating biomarkers, low resistance and high capacitance. blasts) in uNK cell proliferation, and
PE may develop without IUGR. In cases Implantation and the initial develop- perhaps differentiation, by employing
with normal pregestational maternal ment of the placenta involve crosstalk mice null for PlGF expression.59 Simi-
endothelium but poor placentation, an among fetal and maternal cells, larly, in humans, the dNK cells produce
oxidatively stressed placenta and including trophoblasts and decidual cell chemokines, growth factors, cytokines,
reduced levels of PlGF might lead to a types, such as macrophages, dendritic and angiogenic factors vital for the
dysfunctional maternal endothelial in- cells, mesenchymal cells, and others. Our appropriate development and mainte-
flammatory response and ultimately to findings and those of others reveal the nance of the maternal-fetal interface.57
the maternal syndrome of PE and the maternal natural killer (NK) cells as Interestingly, the numbers of dNK are
fetal syndrome of IUGR. In a parallel holding the principal role in the crosstalk the highest in the first trimester of preg-
scenario, this might lead to an oxida- of the maternal-fetal interface. nancy, and by the early second trimester
tively stressed placenta, reduced circu- of pregnancy, their numbers steadily
lating PlGF levels but a maintained Decidual Natural Killer Cell decrease, perhaps reflecting the role that
normal maternal vascular response, and Trophoblast Crosstalk they play when conversion of the spiral
the development of the fetal syndrome of Immune cells comprise approximately arteries is completed and remodeling of
IUGR in the absence of PE.51 40% of the cells within the decidua. the placental vasculature ensues. This
As canvased in a recent review,52 an Obviously, they are needed to protect the reciprocal discourse is further reflected in
extreme example of PlGF-sFlt-1 balance placenta and fetus from pathogens. the homing of both trophoblasts and
and cardiac remodeling is found in cases However, within the placental bed, dNK cells to the maternal-fetal interface.
of peripartum cardiomyopathy, a maternal and fetal cells intermingle. The Although the trophoblast is intrinsically
complication affecting previously semiallogenic trophoblasts not only programmed to invade,60 the invasive
healthy women with potential harmful cohabit with the maternal cells but also trophoblast is further directed and
long-term effects on their cardiovascular collaborate successfully. They not only homed by chemokine signaling of the
health. PE was observed at 4-fold the tolerate each other but also engage in decidual NK cell (interleukin-8, inter-
population prevalence, and sFlt-1 was crosstalk, to balance the activities feron gammaeinduced protein 10) via
significantly higher and persisted in the necessary to lay the foundation for chemokine receptor expression (CXCR1,
circulation significantly longer.52 healthy pregnancy. Trophoblasts and CXCR3) on the invasive trophoblast.56
decidual NK cells are at the forefront of Likewise, the trophoblast, by expressing
Maternal-Fetal Crosstalk in successful implantation and mainte- chemokine (CXCL12), signals chemo-
Implantation nance of a healthy pregnancy. Tropho- kine receptor (CXCR4) expressing
The extensive work presented above blasts are bathed in maternal blood and decidual NK cells for colocalization to the
demonstrates the maternal and placental invade the uterine spiral arteries, evading decidua.61
causes and effects involved in the devel- the attack of resident NK cells, which Recently, memorylike properties have
opment of PE. The success of pregnancy comprise 50% to 70% of decidual lym- been demonstrated in human peripheral
depends on the integration of maternal phocytes. This is accomplished via blood NK cells, mainly in instances of

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 5

Expert Review

viral reinfection.62 These observations trophoblasts with differing binding af- trophectoderm of blastocysts impacted
are remarkable because NK cells are part finities and inhibitory and activating trophoblast target genes (Hqb3, Hqa7,
of the innate immune system rather than properties,65,66 the coevolutionary cdh5) relevant for implantation.68 The
the acquired immune system. In light of development of these NK receptor and field of EVs and their roles in human
these findings, the role that dNK cells trophoblast ligand pairs highlights the reproduction represent a burgeoning
play in remodeling the placental bed may balance between maternal-fetal immune field of investigation, highlighting a new
afford an explanation as to why first inhibition and activation in maintaining mechanism of maternal-fetal cell
pregnancy is a risk factor for PE. We and a healthy pregnancy. communication. Molecular signaling by
our colleagues found that the dNK cells EVs is beneficial in mediating maternal-
of parous women showed enhanced Maternal-Fetal Cell Signaling Via fetal crosstalk and is engaged in normal
expression of certain cell receptors and Extracellular Vesicle Delivery placentation and pregnancy. Conversely,
enriched production of angiogenic fac- In addition to the mechanisms described cargo carried by EVs has been shown to
tors and cytokines compared with dNK above, intracellular maternal-fetal cross- have a harmful effect on pregnancy,
cells of nulliparous women.63,64 Specif- talk can also occur via a broad category of leading to complications, specifically PE.
ically, these Pregnancy Trained dNK molecules termed extracellular vesicles Burton et al78 have proposed that the
(PTdNK) cells from parous women are (EVs) that include microvesicles, nonconverted spiral arteries of PE expel
primed to act with greater expression of apoptotic bodies, and exosomes, which maternal blood into the intervillous space
the receptors NKG2C and LILRB1, differ in their membrane origin67,68 and in a turbulent jet fashion with shear stress
which bind HLA-G and HLA-E are heterogeneous in particle size and potential to damage villous structure and
expressed on EVTs. These features are cargo. The cargo consists of molecules release of membrane-bound EVs because
stored as epigenetic changes in the NK that the EVs transport to cells, tissues, and of their maladapted narrow structure.78
cells residing in the endometrium be- organs, either in close proximity or in This proposal of far-reaching implica-
tween pregnancies, where they remain distant sites, including but not limited to tions would go hand in hand with the
“on call” to operate more robustly in proteins, phospholipids, mRNA, and observation of increased EVs found in the
subsequent pregnancies. PTdNK cells miRNA. As a mode of intercellular maternal circulation in PE.79 The EVs
showed superior growth factor produc- communication, the ability of EVs to observed in increased numbers in PE
tion and immune modulation, NK acti- transfer molecules in membrane-bound include specific miRNAs with harmful
vation, interleukins, hormone regulation, vesicles, protected from degradation, af- potential to endothelial cell function and
and chemokine ligands and receptors and fords a mechanism to regulate divergent syncytial apoptotic bodies ferrying cell
may act with greater efficiency to remodel cell processes, spanning normal physi- death signals. These observations have led
the placental bed, resulting in enhanced ology to disease pathogenesis and infec- to the proposal that the cargo of extra-
placentation and hence lower risk of the tion. As a method of maternal-fetal cellular microvesicles originating from
development of PE.63,64 communication, the recipients of EVs, the syncytiotrophoblast circulating in
In the context of the above, it is most especially placental EVs entering the maternal blood may prove useful as a
interesting that the ligands of fetal HLA-E maternal blood circulation, include but biomarker for PE.80,81
and HLA-G activate via their attachment are not limited to the maternal liver, Especially significant for maternal-
to receptors on maternal NK cells and endothelial cells, immune cells, and heart fetal communication with relevance to
production and expression of growth and as potential targets.69 In normal physio- PE are the findings of Rajakumar et al.82
angiogenic factors and others, which logical pregnancy, a limited number of SFlt-1 is highly expressed in the syncytial
allow placentation and fetal development. placental EVs are found whose release can knots of preeclamptic placentas.40 Raja-
During first pregnancy, these processes be governed by oxygen tension and kumar was able to demonstrate that
are less efficient, leading to higher rates of glucose concentration, and their numbers circulating syncytial aggregates of syn-
PE in primigravidae. normally increase as gestation cytial knots (from preeclamptic and
In a further demonstration of progresses.70e72 These include EVs that normal placentas) contain both sFlt-1
maternal-fetal crosstalk in immune are bioreactive, promoting endothelial protein and sFlt-1 transcriptionally
response and balance between the tro- tube formation,72 modulating immune active mRNA. These microparticles of
phoblasts and dNK cells, Moffett and function, and promoting metabolic ad- placental origin that harbor sFlt-1
Colucci65 described coevolutionary aptations73 and spiral artery remodeling represent a method through which the
development of HLA antigens on inva- and angiogenesis through stimulation of antiangiogenic signature of PE enters the
sive trophoblasts (HLA-G, HLA-E, and endothelial cells.74e77 EVs do not func- maternal circulation to target maternal
HLA-C) and specific NK cell receptors tion during pregnancy: exosomes car- tissues and organs.
(LILR, CD94/NKG2, KIR). Based on the rying miRNAs have been shown to
finding that the likelihood of PE is enhance implantation. Here, miRNAs The Impact of the Fetus on Maternal
associated with KIRA and KIRB re- carried within exosomes originating in Cardiac Remodeling
ceptors on NK cells that bind particular endometrial epithelial cells (Hsa-miR- The effect of maternal cardiac function
C1 and C2 classes of HLA-C ligands on 30d) and incorporated into the on the development of her fetus is clear:

6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020 Expert Review

without the maternal cardiovascular

system to supply nutrient and gas ex-
change, there would be no pregnancy.
The maternal cardiovascular-placental-fetal array: the integrated model
Perhaps less clear is the effect of the fetus
of hemodynamic provision of healthy pregnancy for mother and offspring
on maternal cardiac remodeling, as has
been shown in animal models and in
humans. Recently, researchers have
demonstrated evidence of maternal car-
diac hypertrophy driven by hormones
associated with pregnancy, especially
progesterone, during the first trimester
of pregnancy, before the establishment
of the functional placenta. Progesterone
induces reduced peripheral vascular
resistance (PVR), possibly initiating the
increased volume overload and subse-
quent functional changes. The observed
surge in progesterone activates calci-
neurin, which in turn initiates pathways,
such as Akt and its downstream tar-
gets,83,84 and induces cardiac hypertro-
phy.83 Estrogens, produced first by the
corpus luteum and subsequently chiefly
by the syncytiotrophoblast, impact
uterine artery vasodilation and other
cellular processes in remodeling of the
uterine vasculature85 to increase utero-
placental blood flow and reduce
PVR.53,54 These changes and other ad-
aptations in the maternal renal and
pulmonary systems work to increase
blood volume and CO.53
The integrated maternal-placental-fetal milieu is composed of maternal and fetal tissues meeting to
A recent study in a mouse model
mediate the needs of the fetus and ensure maternal survival and adaptation to the demands of
showed that PlGF is associated with sys-
pregnancy. This intricate multidimensional array of tissues and resident and circulating factors
temic maternal cardiovascular adaptations
involve the developing fetus, the growing placenta, the evolving decidua, and the dynamic maternal
to pregnancy.86 The investigators in the
cardiovascular and other systems. Extravillous trophoblasts mediate remodeling of the maternal
Croy laboratory employed PlGF knockout
spiral arteries to create a conduit of low resistance and high capacitance. Decidual immune cells,
mice (PlGF negative) and healthy controls
dNK being the most prevalent, play an essential role in the appropriate development of the placental
to compare virgin, pregnant, and post-
bed. Changes to maternal hemodynamics provide increased CO and decreased PVR to meet nutrient
partum measures of cardiac and renal size
and gas exchange demands and other factors through the remodeled uterine arteries. The fetus and
and function. The PlGF-negative mice
placenta supply estrogens, progesterone, and PlGF and its receptor (sFlt-1) to maintain the
were found to have higher systolic blood
angiogenic-antiangiogenic balance necessary to mediate adaptational changes to the maternal
pressure, lower CO, and greater left ven-
cardiovascular and other systems. Disruption in any component or nexus among the constituent
tricular mass (LVM), whereas only the
parts of the array or the commensality may lead to the multifaceted syndrome of preeclampsia.
healthy control mice showed the expected
CO, cardiac output; dNK, decidual natural killer cell; E2, estrogen; NK, natural killer cell; PlGF, placental-derived growth factor; PVR,
gestational gain in LVM. By 16 days’ peripheral vascular resistance; sFlt-1, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1.
gestation (close to term), PlGF knockout Yagel. Preeclampsia: a syndrome of the maternal-placental-fetal array. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020.
mice had hypertrophic kidneys and
glomerular pathology.86
In humans, Benschop et al87
measured PlGF at midpregnancy in revealed that quartiles of PlGF level pressure at 6 years after delivery than the
5475 singleton pregnancies and followed significantly correlated with persistent highest quartile. This association was
up maternal blood pressure and cardiac changes in cardiac remodeling. The also maintained among women who did
structure and Doppler parameters 6 lowest PlGF quartile group had signifi- not develop pregnancy complications.87
years after delivery and blood pressure 9 cantly higher aortic root diameter, left All of the above examples testify to the
years after delivery. The investigation atrial diameter, LVM, and systolic blood role of the fetus through placental

MONTH 2020 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 7

Expert Review

expression of PlGF, estrogen, and pro- placental systems in healthy pregnan- cooperation and conflict.”94 Common to
gesterone into the maternal circulation cies and in the development of PE has all these representations is the under-
to remodel the uterine and broader important implications for directing standing that successful pregnancy and
maternal milieu to optimize its envi- future avenues of research and planning parturition depend on balancing the
ronment and promote maternal cardiac screening, diagnosis, treatment, and provision of resources to maintain the
adaptation and maternal survival to follow-up approaches and modalities. mother and fetus, to ensure optimal
maintain healthy symbiosis (Figure). For example, screening might include survival of both. The adaptations
not only traditional risk factors for PE necessary to preserve the mother and her
When Things Go Wrong but also maternal hemodynamic mea- offspring have been shown to impact the
Many maternal and fetal systems and sures, such as CO and PVR, and the health of both, far beyond the post-
conditions may be implicated in the fetal-placental factors PlGF and sFlt- partum period.
development of PE. In many, or even 1.88e90 The integration of maternal and Numerous combinations of possible
most instances, the proportional contri- fetal-placental parameters in the success disturbances, evinced as either fetal or
bution of maternal and placental factors of PE risk prediction,88e90 reinforces the maternal maladaptation or maldevelop-
in the clinical advent of PE may not be interdependence of all the maternal- ment from implantation to parturition,
evident. Some are physiological but strain placental-fetal array components in the can lead to the development of PE. The
the maternal capability to adapt, such as development of the disease. commonality is a failure of working
twins and higher-order multiples, pro- In the realm of possible future pre- together. Characterization of PE as solely
longed pregnancy, or fetal macrosomia. ventative and therapeutic interventions, a failure of placentation is an over-
Others may hint at an underlying or there may be a benefit to offering aspirin simplification of the maternal-fetal-
preexisting difficulty in facing the de- to all primigravidae and at-risk multi- placental array, whereas portrayal of
mands of pregnancy, such as advanced gravidae and to prescribing antihyper- this complex syndrome as a failure of
maternal age, obesity, chronic hyperten- tensive medication where indicated. maternal cardiovascular adaptation ig-
sion, diabetes, or other systemic diseases. Pravastatin has shown some promise91 in nores reality.
Placental etiologies of PE include but are preventative and therapeutic studies and Unmet demand created in the case of a
not limited to the examples given above: may prove to be of benefit pending very large fetus or multiple pregnancy
hydatidiform mole, abdominal preg- further study. However, sildenafil, which can lead to the syndrome of PE, whereas
nancy, trisomy 13, and sFlt-1 and PlGF seemed effective in improving PE phe- at the other end of the spectrum, poor
imbalances. Smoking in pregnancy notypes in preclinical studies and early placental development and deficient
inadvertently provides a “proof of human trials, was not found to improve maternal vascular remodeling will lead
concept” for the role of angiogenic- outcomes in IUGR, with or without PE.92 to the appearance of early-onset PE. The
antiangiogenic factors imbalance in PE. Most recently, researchers showed93 that importance of understanding this
First pregnancy differs from the other in a baboon model of PE, short inter- duality is in designing preventative pro-
complications described above in that it fering RNAs (siRNAs) selectively silenced grams and treatment modalities. -
represents the integration of the the 3 sFlt1 mRNA isoforms primarily
maternal-placental-fetal array and responsible for placental overexpression
involvement of either or both: the of sFlt1.93 Pending further investigations, REFERENCES
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10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2020

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