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so hi guys my name is kim camu and i will be your tour guide on this tour.

we will going to visit greece

so let's go

so first where is Greece located? You can it found in the continent of Europe

IDENTIFICATION: Greece, the English name for the Hellenic Republic, is derived from an old
Latin word for this area. "Hellenic" is derived from the word the ancient Greeks used to describe
themselves, while "Romeic" comes from the medieval or Byzantine Greek term. Although Roman
was the most common self-denomination in the early 19th century, it has since declined in favor of
Customs and traditions in Greece and the Greek Islands are an important aspect of the Greek culture.
There are either of a religious character or coming from paganism. Furthermore, most of the traditions
and festivals still celebrated today are religious.

The Greeks are very superstitious and believe a lot in religion but also in supernatural or
paranormal phenomenon. Traditions and superstitions vary from island to island, from villages to
villages and from region to region.

You will find below the many Greek traditions still honored in Greek modern culture, no matter
people's age, until today.

Here are some believe’s

The Evil Eye (Mati)

Some Greeks, especially in villages, believe that someone can catch the evil eye, or matiasma,
from someone else's jealous compliment or envy. A person who has caught the evil eye usually
feels bad physically and psychologically.


It is believed that spitting chases the devil and the misfortune away. That is why when someone
talks bad news (deaths, accidents, etc), the others slightly spit three times saying ftou, ftou, ftou.
Another example is that someone that compliments a baby, a child or even an adult for its
beauty, has also to spit three times on the complimented person so that he doesn't give him the
bad eye (mati).

Black cat

If someone sees a black cat, this is supposed to be bad luck for the rest of the day. Also if a glass
or mirror breaks, it is believed to be bad luck for seven years

Linguistic Affiliation: Greek is the official language and is spoken by almost all citizens. It is an
Indo-European millennium BC.
Symbolism: Several famous paintings and holidays are reminiscent of the identity of the
republic. The country is seen as the revival of independent Greek civilization, and many symbols
establish a strong link between the past and the present, between great Greek history and the
modern state.

National identity. A strong sense of ethnic self-determination initially spurred state-building,

blurred regional disparities, and led to the emergence of mostly ethnic Greek citizens.

Religious views. Almost 98 percent of the people are Orthodox Christians, just over 1 percent
are Muslim, and there are a small number of Jews, Seventh-day Adventists, Catholics, and
members of Protestant denominations. The Greeks were connected with Christianity very early.

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