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Design and Operation of Smart Energy Meter for

Effective Energy Utilization in Smart Cities

Qasim Malik Aamir Zia Rehan Ahmad

Student Member, IEEE Student Member, IEEE Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering University of Management &
University of Management University of Management & Technology
& Technology Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan

Muhammad Asim Butt Zain Ahmad Javed

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
University of Management & Technology COMSATS University
Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan

Abstract – The increasing demand of energy in the world is provider. Smart meters will enable two-way and real-time
increasing by every day as not only the population is increasing communication between the consumers and the provider.
but also the everyday tools and the appliances that make our lives We are living in an era of technical evolution. Everything
better. This increase in demand is a major issue in developing
we use nowadays is becoming smart and is integrated with our
countries, to solve this major problem every citizen needs to play
his part by efficiently using energy. Voltage Ampere Power Smart cellphones and computers, constantly giving us feedbacks. But
Meter (VAPSM) also provides utility providers an efficient way the metering systems used in our houses are still analog or
to collect data for billing and also save the costs of the trips to the digital but not smart. The goal of VAP Smart Meter is to make
physical location of the meter. VAPSM production cost is low and an accurate digital meter using advanced technology like
it also provides flexibility of design by using microcontroller microcontroller and GSM modem. It will also make a user
which can provide an additional option to perform other
friendly interface between the user and the electrical meter, so
controlled or automated tasks. VAPSM communicates with the
consumer and utility provider. Smart Energy Meter substitutes the user can get information about its energy consumption.
outdated meters and enable the energy usage access to every Today’s microcontrollers includes all essential parts
residential and industrial user in smart cities. integrated in one small board which not only makes the overall
meter smaller but also improved functionality and choice for
Keywords – Voltage Ampere Power Smart Meter (VAPSM), further modifications.
Smart Energy Meter (SEM), Voltage Ampere Power (VAP), Power VAP Smart Meter can be used to send data to the utility
Monitoring, GSM, Smart Cities.
providers like Power Factor, Energy consumption, Billing
Criteria (Both Residential or Commercial), Peak Hour energy
I. INTRODUCTION Consumption and many other features. This meter also
includes a display that show all the important parameters like
The demand for energy is increasing as a result of the Voltages Current Power Factor Units consumed Active Power
growth in both population and industrial development. To consumed by Load. This smart meter can also be used for
improve the energy efficiency, consumers need to be more manual meter reading in case of any system fault or any other
aware of their energy consumption. In recent years, utilities error. This Smart Energy Meter is designed for effective
have started developing new electric energy meters which are energy utilization in smart cities.
known as Smart Meters [3]. A smart meter is a digital energy Today’s microcontrollers includes all essential parts
meter that measures the consumption of electrical energy and integrated in one small board which not only makes the overall
provides other additional information as compared to the meter smaller but also improved functionality and choice for
traditional energy meter. The aim is to provide the consumer further modifications.
and supplier an easy way to monitor the energy. Smart meters VAP Smart Meter can be used to send data to the utility
are considered a key component of the smart grid as these will providers like Power Factor, Energy consumption, Billing
allow more interactivity between the consumers and the

978-1-7281-3276-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 219

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Criteria (Both Residential or Commercial), Peak Hour energy • There is no option of cross checking for readings
Consumption and many other features. This meter also taking from meters.
includes a display that show all the important parameters like • There is some probability to modify the meter
Voltages Current Power Factor Units consumed Active Power readings while taking snap shot of meter by using
consumed by Load. This smart meter can also be used for different software trappings.
manual meter reading in case of any system fault or any other • There is no privacy and security for metering data.
The existing system is not reliable and at error level, also
Fig. 1 shows how data transmit and receive in smart this is time consuming approach. So the authors presented a
metering purposes. well-defined solution of this problem stated in next sections.


The projected scheme is cost effective and squeezed, so
installation come to be far at ease. This paper is also proposed
to give an outline of energy meter, which can minimize the
electricity theft and control the usage of electricity on end user
side to escape waste of power. It generally decreases the
manpower as the billing procedure is done robotically in this
recommended system.

A. Problem Statement
Energy crisis is a major issue for developing countries and
to solve this problem we need to find a way to save energy and
efficiently use it. The First step in efficiently using energy is
that every consumer should know its consumption pattern and
his current usage, so the user can monitor his consumption and
try to reduce it and save energy. Another problem is a better
interface with the consumers so not only it helps the consumers
to estimate their bills but also provide a way for utility
providers for easy bill collection while also saving the costs of
the trips to the physical location of the meter, most importantly
to avoid electricity theft.

B. Smart Energy Meter Block Diagram

Fig. 1. Smart Metering Data Sequence This proposed system has two parts first is Smart Meter and
the second one is User End. First task of the authors is to design
a circuit to calculate the Voltages and Current along with the
II. ENERGY METRING CURRENT SYSTEMS factors like Power Factor, Apparent Power and Actual Power
For this working model present meter reading methods in using the microcontroller. There are many types of voltages
the region are studied and accompanied a wide-ranging study like instantaneous voltage, peak voltage, peak to peak voltage
and RMS voltage and similar is the case for currents and
on altered energy determining devices available now. The
power. Authors will be using RMS value of voltage and
most important category of energy meter is the
current and Average Power. Microcontrollers work at low
electromechanical induction meter. In these type of meters, the
voltages like 5V while the voltages they need to measure are
complete amount of rotation of the disc is directly proportional very high, which is in this case 220V. For this purpose they
to the power spent by the users. [3] will use Current Transformers and Potential Transformers.
Few Drawbacks of traditional energy meters are mentioned The proposed system is consists on a Microcontroller,
below: Current Transformer (CT), Potential Transformer (PT), GSM
• Strong chance of Energy Theft by anyone in mega Module and a respective load mainly.
events especially.
• Chance of human error while collecting the data from
• Electricity user has not his daily update of usage of
• It is exceedingly depend on meter reading person
who collect all the readings.


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This local controller as demonstrated in Fig. 2.
e) Display Unit:
This smart meter has also a display unit for
performance parameters like Power, Current of
Voltages display etc.


To study the proposed smart energy meter system, the
system is practically implement in both software and
The functioning flow chart of the Smart Energy Meter is
shown in Fig. 3. This flow chart gives a design of the procedure
for make a complete system.

Fig. 2. Scheme of the Smart Energy Meter

The key functional element of this scheme is debated

a) Current Transformer:
Since the current is some percentage of the
original load current and is given by the turns ratio.
In this project authors attached a burden resistance as
a load to the secondary side of transformer and when
the secondary current flows through this resistance, a
voltage drop is obtained across it.
b) Potential Transformer:
It works in a similar way to Current Transformer,
only difference is voltage is considered this time and
also the winding ratio is much higher than that of
current transformer. Potential Transformer is
connected in parallel to the main line, so the
secondary voltage is some percentage of the primary
voltage determined by the turns ratio.
c) GSM Module:
For this smart meter project authors are using
SIM900A GSM module which has a built in antenna
for better reception. This is a GSM/GPRS compatible
Dual band cell phone which works on frequency of
900/1800 MHz which can be used for communication
with cell phones via call or SMS. It operates on 5V
DC supply and communicates with Arduino via the
RX and TX communication pins. It is controlled by Fig. 3. Flow Chart for Smart Energy Meter
the Arduino using AT commands
The fine points about practically operations are described
d) Microcontroller: below:
Arduino is used as a microcontroller in this A. Software Implementation
design. There are many other controllers available Authors performed the simulation of the smart meter circuit
which can be used in this project but the authors on PROTEUS, before they implement it on hardware, to get
preferred Arduino due to use and flow scheme of this some idea of the expected results. Arduino is not available on


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PROTEUS but third party libraries can be downloaded and Fig.5. demonstrate the hardware of Smart Energy Meter.
installed which will give them somewhat similar Board to
Arduino in PROTEUS. Also a CT is not available on
PROTEUS, so they designed the burden resistor which can
alter the current being sensed.
Results for the simulation are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 5. Hardware Implementation of the Smart Energy Meter


The proposed system is comprised of Microcontroller and
GSM Module. To validate the system, experimental result is
acquired for numerous load connection of the scheme at a
certain time. Table I shows the test results of different loads
observe at Smart Energy Meter:
Fig. 4. Software Implementation of the Smart Energy Meter
Real Voltage Voltage
Different Load Conditions Power (Actual) (Observe)
This simulation result is very useful for calculate
percentage error of practical and software results. After 100W Resistive Load 95 1.00 220 220
analyze these results now time to implement it on hardware for
15W Resistive Load 14 0.98 218 217
the betterment of smart cities.
40W Inductive Load 71 0.58 213.5 213
B. Hardware Implementation
100W Resistive Load and 40
After successfully implementation of simulation, authors 154 0.92 207 207
W Inductive Load
moved forward and implement it on hardware. They used
Arduino as a microcontroller and GSM Module for 100W Resistive Load and
112 1.00 225 225
communication. Moreover Current and Potential Transformers 15W Resistive Load
are also used to measure and calculate Voltages and Currents.
These are combined and make a complete sketch of Smart 100W Resistive Load, 15W
Energy Meter. This smart energy meter system is act as a Resistive Load and 40 W 167 0.94 215 215
Inductive Load
closed loop system as well as open system because when it
shows an error message system will be open otherwise it will
be a closed system. Bill calculation is also the major part of the smart energy
When the system is operated, Arduino receives data from meter which is done by utility providers. Authors are
Current and Potential Transformers after receiving that considering one unit price default local rates, so the billing will
microcontroller initialize command and calculate required be done accordingly.
performance parameters e.g. Voltage, Power or Current etc. There are different options for billing.
Moreover GSM connects to network and receive live • A constant single rate per unit
information and at the end shown on display. If it detects some • Billing according to peak and off-peak load times
theft or any other behavior it will show a message error on • Exponential billing in which as more units are used,
mobile and display. more expensive single unit becomes.


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Using Microcontrollers, this is very easy to calculate and shows the consistent statistics on LCD display for end user
can be modified or adjusted according to the utility providers. notice. The benefits of Smart Energy Meter are it needs a
Fig. 6. shows the readings for Performance Parameters and smaller amount of manpower, there is no need to pursuit
Fig. 7. presents overview of VAP Smart Meter payments and most importantly power theft detection is also
possible. All in all, design and operation of VAP Smart Energy
Meter for Effective Energy Utilization in Smart Cities is
presented in this research work which can replaced old
fashioned meters in our surroundings.

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Fig. 7. General Overview of VAP Smart Meter

This research work provide the development of the growth
in technology about electrical supply grid which is an endless
procedure. In the current work wireless system of meter
reading is planned to constantly observe & monitor the meter
reading values and to shut down the power supply the slightest
bit each and every time the end user fails to pay the bill or it
find any energy theft. It also escapes the human interference,
which delivers well-organized meter reading, it evades the any
billing error and also decreases the cost of maintenance. It


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