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Student Name: Degree Program: BSBA-MM

Section: Mobil Number :

Professor Name Email:

Exercise #1

Discuss the importance of having a mission and vision in an organization.

 The vision and mission statements define the purpose of the organization and instill a
sense of belonging and identity to the employees. This motivates them to work harder in
order to achieve success.
 The mission statement acts as a “North Star”, where it provides the direction that is to be
followed by the organization while the vision statement provides the goal (or the
destination) to be reached by following this direction.
 The vision and mission statements help to properly align the resources of an organization
towards achieving a successful future.
 The mission statement provides the organization with a clear and effective guide for
making decisions, while the vision statement ensures that all the decision made are
properly aligned with what the organization hopes to achieve.
 The vision and mission statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with
the organization, thus ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose. This
helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization.

Exercise #2

Create your own vision and mission statement for a local restaurant in your area.
Name of the local restaurant: Wing Vibe Restuarant

Mission :

To create and offer innovative value added products & services beyond customer’s expectations
through an efficient management process and technology. To be innovative in our business
model, processes & products including being environmentally friendly and being a responsible
citizen in the community we operate in.

Vision :

The aim is to establish Wing Vibes Unli wings as the absolute best in the Unli Wings industry
and to be a benchmark for all restaurants in terms of service, food quality, value for money and

Exercise #3

Look for a company existing (and currently operating) in the

Philippines and analyze its current strategy.

Name of the Company : San Miguel Corporation

Discuss its current strategy/ies and identify what problem the strategy aims to solve

We have an updated Privacy Statement

San Miguel’s goal is to help people enjoy and make progress in their lives through the many
products and services that our company offers. We want to give every customer and consumer
we touch access to the best we can offer—whether in terms of quality, or affordability or choice.

Our strategy for achieving these goals has five major elements which are common to both our
traditional and new businesses:

Enhance value of our established businesses.

We aim to enhance the value of our established businesses, ever striving to achieve even greater
efficiencies and operational excellence. We will strengthen our brands by improving product
visibility and targeting areas where there is room for growth in market share.

Continue to diversify into industries that underpin the development and growth of the Philippine

In addition to organic growth, we continue to seek strategic acquisition and greenfield

opportunities, positioning our businesses in a way to best contribute to our country’s economic
growth and industrial development.

Identify and pursue synergies across businesses through vertical integration, platform matching
and channel management.

We will create an even broader distribution network for our products and expand our customer
base by identifying synergies across our various businesses. In addition, we are pursuing plans to
integrate our production and distribution facilities for its both our established and newly acquired
businesses to generate additional cost savings and efficiencies.

Invest in and develop businesses with market leading positions.

San Miguel intends to further enhance our market position in the Philippines by leveraging the
company’s financial resources and experience to allow it to continue to introduce new products
and services. Potential investments to develop existing businesses include building additional
service and micro-filling stations, constructing new power plants, expanding our power
generation portfolio and expanding food distribution networks. We believe our strong domestic
market position provides an effective platform to develop markets for an expanding product
portfolio. And we will continue to invest in and develop businesses that have the potential to
gain leading positions in their respective markets and industries.

Adopt world-leading practices and joint development of businesses.

We will develop strategic partnerships with global industry leaders, including Kirin in the
beverages business and Nihon Yamamura Glass in our packaging business. These partnerships
provide marketing and expansion opportunities, and potentially provide liquidity and
opportunities for SMC to divest minority stakes in its businesses as other opportunities arise.


San Miguel Corporation Have 5 major strategy that they use and will discuss it. The first one was
to establish the value of the business which will helm them to grow their share and expand their
business. The problem that they solve is become the number one company to the Philippines.
The second was is more on the growth of the Philippines Economy, they not only look for their
business but they also want to establish and grow the economy of the Philippines. For the third
strategy they focus on in connecting other business to their business. They build more on
connection to establish their business widened and build a legacy to the Philippine Economy.
The next one was is more on getting small business to the big business by allowing them to be
part of their growing like to be the supplier of them and financing their resources. The last part is
to be able to be part of the Global Economy which to get more investment outside in the
Philippines and Be Globally Competitive.

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