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Intercultural Project Stage 2
Experiences at work

Bear in mind the

contents of units 9
and 10 related to
Things happen and
You're going to make a 3 to 5-
minute podcast about job
experiences, situations at your
workplace (positive and
negative), and how you faced
them. (If you haven’t had any job
experience, you can talk about
your parents’ experiences at
work. You can use visual aids to
support your presentation
(photos, images related to the
situation mentioned, etc.)
Students must record themselves
while making their podcasts.
You can follow these examples to make your

HykTJQ : 6 minutes English
◦ The website where you can create your
podcast is in
◦ Create an account, prepare what you want
to say according to the topics asked, and
after that record yourself following the
instructions you get there.
◦ You will need your microphone and your
camera to record yourself.
Steps to make your
1. Create an anchor account
Here you can find a video to explain to you
how to create your account and work on

2. You will be able to write, check out and

verify your script before recording your
podcast at,
to do so you must create an account there.

3. You can practice pronunciation at:
1. You must record yourself on a video
showing how you make your podcast.
2. You must appear 100% in your video while
talking and making your podcast.
3. Neither edition nor reading are allowed.
4. Practice and verify pronunciation before
starting your recording.
5. It must be made in a natural and fluent
6. Both, the links of the video and the podcast
must be submitted in your assignment
7. Neither video nor podcast will be received by
mail. This stage of the project is to be done
between October 20th and 26th
Stages of making your podcast 1

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Read carefully all Watch the videos Create your Think about the Check out
the information with the Anchor and experiences you grammar
related to the explanations virtual writing you’re going to structures,
Intercultural about what a tutor accounts talk about, spelling and
Project stage 1 podcast is and organize your vocabulary at
how to create an ideas, and make https://www.virt
Anchor account. your script
Stages of making your podcast 2

Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 5

Check out, verify Rehearse your When you’re Record yourself Submit both
and practice the podcast as many ready, use any while making links in your
pronunciation times as needed application that your podcast. assignment
before starting before recording you want to delivery, the one
your podcast. the one to be record your related to the
submitted. video while video and the
creating your one about your
podcast podcast.
Activities that do not meet
the requirements will be
graded Zero (0).

● Deadline: October 26th

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