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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Defensa

Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional
Núcleo: Guatire – Miranda
Carrera: Ingeniería en Sistema – Primer Semestre


Profesor: Alumno
AMILCAR BENCOMO Jepherson Azuaje C.I:30306204
Present perfect
The present perfect is a verb tense in the English language that narrates events
that have already occurred at one point in the past but that continue to be relevant in the
present. In this sense, it contrasts with the simple past, which is used to refer to actions
that took place in the past but no longer have, necessarily, any validity with the present,
as in the following examples:

Present perfect: I have been married for two years. (He estado casado por dos
Past simple: I was married for two years. (Estuve dos años casado).

Although it corresponds in its structure with the past perfect in Spanish, that is, the
verb is constructed with the auxiliary verb have (has if it is in the third person singular - he,
she, it), plus the participle of the verb: that is, subject + Have / has + verb in past
participle, does not always correspond with Spanish in its use, for example, I have been
married for two years.(Llevo casado dos años.)

Perfect past
Past Perfect Tense, is a verb tense that its form of use refers to an action that
occurred at a time prior to another action, and an order is established between them even
though both have happened in the past, for example: The concert had finished when she
arrived at the theater. El concierto había terminado cuando ella llegó al teatro. (First
action: The concert was over Second action: she arrived at the theater) Mary had
prepared dinner when her son got home. Maria había preparado la cena cuando su hijo
llegó a casa. (First action: Maria had prepared dinner Second action: her son came home).
In order to construct the affirmative form of the Past Perfect, we must use as an
auxiliary the verb TO HAVE in the Past Simple and accompanied by the main verb in its
Past Participle (either regular verbs or irregular verbs):

 I had bought a new book.

Yo había comprado un nuevo libro.

 You had cleaned the house.

Tú habías limpiado la casa.

 He had brought the gifts.

Él había traído los regalos.

 She had lost the keys

Ella había perdido las llaves.

Presente perfecto
1. .Have you played this game before? 
2. .Have you worked for your uncle?
3. .Have they completed the project?
4. .Has she finished her homework?
5. .Have you cooked something special for me?

1. .I have played this game several times.
2. .I have worked for my uncle.
3. .They have completed the project.
4. .She has finished her homework.
5. .I have cooked something special for you.

1. .I have not played this game several times.
2. .I have not worked for my uncle.
3. .They have not completed the project.
4. .She has not finished her homework.
5. .I have not cooked something special for you.
1. .Had you worked for my uncle?
2. .Had she finished her homework?
3. .Had we talked for more than two hours?
4. .Had it rained for the last month? (¿Había llovido durante el último mes?)
5. .Had you cooked something special for me?.

1. .I had worked for my uncle.
2. .She had finished her homework.
3. .We had talked for more than two hours.
4. .It had rained once a week for the last month.
5. .I had cooked something special for you.

1. .I had not worked for my uncle.
2. .She had not finished her homework.
3. .We had not talked for more than two hours.
4. .It had not rained for the last month.
5. .I had not cooked something special for you.

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