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Chapter 8 Interpersonal Processes & Behavior Nelson & Quick 

2  Communication Communication - the evoking of a shared or common meaning in another person

Interpersonal communication - communication between two or more people in an organization
Communicator - the person originating the message Receiver - the person receiving a message
Perceptual screen - a window through which we interact with people that influences the quality,
accuracy, and clarity of the communication 

3  Basic Interpersonal Communication Model Event X Message Context Affect Perceptual screens
Message - the thoughts and feelings that the communicator is attempting to elicit in the receiver
Feedback loop - the pathway that completes two- way communication 

4  Communication Language - the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them
used & understood by a group of people Data - uninterpreted and unanalyzed facts Information -
data that have been interpreted, analyzed, & and have meaning to some user Richness - the ability
of a medium or channel to elicit or evoke meaning in the receiver 

5  Message Influences Factors that influence sent & received messages Age Gender Culture 

6  Reflective Listening Reflective Listening - the skill of listening carefully to another person and
repeating back to the speaker the heard message to correct any inaccuracies or misunderstandings
This complex process needs to be divided to be understood What I heard you say was we will
understand the process better if we break it into steps 

7  Reflective Listening Helps the receiver & communicator clearly & fully understand the message
sent Useful in problem solving 

8  Reflective Listening Reflective listening emphasizes the personal elements of the communication
process the feelings communicated in the message responding to the communicator, not leading the
communicator the role or receiver or audience understanding people by reducing perceptual
distortions and interpersonal barriers 

9  Reflective Listening: 4 Levels of Verbal Response Affirm contact Paraphrase the expressed
Clarify the implicit Reflect “core” feelings 

10  One-way vs. Two-way Communications One-way communication - communication in which a

person sends a message to another person and no questions, feedback, or interaction follow –good
for giving simple directions –Fast but often less accurate than 2-way communication Two-way
communication - a form of communication in which the communicator & receiver interact –good for
problem solving 

11  Five Keys to Effective Supervisory Communication Expressive speaking Empathetic listening

Persuasive leadership Sensitivity to feelings Informative management 

12  Barriers to Communication Physical separation Status differences Gender differences Cultural

diversity Language Communication Barriers - factors that block or significantly distort successful
13  Defensive Communication Defensive Communication - communication that can be aggressive,
attacking & angry, or passive & withdrawing Leads to –injured feelings –communication breakdowns
–alienation –retaliatory behaviors –nonproductive efforts –problem solving failures 

14  Nondefensive Communication Nondefensive communication - communication that is assertive,

direct, & powerful Provides –basis for defense when attacked –restores order, balance &
effectiveness You are feeling really angry right now. 

15  Two Defensiveness Patterns Subordinate Defensiveness - characterized by passive,

submissive, withdrawing behavior Dominant Defensiveness - characterized by active, aggressive,
attacking behavior 

16  Defensive Tactics BossBoss EmployeeEmployee 

17  Nondefensive Communication: A Powerful Tool Speaker exhibits self-control & self possession
Listener feels accepted rather than rejected Characterized by –assertiveness –control –informative
approach –centered –realism –honesty PowerPower 

18  Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication - all elements of communication that do

not involve words Four basic types –Proxemics - an individual’s perception & use of space –Kinesics
- study of body movements, including posture –Facial & eye behavior - movements that add cues for
the receiver –Paralanguage - variations in speech, such as pitch, loudness, tempo, tone, duration,
laughing, & crying 

19  Proxemics: Territorial Space Territorial space - bands of space extending outward from the
body; territorial space differs from culture to culture a b c d a = intimate <1.5’ b = personal 1.5-4’ c =
social 4-12’ d = public >12’ 

20  Proxemics: Seating Dynamics Seating dynamics - seating people in certain positions according
to the person’s purpose in communication Cooperation X O Non- Communication O X O
Competition X O Communication X O 

21  Decoding Non-verbal Cues Boss fails to acknowledge employee’s greeting He’s

unapproachable! Manager sighs deeply He’s angry! I’ll stay out of his way! No eye contact while
communicating I wonder what he’s hiding? My opinion doesn’t count Boss breathes heavily & waves

22  Computer-Mediated Communication Informational databases Electronic mail systems Voice mail

systems Fax machine systems Cellular phone systems 

23  How Does CMC Affect Communication? Fast, immediate access to information Immediate
access to people in power Instant information exchange across distance Makes schedules & office
hours irrelevant May equalize group power May equalize group participation 

24  How Does CMC Affect Communication? Communication can become more impersonal--
interaction with a machine Interpersonal skills may diminish--less tact, less graciousness Non-verbal
cues lacking Alters social context Easy to become overwhelmed with information Encourages
polyphasic activity 
25  Tips for Effective Use of CMC Strive for message completeness Build in feedback opportunities
Don’t assume immediate response Is the message really necessary? Regularly disconnect from the
technology Provide social interaction opportunities

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