English 10 - Scaffold 2 - I Am An Author

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Directions: You are now a famous author who is known for writing different
literary pieces. For your task, you are to write your own story.
Situation: Write a short story of you meeting a mythical creature. All of the
literary elements must be present in your story. Make your own title.
Plagiarism is prohibited. Your work must be originally made. Once plagiarism is
proven, your work will be automatically ZERO.


In the City Of Oriental Mindoro In the Philippines, the skies were clear and
the shine was shining bright on that summer day in 2021. Everyone was
outside, enjoying outdoor activities like biking and running. Except for one
young man Zio Suzara he was busy searching in the internet about this
strange noise in the ocean. He felt like he needed to solve this mystery to
impress his parents.

Suddenly, he found a map of where the source of the noise was. In the
middle of the pacific ocean, there was a blinking, red dot that is slowly moving
to the north.

As Zio biked to the suspicious red dot, he thought about the source of the
noise. He had found out about few weeks ago. The noise is bothering the
marine biologists in Asia. Everyone in the marine lab in Asia were searching
where is the noise coming from but came up with unsure conclusion. Zio did
not accept the conclusion though and started doing his own research, wanting
to prove that the noise was coming from bigger than the glacier

Be Flexible, Be Responsible
After Zio’s research he and his friends started a hunt for the mysterious
sound. With excitement to find the mystery sound they leave the dock happy.

While they are cruising in the middle of the dark so the surroundings are
so dark. There only source of light was a small lamp near the back of the boat.
The light on this lamp reflected slightly off to the strong waves below the boat.
The waves are sparkling and beautiful from the lamp so His friend didn’t
hesitate to look at the edge of the boat for a better view. Suddenly, a huge
tentacle burst out of the water and wrapped his friend before pulling him into
the water. The events happened so quickly that his friend cannot warn the

Inside the boat Zio and his other friend did not recognize the
disappearance of his friend, yet they did not notice that the blinking red dot is
underneath their boat. This caused Zio and His friend to panic slightly since he
cannot hear or see anything outside, especially the water was pitch black

When the sun came up they realize that One of their friends are missing.
So they first check up the roof of the deck but he’s not there. Maybe he’s
sleeping in the different room without them noticing . Then he walked over to
the edge of the boat to check on what is underneath when a tentacle shot up
from the water and wrapped itself around he’s waist. This caused him to
scream around to break free from the creature’s hold. Unfortunately, the
creature was much stronger than him which allowed him to be picked up with
ease and get dragged down into the ocean.

Zio just watched the scene unfold, frozen in shock. A smile then slowly
crept up to his face when he realized that all his clues led to the right thing.
The noise was truly from an unknown sea creature.

Fortunately for him, the sea creature followed the boat. He could now see
the distance. Suddenly, the engines of the boat stopped, allowing the sea
creature to catch up again. This angered Zio as he continues to try to get
the boat to move forward despite the engines were broken. Then was a

Be Flexible, Be Responsible
large bang from the back of the boat as the creature wrapped its octopus like
body, slowly dragging it down under the water.

Zio soon gave up when the boat was half way under. Water was quickly
filling up the boat, causing it to sink more quickly from the added weight. Zio
was now just scared for his life as he tried to keep his head above the water. All
exits were blocked from the sea creature’s giant body pressing up the doors.

Zio pleaded for help for someone to help him. Unfortunately, no one for him
and soon, his whole head was under the water.


Be Flexible, Be Responsible
Ideas and Content - 25
Organization – 10
Word Choice – 10
Clarity – 5

Be Flexible, Be Responsible

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