Could You Pass The Book, Please? Hana: Sure. Kenan: Thanks

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Name : Paradaningtyas Anggarani

Class/number: XII MIPA 9 / 23

1. Write some expressions for asking help!

a. Rani : What’s up, girl?
Ina : Good enough.
Rani : Really? What’s wrong? I think you have a problem.
Ina : Actually, I can’t send my assignment. Rani, can you help me to send
Rani : Of course, I’ll help you.
Ina : Thank you so much.

b. Mam : Andi, what do you want to eat?

Andi : Mam, I want to eat french friench.
Mam : Okay, but I don’t have potatoes. Would you like to buy potatoes?
Andi : Sure mam.
Mam : Thank you, my son.

c. Hana : I’m reading this book

Kenan : Wow, that’s good. By the way, do you have the new series of the book?
Hana : Yeah, I put it on the bookshelf.
Kenan : Could you pass the book, please?
Hana : Sure.
Kenan : Thanks.

d. Arnold : Hi, Aster!! Do you know about Killa’s birthday party?

Aster : Hi, Arnold. Yes, I do.
Arnold : How do you go there?
Aster : Maybe, alone.
Arnold : May I come with you?
Aster : Sure, Arnold. Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.

e. Jihan : Mum, I didn’t bring the key. Could you open the door for me?
Mum : Sure.
Jihan : Thank you very much.

2. Write some expressions for offering help!

a. Sela : Hey, you look so bussy. Do you need a help?
Ana : Yes, I do. Thank you. You can sort the numbers
Sela : Okay.

b. Jihan : What are you doing, Dad?

Dad : I’m planting some vegetables
Jihan : Can I help you?
Dad : Sure, honey. You can clean the soil from the grass
Jihan : Okay, Dad

c. Mia : Axel, you look so pale. Let me check your condition

Axel : No, Mia. It’s okay. I’m health
Mia : Really? What can I do for you?
Axel : You don’t need to do something. Thank you for asking.

d. Kila : Hey, guys. Would you like a sweet cake?

Arne : Yes, please
Pert : Sorry, I don’t like a sweet cake. Thank you
Kila : Well, Pert. How about a sour pie?
Pert : Yes, please

e. Zean : Are you invited to Kila’s Birthday Party?

Ella : Yeah. Why Ze?
Zean : Can I pick you up? Let’s go together
Ella : Wah, you’re so kind. Thank you.

3. Write the expression to respond a help

Accepting help Rejecting help
a. Thank you very much a. No, thank you
b. Yes, please b. It’s okay, thanks
c. That’s kind of you c. No, don’t worry
d. Sure, if you’re sure it’s no problem d. Thank you for offering, but I’m sure I
can manage it

4. Make a dialog for each of the following situation!

a. Your mother is very busy doing the household activities (cleaning the house,
washing dishes, washing cloth). Offer your help to do some of them!

Devan : Mam, you look so tired. May I help you?

Mother : It’s okay, my son.
Devan : Please, let me help you. You have been cleaning the house
almost 2 hours.
Mother : Have you finished your homework?
Devan : Yes, mom.
Mother : Okay, you can help me. Thank you. Sweep the floor, please.

b. Your friend has a problem in doing Math exercise. He/she asks your help and
you agree to help.

Estela : Nathan, what are you doing?

Nathan : Humm, I’m trying to solve this math.
Estela : Wah, it’s hard enough.
Nathan : Estela, don’t you know the step? Can you help me?
Estela : Yeah, I know. Sure, Nathan. Come Here, I’ll help you.
Nathan : Yes, please.

c. Your friend offers a help for you to do something. Please reject the help
because you want to do it by yourself.

Nella : Huhu, I’m so sad

Mila : What’s wrong, Nella?
Nella : I broke up with him. We did’nt argue but why did he leave me?
Mila : Do you need a help? Maybe I can ask him for the reason.
Nella : No, thanks Mila. I can do it by yourself.
Mila : Okay, don’t be sad.

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