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Thai Nguyen University

Tan Thinh Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam Tel.:
+84. 2803.901678, Email: Website:

Assessment Sheet

To be completed by students
Name of student Date of birth
Class Student ID
Research Title



To be completed by examiners
Item Evaluation Criteria Maximum Marks
1 Research Title
- The title covers the contents of research 10
- The title is written in scientific language
2 Research problem
-The chosen topic is significant, the result of research is
meaningful and of benefit to an organization or to solve an
existing problem
-The chosen topic is feasible to be implemented in the time and 10
resources available
- The existing problems to be solved are clearly stated
3 Research Questions
- Specific research questions are detailed and consistent with
the problem defined
- All specific research questions are defined, 10
each deals with one specific problem and brings one specific
- Research questions are consistent
4 Research Objectives and Interim Hypotheses
- Research objectives are detailed and consistent with the
problem defined 10
- All research questions objectives are defined,
each deals with one specific problem and brings one specific
- Research objectives are consistent
- For testing hypothesis research, all the hypotheses are clearly

5 Scope of the study 5

- The scope of the study is clear and consistent with the problem
- The scope of the study demonstrates clear time and destination of
the research
6 Interim Literature Review 25
- The literature review is significantly related to problem defined
- The literature review is reliable and recognized
- The literature review is applicable for the research
7 Interim Methodology 20
- Type(s) of methodology is clearly demonstrated
- Methodology is appropriate with the problem defined
- Methodology is applicable and feasible with the research and
resources available
-Methodology clearly demonstrate study design, population, sample
size and sampling methodology, data collection (variables,
measures/instruments, methods) and data analysis techniques.
8 Expected outcome 5
- The expected outcome is clear and consistent with the problem
- The expected outcome is feasible
9 Time scale 5
- The time scale is clear and detailed
- The time scale is consistent with the plan of thesis writing
- The time scale is feasible

Additional Comments:


Examiner: ...........................................................Signature: ...........................................................

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