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Multi-purpose high-stabilized bitumen emulsion

Surstabilized anionic bitumen emulsion, free from Substrates : Concrete, coated breeze blocks,
fillings, usable cold without harmful vapor for metal, wood, insulators, fibrocement (asbestos
protection, sealing, proofing, joining, vapor barrier, cement)...
binding for industrial ground covers.
MEDAPROT is applied cold to healthy surfaces,
The residual film remains flexible, has an excellent
clean and free from all forms of contamination. The
resistance to oxidation,, to water and does not flow.
joints and fissures must be treated prior to
application. Metals must be free from grease or
Stir up the product well before use.
Consistency ........... Thixotropic consistent paste
Apply with a brush, roller, spatula or spray-gun.
Color ................................................ Brown dark
In all the cases, apply pure two crossing layers at
Density ............................................. 1,00 ± 0,05
least, by taking care to let dry between each layer.
Solids content ..................................... 57% ± 2 %
For particular applications, a fabric of glass can be
Penetrability at 25°C .............................. 300 ± 20
built-in between two layers (applications such as soil
(NFT 60.119)
covers, sealing of roofs, mortars...)
Conditions for application .......... +20°C to + 60°C
Flow ............................................................ None
Permeability to the water vapor (NF X 41.001):
.......................... 0,8 g/m² per 24 hrs for 1,7 kg/m²
ƒ Do not to apply at temperatures lower than + 5°C,
nor in rainy weather.
Resists to water, alcohol, most of diluted acids and
ƒ Do never heat MEDAPROT 100
bases. Does not resist to hydrocarbons, oils and
ƒ Dilute only with water; do not use other solvents.

By studs ................................................ 900 g/m²
200 kg drums
By layers ..................................... 700 to 800 g/m²
Shelf life : 1 year in original unopened drum
USES Store in warm conditions (5°C with 40°C).
Keep from freezing
- Waterproofing of roofs, terraces
- Waterproofing of foundations, retaining walls An antifreeze quality (- 10°C) is available.
and underground works.
- Corrosion protection of iron and steel , lining. CLEANING OF THE TOOLS
- Sound-proofing of ventilation ducts.
- Insulators joining. Fresh product: clean with water
- Heat insulation. Dry product: Use oil solvents, white spirit.
- Screen against water vapor
- Cover of industrial grounds

The information given in this data sheet is based on our knowledge and our experiment to date. They are given for indication.
It belongs to the customer to ensure that this product suits to the intended usage.

Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23 - E-mail:

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