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The word ‘’communication’’ comes from the Latin word ‘communicatio’ which means

“making common or imparting”. People have defined communication by their different perceptions
about it and according to McFarland, communication is “a process of meaningful interaction among
human beings. More specifically, it is the process by which meanings are perceived and
understandings are reached among human beings.” Through the process of communication, it
establishes relationships among people and make things organized as possible. Every message
conveyed by one person has an objective. Some purposes of communication intends to inform,
persuade, to express thoughts, exchange ideas, and coordinate with others in variant ways (e.g. non-
verbal, verbal, digital etc.). Communication plays a vital role in engaging with people particularly in
organizations, companies and institutions that requires administrations. In order for a certain group of
people to work in achieving common goals, effective communication is a must. Each one of them
must know the best way to communicate and interact with their members for their plans, tasks and
goals are discussed in a very organized way that will lead them to the right path for success. Being a
good communicator makes a person being able to unlock opportunities, motivate, resolve problems,
organize, lead, decide and influence other people easily.

In an organization, a manager is the one who is in-charge of the firm’s management; a

specific process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling the efforts of the people
who are engaged in activities in business organization in order to attain predetermined objectives of
such organizations. (Pawel Gautam, 2013). Humans communicate differently knowing their acts and
attitudes varies according to their norms and culture. Basically, inside an organization, people are
unique from each other -- mindsets, personalities, principles and ways of socializing. Hence, being
such a manager is hard. It challenges him to deal with different people by adjusting just to influence
them and make them do the tasks needed to be done. In 2018, a survey was done to 15,242
managers worldwide to identify the most critical competencies by Manktelow, founder and CEO of, and Birkinshaw, deputy dean for programs at London Business School. In their book,
Mind Tools for Managers: 100 Ways to Be a Better Boss, highlighted the highest-ranked skills in which
according to the survey are building good working relationships with people at all levels, prioritizing
tasks effectively for yourself and your team, considering many factors in decision-making, knowing
the key principles of good communication, understanding the needs of different stakeholders and
communicating with them appropriately, bringing people together to solve problems, developing new
ideas to solve customers' problems, cultivating relationships with customers, building trust within
your team and lastly, using emotional intelligence. (Moss, 2018). Upon looking with these managerial
skills, all of them requires “communication” where it plays a vital role in performing these skills to be
an effective manager. Therefore, communication is the foundation of all success in acquiring the best
managerial skills.

If we talk about communication, it does not only covers how fluent the way you speak of a
certain language, how confident and how smart academically a manager could be. It is deeper than
what you think of being smart. A manager deals variety of people, not only the staff within the
organization but also with the customers. Let’s start inside the organization, the whole team is
managed by the manager where he leads them from planning, making decisions, working and
performing. Since we have discussed the uniqueness of every individual, the manager’s role is to gain
the trust of every staff in order for them to respect him as their leader who directs them to the right
paths in attaining common goals i.e. “teamwork makes the dream work”. Also being a good
communicator needs to be a good listener where a manager must acknowledge the opinions, ideas
and suggestions of his staffs even about their personal holistic needs. It is the manager’s responsibility
to motivate, encourage, train and help them overcome their weaknesses and maximize their
strengths. Being considerate about the staffs’ growth is also a good way of communicating to them,
showing care and concern about their professional and career growth which pushes them to work
smarter and love what they do. Lastly, celebrating small victories and appreciating
improvements/efforts always makes a difference for the team, boosting every one’s confidence in
work. When it comes to dealing with customers, we cannot deny the fact that managers encounters
complains from them everyday. In reality, there are some rude, mean and demanding complainants
addressing problems or unmet satisfaction/expectations towards the service or the product. There
are also good and appreciative customers. According to  Amanda Herder, Account Manager, Signature
Worldwide, there are five best strategies in handling these kind of customers: Stay calm, listen well,
acknowledge the problem, get the facts and offer a solution. (Freifeld, 2013). We can see that
anything can be done through proper and good communication such as resolving problems/issues,
dealing short-tempered people and creating resolutions by understanding and listening to each
others’ messages.

Everybody is capable of interacting, showing off skills and achievements but not everyone is
capable of being kind and humble, making a connection with other people’s hearts and minds.
Humans can hear but sometimes unable to listen. Therefore, communication is all about
understanding the main objective and meaning of other people’s message towards us. For any kind of
managers, communicative competencies is an edge in their professions by being able to build
relationships, foundations of life core values, understanding, appraising other people, influencing and
directing people to their ways. A good manager is more than being mentally wise, he /she possesses
good sense of humanity, socialization and emotionally intelligent. In other words, to be the best
manager is to be the best communicator, not only through mouths, but through hearts. Lastly, having
the ability to create strong bridges opens more doors of opportunities to knock and dreams/goals to
unlock. Maximizing the proper use of communication is directly proportional to welcoming larger
numbers of opportunities in life.


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