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NO MATIRX: 2020874126


Based on the short story “The Necklace’, the ending that has been given by the author was the best
choice because of the ending is satisfying and just nice. At the end of the story, the main character
‘Madame Loisel’ who has taught a lesson to be responsible for her actions and indirectly has troubled
others as her own husband in a debt. Another reason that suite the ending and give the best impression
is because of how the husband did not abandon his wife “Mathilde Loisel”, despite the fact that she had
only added to his burdens, and instead worked alongside his wife to recover enough money to settle all
of the debts that Mathilde had made. Moreover, The sad irony of the Loisels spending years paying for a
replacement for a jewellery that was absolutely worthless is only one example of irony in "The
Necklace." The fact that Mathilde's beauty, which had been her only valuable asset, fades as a result of
her effort for the necklace is also ironic. She had borrowed the necklace in order to appear more
attractive, but she ends up entirely losing her attractiveness. The most terrible irony of "The Necklace" is
that the difficult condition Mathilde is forced to live after losing the necklace makes her previous life
which she despised so very much sumptuous.

1. Reach semi final

2. Manage overcome
3. The tour
4. Tee off
5. To consulate
6. Was beaten
7. Overcome
8. J
9. Come out
10. J

1. Menzies
2. 348-28841
3. 45993
4. GH12338
5. Spanish and polish
6. 2 hours
7. It wasn’t there
8. The balls didn’t roll properl


1. The north of Italy

2. Quiet and funny
3. European languages
4. In a bar
5. Talking in his phone
6. Go for out for a pizza
7. They went to a park
8. 6 months


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