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Based on the short story that I have listened which is A Municipal report by O. Henry, the story is
about the persona who came to the southern town far from his place New York. The reason he came
along way to that place is about to make agreement with a writer named Azalea Adair. There a lot of
Interesting thing that happen since the persona arrive, and what I learnt from the story. First, the
kindest that I look through the Uncle Caesar. As we can see from the story that when the persona
angry to Uncle Caesar because of why Uncle Caesar ask him what his intention to go to Eight-Sixty –
One Jasmine Street, Uncle Caesar politely answer to the persona and take him to the place. Other
than that, we know that Uncle Caesar who the one give money to the Azalea Adair. In the story, the
persona saw that Azalea Adair take out the money from her purse and its exactly same with the
money that the persona gave to Uncle Caesar. Lastly, Uncle Caesar was Azalea Adair’s back then but
still he loyal to Azalea Adair after that. We can see that Uncle Caesar rush to get a doctor when the
persona tell that Azalea Adair fainted. The other interesting thing in the story is that I learn is we
should not Judge a book by its cover because as we know that when the persona arrive at the hotel
he saw a big fat man and like a hungry dog. That man introduce himself is Major Wentworth Caswell.
Major Wentworth Caswell said that he was married to rich person and he also show that he had a lot
of silver coins from his pocket. In the story, the persona assume that Major Wentworth Caswell is
rich person. In the Story, when the doctor came after Azalea Adair fainted. The doctor said that to
persona Azalea Adair was married to Major Wentworth Caswell twenty-years ago but Major
Wentworth Caswell is a hopeless person who always drunk and even take a small amount of money
that Uncle Caesar gave to Azalea Adair. The last one that Interesting in the story which is when The
persona find out Major Wentworth Caswell dead and there is object that fell from his right hand to
the Persona feet and he decide to step on it and put it in his pocket. In the story, the next morning
after Major Wentworth Caswell dead, the persona left the town by train and he throw the object
that he take from the Major Wentworth Caswell’ dead hand to the river. Finally we discovered that
the object was a yellow button from Uncle Caesar’s coat. That is the best plot twist ever I have read
and that’s why I said this is the why the story became very interesting.

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