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Part 1: Choose the word/ phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. Write your answer
in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 pts)
1. We weren’t close friends but she ________ me well when I left college.
A. hoped B. boded C. wished D. bade
2. I don’t want to be too ________ on Alice, but I think I should tell her that her work isn’t good enough.
A. stringent B. stern C. strict D. hard
3. The management are making ________ to increase the company’s efficiency.
A. measures B. steps C. moves D. deeds
4. I was told yesterday that the car had been fixed but it’s broken down ________ again!
A. up B. still C. yet D. on
5. The anthology contains________ the work of modern poets, but it includes a few significant older
works as well.
A. mostly B. most C. at most D. uppermost
6. Son: “This herb smells horrible!”
Mom: “Be that as it may, it will do you a ________ of good” .
A. power B. wealth C. strike D. visit
7. As a matter of ________, we have six security guards on the premises at all times.
A. wisdom B. prudence C. foresight D. acumen
8. It was such a sad movie that we were all reduced ________ tears.
A. for B. with C. into D. to
9. She marched into the shops, as bold as ________, and demanded for her money back.
A. bass B. grass C.brass D. glass
10. Jane is out in the garden mulling________ a problem to do ________work.
A. over/ with B. away/ without C. in/to D. Into/for
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
II. Choose the best answer
1. The baby gurgled happily and then _________ down its bib.
A. slavered B. snivelled C. drivelled D. dribbled
2. Poor Mary, all her colleagues teased her; she was the _________ of all their jokes.
A. outlet B. brunt C. butt D. fob
3. The Minister was trying to avoid publicity so he kept _________.
A. near the ground B. under cover C. a low profile D. out of favour
4. Sociologists say that element of violence is __________ in all societies.
A. latent B. skulking C. passive D. potential
5. They were so taken aback by the outcome of their plan that they stood _______ to the floor in surprise.
A. rooted B. entrenched C. stuck D. earthed
6. The prisoner was released from gaol when it was discovered that there had been a ________of justice.
A. mishap B. miscarriage C. mistake D. misdemeanor
7. I do wish you would stop cracking your fingers; it ______ my teeth on edge.
A. gets B. makes C. puts D. sets
8. We were _________ on the island until the tide went out and we could use the causeway.
A. deserted B. marooned C. abandoned D. jettisoned
9. Owing to the heavy traffic on the road to the airport, it was ________ whether we would be in time to
catch our plane.
A. win or lose B. touch and go C. come and go D. on and off
10. Our hotel room was surprisingly _________, especially taking into consideration that it was very
reasonably priced.
A. decadent B. languid C. commodious D. vivacious
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I. Give the correct form of each bracketed word in the following passage. Write your answers in the
space provided.
The woman twists and contorts her body, wheeling and spinning (1. SPECTACLE) __________
across the room, her voice rising in (2. ECSTASY) __________ whoops and yells then dropping to
mournful moans and grunts before she collapses in a heap on the floor. And then it's my turn.
I came here seeking a brief escape from the stresses and strains of everyday modern life. But right
now my (3. INSTINCT) __________ stress flight response is in full throttle and urging me to sprint for
the door, run like hell, anything rather than stand up and perform spontaneous singing and dancing in front
of a rather forbidding (4. SORT) __________ of complete strangers. But there is no graceful way out.
And something about the trance-like beat of the African drums, the (5. EARTH) __________ hum of the
harmonium, combined with the soothing candle-lit glow of the room and - perhaps most of all – the serene
(6. ASSURE) __________ of our teacher compels me to stay put.
This is natural voice therapy. The workshops are meant to release hidden emotions and anxieties,
and promote relaxation and mental healing through singing. Using a mixture of mantra, Sanskrit chanting,
Indian scales and pure (7. PROVIDE) __________, coupled with movement and balance drawn from
various cultures, the aim is to 'free the inner voice'. Of course, singing is already natural to most of us. We
all know the (8. LIFT) __________ boost of singing in harmony with others, while hearing the blues can
evoke grief in anyone. But is there more to singing than this (9. TRANSIT) __________ change of mood?
Slade, a professional singer and actress who took up voice therapy 10 years ago, believes the voice
is the key to good mental health. And while the idea may sound a bit kooky, she is fast winning (9.
CLAIM) __________ for her work from mainstream psychiatrists and mental health organizations.
(adapted from “Good vibrations” by Wendy Moore, the Guardian)
Your answers
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in brackets to form a word that fits in the gap.
Pop art was a(n) (46. CONVENTION)_____________ art style in which (47.
COMMON)_____________ objects such as comic strips, soup cans and road signs were used as subject
matter, and were often incorporated into the work. The pop art movement was largely a British and
American cultural phenomenon of the late 1950s and ‘60s. Art critic Lawrence Alloway, referring to the
prosaic (48. ICON)___________of its painting and sculpture, named the movement pop art. It represented
an attempt to return to a more objective and (49. UNIVERSE)___________ accepted form of art after the
dominance in both the United States and Europe of the highly personal abstract (50.
EXPRESS)_____________. The art form was iconoclastic, rejecting the (51. SUPREME)___________ of
the ‘high art’ of the past and the (52. PRETEND)____________ of other contemporary avant-garde art.
Pop art became a cultural institution because of its close reflection of a particular social situation and
because its easily (53. COMPREHEND)_____________images were immediately exploited by the mass
media. Although the critics of pop art describe it as sensational and non-aesthetic, its proponents saw it as
an art that was democratic and not (54. DISCRIMINATE)____________, bringing together both
connoisseurs and untrained inexperienced viewers. Even though public reaction to pop art was (55.
FAVOR)____________, it found critical acceptance as a form of art suited to the highly technological,
mass media-oriented society of western countries.
Human beings are being judged according to their social status and material possession.
Old fashioned values such as kindness and trust seems no longer important. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? (350 words)

Note :

Give your answer here on this paper not write by hand.

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